Finally get into PC gaming and spend 1K on a new gaming PC

>finally get into PC gaming and spend 1K on a new gaming PC
>AMD Ryzen 7 90°C

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Should've spent $5 more for better cooling

that aside, 90C is still fine

I have 4 fans built

Christ I hate fucking summer

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why dont you have an AC system

Anyone got any more pics of actresses crying or sad?

For purely research purposes.

Only happy

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some monitors don't read the ayymd thermal sensors correctly user

What's more important is your CPU cooler.

Unless you're overclocking, that's fine.

I be he's using the heat sink that came with the CPU.
You can get a good heart sink for $25



i think is your home or room.


get a watercooler

anyway, the temps shouldnt be this bad, you probably fucked something up when installing the heatsink

>It's another intel user falseflagging as a AMD user
kys if you haven't by July 7 :)

>buying AMMeme

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>shilling for intel... for FREE

this, not only is OP poor, but he's also stupid.


Everything else is 40 C am I good?

What's so good about Intel?

It's based in Israel so you know you won't be ripped off

what are you using to measure that temp?
only trust ryzen master

I don't have A/C at my place, so in the summer it turns into an oven if I play vidya on my PC. It's all handhelds until December now.

Spoilt American cunt.

>not liquid cooled

Come on man.

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oh god it hurts to look at