This had the most kino campaign for a shooter thus far

This had the most kino campaign for a shooter thus far

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why were they so kino
God damn they were good

>cock of duty

world at war was the best campaign, the rest are trash

Hans Zimmer, good voice acting

Does it suck being so wrong?

b o a t r i d e

other fps games shit all over cod

campaigns fell to shit once they realized where the MP money was at. 1 all the way up to about mw3 were awesome single player games, then it got phoned the fuck in

Sorry wrong pic

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Absolute kino soundtrack.

I liked 4 better.

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That's not CoD 4: MW

>Mfw "Exodus"

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Name a more kino moment.

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>even COD used to hire composers like Hans Zimmer
Why don't videogames nowadays get proper composers?
So many Triple As have such forgettable tracks.

Zimmer literally only did one (1) track.

>Lorne Balfe
Eh, he's pretty much Zimmer, Balfe was his biggest student and produces very similar tracks.

No, and it's not even the best CoD campaign.

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Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 had the best campaigns IMO. Modern Warfare 3 was good for the conclusion of the story.

cod4 best campaign

Back when paying F meant doing something cool. though there aren't many times you could press F to use a .50 cal

bad ass, kino and redpilled

I liked the black ops 2 campaign a lot.

COD4 had the best story. Especially the part that went back in time to Russia.

Based. Faggots only like the MW2 campaign because it's the first shooter they ever played.

I liked the campaign and the coop.


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mfw Rangers lead the way

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based youtube comments sometimes damn

it's just the 4 campaign on cocaine, all the same beats and everything just ramped up
4 was the one that really kicked shit in to begin with

The Black Ops trilogy (World at War, Black Ops, Black Ops II) was good but I preferred the scale of the Modern Warfare titles. I don't know what they were doing for Black Ops III.

Ghosts was OK but forgettable and Advanced Warfare was pretty good. I never played Infinite Warfare or WW2.

I wish they would go back to branching paths. Shit had more diverse endings than some RPGs

WaW had the best zombies, gore and story.

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Black Ops 1 and 2 were fucking awesome

That's not Black Ops

>I don't know what they were doing for Black Ops III.
I like they moved away from the generic warfare RAH RAH AMERICA and did something different and psychological. It was good on its own but not something to be repeated

this, his shit is pretty much on par.

>Black Ops III
>Directed by Jason Blundell
There's your problem.

Infinite Warfare's campaign was actually okay.
I actually remember the characters unlike pretty much all the other CODs of this generation.
Haven't played WWII but everything i've heard about it is that it was pretty bad, it was completely linear and had no gimmicks or anything like the suit in AW or the spaceship you can customize in IW.

thats nice and all, but advanced movement was the worst thing to happen to this series. good riddance
No Russian wasn't the only thing that got censored.
this fucked me up for the night the first time i heard it.

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The Ranger theme was pure kino.

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The very first mission was alright. By the time zombies started entering the burning house I lost all hope.

At least Zombies directed by Jason Blundell were pretty good.

That's not how you spell bo1

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That I agree with. Could have used the same story but will less jumping. But keep the fucking tech powers. I want my nano bees

Will it be kino?

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damn that was really good
i can see why it got canned

Infinite Warfare's campaign is criminally under rated but it's infinite warfare and nobody plays cod for the campaign.
I'd still love to see a sequel or something else set in its universe but it'll never happen.

If I'm able to kill that mother and her baby without getting a "Mission Failed" screen it will
Theres a whole playlist of these for different points in the story by the way.

Campaign was fantastic. Soundtrack was fucking kino. Spec-Ops was pretty fun solo or with friends. Multiplayer was hilariously chaotic.

I don't understand why MW3 failed to replicate any of it. But at least Black Ops was decent with its campaign.

The second mission where the Olympus Mons pops out of hyperspace and fucking lays waste to the entire fleet before jumping out of the battle was fucking amazing

That's contentious with me personally, I think Blundell only has 3 actually enjoyable maps he directed being Mob, Origins and Der

Because Infinity Ward was literally raided by Activision after MW2 launched, the company was hollowed out and then filled in with none of the major player returning.

Modern Warfare 3 was literally made in 9 months.
Infinity Ward got fucked over because Activision fired the two directors, and a ton of the creative team left with them.

Kino mission

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>I wish they would go back to branching paths
I miss strike force missions too

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And a simple musuem area where you can muck around with any weapon against static or aggresive npcs. Such a simple addition, yet plenty of hours lost on it. It reminds me of those similar musuems in Ratchet and Clank. I absolutely love them.

where you pulling 9 months from? I'm interested to hear more.

That's fucked up

I remember 7 years when Yea Forums would make fun of these kinds of threads.

I never played half of the DLC maps but I think they're rated among the best in the series. I even enjoyed Shadows of Evil.

You posted the wrong mission.

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stop with the fake hype
we know you faggots remastering that shit
no one cares

Didn't some of the MW2 devs work on TF2?


