What do they eat?

What do they eat?

Attached: Pokemon_FRLG_PalletTown.png (384x320, 6K)

Taurus meat, or something

>two houses and a lab
Where did Oak even live

In your house

>coastal town

gee I wonder

Either in his lab or in the second house

riceballs and magikarp

Attached: download (2).png (706x538, 490K)

Vegetables, tofu, meat substitutes.

Who watches the flowers?

*jelly donuts

What's their tax policy?


Attached: 141342312334.jpg (800x546, 51K)

>theres only 1 bed in the entire town

Well like theres only like 6 people there so I guess everyone just sleeps over in red's room

>no bathrooms in 99.9% of video games
>they must not go to the bathroom, LOL!

Attached: upend.gif (300x300, 313K)

The anime always had more houses

scientists don't sleep

Are Pokecenters selling your information or something? How do they stay afloat when they don't charge anyone?

why not sims pokemon?
watching the poke world habitate seems rad


>And we never see Mario use the bathroom a single time!

Attached: file.png (220x220, 11K)

my asshole

at his house

>Right: Red and his Mother's House
>Left: Blue/Gary Oak and his Sister's House. Professor Oak probably lives there too

I switched Right and Left, its the other way around

They do, never use the PCs there.

Magikarp Filet
Torchic Nuggets
Tepic Bacon
Miltank Steak
Ampharos Meat
Ditto Pudding
etc. You get the point

Whats the crime rate?

Pokemon eggs


You play as a child, of course you dont have problems with taxes

with blue and daisy

What's their tax policy?