Mahjong is like you are trying to build the Babel Tower, but God really really hates you...

Mahjong is like you are trying to build the Babel Tower, but God really really hates you, then some mouthbreather shits on the floor and call it Mt. Fecal, then God is pleased.

Attached: nekofuriten.gif (450x350, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dead thread.

Dead game.

Mahjong? That doesn't sound like Smash. Get off the Smash board!

Well, these threads were nice while they lasted. Guess it's time to go back to /jp/.

GG. Just glad to escape by the skin of my teeth from death and land in second

Why have nyaggers in my games been winning to much lately? Getting shit tons of tsumos and rons on 1 tile waits.

Attached: MahjongonV.png (967x264, 63K)

Why is Melee Room dead, guys? Aren't the new yakus interesting?

Gimmick modes are for playing with friends
They should have allowed friendly rooms to use melee

No good rewards for playing it, I guess.

Here I go.

Attached: Untitled.png (286x99, 28K)

I believe

Attached: aiharamai-11.png (240x240, 110K)

850/1000 incoming

Enjoy getting sent to the shadow realm.

This East 1 is never fucking ending.

>SPD 10
Fucking kill me

Oh wait I turned back and he got a fucking yakuman it's over. I'll take it.

Attached: Untitled.png (1025x649, 573K)

Its a casual mode that won't progress your rank or gift box but its also a queue mode and not a custom room mode for playing with friends.

Never gonna make it

Do I play East-only bronze room for the hell of it?

Attached: Untitled.png (293x114, 30K)

Do what you gotta do to get out of adept while you can

>get my first chest open (after getting shot from 1st to 4th in one round)
>two green gifts
>go to donate them
>only 1 dust per gift
There goes a lot of motivation to get anything.

You've got the wrong God then

Attached: fe4fff3e59b15af150d8525a441e2428ac0ab923_719734_1953_1400.png (1953x1400, 703K)

What's so great about that hand?

Rinshan kaihou, the coolest yaku there is.

Saki's whole thing, at least early on, is that she "breaks even" in terms of points ( The sequence is the end result of Saki dropping a 6 and a 7 pin to get a 2 sou wait and score precisely that amount, which is what Nodoka and Yuki are freaking out about.

fucking kill me already

Attached: loser.png (1377x747, 1.09M)

>Guy across from me gets double ronned and loses 24,000 points in East 1.
That's enough East only bronze for me.

Basically making winning hands is normal, Saki on the other hand is able to maneuver her hand to get the exact score she needs to end the match at +/- 0. Basically she had to gut her hand after someone called riichi and fished out the right tiles to change her hand composition to maintain +/- 0. Normal people don't gut their nice hand to downgrade it into a lower point hand that still wins.

You can lose star but cant lose rank so dont worry user!

Attached: aiharamai-0.png (240x240, 85K)

So cain and abel basically

lrn 2 betaori.

This is where your legend begins, user.
Look around you and grab some sand.

Attached: akagi strength.jpg (728x1039, 136K)

Looks like the kind of thing where you deal in once because of riichi the proceed to get chipped down by tsumos

Not from 300 down to 22 it ain't.

>Riichi turn 4, need 2 or 5 sou, 0/8 played.
>Nobody deals in
>Haitei it
>Shadow realm Chiori, steal first.
Now this is Mahjong.

Attached: Haitei.jpg (2292x2576, 1.02M)

Go home whaler-kun

>Normal people don't gut their nice hand to downgrade it into a lower point hand that still wins.
So what you're say is that she's a psychopathic maniac?

How are my stats for Silver?

Attached: 1551463401324.png (430x180, 49K)

How do I become so good at mahjong that people watching me don't know what I'm doing?

Attached: 1446943196136.jpg (428x327, 110K)

Saki is definitely some kind of crazy, yes.

>last 10 games are just lucky niggers doing 1000 hands but with 14 doras/uradora

Attached: 1552254238717.gif (720x404, 2.99M)

Based lukbro.

Never play outside of important games to preserve your beginner's luck and just rely on instinct.

The reason why they go for 1han hand is because they have doras user.

I don't really understand how having Dora/Ura-doras is consider lucky since I see them a lot. Unless I am missing something else about what LUK means.

Well she developed that passive aggressive style from playing her family with real bets as a little kid. If she won the mood sours up if she lost she lost money so she got the logic that breaking even is best.

Attached: 1459119764506.jpg (343x452, 28K)

Useless Kuro

I hate this game so fucking much
The squealy anime girls and emotes and slow animations for everything tilt me so fucking hard and I can't handle losing

I keep trying to switch off of Tenhou to this since it's what everyone's playing but I just can't stick with it

Attached: 1551691849097.jpg (601x601, 76K)

>Each mahjong thread gets posted until limit
>Game has been played for hundreds of years

Yeah, nah, bro; back to your tranny streamer worship threads.

Some people join melee rooms.
Fucking quests

nigga just reroll the quests
if you can't, you can live without doing your dailies for one day

You can turn the voices off.

Attached: Sieppaa.jpg (598x403, 32K)

Normally I do, but it's like 10 times the reward for this event period

She'll get a kazoe yakuman to compensate.

When to betaori?

>Not enjoying the cute voices
Homosexuality is accepted in this day and age user, just come out and say it.

Whenever someone pon's, chi's or kan's.
Whenever someone Riichi's

I think the nyagger genuinely made my ears bleed.

when you feel the flow leaving

>Uumensai, aka having a meld of each type of tile is worth 2 han

I have been winning melee rooms with this.
I wish global rooms had it, even for just 1 han

When shit's like pushing a brick through your ass and you can't even get to shanten.

Only the ones that say "play in the melee room" actually require you to play in the melee room. This wasn't obvious to me at first.

Literally always. Guaranteed 2nd place.

Yes, that is why when I got the 'Play 3 matches in MELEE room', I came here begging

Was that after the reroll?

Yes, it rolled the exact same one.

>2 other players ron a nigga into the shadow realm

The nyagger is super cute when she reads the Yaku names

>Dora neko~

Weird I have two accounts with the same melee quest but after reroll they changed to 'dont deal in in 8 rounds' quest one.


Yeah, these are the ones I got two days in a row. Anyway, I finished one match, I will get two more in the next 12 hours, I guess

That is very true, which is why I choose to suffer the damage caused by her screaming CHII PON KAN into my ears.

