Smash needs a containment board immediately.
Smash needs a containment board immediately
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Use the "Contact" button at the bottom of the page.
More like use the "COPE" button
seems like a good use for /trash/
user, be honest. There are 2 more smash threads there that you didnt circle.
I don't remember you when the catalog was filled with Death Stranding threads.
I wonder why.
You mean that game that made the catalog filled for some days only when it had meaningful announcements instead of making from this board its own general for like more than half of a year?
Shame it'll never happen because mods are hellbent on promoting all this bullshit instead of doing their fucking jobs.
No, fuck containment boards. /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/ should be reabsorbed by Yea Forums.
We need less boards not more.
Here's how I cope, user.
>filter all of the threads
>instantly discardly the entire franchise and company as shit, and accuse fans of being liars if they claim to like the games for the gameplay
After all, why should I listen to a waifufag who only plays games for the titties? They don't know what they're talking about, and they're prone to being a filthy liar.
fuck no
make a singular containment board for them, mlp and niggermon
Jannies should have their powers constrained to the board alone, and not posts within threads, so that they actually clean up fucking spam like that instead of monitoring discussion like a reddito fago.
i dont understand why these retards always have to spam threads about different characters. this is exactly what /vg/ is for. and we all know they won't even play the game much after anyway. its literally just to jack off to their characters.
There's not much else to talk about this year.
Just tough it out for a couple more days.
More like they need to be sent to the showers but zyklon b comes out to cleanse them instead of water
thats what they say every fucking time. they told us this several months ago too. smashposters are just terrible fucking spammers. they dont know how to keep it in only a few threads. they need to fill the whole board with their stupidity.
Now im not one for single word responses, but I think OP's faggotry merits a single quote.
/vg/ should stay separate at least. It's a necessary evil needed to reduce discordfags, namefags, etc.
keep crying for smash, subhuman.
Bandana Waddle Dee: C'mon Banjo!, I know you can do it!
Marx: Bandee is right!, You can do this Banjo!, give Steve the boot!
Adeleine: Plz be careful Mr.Banjo, we know Sylux be-trayed us, but does not mean you should give up!
2B: Don't give in Banjo & Kazooie!
Rash: We may not get along very often, but as much as I hate to say it, YOU CAN DO THIS BANJO & KAZOOIE!
Master Chief: Since that Steve person is killing innocent lives, don't lose to this Banjo & you too as-well Kazooie.
Makoto Naegi: Don't loose hope!, defeating Steve is the key to victory!
Bomberman: You've got this Banjo & Kazooie!, Make this battle a total bomb!, hehe.
Doomguy: Since Steve is the reason why my Bunny Daisy was killed, it's time for you guys to destroy this beast.
Crash: Woah, now that this worst nightmare has arrived, hurry & defeat it so the two can get in Smash!
Spyro: Make sure you roast that ugly fiend, just like Nasty G'nork!
Hornet: I know I've just got here, but don't give up! Both of you! Good Luck!
Conker: Yo, Banjo & Kazooie, we've been a crazy adventure, you're like if I had a brother & sister, now don't loose to this & do it for the Rare Squad!
Issac: I've been friend's with you for awhile now, now it's time to defeat this monster! Don't give up!
Mach Rider: Even tho we've just met, good luck for the two of you!
Chorus Man: sings I need a hero (Shrek 2 ver.)
Shadow: You're a good friend guys, but now's not the time to give up.
Geno: Banjo. Kazooie. You've been my best friend for years, never give up!, Do it for us!, DO IT FOR THOSE THAT SUPPORTED YOU FOR DECADES!!
Banjo's Alliance starts giving him energy
*Then out of nowhere, Erdrick & all Dragon Quest characters starts giving him energy
Then Sora comes in
Sora: don't forget me..
Sora: We'll do this together!
Erdrick: That's right!
Why did /vr/ even split off in the first place?
I want you to say that sentence out loud without sounding like a retard.
Come on, try it.
>hide/filter smash threads
>call people retards if they start babbling about smash in an unrelated thread
>new game, people talk about it
>People spam 'HES IN' posts from the minute the game is revealed till the last update.
Whats even the point of hyping these characters if they hardly play much after? i wonder how many of the people who posted constant ridley and k rool threads still play them today, or even the game at all? probably hardly any of them. this whole smash hype thing is ridiculous.
No idea. The place is dead as hell and would be better as a general on /vg/.Even I as a retro gamer keep forgetting about its existence.
