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get in here
I will now buy your game
Fucking retarded game for Fucking retarded people. :)
BDO looks way too good for its own good. Almost makes me want to play, but it's an MMO.
What mmo do you play then retard?
How mentally ill do I have to be to play this game?
But BDO already has a loli class.
I've been playing it for a while, not sure why theres so much hate directed at people who play. It's not like I'm spending thousands of dollars on it so whats the issue?
Tamer is old and busted, hag bait. Shai is young and cute and funny and pure!
I'm looking forward to the next character, dude based on middle-eastern warriors, jihadi soon bois
Careful, your poverty is showing
Looks better than FF14 wtf.
so its coming in 10 years
>the virgin ffxiv lalafell
>the chad bdo shai
That's very cute but I don't play MMO.
Nah their KR stuff usually comes a few months after, they're actually pretty decent about that
The reason people play FF14 and no one plays this trash is that FF14 is actually a game and not just a pay-to-dressup simulator.
Cool now i can afk as the designated pedobait class
I don't play MMOs at all any more because they're all trash. Especially this one. The game has absolutely nothing going for it except for the character creation.
Yeah, just play FF14, where you can pay a subscription to dressup
Kind of sad that someone had to make all those combat animations for the characters and they're wasted on a shitty RPG system in an MMO.
>meanwhile the absolute alpha Elin towers over both
Considering Tera was months from shutting down and the loli class literally saved that game, I'm interested to see what it does for BDO considering the game is doing pretty decent, at least on paper. Seems like adding a loli class is basically an automatic guaranteed player-boost for an MMO.
>another wow killer on life support
LMFAO, imagine being dusted by a shitty ass game like wow
tfw no tera 2
They're making lots of money. They disagree with you.
That's why I play phone games, none of this pretty'ing up shit.
Into the trash it goes.
Plus it's the afk/farmer class, they get bonuses to all the crafting/lifeskill stuff. Which makes it girl-bait. Chicks love that lame stuff.
Not him but the only people who still play bdo are whales and those who bought anything off their overpriced cashshop. And even then they spend most their time afk.
>wow killer
Imagine being dumb enough to automatically label any MMO as a "wow killer", despite it having zero similarities to wow and literally no one claiming it to be a "wow killer". I swear that term was invented and pioneered entirely by bitter wow players.
its not a wow killer
it barely has any content, no dungeons, nothing
it just exist to milk money off weebs
that's a zoinks for me
AiR will save the genre
WoW killed itself though. It's just a warcraft flavored shitheap nowadays, and it wasn't that great to begin with.
Can confirm girls love that stuff. I know multiple escorts and they all play games like this. They have almost no real social lives so they love slow-paced grindy games. Literally all of them play Sims for instance.
Pretty much this. Ultima Online was cool because it was early in the genre's life and it was legit chaos to the point even the creator got ganked by a rogue player.
I think Eve would be cool if you could manage your shit via mobile and didn't have to check up on your computer every few hours for a few minutes to properly progress.
>saving anything
>another female gender locked class
I don't give a shit about the fact they look like a kid, just give us the option of being male too you Korean fucks
Nah my friends and I still play it often, and we virtually never buy anything with pearls. How mad does that make you?
It's a shame they wasted all this potential on a mobage. Could have made a real good game.
>no dungeons
Thanks for confirming that you're talking out your ass
Fucking Koreans and always trying to appeal to me with their shitty MMOs, should I try it?
Don't do that, are you trying to hurt his feelings? I just tell people I spent thousands and my girlfriend left me. That way they don't feel bad.
The west certainly isn't going to do it. What does your side of the world have to offer?
>hi, I work on an mmo 20 years ago. Please give money to my kickstarter and I'll make a mmo like the old days that looks worse than some zoomer's school project.
I know plenty of poorfags who play BDO every single day. The fact that you can get in the door for only 5 - 10 bucks, get the best graphics on PC, and don't have to pay a subcription is why the game is popular.
this looks boring as shit
The best part of MMOs are the social dynamic. It's why early WoW, Everquest, EvE, and Ultima Online were so well liked.
Funny they're making a new game for pc (and phones). Also they're making a PC client for Honkai. I don't think they'll add anything to it, but if they clean up the UI then I'll be happy for just that.
But can I give the lolis fat thighs?
You're either lying, or you're being truthful. In either case, I pity you.
Oh shit, bdo has dungeons now? It only took them, what, 5 years? Are they any good?