Her 'receiving gift' voice is the best imo. And I just hate Yui character. Played against 3 of them last night. Imagine the """"fun""""


>Ah... Pon


>Feel a disturbing preminition around a tile
>Give up your yaku to play safe
>Guy across from you discards the same tile
I feel more skill playing defensively than offensively, but knowing when to pump the brakes is exceedingly hard

Attached: 1454908689982.jpg (575x372, 95K)

This is true. When I am trying to figure out what tiles are good to discard after the safe tiles are gone, I feel like a person walking through a minefield, and when you survive it brings great satisfaction. Better yet if some other poor sod gets fucked by a big hand. When I wait for riles to ron etc. I feel like its pure luck, sure if there are more of a certain tile in the ponds then the chance is lower, but it doesn't feel very engaging. Going for the win while reworking your hand to discard safe or hopefully safe tiles is also awesome. I do kinda suck though, and I should improve to the point where I don't feel the need to open my hand to win as much. Tsumo wins after all are most fun to do, to me. However I hate when others tsumo. I dunno.

>want to discard a certain tile to get into tenpai
>draw a useless tile
>draw another useless tile
>keep drawing useless tiles
>the tile I want to discard gets tossed out by another player

Attached: 1556492684255.jpg (1000x746, 62K)

alright, since melee sucks ass, what mode would you guys like?

Just add more yaku and make more of an incentive to join melee matches, like getting 100 copper per match or something. Even if it's something small like that, no-lifers will grind the shit out of that if they're scared of losing rank points. Something I'd also like would be to add the local yaku (and more of them) as options for friendly lobbies.

I don't really need something else, but perhaps something entirely different like: everyone starts with 1 tile instead of 13 and every time you draw you draw 2 and put away one in your pond until you reach 13 tiles and the drawing turns normal, until a person has 13 tiles he can't kan, chi, pon as well. I just wanna see how a game like that would play. Might be dumb, though.

just let us add the local yaku to custom Yea Forums matches

Hell, also add Washizu mahjong

Dark Mahjong.

Attached: 7.jpg (839x1200, 424K)

Would it be bad if they add open riichi option in this game?

North, 1 Sou, Green Dragon, Green Dragon, East Wind, Red Dragon, with two melds and one pair

Not at all. I want more options to allow me to dig my own grave by being a a cocky fuck.

>Be dealer first round
>Guy riichi's
>Tsumo's a sanbaiman
>I pay out the lion's share
>Instant last place
>Can't build a hand to save my life

My deal in rate isn't too terrible, but between unlucky tsumo's and stupid cats on random ass waits after they pon a set of 9's I do a damn fine job of consistently placing 3rd.

>play 8 games without dealing in
just play a bunch of one-game matches with easy AI and turn on tsumogiri!

I want to be able to call noten riicih too.

>Be dealer first round
If I don't use that turn to nearly shadowrealm someone, that's when I know to just give up winning and just avoid dealing into anyone's hand.

Since the game calculates scores for you, I don't think I ever think about fu. I just think about han. If fu happens to make my four han a mangan then that's just a bonus but I don't actively try to have a hand with high fu.

Is that normal? I think most players aim for pinfu, so I don't think they think about fu very much. Or is this what separates the pros from the scrubs? Should we be going for open tanyao hands with lots of fu?

>new akagi manga started
>new rule called 'Yami', you can wager points up to 4,000 to conceal your next discard tile face-down, and other players can wager their own points to reveal it by outbidding the discarder - unless the discarder paid 4,000 in which case it is unrevealable, although it can still be ronned on if you're a galaxy brain and know what tile it is

Would this be a good mechanic?

Attached: asdf.png (547x530, 263K)

That's what separates the pros from the scrubs. You need good knowledge of scoring.

mode to choose one free girl of choice

Isn't estimating enough? Even if you want to ron the guy ahead of you, you can probably just think "I'll need at least 2 han to get ahead of him if I ron him" or something like "I need at least a mangan tsumo as dealer to get ahead here".

sure you can estimate a mangan tsumo to be enough, but the key is in accurately calculating how much your hand will actually be worth. Can you get to mangan from just yaku with this hand? If the answer is probably no, then you'll have to shoot for a hand that can manage 4 yaku and sufficient fu to make it a mangan, considering things like keeping closed or tanki waits, and keeping triplets or yakupai pairs.

I haven't played a ton of games, but I made my account in the beginning and have been getting lots of coppers from freebies and events and stuff. I'm Adept 2. Should I be spending this on gifts and stuff, or should I keep hoarding it for Gold and hopefully Jade one day?

Is this even a lot? It feels like it right now since it costs like, what, 700 copper to play one South silver game. But maybe for Jade players it's chump change.

Attached: coppers.jpg (342x62, 13K)

If you know it's not going to be part of your finished hand and no one is riichi, you should yeet dangerous tiles first. He most likely wasn't in tenpai when you got into 1-shanten.

I would like melee if it were a casual friendly mode instead of a queue to play with chinks.

Keep hoarding for Gold and Jade.
You need 500k coppers to buy enough gifts for one premium roll, not worth it.

No, that rate is insane.

I can understand for something like an honor or terminal, but when it happens, I usually just keep getting much safer tiles in my draw that I know I can discard instead of the riskier tile. I get what you're saying, but it's happened too many times for me to think it's anything less than the gods of mahjong themselves leading me away from the path to self-destruction.

That sounds fucking stupid.

Go to Yea Forums, it's barely Yea Forums.

Attached: 1559225309596.jpg (1500x1500, 1.45M)


okay, so how do I calculate fu?
I kinda need to know to play irl I suppose
Has anyone ever had success starting up a board game night for any non-standard board game in a hobby shop? I think it'd be fun to play with actual tiles

Should be a fixed amount, bidding adds too much actions imho. Sounds like a fun special rule.

where is the person who made this and will he add in the new girls?
and make the nigger 50% more transparent but put a few more sets of them throughout

I haven't the foggiest.

Hundred of years.

It's important to learn eventually but if you're only playing online then you can mostly get by okay until you're at a decent skill level with everything else.
>okay, so how do I calculate fu?
20 fu for a winning hand
+10 fu for closed ron
+2 fu for kanchan or tanki waits
+2 fu for yakuhai pairs (usually seat + round wind counts for 4 fu but this can vary)
+2 fu for a tanyao pon
Double it if it's a terminal or honor
Double it if it's a concealed ankou
Quadruple it if it's a kan
Chiitoitsu is always 25 fu
>Has anyone ever had success starting up a board game night for any non-standard board game in a hobby shop?
Are you talking about a generic non-standard board game night or a thing specifically for mahjong?