Patrician tier

Nah, the new game has a high chance of sucking dick.
Modern Warfare has always been an action movie and now they want to turn it into Rainbow Six Vegas.

The new game reeks more of desperation than anything.

i'm talking about the mw2 remaster that comes with the new game

MW2 was basically a cheesy over-the-top action movie in video game form, it was great.

I quit about 20 minutes in when I realized the guns had literally zero fucking recoil and then it followed that up with this fucking shit as a solid slap to the face.

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Wasn't that one supposed to come out with WWII?
Heard it got cancelled.
But then again, the rumors said it had no multiplayer, so i'm not that interested.
MWR was fine, but it was just that, a graphic upgrade, it didn't do much.

Actually felt like a badass spawning in on that during a match.

However, the Russian victory one was the best victory, with SEALs a close second.

Fighting in Washington DC with no lights and sights was kino.

I don't wanna get autismo about it but I have a lot of issues with Blundell's overall direction and it irks me the few times people even talk about zombies i was really into it back in the day it always praises everything blundell has done.

I dunno I'm just being a bit "fucking kids these days" about it i guess

>full on Russian invasion of the USA
This is literally impossible.

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You wanna know the best part about MW2?
It was a movie-game, and not a 'movie game'.

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The US should've seen the retaliation coming after the terrorist attack.

I get it. I'm kind of curious about your thoughts. In that vein I despise Black Ops II Zombies, I don't get the direction that they went. Aside from Mob of the Dead and Origins of course.


i used to think the same thing, then i actually thought about it.

its 5 hours of shooting the same kind of enemies with a different main set piece per chapter.

music is based though

Do we know if Soap and Ghost will be featured?

>good zombies

Only Mob, maybe SoE, and maybe Origins. Origins was ruined by trying to continue it's story. Should have been a standalone map.

>oil rig music
>enemy of my enemy music

>tfw I bought MWR in hopes of reliving some of the joy that it brought me when I was younger

It's just not the same anymore. It's so boring.

I thought Black Ops II was directed by someone else? Maybe I'm confusing it for a different game.

I want gign back ;_;

Shadow Company had such a good design

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Did you even play the game? Russia stole a device that spoofed NORAD’s air defense system and was able to fly in their entire military without warning

>tfw no MP map deep in the afgan cavs like the last level of the SP campaign

Afghan was based on those, although only the center of the map was a cave.

I agree but MW2 is more memorable.

Step aside for the true kino COD missions, the D.C missions

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I know you're being sarcastic but this is still pants on head retarded

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Not him, but I'd play BO2 over BO3 zombies any day. I like all of the maps besides Tranzit, but I can still play it.

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Mob and Origins in BO2 were directed by Blundell (with supervision). The rest of the maps were made by the WaW and BO1 guy, Jimmy Zielinski.

no memorable characters

The whole EMP part was fucking great

That emergency broadcast system message and the reveal of the DC war zone was genius. I was especially shook because I live in the area.

Reminder that if you never played any of the original 3 CoD games your opinions dont matter

My friend said they're coming back. That means my only source is literally "trust me bro."

I hate overusing the word epic but that shit was epic as fuck

TranZit was terrible. I had no idea how they made so many mistakes at launch. The other maps with the new cast were better but not great.

Huh. It's surprising they replaced him in that case. I wonder why they changed directions so drastically in the third one.

Black Ops 2 zombies had poor management and spread themselves thin. They had a bunch of different game modes in development and wasted a bunch of time on it, potentially taking place in cut areas of town. Meat being one of them:
I do agree Blundell was the Golden Boy with BO2 because he gave direction to a team that was lacking in it, both in design and in narrative.

I enjoyed zombies best when it was a B-Movie time travel plot about two nazi scientist's bitter feud through time, their deaths, the afterlife and the apocalypse. Blundell brought with him a more serious but significantly more confusing narrative, I cannot overstate how retarded the decision to compound time travel with the multiverse was.

With him making it more serious all the characters, especially the original crew went from over the top characters with funny lines about shooting zombies into far more dry and unenthused people shooting zombies with arguably less interesting character traits.

Speaking on the maps themselves, Blundell really struggles on finding that perfect balance of things to do and things you *have* to do. Sometimes I don't want to spend most of my play sessions just setting up for my play session. Not only that newer maps feel more in line with Destiny raids than survival at this point, complete with opening and closing cutscenes, a small narrative apart of a larger story, a bunch of dumb steps before you can fight the boss or play the game. I like having objectives on zombie maps, again Origins and Mob were outstanding at this as all their side objectives fed into killing zombies rather than being completely divorced from it.

It's not a hill I'd die on but I miss zombies being slightly more simple, far more straight forward and leaning into the silly nature of the mode. Blundell just confuses newcomers with an impenetrable narrative and frustrates older fans with overwhelming changes to the flow and characters.

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Defending my local Chili's/TGI Fridays and the strategic jalapeno popper reserve

I mean honestly, it's super cool, just, so fucking retarded when you think about it.