>grind spot
yeah nice dungeons you got there
It's always the same p2w grind, don't bother
The issue is you're not progressing.
I say try everything once. If it ain't for you, you'll know. Like Bless. That was a fucking shitshow, I couldn't even last 30m.
>best graphics
Poorfags don't play games for graphics because their pcs can't even run them at high settings.
t. poorfag
>game this good looking
>pc and phones
Is it like Runescape?
Thank god. Now all that BDO needs to be the best MMO ever is to actually be a good game.
Funny you mention bless. It's getting shut down in september.
This. The game appeals to the people who it is meant to appeal to, and does a damn good job at it. They've found their market, which will more than sustain this and their other projects, and they're sticking with it. I actually wish more western game devs had that level of self-awareness.
>Also they're making a PC client for Honkai.
Let's just hope it's managed by the SEA team instead of the NA team.
>The best part of MMOs are the social dynamic.
Good thing AiR will be a pvp focused mmo then. You'll be able to do that social dynamic stuff you love.
>being THIS mad over a game you don't even play
What the fuck happened to Ark?
>pvp focused
p2w trash dead on arrival
good, those assholes deserve everything that comes to them
what about their console only release on the xbox one
No info, it was just shown off, but they like action combat so expect that, at least.
Not progressing at what? I'm able to do literally everything I set out to do in that game. And even if I wasn't, why does it make people ITT physically angry?
>being THIS delusional over a shit game
$30 costumes still makes me laugh.
So was BDO and it was utterly soulless and mostly an uninteractive grind while Blade and Soul was flowchart city.
I would love to pick the brain of someone that's still playing. Mostly, why.
Call me when the game stops using spyware.
What the fuck actually happened with that game? I know a guy who did voice work for it, and when I asked him how the game turned out, he refused to even talk about it with me. Is it that bad?
ff14 is a bad game for trannies
Bless unleashed is unaffected. It has a cbt a month or so ago. Obviously early and really rough.
Ultima Online was definitely a great game. It had all kinds of crazy shit going for it. If they took that game and rebuilt it using modern graphics and made it 3d it would probably be insane.
Also, I never understood the attraction of Eve. It was largely boring. The game play was not exciting to me. The stories I've heard though make it sound fun. I just can't be bothered to grind boring shit for cash in that game.
it does, problem is it's still a shitty p2w cashgrab game like every other MMO produced in Korea, while XIV actually tries to be a good video game
>being THIS delusional over $30
Just don't buy lunch for a day.
EvE is all politics and economy
Dude Black Desert Online has like... and I kid you not, 3 different Graphical Mode Settings for Graphics.
Minimum Mode
Standard Mode
Remaster Mode
Poorfags can easily play this game on Minimum settings mode. It makes the game look like a fucking N64 game.
Everyone knew what direction the game was headed after the alpha. Meanwhile, people who have played AiR in the thai cbt have generally good things to say about it. The kr cbt is starting in a couple weeks.
That's a surefire way to know that an eastern mmo is hurting for players. When everything else fails, just double down on the loli and rake in the sad weeb/otaku cash.
Warframe is the best MMORPG because it doesn't fuck around trying to be like WoW.
>obviously early and very rough
no surprises there
>console only
>xbox one
yeah that's dead on arrival
God damn Bless is just a 10 pound pile of awful decisions in a 5 pound bag
every time I think about playing again because it's just such a beautiful world to get lost in I remember the grinding, the farming, the quality of life mircrotransactions, the pay to win booster outfits, and I just can't.
people said good things about BDO beta tests as well
until devs decided to change almost everything people liked
who would even play this game so late into its lifespan theres no catchup mechanics your just always super behind anyone thats been playing longer
Some point during the rebuild project, the higher ups decided to turn bless online into a scam to fund bless unleashed, an xbone only true overhaul of bless. The the slow steady progress bless online had made was completely undone when the dev made some ill advised changes to combat that affected the entire game. So the game launched early access with zero endgame content because it had to be retuned for the changes.
>dude just play on low
yes, but then you're not getting the BEST GRAPHICS. Which was the whole point of people playing the game at all as user said.
>have to spend 500$ to get the chance to get good autoloot
Nice game
Why does it have to be a race?
No game beside FFXIV tries to be WoW. Koreans don't even make WoW clones anymore. In fact, Koreans don't even make MMOs anymore, they moved onto Mobile long ago.
Thing is, you were behind if you started playing a week after launch. No one is playing this game to be the best anymore, people just play it to exist in a pretty world and chill with friends.