>cat food supplier tsumos 5 times
you will never convince me this isn't rigged

Oh, forgot to mention that after adding up all your fu you then round it up to the next highest multiple of ten.

It's not that he's winning because of paying more money. He's winning because he's going commando.

maybe these people have been waiting years for this american client and have been saving themselves to whale for their only favorite sport

Have you eaten your doras today?
Someone got sent to the shadow realm on east 2, to bad it was only melee

Attached: fuckingdoras.png (1443x708, 651K)

Could just be a wealthy lesbian


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa - 14 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.23.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

what a worthless gamemode to spend your magical sands on

1 more.

So I finished Saki, what's next on Saki? The Nationals?

achiga hen is an interlude that leads into the nationals

The world championship.

Why do manga always do this shit?
>Main Characters team all have reasons to not lose, not even once
>Even if they fall behind, you know they 100% will comeback and win because the story will literally end there if they lose even ONE SINGLE match
That destroy the fun of reading if you expected the outcome already

Side A then Nationals

what do the top pro players say about riichi?

One of you fucks get into South Melee

You want protags to lose then?

Sometimes the main characters lose those kinds of fights but something else happens to allow them to continue down an alternate path. Regardless, it's not about the destination but the journey.


So what I should watch first?
Also the manga it seems that has spin offs and what not, When I'm done with the anime where I should jump in the manga?

Also I saw Akagi time ago, but since now I know how to play mahjong I might rewatch it but I want to read the manga, where I should start reading from?

I might take a break from Saki and start Legendary Nigga Tetsuya tough.
so then Side A first?

I believe around chapter 106 continues after anime nationals.

>Are you talking about a generic non-standard board game night or a thing specifically for mahjong?
Mahjong though I figured whatever would work for an odd game no one's ever heard of might work for mahjong

can you explain fu with less weeaboo words

Let's say you draw a 5Sou there.
Can you still change your wait even if you're on Riichi?

I just got my first 80k point win. I had won with just 50 points at most before due to a counted Yakuman from last place.
That is a lot of copper and ranking points.

Fucking brutal killing there.
Lets go again

Attached: riichi.png (656x830, 550K)

You learn the jargon like any normal person getting into a sport/hobby.

In Akagi he's supposed to win against Washizu (because he's alive in Ten) and instead he loses

how can I learn the jargon if you won't explain it
2019 tournament

google search? wikis?

shit nigga just put it here so I can look at it in the morning

Well, plenty of people have started their own local mahjong groups.

You can never change your wait once you're in riichi, and 5s is tsumo anyway.

20 fu base for winning
+2 for winning by a self draw (tsumo)
+10 for winning by a discard (ron), but only if your hand is closed

+2 if your winning wait was either:
- a pair wait (you have four sets of three and a single tile you're waiting on a second one to make your hand's pair)
- a closed wait, like 3,5 waiting on 4
- an edge wait, like 9,8 waiting on 7

+2 if your pair is "yakuhai," which is the same thing as the yakuhai yaku and means either dragons or winds that are seat and/or round wind

Each triplet in your hand gives varying amounts of fu based on a few factors, but the easy way to calculate it is:
- 2 fu base
- multiply 2 if it's concealed (you didn't call pon for it or complete it with your winning ron tile)
- multiply by 2 if it's an honor or terminal (wind, dragon, 1, or 9)
- multiply by 4 if it's a kan (quad instead of a triplet)

Add it all up and round up to the nearest ten from there, so for instance if you have 32 fu it becomes 40.

Also, there are a few special cases that result in specific flat amounts:
- The 7 pairs yaku is a flat 25 fu (yeah it breaks the round to ten rule, riichi mahjong doesn't make sense)
- Pinfu is flat 20 fu, if you win by tsumo, 30 if you win by ron
- Open "pinfu" is a flat 30

Pinfu is a yaku, in short it's just a hand that isn't worth any fu beyond the "winning" section.
So that means all straights (no triplets because those are worth fu), no yakuhai pair because that adds fu, and it has to be a two-sided wait (like 3,4 waiting on either 2 or 5) because that's the only wait that isn't worth fu.

It's all really daunting when you lay it all out like this but the fact that it rounds up to ten makes it pretty predictable and it all comes to you with time. Unless you're playing irl you don't really need to know the extreme details, really just what cases will get you up to 40 really.

Here's a wiki if anything doesn't make sense:

Attached: Screenshot_161.png (1667x933, 1.72M)

>Add it all up and round up to the nearest ten from there, so for instance if you have 32 fu it becomes 40.
wouldn't that be next ten? the nearest ten for 32 would be 30

chill mahjong for sleepy boys

Attached: Sc12.jpg (445x385, 44K)

Is it over already?

They will rebroadcast all 4 hanchans of this group. After that, live broadcast the first 2 hanchans of group C.

>have one hong zhong
>throw it away
>next pickup is another hong zhong
>throw it away
>next pickup is yet another hong zhong
>What the fuck is this? throw it away
>Throw is way
>next player Zee Mohs

You ever have one of those fucking nights? Because fuck you mahjong what did I ever do to you?

melee is bugged, played 4 games. only 2 counted for the quest and are listed in the log

You let the tiles play you. You deserve to lose.

Thanks for the games gals.

What's up with the games bugging at the end and not listing in the log? Anyway, ggs

I hate this fucking game.

round UP to the nearest ten

>he didn't feel the flow of hong zong


Attached: 1554225098032.jpg (360x360, 21K)

What the fuck is a hong zhong?

>chinged when I should have chonged
how do I get over this feel bros

Cat and Hag were made for each other.

Attached: 1559576800481.png (240x240, 93K)

You never really do.

MahJong Souls?
They should have been discussing a pokemon creature instead!

Attached: now where could my pipe be.jpg (246x205, 6K)
Join me for 1 game.

I love you user lmao

Attached: 1558038950498.jpg (400x400, 14K)

Nice copy/paste fail there, buddy

>he missed it

I fucking hate chinks
when are we nuking china

Thanks for reminding me I downloaded that doujin from last thread but haven't jacked off to it yet.