Modern Warfare 2's campaign just jumped the shark. It was an incredible jump, super rad with flaming chainsaws and monster trucks and everything. But they just tried so hard to top the nuke scene and it made the rest of the games after this a complete joke to me.
But goddamn the tone and storytelling in MW1 and 2 is great, until the second half when you're spec opsing with Price that shit got too over the top for me.

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>We are the most powerful military force in the history of man.
>I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched.

At first you think he's on a power trip, but then you realize he's motivated purely by the fear of helplessness. If there's going to be WW3, it'll be on his terms and no one else's.

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To be honest the nuke scene in MW1 wasn't really that special. It was more of a 'fuck you, yankee' moment that established that Soap was the main protagonist and not whoeverthefuck the Marine was.

Was Shepherd /ourguy/?

>It was a movie-game, and not a ‘movie game’.
are you retarded?

He was his own guy.

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It was incredibly special. No game before that had the balls to do something so gritty and realistic.

Now that games are trying so hard to be gritty, realistic, and pull your heartstrings it may not seem so special in retrospect but Modern Warfare 4, while being totally about war, in no way was trying to glorify it.

It set the tone for CoD from a HOORAH ROOTY TOOTY POINT AND SHOOTY series to a serious, "good men are going to die" series of games. I just think it got way too soapboxy and over the top with it.

No he's entirely right. It has the dramatic loop of a movie, all told within a game. It would actually make a really good movie, better than most of the schlop Hollywood puts out these days. Would have much preferred a movie about Ramirez saving America than Battle for Los Angeles that shit was atrocious.

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If it makes you feel better its literally impossible for any nation to make a surprise invasion over an entire country like that, especially on the Eastern seaboard no less. Half a navy would be sunk just trying to get within a few hundred miles, and even if you made landfall you're getting nuked. No one has ever invaded a nuclear country.

>No game before that had the balls to do something so gritty and realistic.
You need to play more RTS's.

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Are you? Perhaps "B-movie" is the better descriptor, because the plot is as bombastic as something as Sharknado. However, it's not a "movie game" in that it's all just cutscenes and pretty graphics.

But World in Conflict did it, and that was kino so who cares?

It's amazing how it went from silly characters in a pretty serious world, to serious characters a with a silly ass world with fucking dragons and tentacle monster alien gods and shit. Unless it was someone else who directed it, they've shown they can replicate that style really well with Classified being probably the best map since Mob of the Dead, but they fucked it up by shoehorning in the multiverse shit in the ending cutscene, with Origins crew casually striding out of a magical portal at the end. Something about the writing and direction under Blundell is so stiff, lifeless, and uncanny, especially so in all the BO4 cutscenes.

So what if it was bombastic? If that's what you want, there's no better provider of bombast.

This is the only one I still remember

Pretty good, although the multiplayer maps were the better part.

We'll never have MW, WAW, MW2 maps ever again. The series shifted from prganic maps to lane combat maps by MW3 and never looked back.

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Wow really nice thought-out response user, thank you for giving your opinion. I agree with some of your points.


I love the games but your picture has to be the WORST example of all the C&C games to imply that the series is gritty. Generals was basically a Shakespearean satire/comedy.

>we'll never go back to CoD1 levels of TECHNOLOGY
No destructible maps
No tanks
No 64 players in one server

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To be honest, the MW games and BlOps made for better Tom Clancy games than the Tom Clancy games.

nothing can ever top getting nuked in 4

Would Sudden Strike and Cuban Missile Crisis be better examples? Point is, we've had lots of mass destruction, protagonist death, and WMDs before in vidya; MW1 just made it a big selling point.

All Ghillied Up is the best moment from 4.

Cliffhanger is a GOAT mission.

The others are just okay.

user, are you thinking of Battlefield?

That is rather odd, isn't it? I've always been disappointed in the early Rainbow Six games in terms of plot.

Nope, that was CoD once. Before the Dark Times. Before the Consoles.

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>"yo C&C is very serious business"
>portrait of a unit is a screaming man with comedy dynamite strapped to him.

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What the FUCK went wrong?

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Apart from the stock screams used in Gmod videos, this shit is fucking depressing

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Are you saying that terrorists don't scream or carry pipe bombs on their person?

Shit maps, same thing that went wrong with every CoD since MW3


Trains. Always a bad decision. Chasing something on rails, and having the potential to 'lose it' is fucking lame.

sit down хoхoл

*snipes u*

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I was more forgiving to Blundell before he retconed Origins from a soft reboot into a continuation. I am not looking forward to seeing the BO1 crew with Blundel's writing.

Quickly furthering my point, the fact you have to clarify "Oh no guys you don't understand that's not 'The Moon Crew' that's the 'Before Moon but after Shang Crew' because they are from a different timeline/universe" is frustratingly contrived in a mode about zombies.

I tend to write more about the director switch in zombies because no one else really talks about it much, but glad you found it interesting.

