is battleflop 2017 one of the most unexpected apologies in the history of video games? they have basically turned it into a full fledged clone wars game now--and it's beautiful
Is battleflop 2017 one of the most unexpected apologies in the history of video games...
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The heroes vs villains in this game is better than OG battlefront btw
Apparently this is just going to be another capital supremacy map
>droideka reinforcement
fucking finally, I never have to use the piece of shit AT-RT again
Also hype for ARF and recon trooper armor
and? that's the best part
capital supremacy is the only mode I even bother playing. I don't want to see cross era heroes or non-canon disney characters in my star wars video games. Hell i haven't even touched the singleplayer and don't plan to. Bought this game for €5 in april. Not bad for 5 euros desu
game files show we will be getting ahsoka and ventress.. padme and I hear we're getting republic commandos. We're already getting pic related too. I'm suprised EA hasn't just moved onto battlefront 3, you'd think the image of this game has been permanently tarnished but I guess not
Just bought it and started on the campaign, it feels very boring. Should I jump into the multiplayer instead?
I have 150 hours in the game and I never once touched the campaign
It's still just as bad as it was on release.
the weird thing about this is that basically only PC players benefit from these additions
in the base game you buy this stuff with credits, but modders tend to make side mods and lore accurate shit like
>X faction on X map
>X faction on X maps but not X map
so what I expect will happen is that someone will make another mod again or update an existing one.. something along the lines of:
>all clone troopes replaced with 41st elite recon troopers on Kashyyyk and Felucia
Leave the campaign alone, it's shit.
fuck off with your microtransactions. EA shills
don't touch the campaign, just treat is as a clone wars video game and level up your heroes on Heroes vs Villains
People didn't believed me the first time I made a thread saying the game was great. Only add one are skins, all maps free, blasterfuck battles with lasers nonstop, big maps with ton of shortcuts. The game has his faults but it's really cheap and has one of the best multiplayer. Isn't it fun?
>game files show we will be getting ahsoka and ventress
Nice but between that and the June update it really feels like OT is being neglected hard
I went back to this game earlier today to check out some of the changes. Good on them for having a full games worth of content now, but its still pretty shit.
I wish they would bring the BF1 Hoth onto BF2.
Are you nuts?
>rangefinder/antenna on phase 2 helmet
certified yikes from me dog
snip that shit off
antennas belong to mandos and phase 1 arc trooper master race only
EA sort of gave up on the SW IP, they wouldn't be able to rmonetize on a Battlefront 3 for many years, so they'll just stick to 2 and try to make the most out of it prior to the license ending
but it looks cool when he flicks it down to scan
this sounds not bad... but is the gameplay improved from the other EAfront game? is the customization still shit? I just wanna hang with my clonebros
you definitely haven't played it since release
PC only
>she's not in
she will be... she will be
Just ragequited this after i just about to rocket launcher a bunch of enemies but at that exact moment the game fucking robotically shifted my reticle away completely away from any targets. Seriously what other fucking game has this kind fucked up aim assist It can't just be the online because this happens in single player too
apparently this is happening to xbox fags, look up aim drift, the devs might fix it next patch
But when Master, when?!
Not till August at least sadly
unironically yes its bretty good
Goood.... ahahahahhahahahahaaaaa... gooood!
Is it possible to learn this joy
Not from a Jedi.
No, but it certainly is one of the most shilled EA games on here.
As somebody who hated it on release, that's just blatantly wrong.
They've actually made it decently fun now.
campaign is hot garbage, don't bother unless you want the creds for doing it
good, fuck OT
rebels vs empire has been done to death, we need more clone wars era stuff
PT had the better everything (characters, battles, vehicles, weapons, factions, etc)
CS on Grail City never
Fuck OT fanboys, this is what you get for shitting on the prequels for 10 years
Fuck the Clone Wars
Fuck the Republic.
>regenerating health
>no sidearms
>no health/ammo droids
>still has menu based vehicles
>on rails transport ships
LOL. Still trash.
Yup, that one goes into my SW folder.
Fuck off shill. Shove this game up your ass nigger.
>boring ass war between sjws and incompetent monarchists
Better than a war between blind pawns and pseudo-libertarians.
Are they really going to put out a Felucia map or is this just shitty edit of fanart?
Men and machines bred for war>plebs and knockoff clones
they fucked up so bad, that normies complained about it
it's amazing
I bought it a few weeks ago because they put it on sale for literally $7
They are putting it out
Empire is shit and so are Rebels
Chad CIS and Republic > Virgin imperial cucks and Rebelfags
What changed with this game?
>EA E3
>EA shilling all day
hmm makes you think
>9.99 on psn
>suddenly threads
Sounds like shilling is at full force.
sell me on it then
it still has an assload of microtransactions and it's still a pretty meh game.
It has content though!
Is it full of cheaters like the previous game?
I remember entering matches where some fuckwad would have damage hacks with aimbot 1shotting people across the map
>people start banning lootboxes everywhere
>panic and start fixing shit
man, those government snobs are doing good, maybe I should run for office
that hud is cancer. fuck this chokepoint simulator
All this concept art is amazing, they should make a game based on it
phase 1 arcs aren't canon. in legends there were no phase 2 arcs, they were phased out by BARCs. so basically the only thing holding this franchise together is people's headcanon, which is basically legends.
>50+ customization options for clones
>next to nothing for Empire/FO
>next to nothing for Rebels
>next to nothing for droids
I mean, I like clones as much as the next guy but I don't get to play as clones 100% of the time and the times you play as anything else just feels lame in comparison. I would like it if they added a LOT more customization options for droids and empire and rebels.
Also, I like capital supremacy but the matches can drag on for way too long if both teams keep going back and forth on the attack/defense objective. They should set a limit to how many stalemates there can be.
>posts the virgin kids show
>kiddie shit they said
i like clones too, but they're using the faggot tv show as a base instead of the based 03' - 08' and the movie designs.
Why is everything about the nu-trilogy just so retarded? Why make this needlessly complicated garbage when the Juggurnaut turbo tank exists?
I didn't buy it but a friend was bitching about stuff like that during launch.
EA games aren't very good at anti-cheats so maybe there's those guys there.
*Chad kid show
Go be nostalgic about your pretend Samurai Jack somewhere else Boomer.
>kid's show
>when they show what is generally considered a war crime in modern civilized nations being done by "the good guys".
Found the real virgin.
It's still a sluggish, poorly balanced, dogshit shooter. The game is mechanically fucked on a fundamental level and no number of content patches are going to fix that
No. It's shyte. Just like Fallen Order will be.
>webm of sentient beings screaming in agony as they're burned alive and cut down
>virgin kids show
>qt pilot dies
>retarded communist space chink lives
Barely screaming for 2 seconds as their deaths are heavily censored, first semi-ballsy scene in all the 10 seasons of this bland, boring show with boring, dumb, uninspired episodic stories.
Sure. Not a kid's show.
battlefront 2 lootboxes were gone before countries started banning
Ok since shit hit the fan in 2017 with this game and the loot boxes, I stopped following anything on it.
Is it still pay to win or "grind for 20 hours to get Darth Vader"? Or is the unlockable stuff pretty fair now?
Here's your pity (you).
>fucking finally, I never have to use the piece of shit AT-RT again
It's not bad if you know how to use it. It's a hit and run vehicle.
Believe it or not, but there are mouth breathers out there that believe the sequels are actually good.
closer to the former than the latter, but fairer.
It has a titan assault like mode now. It's not really titan assault but it's pretty fun and more interesting than the other modes. If you're into Clone Wars it has a lot of content for that era.