>muscle girl but not femdom

>another day of sitting at gold rank gaining no points

Attached: 1548160359357.jpg (300x378, 25K)

Witnessed someone get sent to hell in East 1 of South with kokushi musou. At least it wasn't me this time, phew. They even riichi'd too.

Attached: suzuka at computer.jpg (696x604, 79K)

You ok there?

I'm fine.

Attached: 1555528951457.png (128x128, 23K)

>be happy that you win a good game with playing well
>turns out it mainly from your opponent which go full retard and help you with two deciding moments
Sometimes I have feeling most of my wins are because of my opponents being retards without luck rather than my good play and I hate it.

I've played around 8 games in there and only seen one of the new yakus once

>tower of babel

Attached: file.png (714x714, 429K)

I made a umensai by accident

The R in RNG stands for Ron

>tenpai for nine gates yesterday
>btfo chinks with this today
Should I buy a lottery ticket?

Attached: jesus.png (1317x737, 707K)

Who need a stable performance anyway?
Let's have the trends go all over the place!!

Attached: chart.png (787x464, 163K)

Just add to it the ability to bet your items, stardust or avatars and there will be a ton of participants.

Majsoul Friends Room 78163(4-Player South):
5 sec room south standard.

Attached: mikamichiori-10yuibully.png (240x240, 84K)

3/4 come hunt your local whale today.

Attached: chrome_2019-06-08_23-44-47.png (1294x180, 355K)

I've seen a lot of uumensai. That yaku seems to be really good, almost too good.

>let's talk about this anime gacha game :)

except that the actual mahjong is mostly played by adults and old peoples.
And it even have bad image due to the gambling element that comes with it.

>tfw don't play enough to get rid of all these coppers

Attached: V0T4FJN[1].png (245x71, 40K)

Fucking dead wall bullshit

Attached: you cannot be fucking serious.png (1733x978, 1.57M)

>4 tiny dick rons
>don't get hit a single time
>don't get to tenpai once
>just stay 25k
>second place
I guess I'll take it?

Attached: fVtzlvk[1].png (1075x695, 760K)

unironically should not be on this board because mahjong is not a video game

what next? chess because of muh 3d dress? nagnus carlsen play league of legends you scrub

Attached: 1452593528686.jpg (217x211, 23K)

I made it. Time to become a mahjong pro.

Attached: 265.png (551x680, 43K)

>only 5
I remember a tournament hand when I stucked in iishanten because dead wall eat like 7 or 8 stones which could give me tenpai. I believe it was won by someone else on kanchan or tanki.

But a smash thread died for this.

Is this game like hearts?

It feels like this sort of things been happening to me a lot recently.
Must be because I haven't put any money into the game

No, it just sometimes happens. Going for toi toi is also good way to improve your chances by getting fucked by rng.

I enjoy toi toi too much to give up on it.

Okay fags, is the host of the first tournament somewhere in here? Now that most of us are somewhat familiar with the game and tourney function is working in game, we could organize another one.

Also I'd like to have some sort of motivation to grind to master.

Attached: 1554911536809.png (491x585, 56K)

>Also I'd like to have some sort of motivation to grind to master.
what does that have to do with Yea Forums tournament?

The tournament is what finally made me motivated to get out of bronze, so it does help.

>every hand is just some tiny dick hand where the only yaku is either tanyao or riichi
>relies on doras & reds to get more than 1000 points per round
why isn't there a 2 yaku requirement ranked room fuck my life

>relies on doras & reds
But that's like every hand in mahjong ever. Big dick hands are meme most of the times.

Majsoul Friends Room 48756(3-Player South):

anyone up for some 3-player fun?

Attached: fujitakana-6.png (240x240, 82K)

You already spent your luck on winning hands in a FTP game, if I were you i'd not leave the house and invest in a couple of rabbit feet

maybe to bump it up from a good hand to a great hand, since going for yakuman hands is a meme
but simply using them to get 2-3 han hands with your tanyao or riichi just sucks dick

e-benis obviously

What's going on the the 9p's?

Closed kan

how close were you when you called the kan?
seems like a pretty risky call if you weren't close



Attached: aiharamai-11angry.png (240x240, 114K)


Attached: THEY HATE IT.gif (800x450, 592K)

welp, lobby bugged out after the first game.
gg though

Attached: bugged.png (1288x748, 1.1M)

with 3 sets already or 2 sets 2/3 pairs?

yeah logs are broken, event quests are broken a bunch of things are broken post game.

What effect does that have?

A kan in hand seems to find the gambler in all of us and bring out the innate greed of our human souls. There may actually be a part of Chinese hell filled with dora-hungry ghosts – tortured souls who, no matter how much they kan and riichi, they never seem to hit that dora or uradora. “Where’s my undeserved sanbaiman?” they scream in horror for eternity as they claim just 2,600 with tears in their eyes.

I only kan in tenpai
never open, always closed

3 pairs, seemed worth it for the extra draw and possible dora in case my suuankou falls through.

If you have a triplet and draw the 4th tile you can call a closed kan which lets your hand stay closed and still flip dora indicators.

Based Fitz

Feels good to finish the game in east1.

Attached: 77600.jpg (1434x869, 177K)

Fitz was never funny

Don’t you have 1 more tile than normal in that hand though?

Yeah but it was a live tile I could use for a better pair than my 4p

buy gifts for summoning scrolls then

Majsoul Friends Room 52725(4-Player South):

>1 blue gift

Attached: xenia-10.png (240x240, 97K)

>on a losing streak against dumb cats
>suddenly intense match after intense match >people are making comebacks from 300 pts
>games go into West 3
>most of the time they come down to the wire

This game can't be good for me it's way too stressful.

Attached: B38B3479-C5E4-4E8C-8ADA-BE9F99214915.jpg (731x1024, 173K)

>event! play 3 matches in melee room
>click change
>event! play 3 matches in melee room

Attached: 1396478213507.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>introduce melee room
>barely anyone's playing even with the quests
>melee games are bugged and don't count for the quest or get recorded in the log
They fucked up.

Fucking outskilled.
I feel so sorry for hag.

Attached: chrome_wHqFs163nx.png (1599x1800, 3.12M)

even the legendary kan-riichi wasn't enough to save me from 3rd

Just had a West 3 game today as well. None of us able to reach more than 7700 pts win even with closed hand.