I think what made MW impactful was the simple shift to first-person. It is easy to not register or sweep aside these kinds of scenario when it's not in your face. Similar to playing a horror game in third-person versus first-person. One is definitely more evoking of fear than the other for the same reason.

WiC had a much more decent set of excuses (that are still moronic) in that most of the US military was in Europe at the time and a combined Chinese-Russian invasion of the West Coast caught the US off-guard.
Also the deal with the Russian invasion floundering because they invaded a nuclear armed country.

Ehh, I would argue that such an isomeric series without any direct characters to be connected to makes it far more hands off and less impactful.

What made the nuke scene so shocking was that you played through half a game as a guy and his comrades and then watched him die slowly while in excruciating pain.

Nuking has always been shocking, but it's usually much more hands off, even today. You don't see the protagonist or his friends get nuked, you don't see the actual real devastation, and if you do it's a full on "the horror" this is a bad thing. And sure it was a "this is a bad thing" moment too but there was no warning for it. You were being a hero, heroes win right? Save the girl, go home, have a wife and two and a half kids.

It wasn't just that it was shocking. It was shockingly personal. Not just "rifleman" or "mg squad" but named characters and recognizable faces that got butchered on screen in front of you. CoD had killed off characters before, sure, but it was usually one, two, maybe three guys who didn't really say that much. This was everyone. Except Soap. It was a spectacle that no game had the balls to do before that.

MacMillan, you dopey cunt

But that's not new either. Doom 2 had Earth invaded by Hell. Your next argument is basically 'b-but the graphics.' I do agree the nuke scene was impactful, but it wasn't the first to do anything.

>64 players
>on shipment

CoD4 on PC was pretty fucking fun.

yep you shoulda seen my face when that nuke dropped hooboy so good i mean i'll never forget seeing all them cinema quality warfare

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There were two spots on that map that were legit broken for sniping. One being right under that bush in front of the heli wall and the other being back in the bushes/map border kinda behind it.

*gets raped by a chopper gunner*

*somehow spawns inside of the cave*

*gets killed by a shotgun*

*gets raped by a chopper gunner*

Sledgehammer is boring as fuck.

This operation is under new management!

> Boi orda of the peaky bloinders

>not using Cold Blooded on all classes

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>on Earth chilling while hundreds of warships float past buildings
>suddenly seeing everything getting shout out of the sky from anti-space weapons
>fighting through the city streets until you stop the weapon sabotage and manage to turn the tide of the battle
>tfw you get into your fighter and literally fly right out of the atmosphere with like 20 warships beside you and you begin raping the SDF
>suddenly Olympus Mons tactical-hyperdrives right in your path, fucks everything up in less than a minute, then hyperdrives away in response to getting rammed by thousands of tonnes of aircraft carrier
Not as kino as MW/MW2 and BO/BO2, but it really had its moments

Why so it can be Battlefield? Battlefield is already such a clusterfuck. Why try to emulate it. CoD has it's own feel now. They need to refine what they have and stop trying to rewrite the bible. I dont need revolutionary fucking features in my CoD.

it's still kino but stupid if you think about it, in fact the invasion of South france has to be the stupidest thing on WiC, somehow the USSR defeated the American navy in the mediterranean and landed in south of france without opposition neither from France, Italy, Turkey, Greece or Portugal.
We could analyze other scenarios from WiC but you get the idea

>he never played moded WaW

Halo 1-3, ODST and Reach were far better but MW2 was very good as well. World at War was also really good. I enjoyed Black Ops as well. All the rest were pretty garbage.

Stopping Power is the only second tier perk worth using, with the occasional exception of Lightweight.

this was some bitch shit, not even a twitch, pussy

>getting raped by Stopping Power or Lightweight because the balance is shit.

>No one has ever invaded a nuclear country
Except that did happen and it was a big fucking deal specifically because people were under the same impression you are. Pakistan and India have repeatedly had wars and the latest one was at a time when both had nukes. Troops actually crossed borders in full combat and nukes weren't launched.

>wasting your perk 2 using Stopping Power because you play plebcore instead of hardcore

top lmao

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*killed by grenade*


*killed by grenade*

but it wasn't the first to do anything.
Agreed. I didn't wish to implying otherwise. Just trying to explain why the scene received much more of a reception compared to previous games that tried. Being realistically comprehensible is another point. I disagree with Doom 2's example because we're never going to be invaded by Hell. Yet the conflict presented in MW can be viewed as an allegory for the conflict in Iraq. Not to mention getting nuked was a real event, albeit during WWII.

I do believe graphics has a part in it. If this occurred in an Atari game, I would just laugh. Having a better conveyance to your presentation does wonders to precisely impact the audience how you've wanted. It's pretty much a moot point nowadays with even lowbar standards being good enough, but it wasn't quite there yet back then.

>spawn behind enemy team with a P90

It was such righteous bullshit. I took a few steps back from my spawn point and just held down the fire button.

got an attack heli off that.