God I love w-hips.
14 tries to be a good game
>has had the same content cycle since the game launched.
>has taken away features and dumbed the game down more and more each year.
>vertical gear progression all day every day and every piece of gear has the same stats.
>charges you monthly for the game.
>you have to buy it
>also has a cash shop
>you also have to buy each expansion
>they take your house if you unsub from the game because God forbid you take a break from a game where the only I'm endgame is what they put out every 6 months.
Yeah dude. Cool game.
We're talking about poorfags here. you're going out topic user with your logic. Poorfags lack your way of thinking.
Only delusional retards thirsty for a new mmo thought BDO had any promise from the beta onward. $30 costumes was the biggest fucking red flag I'd ever seen.
>Make an expansive and really nice looking world
>Add a great, intuitive combat system
>Make the game revolve completely around PvP, to the point where anyone can attack anyone else in the majority of the world and completely neglect PvE content
>Add systems upon systems of unintuitive upgrades that are necessary if you want to be at all competitive
>Give the game the usual korean horseshit UI that feels like cock and ball torture to use and navigate
>Make the game also P2W as fuck
Why can't we just get an MMO that combines the UI and supporting systems of the west with the combat and visual design of the east?
you literally get pushed out grinding spots if you cant keep up its always a race in this game
i guess if your a RP fag
I would rather prefer World of Warcraft
>people just play it to exist in a pretty world and chill with friends.
And to stomp undergeared players who dare wander into someone else's designated grind spot.
warframe and bdo are literally the same thing though
grind for no reason because theres no endgame
And if you were any good at games you'd catch up.
Guess you're the one too busy ERP'ing to play and win.
>gook mmo class
>another cute girl
>never cute boy
>i guess if your a RP fag
No one RPs in BDO though. The scene in that game is non existent.
And that's a good thing. Everybody hates faggots.
catching up in BDO has nothing to do with being "good" its all about playing 24/7 i can tell your just an RP fag
>i guess if your a RP fag
or just not a hyper-competitive autist
If it's a third person open world quest-based rpg where your abilities are mapped to a hotkey bar and you attack things by clicking on them then I think it counts as a WoW clone.
warframe isnt an mmorpg you retard
and paying real money to get an edge in
>attack things by clicking on them
people do this in tab target games?
At least warframe gives you a choice to grind for in game currency to buy cosmetics. Also warframe doesn't force you to buy a bunch of gay pets to pick up loot.
The levelling of BDO was pretty fun, and the world was beautiful and comfy as fuck. Couldn't stomach the shitty upgrade system and the absolute non-stop grind with absolutely 0 variety in gameplay. Endgame is a laggy zergfest castle siege mode. The game had so much potential man, only decent thing about it is the life skills and shit.
Pets are still cashshop only, right?
It's a mission-based mmorpg. Just because it's not completely open world doesn't mean it's not an mmo.
>too scared to play the game
I can tell you're a fortnite-fag. God forbid if you have to actually earn your game instead of "everyone's the same at all times, you're all good boys who deserve participation awards!"
but ff114 is a p2p dress up simulator ... don't tell me you actually play the game for the garbage PVE and PVP
Why the fuck are you mentioning this?
Whty the fuck are you mentioning this one too?
Show me a brand new MMO between 2015 - Present released or not released yet that is a 1:1 ratio WoW clone like all those MMOs that released around the period Rift released.
At least the grind in warframe feels like you're making tangible progress. In BDO you just get to watch your gear break and spend 60 hours getting 1/4 of a percent toward your next level.
I remember when BDO was first coming around and people got up private servers where there were no enemies or NPC's but you could just wander around the map.
Shit was beautiful.
>both dead
hence that user's 'anymore', user
>buying a game cause its got pedo fanservice
outside of that BDO is p2w trash
>play mmo
>research lore before starting
>make lore friendly character
>load in
>you're standing next to fucking ronald mcdonald
How does this save the game BDO finally has a meta for their non-existent endgame content? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
This post was made by a pedo.
In terms of graphics yes actually both don't come that far off. If FFXIV were to increase their textures and details to their character models they'd already be on par.
The reason why they haven't pushed this is haven't evolved that much so they prefer to work on content which is why it's better than BDO miles.
That would actually be great for making machinima and such, I should look into that. Might as well put those pretty graphics to use.