Boo fucking hoo.
Beyond based.
>hide/filter smash threads
You know it doesn't work that way. Don't pretend to be a retard.
Besides, that still doesn't justify the autismo
it doesn't but if smash threads make you mad enough to screech about it in a separate thread it's your only option
Why the fuck do you faggots hate fun so much? Is it because you were force feeded by sony that videogames are about story and minorities and not about fun?
Go back to fucking resetera or r/sony/ if you want a sony safe space that hard
>being so new you didn't witness prior Japan Time bullshit
top lel
>A video game collab about video game characters regardless of companies is getting threads
You do realize if Banjo gets in,that means Microsoft is part of smash making it even more dumb to complain about smash threads
It’s basically the fucking Grammies at Yea Forums at this point.
does banjo need dozens of threads at a time? why do you faggots always justify your spamming like this
nah, it's video games
if you don't like it, fuck off. there's a lot of video games I don't like that come across this board but they're still video games and belong here
as much as your post is bait, people isn't even complaining about the game, it's literally the retarded fanbase here
>Is it because you were force feeded by sony that videogames are about story and minorities and not about fun?
This right here makes you a damn hypocrite. If I complained about unskippable cutscenes in a Pokemon game, or billions of hours of dialogue in xenoblade or Fire Emblem or Ace Attorney, you'd explode in autistic rage as if I had just punched you in the nose. It's so enraging that you don't get the irony of this, frankly, very retarded statement that you just made.
Yea Forums is at its best when there's no moderation and it's night time 90% off topic shitposting, prove me wrong
It's just shitposters coming with literally any baity argument.
you didnt circle my Onett stage thread faggot
This doesn't even count the ones that mods delete. We need a fucking vote on this as soon as possible.
If you don't like it then tough. Sorry it annoys you user but there are tons of OTHER threads literally in between the smash ones. You can maybe visit those if they strike your fancy. Otherwise cry more you fucking baby.
This is the absolute correct opinion but faggot owners, admins and mods will pick and choose what video games do and dont belong on a fucking video game board
All of the threads on vp and vr are better than half of the threads on Yea Forums at all times
>if you dont like our constant spamming, then tough
fucking smashposters are the worst. go to /vg/ you fucking insufferable spammers
>Yea Forums is at its best when there's no moderation and it's night time 90% off topic discussion, prove me wrong
ftfy, the shitposting is Yea Forums at its worst while the rare discussion is Yea Forums at its best.
>there are other threads you can visit
>try to make a Bloodborne thread
>get called a snoy who likes cinematic movie shit
>shitposting until 404
It's called Yea Forums
my fucking indie game thread just got deleted when I was two paragraphs into a reply why are all these shitty smash threads still up
yes i do remember when reggie said that pokemon wasnt supposed to be fun and was supposed to be art, pretty deep indeed
let's see your post history, motherfucker, I bet half the shit you see is le epic have sex, cope, etc
>"he's in/she's in"
>throwing this much of a hissy fit over two words
you need to be gassed
It's really fucking bizarre. People think and talk more about a character that may or not be added to the game than the actual game itself. Beyond pathetic.
Why didn't the creation of /vg/ make Yea Forums better?
its ridiculous how they can post so many banjo and steve threads with no action taken. no other series gets this luxury. at this point you are barely even talking about games anymore, just characters.
So why can't I ask, let alone demand, that all cutscenes in Pokemon be removed, so I can get to this fun faster? Same thing with Xenoblade or Ace Attorney. Why can't I demand that all the cinematic garbage be ripped out? If you like any of that trash, you hate fun and shouldn't be allowed a voice.
Because retro threads are too slow for Yea Forums's speed.
your gay thread didnt get deleted it got pushed out of existence because nobody else wants to discuss it with you
I bet it was a shitty indie game, too
thats always been what smash was. the gameplay is nothing special, its always been about the characters
Insufferable? To what end? You are one stupid autist if you let something you take no part in annoy you.
Because literally any time someone made a Doom or Build thread, a billion shitposters would come in for (you)s and derail the threads.
But God forbid you post a wojak or say the n word in the OP, you'll get removed faster than you can blink. Trannies and neofags have taken over.
ironically enough it made it worse because the majority of people that DISCUSSED video games went there to discuss video games
to be honest I agree.
I am so fucking tired of going on Yea Forums and seeing multiple Banjo threads at all times. How fucking boring are their lives that they need to be talking about this fucking character so much???