Also 64 players on any map were just sheer chaos. There wasn't a moment that an airstrike or heli weren't on the map.

>Titanfall 2
Unironically the two best single player FPS campaigns I've ever played.

Agreed, at least there should be good designs in campaign. Multiplayer though? Zoomers would prefer a Viking skin or Roman armor.

>cod is a meme for making the same game each year
>remakes cod4 mw
>three years later makes a reboot
We're reaching critical levels of rehashing.

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My favorite is when they release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Somewhere in the distant future someone is making a retrospective and having a stroke.

>That scene in Loose Ends
>all the Bouncing Betty flying up

Alternatively, the scene with the EMP activating. This game had so much crazy stuff going on.

Reminder that if you used any of the following you were officially a faggot:
Any kind of noob tube + One Man Army
Riot shield
Akimbo Model 1887's
Last Stand
Any Deathstreak that wasn't Copycat

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It’s my most played CoD though. I like the WW2 guns and hate faggy Treyarch cosmetics. A lot of the skins for the divisions were good looking. However they did start adding retarded shit to WW2 like fucking suits of armor and zombie face paint and around then is when I got bored anyway. War Mode was great too.

wew im not a faggot

>calls single player "campaign"

>barrett .50 cal with an acog not faggot tier
Cheers user, I'll carry on.

Except it makes perfect sense to call CoD singleplayer "campaign".




>fags that cant get any kills NOT using the UMP

>cod up until bo2
>games were at a comfy 10-20 GB
>cod after ghosts and muh next gen
>dude 50 GB lmao
>continues making games that require 0.1 TB of space
This is what puts me off the most, it's a fucking arcade shooter, they have no business being anywhere over 20 GB.

Wish they would discover low poly and make games 5-10 GB.

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>post yfw when the EMP missile explodes from the Astronaut POV

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ACR best gunfu

>any games up to around 2010
>comfy 8-10 GB

I can hear these so clearly in my mind. Might need to fire up some WaW. I bet those autists still have servers up on PC.

For me it’s the FAL.

I originally thought Price was going to Nuke shit.

I was fond of BO2 for actually separating their modes into different games as opposed to categorizing multiplayer and zombies under DLCs. You actually can download each one separately. Instead of having to satisfy the 50GBs for everything, and then unchecking what you don't want in the DLC section. Why they stopped doing that is beyond me.

thats not the SCAR-H silenced

Someone hasn't played Black Ops II.

That's not the AK47 Red Dot

>everyone shat on Treyarch as a company leading up to WaW
>idolized Infinity Ward
>Treyarch proceeded to make 2 of the top 3 CoD games that always had more content than their Infinity Ward older brothers
>Treyarch then graduated and lost their soul
>but pic related happened and i will cherish it

Attached: treyarch_was_actually_the_good_guys.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

threw this together quickly.

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highest tier
>riot shield + throwing knife

high tier

noob tier
>tar + heart sensor

oh shit mb i didn't downsize it

>vector silenced
>marathon stopping power steady aim


You forgot God Tier with the tacknife lightweight marathon commando pro

Trust me.

Can you explain this to me I'm not a native speaker

I love that they brought back the TAR in Ghosts and it was OP. It was my jam in Modern Warfare 2.

lmao who even played those
>cod4 mw
made the series somewhat popular and introduced create a class
>cod waw
continues create a class and added nazi zombies
>cod mw2
golden age peak, fuckton of content
>cod bo1
dude numbers mason lmao
>cod mw3
mw2.5 but support killstreak was nice
>cod bo2
first sci-fi setting and done well
next gen and forgotten but had some nice ideas
>cod aw
dude let's make a jump mod lmao
>cod bo3
introduced specialists and first game to reach 100 GB
>cod iw
more sci-fi and forgotten
>cod bo4
we blizzard store now
>cod mw
in case of no new ideas break glass, bring cpt price back

>lmao who even played those
A lot of people? I specifically remember CoD 2 being a selling point for the new Xbox 360 because it had graffix.

Imagine being so young you don't remember 2s popularity

I havent scene that cutscene in years but wow that is executed really well.

basically what said about it, I found it an interesting point.

>ww2 is so forgettable user forgot it

Oh, shit.
I did all of those.
but where are my SCAR/SPAS-12 bros at?

>call of duty victoria, set in the 1800s
>we want the classic monster audience
>van hellsing, crusaders, vampires, werewolves, frankenstein, invisible man, etc.
>melee focused gameplay with crossbows, throwables and such
>maps with day/night cycles to help each team with buffs
>killstreaks are voodoo, dragon flyby, solar eclipse, holy light, etc.