That's rebels user.
>10 seasons
The show only had 6.
This was early season 2.
Everything except the power up cards and weapons are unlocked from the start. You unlock the upgrade cards and weapons by playing the game with that class/character/vehicle.
I watched neither because they're both uninspired garbage that don't take chances, made by people who don't understand what makes Star Wars great.
Hint: it ain't the laser swords.
Great argument. Your show sucks.
I can understand why people can think the prequels are good (I think they're enjoyable, but heavily flawed, they produced better spin-offs), but I can not understand how someone can think the sequels are good. Especially if they claim to be a fan of the OT.
you can use almost every memorable clone skins out there except Paratrooper.
A lot of people seem to like them now because other people dislike them and apparently its woke to like the Sequels.
Clone Wars maps all fucking suck.
>made by people who don't understand what makes Star Wars great.
>made by Filoni
>who is basically Lucas' protege
>didn't take chances
>easily some of the most violent and child unfriendly deaths you'd see on a kid's show this side of Batman Beyond
>while also raising the bar for CGI in an animated series
Your arguments suck, and you're either trolling or retarded.
So it's basically forcing yourself to like garbage to own the alt-right or something?
>I didn't watch even a second of this show, clearly have no idea what it's even about, but I know it sucks
Because it's popular to like SW. It's like entry-level not too nerdy but marketable stuff.
It's those same people who go, I'm really into Marvel but at best they've only seen the movies and don't bother with anything else, new or old.
I honestly suspect that given some time you'll see a Mr. Plinket-like takedown of the entire sequel series that will poison the well for years.
Prequels already had similar reception with the Phantom Edit being the most well-known. I'd say it wasn't as visible because the internet wasn't as centralized as it is now with only a few major sites for opinions to sprout from.
I've always remembered this saying I read once from an author that popular things come and go and time determines what is really worth preserving.
I don't think you need a critic to poison the sequel well, since the material itself has already done a great job at doing that. But yeah, RLM poisoned the well for serious prequel discussion for a decade.
But I don't think the same will happen with the sequels, because the prequels at least didn't ruin the legacy of the original trilogy's cast, and everything they worked for.
Well, it is $4.49 on Origin right now.
I watched the show. It sucked.
Your shit opinion also sucks. Gennedy's shtick where everything explodes and recycling the same four sound effects does not go with Star Wars.
Also his Clone Wars stuff used a lot of CGI itself, especially for vehicles and ships. His animation is also very flat in the series.
>But I don't think the same will happen with the sequels, because the prequels at least didn't ruin the legacy of the original trilogy's cast, and everything they worked for.
I mean back when I saw RoS I was seeing people say that Darth Vader was retroactively ruined because he was so mishandled. It's still my favorite joke from RLM that he was tricked into being evil.
Lot of people bitched about the portrayal of OT characters in the prequels. Some of sticks well in my opinion like Obi-wan's relationship with Anakin and how it was supposed to culminate with him saying to Luke that Anakin was "a good friend". You really needed all that extended universe stuff to get that since about half their interactions are Anakin being spiteful and Obi-wan needing to be the voice of reason.
I'm absolutely sure that history will repeat and the sequel trilogy will get buttblasted. Even the Last Jedi got some pretty bad rakes months down the line when it was out for Netflix and Blue Ray.
Canon again
Amen to that. Naval engagements from Clone Wars were always fantastic to see.
Wow a guy I don't care about killed by a girl I don't care about.
The mindless clone died. Wow.
Killed by Ventress who's evil for the sake of being evil. She comes on screen, does something evil, then leaves. Wowww.
Better than fucking Shawshank Redemption. You can just feel ventress's struggle and Cody's struggle and how two opposite characters you care about now have to fight each other in this emotionally-charged fight that truly defined the entire season.
Imagine unironically being THIS autistic to type this whole post out. Just go back to Yea Forums echo chamber you autist.
All I want is the battle of Coruscant with modern graphics and a much larger scale. Does this have that?
So thats what the strands lead to in death stranding
WOw nameless clones and droids blowing each other up. Explosions. You can tell from the brilliant writing and the master strategy that is unfolding on screen that generals on both sides are playing a game of chess with each other, answering and reacting to each other's moves, making tactical decisions in this movie scene.
All these characters that we know and love fighting for their cause and ready to put it all on the line, with so much to lose, for something greater than themselves.
Truly a masterpiece.
The thing is, the hatred for the prequels really didn't take off and crystallize until RLM's reviews. The sequels have been controversial since TFA came out, and TLJ might very well be the most divisive film in pop culture history. Someone described the state of the Star Wars fandom looking to outsiders who notice being like eating dinner with a family in the middle of a nasty divorce. The hatred for the sequels is a lot more immediate and visceral than the hatred of the prequels.
Wow an old man I don't care about is evil.
He is evil because... evilll!! xD
Star Wars is a mistake.
Omg wow clones vs droids I wonder what will happen will this war that started in 1977 be resolved today? Hmmm I wonder.
This is truly what makes star wars great, countless nameless fodder killing each other endlessly.
What a masterpiece of a TV show that isn't aimed at teenagers who watch this when they happen to catch it on TV.
Don't you have homework for summer school to work on?
That or they're just generic "Geeks" which now-adays pretty much just means corporate boot lickers.
That or they might actually like the film, I don't know, people are strange.
Plinkett your a fat fuck and nobody without a room temperature iq gives a shit about what you think.
Still gives me goosebumps. One of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history - and that's not sarcasm.
No I work in the film industry and I can tell when something is trash.
>Reddit spacing
Oh. So you're just there to make sure the assistant to the junior undersecretary to the director gets his coffee on time, right?
100% bullshit
Intelligent people call it paragraphing when changing topics.
I don't see that. Even when TPM released it was getting a lot of sour grapes. People were shit talking it in my friends group and there's an old YT vid of not-midlife crisis Mike and not-goblin Rich talking about how disappointing it was.
There's also the phantom edit that came out where some fan redited the entire movie to be less shit in his eyes. That got some traction and I even remember seeing it in a news broadcast.
I think what RLM did was they took years of criticism and repackage it into an entertaining and highly memeable format when Youtube was getting real popular.
I think why we go the more immediate and visceral hate for LJ is that it's a sign of our times. People don't like engaging in neutral dialogue anymore and we're so thoroughly connected that any opinions about the sequels can appear quickly, and be reacted to even faster. That and TFAs was basically a film entirely about setup and trying to show that it 'got' star wars. So LJ was supposed to be the punchline to that setup. The punchline ended up being a man wanking to his own shit fanfiction while people patrol the audience and remind them they paid to see this.
And the fact that "director" is the only real position you named out of 6 is telling.
Then actually explain why it's shit, coffee boy. Like objectively shit. Don't just sit on appeal to authority to try to automatically win the argument.
And finally, the fact you think anybody get anyone's coffee in the film industry is also very telling.
Good job revealing your power level.
Crazy thing is RLM never did their research about how so much of the prequels was physical models not CGI, which came as a shock when I saw those pics, a year or so after plinkett reviews complaining about the total lack of practical models and sets.
>being so buttblasted you have to come up with 3 separate posts out of an increasingly desperate need to save face
Literally saying I'm the one who appealed to authority. Someone said I was stupid which is why I said that I worked in the film industry, I never claimed anyone should just listen to me because I work in the industry. Try to pay attention, okay retard? If you see someone replying to someone, don't just jump in and make yourself look retarded by not knowing what was said before.
I already explained why it's shit, but you know what, I don't feel like bringing you coffee. You go up and find it yourself, Mr. Director.