It got deleted on like page 5
Good riddance.
>he thinks they discuss video games on /vg/
Even pokemon that had some announcement some days ago flooded this place but it chilled down already
If you only knew how bad things really are.
you missed one in the first row lmao
this board is borderline uninhabitable
you faggots flood the board with your retarded character spam. fuck off. nobody gives a fuck about your 1000000 thread about banjo or geno making you wet your pants if they were in the game
not him but
The constant posting of that fugly mindcraft model and banjo pics on page 0 is annoying since these threads have nothing of substance and even shitty twitter screencaps have more to say about games than these threads.
>To what end
The fact you autists have been arguing between a bear and collection of squares for months on end with no oc. You're basically KS general-level cancer now and you don't belong on Yea Forums.
I bet you'd be seething just as much if there were to be around 7 threads on Dreams or Read Dead Redemption. This is coming from someone who used to love Smash discussion, now it's just SOOOO repetitive and boring, it's all just the same 3 characters (Bear, DQ guy, and Minecraft man)
What happened on Mar 18 and pol?
wtf i love mods now
Kill yourself OP
Man girls do some weird sh-
Don't you know? They're based neetchads who do what they want to do at any point of the day: talk about 20 year old video game characters
the gameplay is why people play smash in the first place you goober. Why do you think sony copied it? not everyone is a roster obsessed clown like you see on Yea Forums
If 7 threads pisses you off, then I suggest evacuating at June 12
Oh yeah because images of banjo are so much better. Fucking retard
>v and pol have negative and positive correlation
Unironically, why dont you guys just to go reddit? If you can't partake in dumb shit like smash season threads then this website simply isnt for you
Times like this are what call for evolution.
You could eliminate every single one of these Smash threads and their future by developing an AI that seeks and derails their discussion. The fact that you sit idly and complain shows that you're too weak to shape this board.
And there's still people denying that Smash is the most autistic fanbase
March 15th, Christchurch shooting
i thought smashposting would cool down when the game was released. thats what everyone told us. but no, you faggots have to keep talking about the game because of possible DLC. i have to look at 40 pictures of steve and banjo every time i go on this board even if the game has been out for months
We know it's going to happen already. which is why OP has a valid point.
>the gameplay is why people play smash in the first place you goober.
>try and talk about the gameplay
>get called a faggot as fetish porn continues being spammed
If there's one thing I can't tolerate, it's a liar. For shame, user.
it has one but the mods spend all their time telling niche threads to go there instead because they're too fucking stupid to remember why the board was made
It's a popular video game about popular video game mascots fighting eachother. Its almost at the point that you can pretty much call it videogames the videogame. How bitchy can you get. This thread gives me massive retardera vibes.
>muh thing I dont like needs to be banned
Get over it.
>smash season
FUCK YOU. We have had smash SPAM for what feels like two fucking years. FUCK OFF TO /VG/
Why don't smashfags just go to reddit? this site is for shit that you aren't allowed to discuss on reddit
>no oc
Absolute retard.
Someone wasn't here to see the 90+ threads and 3 pinned threads all up at once
>the gameplay is why people play smash in the first place you goober.
then why are all the threads about CHARACTERS you fucking faggot
Autistic but entirely Based.
Go to Reddit he says. Who in their right mind would join the uncool site that Yea Forums harps on all the time?
8/pol/'s shooter happened.
/pol/ has been decreasing slowly while Yea Forums has been growing. Both boards have been competing for the first place for a long time.
This mentally ill shitflinging goes on 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It's just kids selecting their funniest reaction images at random and putting some shit in caps.
People will eventually stop talking about it, user.
Everyone who was retarded enough to think anyone needs a containment board is why we have shit like /vp/ or /vr/ laying around that fucking nobody uses.
At least It feels good to be in a place where sonic in't called out for being the worst fandom
Yeah. They are.
>comparing fucking cancer to an actual video game character
>2 years
we've had this since fucking 7 years
It's not only smash and nintendoautists.
This turd of a board is worse than places like Reddit. I'm not saying that to do some "epic trolling lmao have sex", this is simply the truth, most posters now are underaged cretinous phoneposters and every discussions are bland and artificial. People are craving for low effort (you) and that's it. There's absolutely no interest in coming to Yea Forums rather than browsing /vr/ and /vg/. This is a containment board for grade A retards.
