How far in development are they? You think we'll get a snippet of game footage or a name tomorrow?
The Elder Scrolls 6
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no they haven't even started. they released to trailer to build up hype around their other flop titles
Realistically they barely started yet
They'll still hype up Starfield and TES VI to stop the crowds from booing them
Tod said they were barely starting development last E3. At most we'll see a location, plot and name reveal along with a tentative release date.
>Gamebryo still
>Will probably be rushed out because of 76 being a flop for the ages and suffer like Skyrim did as a result
>Will probably force some meme voiced protagonist like FO4 because writing silent MC choices is too hard for nu-Bethesda
Is there any reason to think this game will even be half decent?
They already said they will not talk about elder scrolls or starfield.
Too risky. Either it's Starfield or a TES/FO mini spinoff. Or a relaunch of 76
what will they talk about then? Flop76?
will probably be forced to play as a nord female and also be forced to have redgaurd love interest
>expecting anything but gamebryo
>wanting another engine that doesn't allow modding for a BETHESDA game
Also Starfield is up next. TESVI isn't for another 2 years still
They are pretty far into it since they showed they are putting characters in it.
20 hours later we will know
Skyrim is already shit for modding though
You basically can't even do proper custom animations for shit in Skyrim, the people who have managed to do so are fucking wizards
Bethesda softworks is more than Bethesda game studio. Probably some boring shit like Doom eterntal and a wolfenstein dlc maybe a new IP but not from bethesda game studio
Really? TES I expected but without Starfield what the fuck do they even have to announce? 76 is on life support, RAGE 2 flopped so all they have now is nu-Doom2
Todd himself said at last E3 that TESVI was still far away. It's not happening.
Sadly reminder.
Still gonna buy TES6.
TES isn't going to come out until at least 2021 or 2022. Development has barely even started.
They released what was essentially a power point slide just to serve as a filler to their presentation
Ah yes, the daggerfall shill.
Why don’t they just commission a Japanese studio to do a cool story driven retro jrpg?
Then they could make the franchise relevant in the east and placate the rabid ES fans desperate for something.
but that is wrong you idiot.
FO76 goes F2P, all the people they've conned into buying it gets a lifetime idiot badge plus a shitton of in-game resources
Another DOOM
Some meme Rage 2 DLC
Shilling more mobile games like Elder Scrolls Blades
Shilling more ESO shit
Shilling more Zenimax and Arkane shit
They'll end their presentation with another substantial Starfield and a generic TESVI trailer in the end
My guess is that Starfield will be their shill game for next year since they've been working on it for half a decade already
>no Starfield
What the fuck are they even doing in E3 then? Just to show nuDoom?
If they didn't bring Kirkbride back then I don't care.
go ahead and find me a single sex mod that has animations that don't look like two barbie dolls colliding
Or better yet find me a single mod that makes combat not look like rockem sockem robots
Dont know but I am not expecting much after fallout 76.
buy it
nah. dont even attend e3 if you arent going to show us anything Todd
Who cares, it'll be another games as a service anyways.
>Realistically they barely started yet
how is this even possible. skyrim came out almost 10 fucking years ago and they didnt even start TES VI?
Not discuss it.
This shit better be good todd
>the people they've conned into buying it gets a lifetime idiot badge
God I hope this happens
Skyrim team went on to make Fallout 4
Fallout 4 team are now making Starfield for years
They work on one game and then the next game
They went from Skyrim to Fallout 4 to Fallout 76 to Starfield. TES VI is in pre-production, that is, barely anything exists.
They only showed the trailer off to shut you up.
They weren't working on it because they were busy killing Fallout
They already said there's no Starfield or TES6 news. At best, TES6 is in concept stages. There's almost certainly nothing concrete about it to show to the public
TES VI is the new HL3, endlessly dangled, permanently hyped while they sell you thier other products.
Too bad that nobody is going to buy shit from them after 76
Bethesda Game Studios didn't make FO76, a smaller studio in Texas made most of it using assets from FO4.
After the last FO4 DLC they started Starfield and some of them worked on the Skyrim 64-bit edition.
fo76 alone destroyed all the good will they built up over the years
>goodwill after FO4
I'll never trust them again after that voiced protagonist bullshit and they gutted all the RPG elements
it doesnt matter how far in the development they are because they always release their games in a broken state
76 becomes f2p and announcement of a dlc for 76.
Damn Daggerfall looks like that?
do you realise your subjective opinion is not the same as objective fact? You dense piece of shit.
does this picture implies vivec was good? because it was not.
It implies vivec was bigger.
Why gamebryo when Zenimax has id software and the id tech 6 engine
they probably have pre production stuff like concepts flying around but not much more than that
I mean you can probably drag the corner of models and make it even more big, does not really mean anything.
They could have free unlimited access to every engine available but we both know they'd still use gamebryo.
It was a good concept but they weren't able to really do said concept justice
it'll take until late 2022 at minimum to release
from their perspective theyre giving fans several years' advance notice to save up for a good system
this comparison is a bit unfair
>people in largest city
Of course the one that is randomly generated or the one with bland NPCs will be the most.
>spell effects
Morrowind had so many useless filler spells like lock, detect key etc
>weapon types
I enjoyed Skyrim combat more than others. Combined with skill trees it was much better than Morrowind offers with its diceroll combat
Others, I agree/semi-agree with. Factions (quests), dumbed down armors (and other things) was definitely made Skyrim unappealing to me.
Who cares it's not like any good mods will be out until like 2-3 years in
We'll be dealing with fucking Bethesda goblinas and manface for at least that long before we actually get attractive men and women, ENB equivalents and armor that doesn't look like shit I bet
This goes for pretty much every city/town in morrowind. Still, the inspiration is there and the concepts were a bit too ambitious.
Imagine being a concept artist at Bethesda and seeing your cool sketches and ideas constantly get turned into little fisher price toys.
In general I really liked Morrowind cities. "This is a fishing town", "this is mining town", "this is a slave town" etc. But yeah, it was over ambitious and towns mostly felt bland. I wished there were more content in each town
>or a dead game
nice buzzword. daggerfall is better than your shit taste
after all those years I think we all can agree that people want competent body sliders in their character creation without the constant use of mods
>boring cities
>slow ass movement
>random combat
>simple quests
>impossible to use GUI
What people like about morrowind?
the alien like setting was nice
Writing and allowing you to kill essentials
>Todd said they aren't discussing TES VI at E3
The one time I desperately want him to lie. I don't even need a lot, just some more details, like maybe province for title. Especially since no Starfield.
this can only mean one thing: we will need to wait at least 3 years more to play the new TES
I like the world building, concepts, characters i.e. stuff outside the gameplay.
The game itself is dated and the majority of criticism levied against it is justified although one thing it did have was a sense of player freedom.
Why are they being so tight lipped about Starfield anyway? You'd think toss out some details to drum up hype since it's their next major title. I guess they don't want to draw peoples' attention away from Fallout76 until they're ready to just give up on it.
why not post the actual dungeons from morrowind and not a main quest one?
F76 was always a side project of sorts, and Starfield has been in some form of development for years, rumored for years. If they have nothing to show for it this year (Todd says they aren't discussing it either) I'm actually going to be concerned.
Because this will be a PS5/Xbox2 title. They will not give more details until the next gen consoles are announced
Lol, f76 was definitely their attempt of making huge moneys of a game that can have loot boxes. far from a side project.
I would be surprised if bethesda releases something that doesn't come with loot boxes or transactions
I'm willing to wager that they have done next to nothing.
>tes6 is just going to be single-room dungeons
>Cherrypicking image
>80% of Yea Forums fell for it