Attention Yea Forums!

Attention everyone! Run for your lives! Smash threads have taken over the

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We had our moment. Let's move on, user. It was fun while it lasted

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That fact that mods deleted the last one gives me some hope for this garbage board

alright. was pissed mods deleted it instead of archiving

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I was, too. At least it's archived just fine

managed to save it as a pdf

archived where?

lurk moar

>400 replies to a spongebob joke

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SpongeBob is more videogames than Banjo now.

>spongebob isnt video games
this shit was announced 3 days ago, shit is still on topic

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mods are fucking trannies, what did you expect

this 5 will reveal your ways wise one!

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>didn't land
>556 KB
are you even trying?

5s are for faggots

>using the pharoh's name in vain for something you could easily look up

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phew, luckily I didn't get a 4, they activate my sizures...

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Our world!

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Choose your main

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