Extremely rude kan

I hate how the logs are fucked, i wanted to see some of those waits i had, anways gg

nice kan paypig

Should i waste my gold here or focus on ranked? c1 atm

Attached: sega mega drive.png (888x655, 1.1M)

It's not like 8s was safe.
But I won't argue that I should just discard that 4m, because 5p was extremely dangerous against kamicha. Weak defence against other players when someone else dropping riichi or/and multiple riichi is something what was hurting me the most in latest time.

I play Mahjong in real life with friends and the very best thing is someone building some haneman or something and then getting in a cheap pinfu. The sheer anger on their face because they were just 1 tile away from making it big.

Attached: nikaidoumiki-5.png (240x240, 77K)

why bother with open hand when you can't even deal 8 sou? why would you make a kan and help other players to overtake you? why would you risk dealing into mangan with a tile near dora?

Attached: kujouriu-5.png (240x240, 84K)

id download an ad-blocker

Wish there was emote that says paypigs are trash really. Cant stand the smug ones.

Money well spent if it tilt you this much

I just started playing mahjong because of these threads and I only know the stuff from the tutorial and “go easy on the calls” from a mahjong oldfag.
Where do I go from here lads, I love mahjong but I feel real intimidated by it

Attached: 0E373239-83AC-46A9-A80F-EA42069CAEBE.png (540x720, 546K)

Memorize the yakus and it’s just experience from there.

>breaking up your tenpai when 4m was double suji

The gods will punish you for your cowardice

You get roned and furiten

>pushed against oya riichi twice
>won both
Guess those whales rarely see South 1

Just fuck around and learn from your mistakes.

for a client based game?

Attached: kaavi-6.png (240x240, 94K)

I've been in tenpai since t10. Opening wasn't bad decision, kamicha still had ryanshanten at this point and he would deal into 36 ryanmen without thinking. I was thinking about stopping at t14, 7p discard, but his 9p dropped right after toimen 8p as well as full block on 6p would suggest that it's most likely the safest pinzu you could find right now, outside genbutsu 9p. If anything dropping pei next turn was way more dangerous and probably should go full betaori right here.
Ankan here would give me an extra draw, potentially kill ippatsu (sure, it's not worth the trade for extra doras) and maybe pissing him off if his wait was 67s.
Still, lack of concentration against kamicha would cost me a lot here and it would be well deserved if it end up like this. Fortunately things turn out well and I got huge warning for the future.

>Where do I go from here lads
You should read these riichi books. Find me when you finish them, i'll tell you about a couple of mahjong blogs.

Attached: riichi books.jpg (1124x795, 154K)

>cut unpaired guest winds
>cut floating terminals
>cut unpaired fanpai
>cut floating non-terminals
>cut the least useful pair if you have three or more head candidates
>cut floating non-terminals
>cut penchan protoruns or upgrade them to kanchan
>cut kanchan protoruns or uprgrade them to ryanmen
>cut ryanmen protoruns if you somehow have excess

Congratulations, you're in tenpai for pinfu.

/jp/ vs Yea Forums when?

just play by feelnya

will she be back for the final season? I don't believe that dumb chuuni when she says she can kill souls

always go for 7 pairs until you reach gold, then you should always go for close hands until you reach saint, then you can play open as well. It's the only good way to learn mahjong.

>7 pairs
never ever

Attached: F9F86A43-2831-4DE9-9740-52BD25A34957.png (240x240, 82K)

First you should get a high quality horse hoof to boost your luck. Ideally it should be golden. Then you need to play against a computer until you lose 20 games in a row to stabilize your luck. After that you should go to Yea Forums friendlies and get at least 3 different yakumans. Now you can play serious games. Good luck user.

Attached: Fig1.jpg (450x406, 94K)

put me in the screencap

Do beehive hairdo's improve your Mahjong powers?


It it also said that virgins have a much stronger flow so you shouldn't lose your trump card. I believe it shouldn't be a problem.

uck is a skill you practice. Yes, you heard me, luck is a skill that can be gained through practice – or so says anime. If you watch any mahjong anime, you’ll quickly learn that luck is a stream which flows from player to player and if read correctly, can be used to gain the upper hand.
The game is much more than just lucking out and drawing the right tiles. Bluffing is a major component, and especially in Riichi mahjong where you can bet extra points which indicates that your hand is near completion. Because it is possible to win off of other players’ discards, it’s important to have an idea for what the other players are trying to accomplish in the game. Not only that, but if a player wins off of another player’s discard, they are responsible for paying them the points for that hand. Pretty dangerous if their hand is a yakuman. This vigilance goes hand in hand with card counting (or tile counting) as it is the best way to stay out of trouble. It is also a strong factor in this game as there are a limited number of each tile and the discard pile is visible to everyone.
There is a lot more so say about the game and the specific rules but in the end you should practice and to get into beginners guides.

You can’t even get your copy paste right

>hey user, what have you been up to lately
>oh, you know, working, playing vidya, same old
>what have you been playing lately?
>oh, uh, I've mostly been playing Mahjong recently
>lol, are you going to pick up minesweeper after this?

minesweeper soul

Attached: D334ABAB-8D77-463F-BDE0-E0618A00A814.jpg (680x382, 13K)

>I started playing mahjong recently.
>You mean that solitaire game?

Majsoul Friends Room 70842(4-Player South):

Attached: nikaidoumiki-11b.png (240x240, 81K)

Majsoul Friends Room 97423(4-Player East):

>have a single wait on a dora
>tsumo it at the very end
>the guy to the right had a dual pon wait on it, so switching to a wind wait would doom me

Attached: 1538339112216.jpg (228x227, 20K)

>Be a few hundred points behind first
>All last
>They've pon'd a few times
>I've riichi'd
>Guy in first gets ron'd by some cat for 2k

Attached: 1537843085110.jpg (525x559, 24K)

Majsoul Friends Room 17010(4-Player South):

south standard

Attached: D8mW2laVsAUk7fD.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 247K)



giving me an error

Why the fuck do I get so much dora in my hands, fuck me.

Got shadow realm'd twice in a row. Guess I'm going back to adept 2.

>you need quick hand in orasu
>end up with 3-4 doras which slow you down
>you cannot discard them because you can help your opponents to catch you
Every single time.

>7 pairs
Too many regrets, I always end up drawing the tile I discarded 2 turns earlier

I am not a violent man, but holy shit does that make my blood boil.

guess Ill take my third place.

Attached: 1558863314711.jpg (335x406, 16K)

No daisangens today.

God, I hate this fucking game.

