"just play ps1 and ps2 games dude!"

>"just play ps1 and ps2 games dude!"
>mfw they are all ugly and dated

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then play other games, faggot

>Meme wife Anime poster is also underage
Color me surprised.

I do, freggit

>can't attack my arguments, so he ad-hominems me

People like you are the cause for remakes and remasters all over the place.

Good, it's much better.

>consoles that are older than me is dated
No shit, OP.

Okay, faggot but I'll give you another chance. Why are they ugly and outdated?

>i can't play older games
What a fag

dumb rikkaposter

They've got one up on you.
You're just ugly, but you've never been dated.

Came here to make this exact joke, based.

>Why are they ugly and outdated?
I mean, just look at them.

>but you've never been dated
I've dated some guys during high school, get fricked

Absolutely BTFO.

You know the drill. Tits or gtfo.

How about you get the frick out? This is a free country.

He’s a anime poster. He’s either gay or a tranny.

>he says, while posting a terrible newer anime.

Stupid zoomer.

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>triggerposter is retarded

Akane's girlfriend is so pretty

>just play other games.

More Rikka.

We posting rikka now?

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Of course games back then graphically are inferior by today's standards but if you can't look past that you have shit taste and probably still in highschool.

ah, another zoomer-with-no-taste thread

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cute megatron

dumb /u/tard

Why do anime girls looking revoltingly at me make me feel so tingly?

They're both pretty

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I could very old and you're still frigging swearing at me, what's your problem?

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Uh. I think you might be actually underage.

Stop sabotaging me thread.

You're entitled to your own opinion, even if it's baseless


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More like they're saving it. Now more Rikka.

Opinion, also a bad one

Not all of them. Don't use sweeping generalizations if you're trying to make a point.

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Your thread already fucking sucks, m8.


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>Anime is so garbage Trigger literally prostituting their characters.
Pathetic studio.

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dated in the best possible way
seriously, play R&C1 and then play the remake

>ps2 games
I've been alive for too long

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first darling in the flop, now flopman
what will trigger fuck up next?

>played super mario bros 3
>the game looks artificially difficult and boring
don't fall for the graphics don't matter meme

>they are all ugly
compared to graphics now it is kinda hard to get comfortable with them
>and dated
now that's just your opinion and I think, no I shall type out this extended response on this anime image forum sub dedicated to video games,that your opinion is a shitty one

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Promare is already out in japan and its flopped already

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Quite rich coming from a gacha slave.

Ok mates, can you guarantee me these following games are good? Me experience with ps2 games aren't very good:

Spiderman 2
Twisted Metal Black
Odin Sphere
Shadow of the Colossus
The Warriors

If I play these on emulator and they are bad, I give up

How can OP recover?

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Except Cygames admit it they are prostituting their characters though.
Gridman is another story.

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Spiderman 2 and Shadow of the Colossus are both good, I haven't play those other games so I can't say.


I want to breed her!

Okay, you looked at them. But have you PLAYED them?

SSSS Gridman is fucking shitty, you faggots. And the thigh girl is ugly as shit.

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An opinion worse than OPs.

Spiderman 2 is dated but if you want "newer" titles like it there's Web of Shadows

Twisted Metal Black is one of a kind so I can't even call it dated because there's just nothing else like it

The Warriors is solid and also a unique game so it's not dated either, it's the most repetitive game on that list though I think.

should I stop?

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Yes. Post Akane instead.


Posting best girl.

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Please don't stop posting.

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super mario bros scenarios are literally single color fills from paint
if you wanna play 2d platforms you have better options today

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Oh man, I completely forgot about Hass.

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Yuta is so lucky.

>you will never get to sing karaoke with them while they are slightly intoxicated and you can see the small beads of sweat dripping off their bodies as the room gets warmer and warmer

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Feels bad, man.

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>muh graphics
Cancer killing videogames, where visuals matter more than gameplay.


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Legitimately want to drink her sweat



Akane and Rikka are officially married.

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Based and playstation pilled.

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What would it taste like?

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mods only come when ACK posts and this isn't Yea Forums

Salt and pheromones.

Why is he so autistic and why does he target other threads besides the gridman ones?

He probably has schizophrenia honestly

Rikka is ugly and dated.

late80s to mid90s anime is better than new anime. Checkmate, mongolian throat vocalists.

I wish I was dating Rikka

this but unironically

>ugly and dated

do you know how many people go crazy for Asuka Langely

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No shit.

truly based

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I want to be Akane’s friend

odd wish

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I'm a thighs kind of guy, is this show worth watching for Rikka's legs alone?

No they aren't

fuck you OP

She deserves a good friend.