More like:
>There is so many reasons why your garbage post was garbage that I'm not sure which one to go with
You can work in the film industry and be stupid. In fact I think a lot of people in the film industry are extremely stupid, even in their own field.
Wait, is this game good? The cover art looks braindead retarded.
Why no server browser EA, you did this right with bad company 2
Yeah I agree with that. Never bragged about working in the film industry, just that I was knowledgeable when some people started questioning my character rather than my arguments.
For you to harp on about that 1 little thing is telling. Keep that Red Herring going, avoid the arguments you can't win by derailing the conversation. I'm sure your retarded friends in this friends are all impressed by your master debating right now.
Clone Wars is the only good thing. Nu-trilogy sucks shit and there's already a game dedicated to OT already.
EA fuck off you E3 show was shit and you should feel bad
So, should I keep ignoring this crap and continue playing Battlefront II (PS2) or?
Because in some cases it was just CGI the actors were supposed to act in front of and even nowadays the prequels haven't aged all that well visually, with some scenes standing out (obi, yoda, and windu walk down a corridor at the jedi temple).
Honestly the OT would've turned out to the same level of quality as the prequels if George didn't have so many talented people around him. Hell his wife was basically able to reedit the entire ending Death Star battle in the New Hope into a tense do or die climax.
He just didn't have that same level of talent around him when he went into the prequels and it shows.
I'd still take them over the sequels. At least the prequels have settings that gave us good extended material and vidya.
maps are fucking dogshit and the gameplay is shallow as fuck, and being a multiplayer game maps are essential to gameplay
It's not good. It's a retarded Star Wars theme CoD for nu-trilogy fans who like corporate products. It's riddled with micro transactions and class progression.
Class progression as in, you come in the game you're a pleb and you can run circles all over this veteran and get all the headshots but he has a level 100 character so he hits you once and you're dead.
Get it for dirt cheap if you can. Clone Wars multiplayer lets you play as a Commando droid or ARC trooper.
>He just didn't have that same level of talent around him when he went into the prequels and it shows.
Wrong, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews all show that the "Lucas was surrounded by yes-men" theory is false.
>It's riddled with micro transactions
*rolls in your path*
>Class progression as in, you come in the game you're a pleb and you can run circles all over this veteran and get all the headshots but he has a level 100 character so he hits you once and you're dead.
You mean like a Camera Operator's job is to argue with the Director over the creative decisions of HIS movie?
Of course everyone on a film set is a yes-man. What else are they supposed to be?
Good thing that user said nothing about yes-men and just said the people around him weren't as talented.
Never said he was surrounded by yes-men. I said he didn't have the same talented people around him, which he didn't. His wife became his exwife and most of his original crew wasn't anywhere to be seen.
A yes-man is someone who provides no criticism, even when it's constructive. Someone who mindlessly goes along with the leader's orders. This was not the case in the production of the prequels.
There can't be a Plinket-like take-down of the sequels, but the sequels are far better than the prequels.
Pretends like you don't have to unlock characters and cards and guns and shit.
Keep being dishonest. I've played the game. Still just a boring shooter with no story. Why couldn't they have added new heroes to the first BattleFront and calling it a day? Why shill for EA executives who are handing you uninspired AAA turds and you love it because it has Star Wars on it?
Meanwhile, it cost us Apeiron. They know what we really want, and they're just not giving it to us because you're satisfied by boring ass shooters.
>people in the modern film industry know what is trash
Lmao and yet shit flows out like a river through a hog farm
Why can't there be?
it's 5 bucks on Origin right now.
>the full Duel of the Fates suite still doesn't play in any mode except Heroes vs Villains
and Galactic Marines :'(
What criticism did anyone give to Lucas? The only person's job to give criticism is the producer who's funding the project, who shouldn't really care, and the script reader. This happens during pre-production.
Any on set footage you've seen is WAY to late to give any creative output, nor is it anyone's place to do it. See - Bruce Willis criticizing teaching drillers to be astronauts rather than astronauts to be drillers - and getting told to shut the fuck up. It's nobody's place to give "criticism", no matter how valid, to the director, on a film set. No matter how big of a fucking star you are.
And with these film shoots going on for multiple months working 14 hours a day 6 days a week? Yeah, you're not retconning anything at this point, nothing stops this 300 million dollar train.
Because audiences don't know it and, ironically enough, the shittiest products tend to attract a lot of normie retards who will go see it.
Meanwhile, great movies like Hereditary flops and Black Panther is supposedly the best movie of the year. Okay...
>still no decent arcade
It's still garbage
stop reddit spacing you fucking stupid faggots
you look like fucking retards and your shit is all fucked up
I don't care. I'll type how I want.
Because what are you going to do, faggot?
Try to stop me?
Try to ban me?
Bring it you little janny bitch, I'll space how the fuck I want and where the fuck I want.
There's nothing you can do about it but whine. I want you realize that.
While I keep spacing...
Like this.
What is a paragraph and why do we use them?
you dont use paragraphs on 4channel
i played hero vs villains at release and it was the worst shit ever
>other team just moves in a death ball across the map raping us cause somebody left
>cant even leave spawn
Whatever you say.
>certified yikes from me dog
Fuck up ya nerddd
Hows the PC community?
You don't have to unlock characters though. They are all unlocked from the start now. Plus it maybe takes a day or two to raise a trooper class to maximum level and get the star cards you want for it.
Face it, you haven't played the game recently and don't really have any room to talk. Bet you still think the game has lootboxes.
orange butt cheeks
I logged 150 hours into original EA Battlefront and when this came out I was severely disappointed. However with the comeback its making is so awesome to see and play. Fuck the retarded ass Resistance/FO I actually cringe every single time I have to play as a fucking poo or asian woman for the heavy class and sniper.
>raise a trooper class to maximum level
What I meant to say is that it's quick to get a trooper to whatever level lets you fully-upgrade your star cards. Since the other several hundred levels are pretty much just cosmetic.
What was the point of even having her in the movie if she just fucking dies and then puts her into BFII?
>We're already getting pic related too
That wasn't in the base game? Wow why did they even bother
Lmaoing at the fact they just added in minorities for customization.
I won't reinstall yet. I was so disappointed in capital supremacy because I wanted normal conquest. Droidekas finally yes but I wait. The game just lacks good content.
Until then you just get T-bagged by retarded 12 year olds that you'd shit on easily in any game with an even footing.
This boring, uninspired game is definitely not worth spending money on.
I'd say that there are other games to spend money on, but fact is, there isn't right now.
Hey but we *might* get it soon so that means the game's good right? RIGHT!?!?
We love our terrible games because we're too stupid to realize how poorly we're being treated by our corporate overlords!
That's the fault of the level designers. The source material is fine.
>I didn't watch this show so I am an expert on why its bad due to the fact it has people swinging around laser sword
You know this is one of those posts were its hard to tell if user is baiting or is just retarded
>t. newfag
Git gud, scrub.
I watched a few episodes. Clone Wars, rebels. They might as well be the same shows. Those bland characters, uninspired, uninteresting story lines.
Predictable, boring stories that never get you on the edge of your seat. You don't care what happens to any of the characters. None of them have distinct personalities except for maybe 1 character that's always distant and rude at the beginning but that secretly cares and will risk themselves to save the main character if not by the end of the episode, by the end of the arc guaranteed.
I am good, which is the problem. A good player shouldn't be losing fights because the kiddies have unlocked better items either through endless grinding or paying 2 win.
base guns are viable
I enjoyed the Campaign. It's like multiplayer except people actually die when you shoot them.