Attached: 1486307603154.png (768x768, 448K)

Is tabletop sim not a video game then?
What about Talisman: Digital edition?

I'm pretty sure if it's a game on your electronic medium of choice displayed by video, it is quite 'unironically' a video game.

>everyone in Yea Forums has gotten to high adept/master
>I'm still in novice

Attached: 1513364959689.jpg (447x589, 48K)

17 steps
Harada's tenpai guessing game
Dark mahjong
Powerup mahjong

The best satisfaction comes from raping your opponents until they cry. Of course preceded by a 10x losing streak.

Attached: Facebook-5d4316.png (500x300, 83K)

theirs actually quiet a few novices still, don't worry user.

Besides friendlies room ranks don't matter because we're all there for tanoshi!

I've played 2 games with Yea Forums
one had me & 3 novices, the second had me, 2 novices & another adept 1

You can get to first Dan in tanhou just by being a lucky fuck, expect people in adept/master as "people who understand how to suck just some times"

red dragon & 4 east winds

This is fucking agonizing.

Attached: Untitled.png (299x106, 29K)

That was going to be my first yakuman. And as if losing that wasn't enough, that last round got me good too. I was waiting on the 3p and just look at the wall. The only one in play was in the set I dealt into.

Attached: 1349041383762.png (233x258, 62K)

i was in adept 1 for a month at least. stop caring about rank

Attached: 1538431170941.gif (400x400, 1.74M)


Everyone's getting dealer hanemans god damn it.

I'm still a novice too. My excuse is I am still learning Mahjong and I only play one or two games a day.

>tfw you got strong hand as oya but it's slow as fuck and you won't win it
Is there more heartbreaking episode?

What is Melee? The popup doesn't look any different than other modes.

Yes, dealing into a double riichi ippatsu pinfu chinitsu dora-3 uradora-1.

>get ronned 5 discards in
>immediately get ronned next game 2 discards in

how do you stop yourself from uninstalling mahjong soul, user?

Attached: 1530652159664.png (134x134, 30K)

the queue is in the tournament tab, basically normal rules + extra meme yaku
as far as meme yaku goes, uumensai is the new open tanyao.

Standard south novice/adept level

game of averages etc etc

I went through a rough patch of about 20 games. I know I didn't play perfectly but there were so many bullshit tsumos, turn 3 Rons, and can you guess my one-chance pair waits. I hit the point where I just kept playing to see it happen again. And eventually it stopped

>muh jong
fuck off

holy... muh jongers btfo (blown the f*ck out)!

>read some testunaki no kirinji
>that chad smiling chad dad in the beginning
>think what the hell let's imitate
>only go open tanyao in east rooms for one game
>win all but one hand
>end up first

who else fell for the don't chi/pon meme? just enter east only rooms and call everything while throwing away everything not needed for tanyao. games end too soon for any possible wait on the terminals and honours anyway

Attached: chipon.png (806x844, 675K)

Majsoul Friends Room 52114(4-Player South):

south standard

Attached: D8i4ctFU8AAC6zx.jpg large.jpg (1365x2048, 267K)

Attached: nopechi.png (821x375, 249K)

Mahjong is like a japanese dude saw people playing Poker and tried to copy it but was getting beaten so he kept making up new rules on the fly

It's Nippon Calvinball

Attached: pic1815571.jpg (1024x791, 208K)


please come play mahjong

Attached: 1557579568336.gif (300x300, 622K)

Mahjong is too confusing


Attached: chrome_2019-06-09_06-06-59.png (552x416, 426K)

I have no idea if you're even still around at this point, but here's a beginner's pastebin to get you started, and this chart.

Attached: Yaku List Printer Friendly.png (2600x1750, 559K)

>Jenn Barr
Whatever happened to her? I remember her waaay back in the day having gone pro when Akagi got translated over here, but then like nothing after.

Attached: giphy.gif (400x300, 123K)

Name of game?

>one guy disconnects
>me and the person opposite me ron on the same draw three turns in a row and bully the other guy to ragequit
Did I just make a new best friend?

Is there a better feeling than this?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-09 MahjongSoul.png (1335x751, 1.03M)

Just breathe and tell yourself it will all be okay.

Attached: Adorable.jpg (1280x1444, 436K)

>nagnus carlsen

Mahjong Triple Wars Gaiden.

Attached: Mahjong Triple Wars Gaiden 37.png (640x388, 30K)

Ending a south game on the first round as dealer.

Attached: mahjong.jpg (1825x843, 355K)

More purple gift events when? I need to hit lvl 5 with my free 2 play hag

I want to practice calculating hand point values without a cheat sheet. Is there a site that just generates you random winning hands or something?

gonna eat but up for more games later

Please everyone ignore that game just now.

good game, cat friends.

Attached: 1558450580197.jpg (1128x984, 181K)

>shadowrealmed by noten payment

Attached: 1531469799004.jpg (273x272, 50K)

Thanks I’ll give it a look

>play with master3 in gold room
>luckily send him into shadow realm on my mawashi uchi chiitoi
I guess there really are games when you just cannot do anything and has to accept your dead.


Attached: Mahjong Triple Wars Menu.png (720x540, 555K)

Why do I play so much better on south than in east games? Do I have south flow?

>Do I have south flow
theres no such thing as south flow

Well not with that attitude there isn't.

stop wearing skirts. it's the number one cause of south flow.

>majsoul doesn't work in uni
I don't know if I should be happy or not
try this one

Same thing. It is stuck at login until "poor connection and check proxy" message

I always wanted to learn mahjong, and now finally it comes with anime girls to compel me. That game's free right? It's not made by chinks or anything?

>You can get to first Dan in tanhou just by being a lucky fuck, expect people in adept/master as "people who understand how to suck just some times"
You can get to first dan in tenhou without luck and skill. just by being a shitter. It's probably around adept level.

Made a thing for all my f2p chads
Protip for brainlets: You need a userscript extension like Tampermonkey to use it.

Haven't tested it too much but it works in firefox and at least seems to function on all regional sites. Press Escape to activate the hidden menu. Settings are saved locally so you'll only really have to do it once.

Protip: it won't actually change textures during a match, you'll have to start a new one for changes to apply.

Attached: lookskindashittytobehonest.png (1408x744, 1.29M)

Attached: ichihime-0.png (240x240, 97K)

>function ExterminateAllWhales(){
>WhaleKiller.className = "HackThePlanet";
My sides.