>At least the grind in warframe feels like you're making tangible progress
I sure love going afk in Sedna to grind a weapon that I will delete when maxed
>Show me a brand new MMO between 2015 - Present released or not released yet that is a 1:1 ratio WoW clone
there's none because the mmo genre is dead in the west and gooks dont make wow clones because they prefer milking retards with endless grind no content p2w mmo
>pets to pick up loot
I can overlook $30 outfits since they can be bought with ingame money
I can overlook buying upgrade safety shit for real money since you can grind those or get free shit in events
but THIS. THIS is the most infuriating aspect of the game of all.
Why the FUCK would you require people to spend money on 3 pets, AT A MINIMUM if you want to make grinding progress not feel like an absolute slog?
This fucking game, man.
No it's because if they improved the graphics then consoleniggers would be playing on crispy crunchy 15 fps and we can't have that.
Why do seething trannies always use a smiley face?
Because they forget they're on Yea Forums and not on their phone arguing with heir parents
This post was made by a person who undoubtedly masturbate to shemale porn.
>new mmo
>character creator is shit
>they prefer to work on content
>its all garbage
Nice projection
why are they carrying giant bananas
Nice projection
she cute
Nice, pretty good pedo bait.
>press button
>vacuum all loot in the area
wildstar was ahead of it's time.
Search this poster's pc and you will find hardcore child pornography.
>Faggot is the type that sits on his ass on any major city and does jack shit to complain that a game with an assload of content is garbage when is not good enough for said content
Yeah it's too bad the developers and producers were fucking retards.
Cope, pedo.
Remain smugly superior because you're sticking to lore while they are a literal clown :^)
Nah. They were talented to have made something as good as they did despite management being retarded. If the whole studio had been firing on all cylinders, wildstar would've been amazing. I weep for it.
True but the biggest setback was PS3 and since their addition to PS4 was only a couple years ago and PS5 being around the corner I'm sure they'll consider a graphics update. They have even had plans to cause another revamp of the base game but not sure when to do it.
nah i quit the game because raiding is shit and pvp was an afterthought. theyre both just shit. theres a reason why most this games populace plays for dress up and ERP and not this shitpile you call """content"""
PSO2 Still has the sluttiest costumes
>enter BDO thread
>chunk of it are people talking about XIV
>other chunk is WoW
>OP didn't say 'MMO thread'
cuz the game is shit m8
It's almost like bdo is a shit game not worth talking about. bdo content updates look like this.
>we added more places to grind and a new weapon to upgrade
OP sure did, my amusement ends here.
as opposed to
>we added a new linear loot hallway for you to clear every tuesday
I'd rather had a good dungeon than a few new grind spots.
It's sad that this is literally pandering to pedophiles. Like some Koreans in a meeting room were like "pedophiles will buy this game if we add this" and then they went through with it.
MMO's don't know what that is anymore.
t. pedophile
>NA merges the servers
>people actually come back to AFK
>new loli class
God, I love this game. They know exactly how to push my buttons.
Havent played much lately cuz too busy with work but I will definitely go check out that new loli.
people still play this?
Yeah but who's really having fun here the seething lorefag or the McClown having it his way?
I can't answer that question objectively, as they just merged the servers.
But if you wanted the feeling of an alive game, now's the time. Literally every area has people running around and actually playing the game.
Damn, the FFXIVfags are seething so hard in this thread.
Go back to your general, retards.
Who cares
Why don't you chase real pedophiles if you want to feel like a hero, faggot.
I will never understand faggots complaining about AFKing in mmorpgs.
Do you want to sit your ass and watch your character doing some idle animation?
Its like having a real life store that can automically sell your stuff for you and complaining that you dont need to sit your ass on a chair for 10 hours everyday to sell the stuff yourself.
Based, might actually come back.
Child races should be banned from all MMOs
Shit like Archeage incentivizes AFKing by tying a fucking resource bar to physical time logged in.
The rest of it is people wanting to sit there wanking about how good their character looks, except they all look like shit.
Relax, user. It's a joke.
There are literal events in Mabi that require AFKing.
That way of thinking is outdated user
>korean mmo
anyone gonna play chronicles of elyria when it comes out?
Is that the game with as little magic as possible?
If so, probably not,
Were elins the best race ever created in an MMO? Serious question. They've spawned so many re-makes in every MMO following TERA.
>unironic tranny friend calling me pedo for playing as loli race in MMOs
>one day they tell me how they met a really nice group of people(other trannies)
>mention they used a little Lala as an onahole
>Lalas aren't even loli, they're actual toddlercon
>meanwhile yet ANOTHER SJW who called people pedos all the time got arrested for raping children
Getting sick of this shit.
