>finally get into PC gaming and spend 1K on a new gaming PC
>AMD Ryzen 7 90°C
Finally get into PC gaming and spend 1K on a new gaming PC
Should've spent $5 more for better cooling
that aside, 90C is still fine
I have 4 fans built
Christ I hate fucking summer
why dont you have an AC system
Anyone got any more pics of actresses crying or sad?
For purely research purposes.
Only happy
some monitors don't read the ayymd thermal sensors correctly user
What's more important is your CPU cooler.
Unless you're overclocking, that's fine.
I be he's using the heat sink that came with the CPU.
You can get a good heart sink for $25
i think is your home or room.
get a watercooler
anyway, the temps shouldnt be this bad, you probably fucked something up when installing the heatsink
>It's another intel user falseflagging as a AMD user
kys if you haven't by July 7 :)
>buying AMMeme
>shilling for intel... for FREE
this, not only is OP poor, but he's also stupid.
Everything else is 40 C am I good?
What's so good about Intel?
It's based in Israel so you know you won't be ripped off
what are you using to measure that temp?
only trust ryzen master
I don't have A/C at my place, so in the summer it turns into an oven if I play vidya on my PC. It's all handhelds until December now.
Spoilt American cunt.
>not liquid cooled
Come on man.
oh god it hurts to look at