Attached: Van_explode.gif (240x184, 485K)

but can they detect and ban you for it?

it says something when your only chance to say this is before the thread gets going

Theoretically yes, but it's all local stuff so it's not something they'd check.

And even on the off chance they'd actually ban you, you're f2p anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Attached: 1558789039843.jpg (787x752, 207K)

I fucking did it
Complete RNG finally decided to be nice to me

Attached: wediditlads.png (1344x725, 1.09M)

Attached: Lord_of_D._BPT-004.gif (337x480, 119K)

I dont get it at all

How does this game even work? Do I just go for 4 triplets/sequences and one pair all the time?

Attached: 72862913_p2_FGO.jpg (744x1052, 90K)

Hit the shiny buttons as they appear

god damnit, im using up my sands in melee.
Got thirteen orphans in east 1 and commited caticide

Attached: ded.jpg (1920x1080, 456K)

yes and come ask again when you get this icon

Attached: noYaku.png (71x33, 3K)

Yes and no.

Attached: 1553861333569.jpg (887x942, 75K)

I know what that is, I just don't know how to set it up 90% of the time

then just aim for riichi pinfu tanyao

How many terminals did you have in your starting hand? I had 10 for this

Should have used your sand for a meme yaku like 7 stars

Default rule set.

Attached: 1559406694741.png (767x1163, 194K)

>tfw 78 LUK

Attached: 1449006636542.jpg (1000x709, 255K)

Will he solve The Lucky Whale Mystery?

Attached: 1543734262719.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

This wasn't worth a screencap.

Long time ago I thought that tenhou subscription players are getting better stones against me. Good times.

Dora are unironically the best and only way to win

Ura dora*

Attached: ura dora.jpg (2127x1196, 728K)

>Chitoitsu tsumo haneman
Every time I think I'm having fun with this game the gods of mahjong are kind enough to remind me I'm not

Forgot to say the tsumo was called after 5 discards

this is a sort of beabrained question but do triplets/etc you form by stealing count as in your hand?

>Game goes into West 2, rob a kan of dora to go from 4th to 1st.

Attached: Untitled.png (1063x866, 607K)


If m starting hand doesn't have at least 5 pairs, I click at automatic discard and go lift some weight.

7 pairs or nothing.

Attached: giga.jpg (203x248, 5K)

>it's an "everyone goes riichi in the first five turns of every single hand" episode

Attached: 1559193147885.jpg (240x240, 17K)

Congratulations user.

Attached: nadeshiko-2.png (240x240, 88K)

>not going for toitoi instead
lmao what a fucking beta cuck virgin loser are you
bet you've never had a threesome before

lmao just noticed a bug.
If you use a set of tile backs that you don't actually own you won't see the tiles in your recent high score.

Attached: 1559298470060.png (240x240, 78K)

>Calls him a cuck for going for the more difficult hand.

Well, I tested it and it works.

>have 2 pairs
>is this chiitoitsu?

I don't know what happened to Jenn Barr, i don't really follow her. Found a video from a few years ago and that's it. Might as well watch it for fun, she's also playing with aki nikaidou on the same table

I have to ask
Where do all these mahjong threads come from?
Has a mahjong game recently released?
If so what game?

The Dark Souls of Mahjong games
Mahjong Soul

Mahjong Soul, a f2p online game with cosmetic lootboxes

Why is Yea Forums going crazy over a mahjong game, what twist does mahjong soul bring to the game that makes Yea Forums lose their minds?

And the furtive paypig, so easily forgotten...

It's fun, in english, and you can spam emotes.

Attached: nikaidoumiki-12.png (240x240, 91K)

anime girls, good ui, and a simple tutorial

>when you riichi but everybody oikake you even if you're oya
How to fight with it?

Attached: xenia-8.png (240x240, 94K)

Is Aki Nikaidou known in mahjong world? I chatted with him few times in old #osamuko days on IRC, seemed pretty knowledgeable and eager to help. Overally cool guy.

Glad this wasn't me.

Attached: daisangen'd.jpg (2308x1299, 934K)

TL Note: Oya means dealer

You just nikaidou the hanamatsu into kabuki-chou.

Sometimes you just have to refuse free sex.

Attached: chrome_pjGZfNMtBL.png (1608x901, 1.57M)

yakuza came to pc


whats an oikake?


Attached: 1557782498771.png (650x550, 27K)

Pursuit riichi.

Post the angriest emote you have after the first oikake.

TL Note: You should know what oikake is ;)

But that's only encourage them.

>Win five games in a row first place
>Get sent to the shadow realm three times in a row
Alright fuck this I'm fucking done

Remember to defend, lads

Attached: the absolute madman.jpg (1362x762, 302K)



I'd like to point out that while I'm not the original host, I'd be able to organize it in case he lost interest (if he is around, please contact me on the IRC channel which was used in previous tourney).
This time around we will use the Tournament function added recently, as well as share'able brackets (in form of google docs).
No matter if I'll be host or player, I'm still going to stream and commentate games.

I hope this edition will become more successful than the last, since more players will be familiarized with the rules and tournament environments.

Attached: 1557377515270.png (555x555, 238K)

But who's going to front the 60 jade for the tournament?
It's a rhetorical question, where's that Cat Food Supplier

just to make sure, are you paying for the tourney?


Attached: more free chips.png (485x623, 13K)

Attached: Dora Lottery.jpg (1600x1054, 235K)

Isn't that something like one dollar?

>Years ago, /jp/ made a random Tenhou thread on Yea Forums that lasted maybe 300 posts because fuck that interface
>One of them opens a game
>Hop in
>Fucking turn into a magical beach
>Destroy most of them
>South round, start getting hit by tsumos
>In 3rd, but not by much
>All last
>Get the world's shittiest hand
>"Fuck it, the only way I'm going to win is ura-dora"
>Hold onto a pair of 8m
>Get a third
>Win off of 1st, cause a massive upset
>He comes into the thread later and posts this screenshot bitching about dora lottery
I don't know what happened to me that day, and I'll probably never recreate it, but that was one hell of a magical game.

Attached: I'm the NoName on the right.png (782x638, 460K)

kek, risking losing it all for some cheap poins while first place

I would do the exact same

I organized the Yea Forums tournie but it was a Yea Forums thing mostly, I only signed up everybody and made some groups then Yea Forums took it l, made streams, kept track of results, it was a very organic thing. Anyone can copy the idea but it's up to Yea Forums to sign up and play. So even you user can organize everything.