Best? No. Most profitable? Absolutely.
Honestly why the fuck did trannys, politics, etc pick gaming as their home ground for pushing their trash onto others?
This a thousand times. We live in a very technologically-saturated world; why the FUCK can't we make the perfect face in any game by now? It's almost always stock templates with limited sliders. It's time to just make a good creator already.
False. We have the technology, we just don't pool the resources there because it's not consumer friendly. Cosmetics and items sell better.
Because it's a huge industry and nerds are perceived as pushovers.
I would say "fuck the consumer", but that's already happening with the very examples you said. What a lose-lose situation we live in.
There's nothing MMO about an instanced hub with four player hunts.
I want a furry girl
Go away homo faggot.
me too friend me too
So Lyn from Blade and Soul? I think that's about as furry as it could get
There's a difference between having some afk activity to do when you have to leave the house for a few hours versus having more than half of your gameplay revolve around afking just to get the resources you need.
Is there even one single good MMO out right now? And I mean good, so not FFXIV, WoW, TESO, BDO, or GW2. Runescape is okay but most people have been playing it since they were kids so surely it's run its course by now.
i fucking hate angel/devil wings so much goddammit
You clearly already know what answer you're looking for, and I doubt you'll accept anything other than that answer, so why even ask? It's not my job to preach your own opinions back to you. Grow a sense of identity and maybe you won't be so shaky in your convictions that you need strangers on an image board to qualify your opinions.
Have sex
Literally did 2 hours ago.
Stop being weird.
t. tranny
Sasuga gooks
very cool
>they're making a PC client for Honkai
I heard this like two years ago and still nothing
Because everyone useses cookie cutter engines.
>Dykeshit game
>play mmo
>research lore before starting
>make lore friendly character
>load in
>there's a guy with a meme for a name and a retarded looking character
>chuckle to yourself
Really? Picked up.
Id rather that than constant stream of f2p chink shit with pretty graphics but bland boring asian aesthetic everything else with P2W or p2 not actually have to play the game shit that ALWAYS ends up as a loli dress up simulator and nothing else
BDO is a single player game where other people happen to play around you
T. Someone who put in hundreds of hours on launch
Nothing can fix the grind that this game suddenly throws at you when you hit the soft cap.
>korean trash
nah son
Yeah fucking lesbian shit for tasteless faggots to pick it up.
I'm sorry there aren't enough men in it to pique your interest, fagshit.
Calm down.
Literally how did you get this from the webm/trailer?
Not that guy but Honkai Impact has few lesbian characters. Not even the usual subtext anime yuri but actual gays.
I have no idea how since it's a Chinese game and they always censor that.
They seem okay with anime lesbians over there.
My only guess is because their headquarters are in Shanghai and Tokyo so they're not influenced by mainland's code for risque content?
Nah Chinkoids aren't okay with anything. My favorite Chinese webtoon was put on hiatus because the artist got what are essentially jail threats from the government.
Why can't Koreans make game trailers this shit is supposed to make you excited not bored
>people still play this janky garbage
>even after they found spyware in the installer
marketing to pedos can only get you so far
because they always needs an hour of kawaii desu onichan shit before anything of substance
Bu can you take the glasses off.
Wasn't maid dragon a hit over there?
it's just a virgin/wanker simulator
bruh thats like most of the asian gaming audience right there
I dunno. Are you sure it was successful in mainland? I'm guessing it was a hit in Shanghai, Hong Kong and some other coastal zones because those are much less restricted on international imports.
Either way it's much easier to consume "risque" media in China than it is to produce it like in this webtoon's case. For example (I forgot what product specifically was forbidden to be localized in China) but the mainland Chinks would then just pre-order Taiwan's copies of said censored game and still get to play it no problem.
Yooo you can play as a Shai now? What class is it? I havent played in over a year.
>restricting class by gender
Why even.
kys faggot
Why didn't they simply follow the EQ formula?
>locked to a specific class
>in an action game
>it's some fucking healer with a boomerang
Yeah no thanks. Not worth it. Tamer and Witch had better weapons and looked cute enough.
Not that I give a shit, haven't played it in years and don't seem to have access to my KR account anymore.
>Also they're making a PC client for Honkai.
Hold up, they are? Source? Gachashit is gachashit, but if it gets a native PC client, I might bite the bullet and try it out.