favourite guns in vidya ?
Favourite guns in vidya ?
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For me? It's the Combat Shotgun.
bfg or super shotgun
Loved this beast in every Hitman
Evelyn from Bloodborne or Airstrike from TF2
for me, it's the liquid flamethrower
gas flamethrowers suck
Forgot pic
Oh and the Fatman from fallout is pretty neat
Pistols/ handguns.
I like the precision and control of single fire weapons.
>mfw the Locust handcannon in Gears of War
>using anything other than stock launcher
I like rapid fire rockets and rocket jumping
goodus tasteus
why are revolvers so sexy?
Shotguns, snipers, machine pistols, spears.
For me, it's the medicine stick
cowboy weapons in general are sexy
A light in shining darkness
>not liberty launcher
>that sound
Silenced pistols, snipers
The Syndicate 2012 game had a really great minigun
Underrated shooter. When it came out, so many people got hung up on the bloom.
The multiplayer was insane (except I hated that one level with the cargo containers).
First time I came across the agents in Atlantic Accelerator it spent about a good 20-30 seconds loading. I was convinced it took that moment to pair you with another group of 4 people to PvP as it was a back and forth over and over of each side pushing forward, buffing, downing someone and trying to chip rip them and getting denied by the other team. Felt like it went on for 10+ minutes that way.
Also the story seemed somewhat like a prequel to Syndicate to me compared to a reboot
no other FPS gatling gun feels as good to use
I wanna touch Sasha if ya know what i mean
My gunfu
>Gatling gun
don't talk that way about my wife
This and the melta gun.
Im sorry, ill touch Natascha instead
For me? It's the Remington 870.
Quake's Double Barreled Shotgun.
I was pretty disappointed by Quake's shotguns after playing Doom 1 and 2.
Doom 1 shotgun a shit. Doom 2's shotgun is way too fucking powerful. Quake is just right.
It just keeps shooting.
I generally find a lot of appeal in guns with dual modes or interesting mechanics.
gatling barrel machine gun
>Actually quite a large gun
>Doom 1 shotgun a shit
You kidding me? It's got better range than any shotgun in any other game I've played.
but it's boring shit in 95% of vidya
it's fun in games like arma but that's it
Someone hasn't played Serious Sam
Either this or pancor jackhammer
I haven't played the third one, but i played the first 2.
Refreshed my memory with youtube, yeah, it was ok.
It's good in Serious Sam. Pinpoint accuracy, only takes a fraction of a second to spin up, and it doesn't slow down your movement speed like in lots of other games.
Patrician taste my man
It isn't nearly as satisfying as the SSG in Doom 2, which is only made worse by the fact it is your main gun in Doom 1. Quake also suffers from this problem.
The BFG.
What games have good continuous laser beam weapons? I liked the one in FEAR Extraction Point and some of the ones you get in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, but I can't think of many others.
what game?
They are peak aesthetic
I love the scatter gun, but im not that great at hitting my shots as scout.
For my it's the Ruger ac 556.
Ghost in the Shell: First Assault
It's dead ;_;
I wish sci-fi shooters would stop dying ;_;
my absolute fucking negro
Ow the edge
for me, it's the cerebral bore.
but none of you zoomers would know of it's glory
For me, it's the G3 and all of its variants.
high accuracy/low spread semi-auto shotguns with magazines
The work horse in my energy weapons only play through. I was also pretty fond of the plasma defender.
My one and only
Nothing compares
Damn, the viewmodels in bethesda's "doom" are fucking ugly and block 33% of your vision. That takes up more screen real estate than the Chaingun and entire HUD combined of Doom.
Who would have thought firing all the original Id employees would leave nobody behind with any knowledge of game design?
Not very common, but my fave in the games it turns up in.
>cocks assualt rifle like a shotgun
for me, it's the biorifle
the minigun in vice city and san andreas felt orgasmic
was always a fan of the 03 design
and this is why Battlefield Hardline is the best modern battlefield
It just feels so good to use...
that's always been my favorite weapon in fps games too. shooting an israeli made FAL irl is fucking awesome, man.
The Colt Python make my python the big python.
>What makes me a good demoman?
they were going to call it the scotch guardian at first, and that loss is immeasurable.
Hitting sick air rockets and prediction shots is what's best in life.
>game has a minigun
>it doesnt have anywhere near the firerate of a real one
>fires just barely faster than a normal machine gun
>its kind of terrible
The triple minigun from Turok:Evolution was pretty great.
/t/riggers autism.
Do not post my raifu again without my express permission
BF4 was great since both of my guns were in it. GRAW 2 inspired my taste for the MX4 though.
>500 rounds a second
>30000 RPM
I think the M4 from KF2 is probably mine.
>punch right through a bitch and hit the three bitches behind him
>snipe niggas' heads off
>kill Scrakes and FPs with ease while staggering them
>not posting the fucking gauss cannon
I always felt like the pump shotgun was more fun than the super shotgun, i think it was the spread and the animations that made me like the default shotgun better
In the game it only shoots around 100 rounds a second, still fast but it only has a 500 round magazine and it takes about 5 seconds for it to empty.
love this gun right here