Attached: mikamichiori-chunjie.png (340x340, 144K)

twitch? do you have vods?

Attached: vodnya.png (105x102, 24K)

I don't know how much it is, but I don't want to see this shit get organized & then have everyone look the other way when it comes to funding it

guys, should i get a burger or a burrito for lunch

All these threads make mahjong sound like the type of game you play to get angry
Like party games like 100% OJ.


A burgerrito

Attached: 1559845994269.png (480x480, 218K)

You learn to let go of your desires eventually.

Attached: nextgame.png (642x479, 318K)

it was in some memewebsite, vods on youtube search for crazywafel

I organized it before but I would love if someone else (You) did it this time.

Attached: mikamichiori-1b.png (240x240, 95K)

Attached: tynya.png (154x151, 47K)

what was the irc channel again? I'll afk in there so I can understand how things are developing. I have to sleep soon.

Attached: 282.png (672x713, 315K)

Majsoul Friends Room 35904(4-Player South):

Tacos. Your chance of getting tenhou becomes like 1/10.

>2 tenhou in the same day
Are mexicans the strongest mahjong players?

Attached: 1559993024607.jpg (2268x1600, 1.65M)

#yakuman/v/irgins on Rizon

is it me or has the amount of hags decreased dramatically lately, all I see now in gold are cats and gacha characters

I mentioned that yesterday so it isn't you.

gg, it's E3 time
Also fuck that other cat ;-;

The hags all got enough stardust to get into the gacha and the cats are happy with being the meme character.

Hags are the most powerful race on Earth, but this power brings us to the brink of the corruption of paypiggery. Our vigil is eternal, but our numbers dwindle every day, and if we should fail, it is only a matter of time before the darkness reaches the realm of the cats.

Yes, well, I really needed that win to cleanse my shamfur dispray from earlier.

Attached: 1535737155343.jpg (890x900, 592K)

they upgraded the hag.

Attached: kaavi-4.png (240x240, 97K)

gals faighto is on

Attached: abema.png (1389x777, 2.05M)

They know how to play, right?

Does Mahjong Soul have abortive triple ron?

Is this good for novice 0? 5th game and don't know how I did this

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-09 214202.png (727x449, 378K)

Nope. Whichever idiot caused it pays everyone else.

Of course, they're puros.

Attached: cinderella.png (713x649, 477K)


super irrelevant, but anyone else find the somewhat larger/fuller lower eyelid attractive?

This was pure kino.

Attached: 1542947096722.jpg (2048x1446, 2.05M)

>Work the weekends so I'll never be able to join these tournaments

Attached: 1534723502129.jpg (734x693, 106K)

Is there pack of all the bun's emotes? I know before a mega pack was linked but I don't think it had hers.

always that one irrelevant glasses girl

yeah, someone should have the link, i don't.

Attached: kaavi-1.png (240x240, 103K)

Attached: kaavi-5.png (240x240, 91K)

Attached: fujitakana-1.png (240x240, 89K)

Thanks bunbro

Can someone like give me a breakdown of what this is? It instantly won me the game

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-09 214708.png (1111x585, 662K)

13+ han is a counted yakuman


E3 time

Attached: ichihime-7edit.png (240x240, 91K)

oh you ungodly lucky motherfucker
1. Riichi: You called riichi, that's 1 han already.
2. Fully concealed hand (menzen tsumo): You won by tsumo (drawing the final tile yourself) with a closed hand (never called any tiles).
3. Three concealed triplets (sanankou): You have three triplets without calling them. This is so rare it's worth 2 han, even.
4. You have four dora tiles (your closed kan of five 5-pin). Doras are indicated on the left, they're the tile of the dora indicators +1. Every game has one kind of dora, and calling a kan increases the amount of dora by one. The tiles predetermined in the wall and cannot be drawn normally.
5. Red five: The red 5-pin has effectively the worth of a dora.
6. Ura dora: When calling riichi, the lower half of the dead wall is checked for dora indicators, as many as there are regular ones. This gives additional han. In your case, that was another 4-pin giving you another set of four dora.
Total adds up to a yakuman, the highest score possible. We call these kazoe yakuman; a yakuman that is not caused by a special condition (e.g. daisangen, having triplets of all dragons) but rather because many scoring elements came together to push you up there.

Sanankou is 3 concealed triplets
Fully Concealed Hand is Tsumo
Riichi is self explanatory
The tiles you Kan'd were Doras.
Red 5 counts as a Han
Ura Dora is the same as Dora but hidden and cannot be won unless you Win Riichi so it doubles since one of the tiles was the same as the Dora

12+ Han equals a Yakuman.

Attached: VAMANOS.jpg (260x260, 21K)

>windows 2000
based and boomerpilled

>8 dora

Attached: 4.jpg (230x459, 98K)

the fact that there's nothing to install

What the fuck.

Attached: 1557010249030.png (2600x1750, 577K)

It was fun
Thank you based Furudo for taking down the first place as your last stand. You will be remembered

>three riichi on the table
>hag with open kan on chun won
Ok, I'm triggered right now.

>Xbox presentation
You're not gonna miss anything important bro, just keep playing mahjong.

Attached: 1531433695969.jpg (530x530, 207K)

>because fuck that interface
I still prefer tenhou over majsoul in pretty much every way

Against my better judgement I always have to watch this bullshit.

Does MahSoul have that rule where you have to pay someone's hand's value if they Kan your discard and then win with a Tsumo Rishan?

You know exactly what you did, you cheeky luckshitter


Pao rule only for last pon of daisangen and four winds. No idead why they did not add it for kan 2bh.

Confess your sins, Yea Forums.
I play nyagger just to tilt people with those emotes

i mute everyone immediately because i get tilted so easily

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Yeah, I don't really follow her either. I just remember she was pretty much the second thing I ever ran into when I started to google Mahjong something like 10 years or so ago, including seeing her book and website. And buying tiles of very questionable quality from that same website.

Aki Nikaido is one of the women, and along with her sister, are very well known in the Mahjong world. In fact, the Cat and Hag are actually based ON those two same Nikaido sisters.

I always call kan and open my hand when I don't need to

every time I get 4th I start throwing shit and it ruins my entire day

I've played on/off for years but still frequently put myself in furiten by accident from not paying attention to my previous discards