Nah man I'm going around like a pleb with a rifle I g otta hit 10 headshots to kill him and his shield, meanwhile he's rolling around, jet packing all over me, and then 1shots me with his gay gun.
Fuck that boring ass game that's boring even when you do win because your teammates stop being retarded.
>I am good
Apparently not.
There is no p2w any more, and it take about an hour to get all those "better items" for yourself.
Gunplay/Time to kill is garbage.
Maps are also garbage. Game is garbage.
the ATRT is based and if you don't know how to use it you're a retard, you have to be mobile
I've been playing video games competitively for over 10 years. I am good at video games.
>I am good at video games
Not if you're losing fights to "kiddies" who have all the same stuff.
On the other hand, if you're shilling for AAA EA garbage that's totally uninspired and grind and unlock-based like CoD, I suspect you may be a normie.
You must be incredibly bad at the game. I started the game with the initial release of Capital Supremacy. Which meant that the core audience was already running around with all maxed-out star cards. I played the previous Battlefront and easily bodied most people, except for heroes of course.
One man's trash is another's way to waste time
shield are one of the base ability you earn you can use it too if you spent 5 minute trying to unlock it on Heavy class.
>jet pack
only clone jet troopers and Rebel are strong, rest does almost no damage. Git gud scrub. Maybe you should try aiming? Seriously though, how shit are you? The only class that is impossible to win against is Arc trooper because of his retarded dual pistols.
I had no cards and pleb gun. He had all this shit on him, I was killing him a few times but most times he landed 1 hit on me and I was dead.
It's a broken, unbalanced mess that they have no intention of fixing. They keep adding content one painful drip at a time, which then breaks something and they have to waste half a year on patching whatever glitched. Still no new weapons, no dynamic or need for strategy on linear maps, a laughable story mode, and their previous battlefront still did a better job at feeling like Star Wars.
>there will never be another battlefield with fully pilotable battleships/carriers that sink in real time
>AT-ATs on rails
>splitscreen multiplayer is dead
fuck the graphics arms race, too many casualties it's not worth it
>I had no cards and pleb gun.
So you're a scrub who needs to git gud.
>I gotta hit 10 headshots to kill him and his shield, meanwhile he's rolling around, jet packing all over me, and then 1shots me with his gay gun.
I can immediately tell you're bullshitting because Aerials don't have shields. Or Heavies don't have jetpacks. Whichever one you're fighting, which is none of them. And it's not like you were fighting Boba Fett either because he also has no shield, but it would explain the 10 headshots part.
But we can see the mentally of the braindead losers who play this game. This is what you'll get if you pay for the game and aren't acing people with unlocks in it.
They even admit Arc Trooper is broken.
This is who you'll be playing with/against.
Enjoy your games, you haven't sold me. You bullshit doesn't fool me.
I'm someone with enough self-respect to play games where morons like you have an advantage over me and you T-bag me when I'm at level 1 and you're level 100.
>I suspect you may be a normie.
Jeez i hope so. Still wouldn't prevent you from sucking, though.
>It's a broken, unbalanced mess
Only some of it. They need to do literally anything about Anakin being a steamroller.
>Enjoy your games
Will do!
>I'm someone with enough self-respect to play games where morons like you have an advantage over me and you T-bag me when I'm at level 1 and you're level 100.
It's not an RPG, levels don't mean shit. Would love to see your excuses for sucking at other games.
Would rather use my dollar bills as toilet paper.
A couple thoughts on capital supremacy from someone who has played the game (troopers are all above level 25 and so are reinforcements except for enforcer but fuck enforcer)
-Mobility is absolute king in supremacy. Jet troopers, speeders, and armored are great and worth everything you put in them. You're very likely to get the points you spend on them returned and you can do a lot with them, even if you just use the vehicles to get to checkpoints faster they're still worth using. The jet trooper is pretty gud for phase 1 and for the 1st capital ship phase. There's a spot in the droid hangar on a droid tank that you can climb up with two jumps and gives you a great vantage point.
-don't bother with retarded teams, ie people who don't guard the clone ship's bridge in the first phase on the ship or people who can't manage to hold points for longer than 2 seconds
-infiltrator is a must have for the ship in phase 2 and in phase 1 even, they have such great utility on both sides
-Wish grievous was better
Buy this game so we can play with you!
We'll own you with the upgrades we spent all month unlocking and tell tell you you're a shit scrub and to gid gud as we destroy you we the classes we admit are broken.
YAYYY. Thanks. I'm sure you're changing people's minds right now, your boring, cookie cutter dead shooter game will get an influx of new players now.
Unironically git gud. Classes like the ARC trooper are callbacks to the original Battlefront 2 where you played well and got to use two classes per faction that were better than the default classes.
By your standards you shouldn't bse playing any multiplayer games made after modern warfare
>Buy this game so we can play with you!
Please don't, i've had enough shit teammates.
>We'll own you with the upgrades we spent all month unlocking
What upgrades are you thinking of? Again, it isn't an RPG, and nothing takes more than an hour or two to unlock.
> as we destroy you we the classes we admit are broken
It's really only ARC and Anakin that are a big problem, not the classes. Overall they should cut back on how many heroes are available at one time.
Thanks for teaching me how the games I grew up on and played competitively worked.
SWBF1 & 2 were my first online games, my first sleepless nights playing until I realize in 3 AM and it's too late to go to sleep, my first introduction to competitive gaming.
Pretty much. I haven't played any of them. Your point?
The game has come a long way from where it started, admittedly I only payed like 5$ for it when it was on sale but those 5$ were worth it
>there are people who use just one legion across every class instead of going Power Rangers and having each one be a different color
>Thanks for teaching me how the games I grew up on and played competitively worked.
Someone had to. Otherwise you might think your bitching was justified, instead of you just being rubbish.
That was my point. If, unlike most people, you actually stick to your standards and vote with your wallet. You have my respect user
>fencesitting faggot
You pick ONE (1) legion or fuck off.
I do that however I base it on what I think is the best look for each class and I gotta say you picked pretty shit
-vanguard: coruscant guard phase II
-heavy: coruscant guard phase II
-officer: 501st phase II
-Sniper: 327th phase II
>212th Heavy is as close as you can get to Commander Cody
>"pretty shit"
it looks dumb, also you're fucking cringe for using any wolffe pack skin anyway. Literally OC donut steel legion that Dave filoni put into star wars because he has a wolf fetish
I'm not bitching. I'm telling you that your game is terrible and listing the reasons.
You can keep attacking straw men all you want, you're actually dead wrong about who you think I am but you sure are making yourself look terribly immature doing so and actually proving my point.
You haven't denied anything I claimed, rather just try to justify it. And you've also proven that people in the game are immature children who talk shit to you when they 1shot you with their upgraded inventory that takes hours and hours to unlock. Meanwhile, they're talking shit to you like they're good but in any real game you would be dominating them like the gaming god you are.
And by you I mean me because you're a trash normie that thinks bad games are good, probably never played the classics like I have, clearly isn't a competitive gamer because there is no competitive scene in ANY EA game and you rely on crutches to win battles.
It's honestly worth it for 7 bucks to get a few hours out of. The matchmaking is trash though.
I see you are a fellow intellectual as me. Thank you.
>I'm telling you that your game is terrible and listing the reasons.
That's fine. It is pretty lousy, but you're giving the wrong reasons. Just because you personally are not good at it doesn't make it bad, and that's the only argument you've given.
>You haven't denied anything I claimed
Except for your lies about the unlocks and class options.
People like you always find ways to shift the blame.
> probably never played the classics like I have
Want to 1v1 in UT04, scrub?