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>t. Born in 1999

unbased and retardpilled, Cod1=Cod2=MW>>>>>>>>>literally everything else in the series

"muh nuke"
"muh unambiguous russian bad dudes"
"muh no shortage of patriots"
"muh invasion was so heartrending when it was in murica instead of generic middle east clone"

cod after 4 was just and you know it

>call of duty
The absolute state of Yea Forums

>COD single player
>random enemy aim punches you to the sky
>next enemy 2 shots you
>start again

Reznov is the best character in the entire series tho

>noob tube + One Man Army
>not launchers in general
>tfw my match ruining loadout was: ACR GL, Thumper, Semtex, Scavenger, Danger Close, Steady Aim, Predator, Harrier and AC-130
I like to join in and be even more insufferable when the enemy uses launchers. Then I sit in kill streaks for most of the match because no one has a loadout with Cold Blooded. At least there were other game modes to avoid this.

Mick Gordon’s been making a name for himself out there, so that’s one


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>that time warp mission

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Imagine being born in 2000. Call of Duty was popular before Call of Duty 4.

>cod mw2
>golden age peak, fuckton of content

What golden age? It was a shit, unbalanced version of Call of Duty 4 with never-ending Killstreaks. It had less content than World at War and every Call of Duty that succeeded it. It was definitely a low-point between World at War and Black Ops.

Based. The campaign had so many unexpected fun elements
>standing sideways on a house and my brain is having a stroke

Soap apparently is confirmed to be in it, not sure about Ghost. I would rather Gaz desu. I liked Ghost but I thought Gaz was a way better character.


fucking hell man

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Should I replay the trilogy? I haven't done it in a while and I used to do it every 6 months or so.

I remember when MW2 came out thinking the campaign was the STUPIDEST michael bay retard horseshit I had ever seen in a video game.
stupid fucking children

MW2 is kino.

WaW's MP is superior to MW's garbage shitty maps

>giving a shit about anything plot related in a Michael Bay tier video game

The campaigns are fun, best one being IW (Basically The Expanse), but get real. These games are popcorn flicks at best, nothing close to kino.

Talk about a kino FPS, talk about FEAR 2. Ends with a loli raping you.

you just use these words and the way you use them means nothing

it went from fucking tom clancy levels of brainless but fun to michael bay exploding knees m night shyamalan

Only true red blooded American Patriots can appreciate it's campaign


>praising it
It's shit

>Russians just casually slaughter untold amounts of civilians
>All Americans fight to the last breath, no surrender, no panic setting in and breaking formation even when down to 10% combat effectiveness.

Except most of it didn't make any fucking sense.

Makarov was a well known Russian international terrorist who attacked an airport without wearing a mask. Why would the Russians declare World War III off the back of an American being involved?

Also, if the CIA were capable of getting an agent into direct contact with Makarov to the point he's stood behind him with a loaded machine gun, why couldn't they just kill him?

Why did Price decide to launch a Nuke at Washington? It saves the PC's life, sure, but Price has never made met the guy or spoken about what's happening in America. Why would you risk a nuclear war like that?

Also, why does Shepherd betray his own team? They recovered an encrypted drive with no time or capability of checking it, but got killed for being a loose end?

literally name a single AAA game that features loli rape and I'll change my mind.

Yea Forums likes it because Yea Forums is STOOPID and also fucking 16 years old so this shitty mountain dew game was their childhood

Alma was very clearly fully developed

Stay mad bitch nigga

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Let's not forget this game posits that the third nuke EVER USED IN ANGER, THE FIRST NUKE SINCE WW2, went without much care. It's literally the antagonist's motive, and to think that people wouldn't care that their troops were FUCKING NUKED is just crazy.

>he just gets more and more desperate over the comm
Fuck, i had no idea about this

>not TAR or SCAR
>not using one man army so you don't even have to leave your camp site

lol enjoy having to shoot forever to kill someone.

Did this game even have a bad mission


>that setup
Born mad.

Why did Shepard betray them???

That always threw me off.

The campaigns I thought were the most memorable are the ones from Finest Hour, Modern Warfare 1, World At War and Infinite Warfare.

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muh 50k men tho

>yfw your first nuke

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Never got one, can barely stay alive long enough for a UAV.
>playing mw2 back in the day
>see guy with 8-bit price emblem
>must have
>need to get 10 kills or so without any killstreaks
>set up camp shop with mate guarding my back
>rack up kills with barrett
>finally reach 10 kills after a couple of matches
Why I hope they will bring support killstreak back, that shit was neat.

>not storming a hotel with lmgs and juggernaut suits only to fucking hang makarov by the end

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>lmao who even played those
fuck you
>the buildup @ 0:50
>reprise of the game's main theme kicks in

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IW campaign is pretty good. Also unironically one of the few games to make me cry. It's so cheap, but how they play those messages to family n shit during the credits got me bad, especially Ethans last one.

I love how it was based on a cod 1 mp map

Based thread gents

But also the most kino multiplayer.

