ITT: good party members
ITT: good party members
Wtf was he even good for? There are better healers and stronger attackers. Cool boat tho
Best boi
The goodest
Almost always my MVP.
annoying bitch but the best party member bar none in P4G
>wah Toriyama is sameface!
>makes a movie where the new designer copies How To Train Your Dragon
Toriyama ain't lookin' so bad now, huh?
>using anything other thank koops
Better than Kid. But then, so is almost anyone. Leena is best girl not only because of her personality, but overpowered blue magic and high Hit %.
I think I'm in the tiny minority that actually liked dungeon siege 3
What did you like about it, user?
His son is a faggot, tho.
>Just take her off the team, her movement is shit
It's written by the same guy who did basically all of Mask of the Betrayer by himself. By 2011 standards it's a gorgeous game especially for the genre, I'm not a particularly big fan of the series as a whole so it being different from previous games didn't affect me. They had Chris Taylor on as an advisor anyways
Critics said the loot system was too complicated as a mark against it which is hilarious given the dumbing down of action RPGs and shit like Diablo 3, honestly I think a remaster with better multiplayer would actually do quite well nowadays but I'm pretty sure the rights to it are in legal hell
Dragon quest 2 right? I had the 1 and 2 double cart on gameboy colour and remember liking him too.
Which one was his son? I havent played CC since my save corrupted after losing that failed futures fight
>only follows Mario because he's an incompetent mailman and lost all his letters and hopes to find the missing ones if he travels around with Mario
Name a more loyal bro
Protip: you absolutely can't
For me, it's Tita Russel
He could hit hard though.
he was the only good person in Other M
Not even a meme, he was legit cool.
>how dare you want to fight for a certain faction
I could post the entire cast of Trails in the Sky.
I'll keep it simple and post #1.
Junpei, Ace detective?
My nigga
Most based companion imo was this ugly bastard
Is he better in the remakes? Only played the nes version where he was either dead or served as my secondary Heal more until he died.
Was just about to post him, shining blade is too good.
I really enjoy all of IV's party really, no one is annoying I feel. I remember thinking Ershin would be a dumb mascot character when I first saw him but by the end I absolutely adored him.
He's better but not amazing. His physical damage is considerably better in both the snes and gbc remakes.
Only slightly in the late game when he gets more MP and HP. But he's still comically bad and dies more than Moonbrooke. I think they kept him that way just because him dying became such a meme.
Guess I’ll go back to dq2 on snes then at some point. The master of none approach for cannock and his inability to equip the best of the best armor for the original always left a questionable impression of his use.
>no one is annoying
This so much. The whole party is so cool, specially those two and their wholesome relationship.
I think Mandalorians suck.
Ignore Setzer in the middle
It's a real shame BoFIV came out at such an awkward time. When it released in both Japan and the US the ps2 had release already in those regions. Poor game was left in the dust.
Still, I'm just happy Capcom localized it at all. The English script has its goofs, yes, but it would have been a shame for it to remain a Japanese exclusive. I played it only last year and it rose to my top three jrpgs, it's amazing.
Aside from being OP as fuck, she's also pretty much the only "thousand year old in a loli body" that isn't fucking awful.
I just give Archie the teleport ring
He's basically a glass cannon. Spam magic with him before he dies. You'll get a lot of monsters killed until one gets a "lucky" critical on him.
Or stop and level about 5 levels ahead of what you need and use your seeds on him. He'll be about what he should be.
Way too many Suikoden characters could fit in this thread. It would take all the image slots. BUt Sierra would definitely be in the top 3.
>Wasting time on a tank when Nonoko can just apply Stop, Delay Turn, Burn, and every stat debuff with every single attack and counter attack
>annoying bitch
She may be annoying, but she's still my wife.
I'm disappointed none of you posted the number one party member...
I always wished for him to be playable as a green haired Trunks. At least in one of the endings you can see his human form.
Because he's not? In personality or combat, it's Alena 2.0.