Your only reason so far for Battlefront 2 being bad is because it has a logo you dislike on it. That's it. No criticisms of the game itself unless we admit anything you said that was apparently okay in games that you liked.
Okay, so most people will be normies who aren't good at the game.
By your definition, only good players should play the game. But to be good at the game, they must first endure hours of shit talk from people like you to unlock the good weapons and classes.
Yeah, anyone with self-respect will pass for that.
By classics, I meant the classic battlefront games. And no, I got better things to do than 1v1 internet strangers. I'm good at video games, you can chose to not believe me. I have nothing to prove to you. You're just making yourself look bad with your endless insults directed at me.
Enjoy your AAA cookie cutter computer-generated bland shooter.
This is the part where I'd say I'm enjoying my actual good games but this industry is incapable of producing a good game right now, partly because of morons like you financially supporting EA, THE worst company in the industry.
Facts are facts.
I literally showed a screenshot of the classic Battlefront in my steam library.
I never said the game is bad because it's made by EA, ever. But good straw man.
It was good when it released and the lootbox system was better than the linear progress system. All they needed to do was reduce grind and add content instead of revamp the whole system to appease crybabies throwing a tantrum.
>But to be good at the game, they must first endure hours of shit talk from people like you to unlock the good weapons and classes.
Does it even have voice chat? I've never heard shit talk in the game. And you don't unlock classes, retard. They're all available from the start. You can unlock different weapons and mods, sure, but they're actually pretty balanced, and it depends on your own style.
Otherwise yes, to be good at anything, you have to actually try and practice.
> I'm good at video games
You're the one who said you weren't. Just because you allegedly did okay with BF2 at some point doesn't mean you're universally good at everything.
>lootbox system was better than the linear progress system
Are you an EA shill or something? The lootboxes were worse in every conceivable way, and had abominable grind attached.
you keep going on about self respect in video games and shit and that's fucking stupid, if you had self respect you wouldn't waste time playing vidya at all
Pick One.
The grind is still there, infact the grind is actually worse. In lootbox you could play 5 minutes and get a purple, now you gotta play 1 class and only 1 class for 30 hours to get a purple.
>I literally showed a screenshot of the classic Battlefront in my steam library.
Is that meant to make you special?
That's just a flat out lie. If you actually play the game (ie. objectives), it only takes an hour or so to get to level 20 on a class and max out your preferred loadout with purples.
Now THATS a lie.
What else is there in the OT that hasnt been done in bf1 and 2?
>inb4 anything involving space battles
Unfortunately bf2 seems to have completely abandoned starfighters altogether so it's less an OT thing
I wasn’t even expecting to get ARF troopers so I’m fucking stoked for that.
All we need is Paratroopers and I will be 100% satisfied.
Wow, one dude on a decked out class you admit is busted beat me 4 out of 5 times that one time. Clearly I'm bad at video games and there is nothing inherently wrong with the video game.
Nope it's meant to expose how stupid you and your Ad Hominem attacks are. And it does.
No, I mentioned self-respect once when referring to having to go through grinding and abuse from retards just to one day hope you can be on their level and put them down like they should've been from the start.
You're right, I don't waste my time playing terrible video games that are uninspired where I am not experiencing a story but rather am just a cash cow for a terrible company, essentially being nothing but a drone in a corporate product designed to generate profits from costumers, not generate fun for players.
As you said, it's a waste of time and i don't do that.
I didn't even know there were item qualities lol. I never got to having anything but shit weapons because getting dunked on by BM children with decked out builds as they Tbag me is just not my idea of fun or my idea of a good video game worth investing my precious time and energy into.
Yeah but unless you say classic BF2 is shit then a lot of your reasons for EA Battlefront 2 being bad goes right down the shitter. Plus if you want to whine about overpowered guns then maybe you should consider the killstreak weapons in the original and how you pretty much just shit on everyone if you manage to unlock them, especially if you get the burst rifle for assault classes.
Kashyyyk in Capital Supremacy is kind of a let down.
Play Titanfall 2
this garbage multiplayer clusterfuck isn't canon. if bf2015 is canon, then every retard in the galaxy has a jump pack. rey was in the clone wars and there would be exactly two walkers in the republic arsenal. fuck off nigger
Spent 7 bucks on it when it was on mega sale. I like it as much as I can like a 7 dollar game
nothing in TCW is an original idea. they're all recycled from the clone wars adventures that came out after the OG clone wars in 03'
what ps2 game is this
I passed on this game because the Separatists had no droideka unit. Did they fix this yet?
no, wait 4-6 months
please do this anime poster
A loadout is three choices, so you only need 15 points, and I think you unlock purple at lvl 20, so it really doesn't take that long. Hell, a single match of CS should do it now.
That's the worst part. I haven't been able to get a game of starfighter assault for months.
>Clearly I'm bad at video games
Clealy. Most people learn from their mistakes.
>Nope it's meant to expose how stupid you and your Ad Hominem attacks are.
In what way? Just because you have BF2c doesn't mean you're good at it or any other vidya.
>go through grinding and abuse
What grinding or abuse? How are you even abused in a game without voice chat?
>just to one day hope you can be on their level
Ie. the same day you start.
They announced yesterday that Droidekas are coming in a few months.
Now already we see a big improvement.
Not in the mood to play mindless shooters right now. This game just isn't my style, too CoD-like. The game does look good though. I'm just not one for running and gunning like a kid with ADHD who needs constantly intense stimulation.
See, what I liked about the original battlefront games, they may have been shooters but there was a story to them.
Modern games are just so bad. They're trying to imitate the games that came before them but can't imitate having a soul. Copying and upgrading mechanics and engine is good but that's just the sauce. You need some meat first.
>a single match of CS should do it now.
Unless in the past month they drastically reduced xp cost to level, and have a quadruple xp period going on, you are full of shit.
Still better the Geonosis. Hopefully the next one isn't so boring.
>What grinding or abuse? How are you even abused in a game without voice chat?
When Darth Vader kills you and uses the "You are as clumsy as you are stupid" emote every time REEEEEE
they need all this good shit and no tattoo'd faggotry
I did learn from my mistakes. I uninstalled the trash game and went to a game where scrub lords don't get to dunk and make a fool out of me because they have a purple and I'm a level 1 pleb.
>in a few months
June 26th*
Felucia is further off, but everything else announced is on the 26th.
yes but the first game was fun to play and you could play any class and still do pretty good unless you were a brainlet who needed the game to hold your hand for you. plus server options and more user friendly options make it an actual video game rather than a hero ticket lottery chokepoint simulator
Again, you have fun with your "pros-only noobs not allowed" game that doesn't even have a competitive scene.
I'm sure you're super talented at video games, which is why you play EA's corporate CoD-reskin that doesn't have a competitive mode and was mciro-transaction based until it died and EA removed them because they know why people aren't playing their garbage games, they just know it's worth it to catch suckers like you first at release.
There is a x3 thing happening, yes. But even before that, i played officer for an entire match, which admittedly took over an hour, and went from lvl1 through to 15 just by sticking to objectives.
Again, this translates to you crying over not being Gregor when you just start playing something new. There is nothing about purples which would stop you from killing or avoiding them. Hell, you even said you beat them once, so maybe that's what you should have repeated.
>you have fun with your "pros-only noobs not allowed" game
Now that's ironic, because it seems to be your stance, not mine.
>I'm sure you're super talented at video games
Not especially. I just learn from my mistakes and am not a crybaby.
I have hundreds of hours in the game, at no point, even with 3x xp would i believe you went from 1 to 15. Especially not with 1x xp.