Because the conversations in smash threads are entirely appropriate for what you would see on reddit
Smash season has been a thing ever since Japan Time.
>/vp/ can force change to happen but Yea Forums can't.
if that's the case then fuck off to /vg/. it exists for a reason.
Every new patch there are tons of threads dedicated to discussing gameplay changes made to fighters user. also you shouldn't expect real discussion to come from rosterfag threads in the first place.
I didn't know smash season was year round now!
>People will eventually stop talking about it
thats what they told us 6 months ago
Reddit is for lamers. I'm xad just for being here.
Cope, seethe, have sex loser.
No they won't because they're posting 20 threads a day about a DLC CHARACTER SLOT. This shit is absolutely retarded and reddit-tier garbage.
>tons of threads dedicated to discussing gameplay
Didn't I just tell you to stop lying to me? Did you not get the hint the first time around?
How many of the people who spammed K Rool threads 24/7 still regularly play as the character today? The answer is probably close to zero. We know the same will happen with Banjo or any other character. So why do we allow these morons to flood the board with their garbage threads about these characters
to this day, you still can't make a GW2 general on /vg/ because the derail bot is still active. Meanwhile, we dont have one that derails wojaks and pepes
arrest yourselves
and nice inspect element
We should just change /vp/ to /vc/ (Videogames Containment) and send any autistic fanbase that cannot stop spamming their garbage threads there.
Maybe people would use /vg/ if it wasn't an autistic tripfag circlejerk.
Why are you so mad? Just get into it. Stop being square.
Reminder that the world's longest written work is a Subspace Emissary fanfic with over 4 million words. In comparison "Les Hommes de bonne volonté", the longest written work listed on Wikipedia, "only" has 2 million words.
buzzwords,buzzwords and more buzzwords.
It's actually because the ESL population on this site has skyrocketed. As a result only the very surface level stuff can be discussed, since any deeper is not reachable to people who don't truly understand English. It's like a bunch of weebs invading 2chan (which is why they specifically prevent non-japanese IPs from posting there).
>smashfags acting like 99% of their threads arent pure rosterfaggotry
we all know that gameplay is secondary for you. you care about the characters and your attachment to them.
I’m willing to bet money that at least half of all rosterfags don’t even play Smash anymore or ever did
I will never stop posting this.
/vg/ serves another purpose. It is not for thread spamming, but for constant general threads of different game series taking space from Yea Forums's news stuff.
Meanwhile, stuff like Pokemon and Smash is just a thread spamfest of the same shit in different places.
Have sex
>Just get into obsessing over one character slot for 9 months, this is video game culture now
>spamming porn = gameplay discussion
dumbest fucking argument of all time. if there was ONE smash thread no one would care. you fucking retards have to post MANY at all times
way to be a bigger whiny manbaby than smash players themselves op.
>24 hours a day
>7 days a week
>since Joker was announced
At this point, you just have autism man.
it's not even about rosters or discussion
LoL, SC, TF2, and all those other wannabe competitive games or games that got spammed many threads at a time on Yea Forums got sent to /vg/, but for some reason smash isn't forced to
They could spend that time getting better hygiene
this place is literally nonfunctional during any smash announcement, it's pathetic
They're not even playing the game, just shitposting about it. It's the only case where people are unleashing unfiltered autism all over a board about a game terrible and unbalanced while not even playing it.
fuck nintentards.
>reposting bear and steve reeee antics is oc
rage comics produced more oc than you have. Go to /vg/ faggot
Yea Forums IS the containment board
Why yes, kids love those and you getting mad gives them reason to still be here.
this is just one thread, he's got at least 30 threads to go before he's whining as much as the average smash retard
Nintendo posters are seriously the fucking worst. They barely talk about games. Notice how 95% of all waifu threads are Nintendo threads about Peach or Daisy or Zelda or Samus. Most BotW threads are started with a pic of Zelda's ass. Nintendo posters are just spamming perverts who flood the board with garbage. We need a Nintendo board.
There's no point bitching about this. Mods won't change shit, these threads won't slow down.
You know what's sad? That even at its peak Smash Bros spam did not become as big as GoT's at Yea Forums. Multiple times 99% of Yea Forums's catalog were just GoT threads, and the spam was so big that even the pedophiles who inhabited Yea Forums for years ended up going to other boards (hence why pedobot's threads have appeared here lately). Shit was hell in earth.
It's truly a mental illness, but even worse it's an illness propped up by the mods