>Could get nukes on console
>Barely got a Chopper Gunner/AC-130 on PC

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>tfw never got a nuke
i was like 10 years old when the game came out and a poorfag too so i had to play at a friends house

>this is for soap

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still mad at the ending of Ghosts. Fucking drown a guy but then lol still alive is cheap as fuck.

it makes sense in the context of the story

favorite mission

>one game manage to nail a pleb who just spawned some distance away with my grenade launcher
>he spergs out calling me cheater, and saying that I'm a noob toober and have no skill
>kill cam shows me pointing into the sky At a random angle and firing
>spergs harder
The fuck is wrong with people?

its almost like the entire game is glow nigger anti-russian propaganda but literally no one cares

>The zombies crew

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black ops 1 was so fucking good.

Yes they did.
It's kinda funny developers of call of duty making a star wars game now

>This is literally impossible.
lad, they done it with a single man.

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>MW2 threads
I guess the time has come to relegate myself to /vr/

wtf you on about, world at war zombies crew was just four soldiers

reminds me of the time some autist stared to have a mental breakdown and acuse me of using a modded fire controler because i kept killing him in mw3 with a mk14, when i'm just good at pressing RT fast

WAW's campaign wasn't even good you humongous faggot
>repetitive dogshit pacific theater with only one plane mission (the only reason you'd ever focus on the pacific theater) and it's not even about dogfights
>no D-Day, no classic european theater at all
>no British, Australian, or Canadian theaters despite the title being WORLD at WAR
>Soviet campaign forgets that its supposed to be about sniping half the time and overflows the levels with infinitely spawning horseshit enemies
CoD 3 had easily the best WWII campaign and multiplayer by a huge fucking margin, even if the British campaign with the partisans sucked cock. Should have been more like CoD1's dambusting and infiltration missions, but the Canadian and American campaigns were solid.

meant for

You know exactly who I'm talking about.

>They're everywhere!
Kino as fuck

I hope new modern warfare has some over the top action scenes too, I'm all for dark and "realistic" story but cmon the action scenes in cod were always great

Agreed OP.
>that fucking score by Zimmer
>those domestic warfare missions
>the betrayal
>that revenge fulfilled ending
Honestly it's truly the best military shooter campaign any game will ever have. I still to this day play it mostly only the Virginia and Washington DC levels just because it hits so close to home. Feels like I'm walking down my block playing those levels. It just transports me right back to 2009, and it makes me happy.

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Damn this and Washington monument lines were chilling as fuck

Waw sucked.

whole ranger campaign was pure kino
yes, including burger town

But even that was a cool mission, the juxtaposition of America being the battlefield for a change is pretty fucking cool.

>not knowing all the spawn locations and shooting each one of them every 2-3 seconds


Fucking zoomers. MW2's campaign was balls.

Nobody cares faggot

>world in conflict
>freedom fighter
this Red Dawn type of story isn't new you know

>cod zoomer are allowed to post on 4chins now

The medias are right, millennials ruin everything.

Don't know, but It's certainly going to be empowering and also inclusive

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this is the game that zoomers admire. Some weak af military console shooter with a 3 hours long campaign and a bad multiplayer.

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Gaz is pretty underrated, his banter over comms with Price was amusing

ppl actually praising fucking hans zimmer soundtrack itt holy fuck lmao
dude is a straight hack

Rough but quite fun.

Actually really bad. It doesn't hold up well on replays at all and the MP is a massive step down from CoD1.

Not bad just kinda boring.

>Big Red One

>Modern Warfare
Fantastic (and broken as fuck) game with one of the first video game campaigns outside of an RPG that I would say had an honestly good story.

>World at War
Great game, zombies was awesome, locking all the zombie maps behind "map pack" DLCs and all the DLCs in general wasn't great and a sign of things to come.

>Modern Warfare 2
Rule of cool and cranked the broken shit up to a billion in multiplayer holy fuck. Jumped the shark pretty hard though. Story was great if you just lobotomize yourself first otherwise it's frustrating how dumb it is.

>Black Ops
Actually less of a shark jump and less retarded than MW2's story. Much better multiplayer balance.

>Modern Warfare 3
Instead of having a cool but stupid story it just had a stupid story. Definition of trying too hard, but to be fair they really couldn't top the first two game's cinematic coolness because, well, what was left to top with that?

I'm of the opinion that all the missions where you play a grunt in all the games are better than when you're spec opsing and 3 has the most spec ops and least grunt missions of the trilogy so that hurts my opinion of it too.

>Black Ops 2
If you thought MW2/3 had a really stupid story with a villain who seemed to be a fucking deity with how much he knew and controlled everything well you're in luck, bucko. This makes that look reasonable. Didn't like where they took zombies with this and the MP was super old to my by this point so I didn't like it.

Absolutely shit. The story was so self righteous I wanted to shove rusty nails in my ears so I could stop listening to it.
I can't even think of a positive here nothing about it was good except the mechs. Even the tank section was garbage.

Why is it moronic?

What makes you think they didnt face opposition from other nations? Because they didnt show it on the tactical map?


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WiC or MW2?