>"For me, its the Phase 1 Clone armor"
>For me, it's the armor the Kaminoans didn't design with a human body in mind that was uncomfortable for the Clones to wear, and had an extremely narrow visor that impeded vision
>Yeah but unless you say classic BF2 is shit then a lot of your reasons for EA Battlefront 2 being bad goes right down the shitter.
>consider the killstreak weapons in the original
To get them you had to shit on noobs first, plus they were greatly nerfed or IIRC non-existent in multiplayer.
Same thing to get the assault classes such as shock trooper. Any moron could eventually unlock the wookie and shit on your shock trooper unless you were actually good at the game and could outplayer they point n click 1-shot grenade launcher.
>Again, this translates to you crying over not being Gregor when you just start playing something new.
Again, clearly wrong. I AM gregor when I just start playing something, unless they have purple upgrades that they took months to unlock. Which, again, might not suck so bad if the community wasn't rotten morons like you who talk crap to you if you're not "gregor" when you first start playing and tell you to "git gud".
A little bit of consistency then. Do you seriously expect me to grind your shit game as you tell me to "gid gud" because I don't have purple guns or don't know the some classes are BROKEN AND YOU ADMIT IT.
> Hell, you even said you beat them once, so maybe that's what you should have repeated.
I did, he was rolling around me and not even shooting me as I was landing headshot after headshot with my shitty little rifle that did no damage to him. Sorry you don't know how your own game works. He did that for about 30 seconds and I was hitting every shot, then at the end he just walked up to me and meatshot me, 1 hit kill.
>Now that's ironic, because it seems to be your stance, not mine.
And yet in every post you remind me that I'm bad at video games and that's why I shouldn't play your game.
Or are you saying that if I unlocked purples, I'd then stop dying and have fun?
Seriously, pick an argument and stick with it. Stop flip flopping.
If you didn't know, the four basic Trooper classes and all heroes have "emotes" you can unlock in the Collection menu for 2000 credits each, which are just little animations with a voice line from the movies attached to them. One of Vader's is basically just calling you a retard, and all Vaders like using it after every kill no matter how challenging a fight it was.
>Same thing to get the assault classes such as shock trooper. Any moron could eventually unlock the wookie and shit on your shock trooper unless you were actually good at the game and could outplayer they point n click 1-shot grenade launcher.
Hang on, a little bit ago you were crying that the EA BF2 ARC Trooper was overpowered. Now you're defending classes being strong because you have to shit on noobs to get them. Which is how you play the ARC Trooper in the newer BF2.
Except it wasn't overpowered. And I never said that the special classes in classic battlefront was strong or overpowered. Never said that at all, in fact, they were super weak. You had to be super accurate with it and land EVERY single shock (and you had to be quite precise) or you just died in 2 shots, It was a glass cannon for sure, and killing a wookie was actually really difficult, and you really NEEDED your jetpack to win any fight vs a wookie. If the wookie didn't kill you in 2 shots (needed at least 5 to kill them), then you might accidentally jetpack into the big hole in the middle of the death star map. And any good wookie would only fight you there, trying to snipe you as you walked down the narrow hallways that led to there or proxy'd you with the grenade launchers in the prison area.
Alright, I actually started up the game to see for myself. And leveling up is absurdly fast right now. so i guess you arent full of it. My bad user.
i honestly think that the snipers being shit in nu-bf1 was a good thing, now all the open maps are turbo cancer sniper fests and more enclosed maps are just huge explosive spam fest
>Except it wasn't overpowered. And I never said that the special classes in classic battlefront was strong or overpowered. Never said that at all, in fact, they were super weak. [explanation of how wookies are exceptionally strong]
>I AM gregor when I just start playing something
Apparently not, according to you.
>unless they have purple upgrades that they took months to unlock
Again, not months. And what you believe that purple upgrade did, to make you spill so much spaghetti 80% of the time?
> Which, again, might not suck so bad if the community wasn't rotten morons like you who talk crap to you
Man, you sure are fragile.
>and tell you to "git gud".
So in your mind, people should not, in fact, get good at things?
>Do you seriously expect me to grind your shit game as you tell me to "gid gud" because I don't have purple guns
Yes. Obviously.
Also, the guns aren't purple.
>some classes are BROKEN AND YOU ADMIT IT.
Absolutely. Anakin is absolute shit. But that's why you don't charge him as a trooper. You either switch to a hero, gang up, or let someone else do it.
> as I was landing headshot after headshot with my shitty little rifle that did no damage to him
ARC troopers aren't that strong. Either you're lying, or you weren't actually hitting him. If it was Vader or one of the other higher tier heroes, i might believe you.
>And yet in every post you remind me that I'm bad at video games
Because of your ethos and ability.
>and that's why I shouldn't play your game.
People who aren't willing to learn shouldn't play team games.
>Or are you saying that if I unlocked purples, I'd then stop dying and have fun?
Nah. Sounds like you'd need cheats to stop dying and learn to aim.
Well I feel especially silly. Never actually checked it, or mucked about with unlocks.
It is a triple xp weekend though.
exceptionally stronger than jetpack troopers yes. they were the direct counter to them. if you'd played the classics, you wouldve gotten that.
That's like saying snipers are overpowered. I have never claimed any class is overpowered or too strong in swbf2, in fact the balance was excellent in a way i couldn't show an example in modern class-based shooters.
>>I AM gregor when I just start playing something
>Apparently not, according to you.
>ahhaha i called him bad again like i do in every post. did I prove my point yet?
I think we're done here.
>I think we're done here.
We were done from the start, when you tried to blame mechanics which don't exist, and then refused to spend an hour learning how to play like everyone else does.
>exceptionally stronger than jetpack troopers yes. they were the direct counter to them. if you'd played the classics, you wouldve gotten that.
That's quite an asspull. Anyone can counter a jetpack if you look for a terrain advantage somewhere. All unlockable classes were stronger than default classes by design, there was no planned "counterplay" meta shit. They're just supposed to be overpowered, that's why there's a limit on how many can be on the battlefield simultaneously. Which is how modern BF2 works with the addition of punishing players if they're shit with an OP class.
The problem with BF2m is that there can be too many special classes on the field at once. Like, in a normal match, both teams can have like ten heroes, and five or so specials and vehicles
Not him but I played it when I got Origin Access to play BF5 with friends like a retard.
It was terrible.
Got it for 4 bucks
I only play heroes vs villains
God damn the concept art is so cool, if only the writing for the movies wasn't garbage and if only the publisher for SW games wasn't EA
Not really. Just camp a door with an engineer on tantiv IV and as soon as the jet pack trooper walks in he's 1shot. Pretty much all classes had strength and draw backs. such as the shock trooper killing you in 2 hits but you killing you in 2 hits as well. movement was also a double edged sword unless you had perfect aiming, but you could still be fighting at a disadvantage and you could not get those classes unless you were doing well on the normal classes to begin with.
you clearly have never played the classics if youre calling anything in them OP when that word didn't exist back then. ive never heard one person said "overpowered" once in my years of playing that game every day for hours and hours on end.
nice lies, all been debunked before multiple times but I guess you were too busy holding contradictory beliefs and calling me bad to notice. If my aim sucks it aint getting fixed in an hour, and if an hour of grinding is what it takes to be on even footing, then I played the game for more than that so you're clearly lying. I guess that dude dunkin on me with a decked out loadout was a figment of my imagination.
you try so hard to figure me out but every time you just embarass yourself.
Either the game has crutches for bad players or it doesn't.make up your mind and stop contradicting yourself just to call me bad, you just make yourself look so stupid and toxic and prove my point right that no one should be playing a game with a community of toxic players like you. Not for the a AAA price.
and stop insulting people's skill when you play a game that doesn't have a competitive scene. you're making a fool of yourself. Now be quiet forever.