Now I sort of remember, I liked him though fag or not
He was talked about a lot years ago when Yea Forums wasnt a bunch of normalfags. I cant believe they ruined his dialog in the remake
Not worth
He's a good party member. Read the OP again, you mong.
and daisoujou
Other brown genie girls need not apply
His dialogue is wrong in both translations. If you are comparing him to the Japanese. They just threw dialects on him because the translators love to change stuff. In Japan, he talks like everyone else.
So many characters you think are a certain way were only made that way because a translator changed it, thinking they knew better than the original writer. This is going to be really evident when the remake of Final Fantasy VII comes out and Cloud is a totally different personality. Just from a translation change.
I know full well it was inaccurate, but it was an improvement.
I know right, his popularity is Blown out of proportion!
>it's okay to censor and alter things if it's an improvement
And this is why we'll never have accurate translations of Japanese products. Because enough of you defend the changes as "good." Every time. Even fucking Lunar and Dragon Quest, people defend the changes. When they're 100x worse.
Having a flying unit early in the game was so helpful in flanking. I wish there was more of this series.
I love his barrel autism
>Can Heal
>Can move enemies into traps
>Can give allies his turns
>Can delete enemy turns
>Canonically kicks your ass in an alternate ending
>can repair tanks
>can diffuse mines
>can remove barriers
>can shoot and grenade enemies
>all on the same turn
>does it all with a dry, sarcastic tone
He never left my party as soon as I got him
Yea Forums zoomers are going to lose their minds when he’s announced for smash this week.
Is he a shota or a dwarf? I couldn't tell the whole game.
The only Suikoden characters worth mentioning are the ones with three rune slots. Sheena and Killey immediately come to mind. If your team didn't have Killey, you were playing the games wrong.
The Monado had shit taste in wielders.
Lets be real, Robo was better in every way.
>tfw this haughty bitch got 4 ammo refills in a row when I was fighting Crymaria, A-Ranked it on first try.
>not one person has posted the Zekinator
shame on you
I filmed people without asking. They reacted like this
Look up ‘CCTV Experiment’ at and on youtube. A janny wont let me post the link!
>it's Alena 2.0
Alena's crit-rate and damage output was insane in DQ IV, how dare you use her name as an insult.
I always assumed he was some kind of halfling, but his race isn't ever brought up, so he might just be a manlet.
Just watched, lots of cute girls in your hood man
Fucking autist, couldve banged multiple girls in that video. Instead you want neet respect, sad.
Boss battle coming up? Better swap in Lyude the Dude.
I kind of like this
If you turned Curie into a synth you're a cowardly fuck.
He's great, but none of the blades he can equip come close the self-sustaining DPS/Tanking ability of Poppy QT pi. Corvin spam comes close, but Poppy can kill much faster.
>the dying arc whale scene and after
Legit teared up
All those normies losing their shit just because 1 autist is filming them. Meanwhile the government films every angle 247. Kek
>a spergelord autist can get a gf but i dont.
Not really. Emily is probably the most broken character in any Suikoden game. She can do five 7 hit combos in one turn, with 2000 damage per hit. She basically destroys bosses by herself. And all you need is two runes (and +A in HIT and AGI).
Suikoden is also so easy, you can just use whatever teams you want.
I didn't. Ayla has the same ridiculous 1/3 chance of doing a crit as Alena does. And then she gets skills on top of that. Ayla literally is Alena 2.0.
Keep it up, autism-user. Im starting to like your work.
>When the RoFUP starts to kick in
>strongest dps of any partner
>rally wink allows mario to go again, which is better than anything the other partners can do
>can reveal health of enemies along with weaknesses and fun trivia
>cute as hell
How is she so perfect bros?
The only party member that matters.
Why would tou do this?
He is strong but is a shitty edgy character. If he would be in any other jrpg everyone would laugh at this faggot
> he will never call you guv as you pound his fat fat arsepucci
Whats the point lads honestly