WiC because shipping in an entire army by sneaking them in via cargo ships is stupid and impossible, and even if they did that somehow, they'd just get bottled up by the US Navy immediately afterwards, burn through their logistics because they can't resupply by sea or air (because of the navy), and then surrender as they run out of ammo and fuel.

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>It set the tone for CoD from a HOORAH ROOTY TOOTY POINT AND SHOOTY series to a serious, "good men are going to die" series of games.
A tone which MW2 took a big fat shit on the second you rocket jump a sled over a cliff.

Black Ops 2 had the best story, MW2 is second best followed by MW3.

What happens in that gif?

Chink bugman shows his dog that he'll violently kill it if it touches the trash can. Now the dog is terrified of being anywhere near said trash can.

I have unironically bought and played every call of duty just for the campaign.
Fight me.

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>>no D-Day, no classic european theater at all
literally every WW2 game in existence has fucking d-day
there's no creative or interesting way to do a D-Day mission

>get nuke halfway in a ground war domination match
>"eh i'll just hold into this for now, im shitting way too hard on these guys to end the game now"
>somehow enemy team gets a nuke too and deploys it before i do

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Fucking based, one of the only modern shooting games that managed to get me to re-play its campaign. shit deserved more recognition.

I doubt the dog is able to empathize with a toy dog. It needs to feel the pain itself to understand.

It would actually be pretty cool to see a British D-Day mission where, since their tanks don’t all get sunk in the waves they have a relatively easy time of it and comment that it was a piece of cake and jokingly laugh as the mission fades out “hope the Yanks aren’t having too rough of a time”

They hit all the right spots for a dumb action movie and that's great

But TF2 is better

>duur what if fps lose every interesting mechanic and the only thing you do is zoom and click and maybe reloading
COD is why people started to think fps as a genre sucked ass.

I loved the campaign in this game and MoH: 2010. Both of them had a very authentic feel to them that other modern military shooters have failed to replicate.

The dog is more likely freaking out because it's being held by it's front legs and being bounced towards something. Animals don't like that.

Ah, but here is the kicker.
What navy?
The US Pacific navy is stated to be nearly annihilated at the end of the game. It is not much of leap of faith that the navy would already be in seriously bad condition at the time of the Seattle invasion. Remember, the navy sends support in a later mission. ONE ship, what they could spare. Once Seattle was taken, they had fuel and supply lines as the Soviet navy is presumably stronger.

I dont ser how sneaking a few thousand troops and equipment in cargo ships is retarded. We can assume that it was just a preliminary force and that the real army came afterwards. They did hold Seattle for nearly 6 months.

MAD prevents nukes from being used unless you're about to lose and say fuck it all

Can't really fault you desu, the campaigns have always been action movie tier fun. I couldn't give less of a fuck about the multiplayer though, never have.

>repetitive dogshit pacific theater with only one plane mission (the only reason you'd ever focus on the pacific theater) and it's not even about dogfights
what, you don't like the closed beta of Vietnam? also
>Soviet campaign forgets that its supposed to be about sniping half the time and overflows the levels with infinitely spawning horseshit enemies
there's one level about sniping, the rest are just focusing on the push west and the rape of berlin

>The Black Ops trilogy (World at War, Black Ops, Black Ops II) was good but I preferred the scale of the Modern Warfare titles. I don't know what they were doing for Black Ops III.

What's wrong with BO3 and BO4?


Lol modern warfare 2 was when they started to jump the shark, i bet you're a zoomer and this is your first call of duty game

How did Russia respond to MW2?

>Unironically the two best single player FPS campaigns I've ever played.

What about the king?

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Pacific part was mediocre.

The Black Ops III campaign was terrible. Black Ops IIIII (4) didn't have a campaign.

>unironically saying "zoomer" and "boomer"
What a bunch of old retards

It's obvious you can't argue for shit, but you decides to pretend you know what you're talking about and made a total fool of yourself


One of the worst cod campaigns. I feel sorry for your shit taste

>braindead cod and halo kiddies posting on Yea Forums
how long have we been in the endtimes

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>why people are discussing the video games they like?
>they should be discussing my favorite vidya gaym


Shut the fuck up boomer

i know these aren't patrician gaymes but are you pretending you never had fun playing halo or cod/bf?

Why Ghost was so popular?

>there are kids playing videogames now who were born before modern warfare was 2 was released

wow, fuck... am old

Honestly this game had so many memorable moments, it's crazy. The nuke going off and fucking killing you. The ghillie suit level. The nuclear missile launch in space. The ac-130 level. Then its sequel opens with No Russian. It's crazy how new CoDs don't even have a campaign when they're half the reason it was so successful to begin with.

There's one black guy fuck off.

I think you mean after, user

Sure it didn't have the action of MW2 but the writing was so much better

>that level just after the EMP

black ops was better


>all the character build up for soap from cod4 to mw2
>end up playing as a literal-who former spetsnaz who only got his moment in the fucking last mission

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look again


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It’s a cod campaign so it isn’t really saying much. Still better than mw2, really do hope you don’t actually think that story’s better.