Can we talk about how tiny the maps are?
I loved playing the AAT in old battlefield but in this game you have it in like the first phase and the last phase and there's only one rock to hide behind in your 50x50 feet box where you can drive.
It's like some political litmus test for a certain type of person that uses Twitter too much. Also braindead normies that love Michael Bay style popcorn flics.
damn since its 5 buck im gonna get it just hope the player base isnt completely dead
>fire and smoke in space
>all been debunked before multiple times
Where? You're clearly unfamiliar with loadouts and unlocks.
> If my aim sucks it aint getting fixed in an hour
True, but that's not the fault of the game, it's a skill you have to work on.
>I guess that dude dunkin on me with a decked out loadout was a figment of my imagination.
His loadout had little to do with it. ARC is broken, but not that broken.
Do you write for kotaku or something?
> Not for the a AAA price.
Pretty sure $4-8 isn't a AAA price.
>and stop insulting people's skill when you play a game that doesn't have a competitive scene.
Why would a "competitive scene" mean that people don't need to git gud?
You know all those MLG toolboxes have to actually practice and learn what they play.
Only for GC and Assault.
That's just the battlefield/DICE experience :^) enjoy
i played for 3 hours and i got 1 card for a character so enjoy being dunked on by children with full purple loadouts who will then tell you to git gud.
Don't know what you're going to get out of an EA corporate game anyways. there's a reason why they removed all the micro transactions from the game, but only years after release. Game's dead.
>His loadout had little to do with it. ARC is broken, but not that broken.
so i guess me headshotting him 10 times and him killing me with a single meatshot was my imagination.
>Do you write for kotaku or something?
Your behavior is your behavior. I watch richard lewis, so no, I don't even frequent kotaku.
AGAIN with the fucking attempts at ad hominems. You don't know me at all. You have been 100% wrong about everything you've tried to attack me on so far yet you keep on trying and making yourself look stupid in the process.
> Not for the a AAA price.
Pretty sure $4-8 isn't a AAA price.
5$ per month* for a portion of the game**
>True, but that's not the fault of the game, it's a skill you have to work on.
>HAAHA i called him bad AGAIN
I'm done. this is your last (you) from me.
>i played for 3 hours and i got 1 card
Literally impossible. Even if you idled for all that, you would have gotten enough points to buy several cards for the classes used.
>Don't know what you're going to get out of an EA corporate game anyways
Gee, maybe some people enjoy star wars and enjoy games.
>havent played for a month because anakin ruins the game
>play 1 match of GA on kamino
>instantly go 41 kill streak with ani before the match ends
whoah... when the fuck are they going to nuke him? heroic might is fucking retarded
>True, but that's not the fault of the game, it's a skill you have to work on.
Again, either there is a loadout that makes him ebtter than me, in which case its a bad, grind oriented game.
my aim sucks and i need to git gud, in which case i can enjoy being trash talked by players like you. greatttttt.
Both options are shit and it's kind of funny you think I should play your game to either get dunked on or told to git gud. ive already proven that ive been playing shooters for over 10 years but you keep on not reading anything just to call me bad. I'm done with your stupid ass. you can keep on contradicting yourself.
>>Don't know what you're going to get out of an EA corporate game anyways
>Gee, maybe some people enjoy star wars and enjoy games.
Lmao, and you call me an otaku fan?
I didn't want to say it before because I'm not like you and don't insult people as an argument, but even though you've said I would like the game if it wasnt by EA, the truth is you're projecting and YOU would NOT like the game if it WASNT star wars.
You are literally the fucking star wars fan parody that RLM does. You are pathetic.
the truth is out. this game is only good if you're starved for star wars content. and since EA kill the APEIRON project for this garbage, we know that THEY KNOW WHAT WE ACTUALLY want but won't give it to us just to MILK US.
and thanks to people like you, it's working and we will never get a good KOTOR 3, only ever corporate garbage with micro transactions designed to milk star wars "fans".
>so i guess me headshotting him 10 times and him killing me with a single meatshot was my imagination.
Probably, yes. ARC is simply not that strong. It's a special, not a hero. And you could have switched to a special too at any time.
> I watch richard lewis, so no
What the heck is that supposed to mean?
>You have been 100% wrong about everything
How ironic, since you've had to make up lies to excuse your unwillingness to git gud. Clearly you just have an agenda.
>5$ per month* for a portion of the game**
What is this meant to mean? The whole game is ~$5. What lie are you making up here?
>i called him bad AGAIN
Actually i called you lazy. Are you implying that skills don't have to be learned?
>my aim sucks and i need to git gud, in which case i can enjoy being trash talked by players like you. greatttttt.
But there's no talking in the game. And if your aim sucks, you'll suck at every game, and it's something you need to improve in general.
> ive already proven that ive been playing shooters for over 10 years
Well, no you haven't, kiddo. And it certainly wouldn't mean that you're good at them.
The issue is that sniping needs to be hard and needs to require patience AND needs to be effective. DICE doesn't like the first two parts, so sniping can't be good in their game. Honestly, I think a "sniping" role only really works in games like ARMA or maybe Red Orchestra to pick off people in the back/machine gunners. It's just the nature of sniping to be unnatural in an arcade-like setting presented by DICE.
> I watch richard lewis, so no
What the heck is that supposed to mean?
Oh so you were projecting again? You're to kotaku fan? Good to know.
>YOU would NOT like the game if it WASNT star wars.
Correct. Is this a problem?
> this game is only good if you're starved for star wars content
It's not bad, but yes, I am in fact starved for new star wars content. At least until Fallen Order.
> we will never get a good KOTOR 3
That is a true shame, but they'd never give it to Obsidian again, and Bioware sucks now, so after shit like TORtanic, i wouldn't hold out hope at all.
You've lost me. Who is Richard Lewis and how was I projecting?
please incel have sex
Keep making those idiotic posts buddy. how you can be wrong about every single thing it's almost amazing the way you achieve that. god you are insufferable, glad i don't play your terrible game with you.
How you can simultaneously hold the belief that you gotta grind purple but also everyone's equal but also if you die it's cuz ur bad but if youre bad you should keep playing but we're going to call you bad is just...
> I am in fact starved for new star wars content. At least until Fallen Order.
How you can be shilling this star wars product ONLY because its a star wars product yet claim it doesnt satisfy your star wars needs. BECAUSE IT'S SHIT. AND FALLEN ORDER WILL BE SHIT TOO. BECAUSE YOU KEEP SUPPORTING SHIT GAMES LIKE THIS.
>YOU would NOT like the game if it WASNT star wars.
Correct. Is this a problem?
Nice garbage post. We see the level of intelligence and kidness the people playing this game have. Truly winning supporters here. Would expect nothing more from EA costumers.
It is yes, especially when you accuse people of hating the game only for the logo on it when it is in fact you who likes a shitty cod-reskin because of the reskin, which is a corporate product. like i said, selling a corporate product to costumers VS creating an experience for gamers. the difference is who the product serves: the executives or the gamers.
>Who is Richard Lewis
yikes. knows nothing about the gaming industry, plays a game with no competitive scene and supports an EA yet calls people scrub otaku readers. you are the otaku reader, my friend. you are the problem with this industry.
>How you can simultaneously hold the belief that you gotta grind purple but also everyone's equal
Because "purple" doesn't convey the kind of benefit you're pretending it does.
>yet claim it doesnt satisfy your star wars needs.
Well it's not exactly Outcast or Academy, is it.
Probably. But I'm holding on to hope.
>knows nothing about the gaming industry, plays a game with no competitive scene
Are these meant to be bad things which impact my life in any way?
>and supports an EA
Only the bare minimum. They've gotten $20 from me over the past five years ($5 for BF2m and $15 for ME:C)
>you are the otaku reader
Well that's news to me, since i've not read Kotaku except for the screengrabs on here, and I don't use words like "toxic" to describe people.
>Because "purple" doesn't convey the kind of benefit you're pretending it does.
its either even or it isnt buddy. stop lying already.
>Well it's not exactly Outcast or Academy, is it.
duh isnt that what ive been fucking saying? its terirble
>Probably. But I'm holding on to hope.
surely EA will change
>Are these meant to be bad things which impact my life in any way?
No, it just shows that I was right about you. you throw out all these insults but you're really projecting onto me what YOU are. you call me scrub but youre the scrub. you call me otaku reader but you're the ignorant one. you call ignorant about star wars but you buy EA products and shill for it even though you're dissatisfied with you.
You're arguing with me this WHOLE TIME that the game is good only to finally admit it's not as good as games made in 2002. TWO THOUSAND TWO. 16 YEARS AGO.
Why, why are you still fucking arguing with me when you've already admitted the game aint that good?
>Only the bare minimum. They've gotten $20 from me over the past five years ($5 for BF2m and $15 for ME:C)
Again with the five dollar lie. 5$ is for origin premium access, it's a monthly fee you fucking lying sack of shilling shit. if that's so, you've played 4 months of bf2 over 2 years and you're going to tell me it's good? who are you fooling?
>you are the otaku reader
so memes about the headlines. great. toxic isn't an otaku fucking word, you would call me an otaku fucking reader when you don't even know what otaku is. god you fucking insufferable moron.
you've been arguing with me for over 4 hours that this garbage game is good only to just now admit a game from 2002 is better...
i just... im gonna go take the shower i wanted to take 4 hours ago. enjoy having the last word before this thread is pruned. youve earned it. to be moronic for 4 hours and waste so much of my time. im not even upset, im impressed by you dedication to being so stupid. you are the king of idiots and im proud to have had my time and energy wasted by the king.
take a shower
get a clue
give me the clue, king of idiots.
enlighten me, please.
>its either even or it isnt
It's even. I've been saying that over and over.
>its terirble
Meh, it's not terrible since the revamp. It's just missing stuff.
>surely EA will change
More of a broken clock thing. The combat looks a bit janky, but better than what 1313 was meant to be. As long as it's as fun as FU, it's acceptable.
>you throw out all these insults but you're really projecting onto me what YOU are.
Man, i never said i was some vidya expert. I'm happy to admit my faults and realise that they should be worked on. I don't get why this offends you.
>you call me scrub but youre the scrub
I totally am, but by your own admission, you are too.
>you call me otaku reader but you're the ignorant one
Ignorant about what? Some random e-celeb? We're talking about a particular subject here. One which you've had to lie about to justify your views.
>you call ignorant about star wars
Again, no, just BF2m, because you don't understand how the cards and classes work.
> only to finally admit it's not as good as games made in 2002. TWO THOUSAND TWO. 16 YEARS AGO.
I don't understand, what point are you trying to make here? I think many games from that period or earlier are superior to many released now. New isn't always better. But sometimes it can be.
> 5$ is for origin premium access
Why the fuck would you use that? The standalone game is $5.
>you've played 4 months of bf2 over 2 years
Where are you getting these numbers, and how does it impact my ability to say if something is good or not?
> toxic isn't an [k]otaku fucking word
It's their calibre. They use it to demonise groups unjustly.
>you don't even know what otaku is.
Is this a joke?
>only to just now admit a game from 2002 is better
Again, how does that make any difference? Ocarina is better BotW, but that doesn't mean BotW isn't enjoyable.
Calm yourself homosexual
didnt read lol
stay stupid
>didnt read
Aye, you mentioned being unwilling to learn.
to this day I still can't play multiplayer due to fucked up shitty matchmaking system
why can't they have server browser like Battlefield
Are vehicles still jolly rancher coins to summon?
never said that, but you did mention battlefront 2 being shit and unsatisfying to you.
you also did mention new players being with a disadvantage
Listen here you little shit, OG HvsV was far from balanced but this shit is awful to play if you're a ground trooper
you also did project what you are onto me constantly for the past couple hours
That game is boring as fuck.
I bought it for $5, played 2 hours and never played it again.
The gameplay and the card shit is just trash.
Why is it so hard making a Star Wars mod for Battlefield 4?
I didn't say any of that, though. You're not even good at putting words in peoples mouths, scrub.
HsV is a specific mode. But BF1m did it better.
the question is why is it so hard making a good star wars games with a good story that has twists and turns, creative characters.
> I am in fact starved for new star wars content. At least until Fallen Order.
>YOU would NOT like the game if it WASNT star wars.
Correct. Is this a problem?
Probably. But I'm holding on to hope.
give up, you've played yourself. never play yourself.
Will be fixed the 26th
Where did i say it was shit and unsatisfying. I wouldn't play it if it was either. It's not perfect, but it's still enjoyable as star wars.
Genuine question: is English your first language?
the only bad part to me is that the battles feel too chaotic and funnel all players to the same areas, instead of having a more open design like Battlefield.
It’s almost impossible to a) feel any attachment to your squad b) feel like you’re using any strategy at all to help the battle change tides.
Also, if you see a hero character, you’re 100% dead, you can’t outrun it, there’s too much rolling going on etc.
They did fix the content problem, but the gameplay is still ultra casual, I can only enjoy the game for a few minutes at a time cause there’s no sense of ‘getting better’, it’s just chaos and I don’t remember the original being like this.
>> I am in fact starved for new star wars content. At least until Fallen Order.
> I am in fact starved for new star wars content. At least until Fallen Order.
It's okay you're lying to yourself. Beaten wife syndrome. You think you have to play this shitty game so you convince yourself it's not bad but when asked if you're satisfied with SW content you claim you're STARVED of it so yeah.
You even said you wouldn't play the game if it wasn't "star wars" themed so. Just stop.
YIt;s not good, you know it, I know it, everyone in here knows it, you're in denial because you need S
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. These games usually last okay on consoles but die pretty quickly on PC. CoD ends up that way, even if it's a half decent entry, which sucks.
>You think you have to play this shitty game
I don't have to do anything. I enjoy playing it. But we're a far cry from the early 00s where there were scores of SW games being released across every genre.
If there was another Rogue Squadron? Great! But i'd still play BF2m unless there was another one in that genre.
>You even said you wouldn't play the game if it wasn't "star wars" themed
Yes, and? Is my liking star wars a problem?
They did the same in Battlefield 1, its all about designated kill zones now
On Yurop all the standard ground modes are quite alive(HvV, CS GA,blast), the spaceship one last time i played it required a bit of time before finding a match while the space ship one with hero ships and ewok hunt unless some kind of daily challenge is going on are deserted
This thread was brought to you in part by EA!
don't forget to take your meds based esl schizo poster
Why would you buy lootboxes?
Brought to you by people who convince themselves this is a good game because Disney crushed all other "competitors" with lawsuits and they own the entire IP and EA is in the business of selling digital goods, not in the business of creating memorable content for gamers.
They removed lootboxes because the game's dying and they got all the suckers they were gonna get, now the game is on life support.
Know how I know you sucked at Hero Assault?
I dunno.
I dunno. Maybe you need to get more crystals.
>republic commando featured in the absolute, ambiguously worst arc of the entire show, holy shit that shit was bad
>also it's literally just some random guy