This game has been sitting in my shelf for about two years now

Is it any good?

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Literally playing it right now. It's alright.

It’s good but flawed. First few hours can be rough but get past those and it’s smooth sailing from there.


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It's good, but beware the squeal.


best RPG on 3DS. The fuck are you doing OP? You're missing out on all the memes.



There were worse bosses in the first game.
I spent a week and a half grinding and fusing a team specially made just to take him down.

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I had to do the same thing for this guy, and the worst part was my team was so stronk from that point onwards that I basically shit stomped every other boss afterwards.

I tried making SMT threads on Yea Forums but they always die.

Thank YHVH he was an optional boss for 3 out of 4 endings.

I just put him off for my 2nd play through.

Of course I went with the ending where y ou HAVE to fight him my first time.

But that ending was satisfying enough to where I've never gone through any of the others.

I think it’s because of the E3 threads. We’ll probably get some more activity once the storm comes to pass.

If you're in any way thorough in completing side quests, it becomes tedious by about 40% of the way through because you faceroll everything.

I find a lot of SMT and Persona games run too long for their difficulty curve and become piss easy too soon.

Based Hoyposters.
Yes it is. Play it and follow with SMT IV:A. It gives you a few bonuses when you start it having a clear SMT IV save file.

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I finished playing SMT4 and got the law ending, currently replaying it for the neutral ending. It's honestly a game worth experiencing, I highly recommend playing it blind.

I get why this game had street pass junk in it, but I only ever once encountered someone else who had SMT IV data in the wild.

>law ending
>not based NOTHING ending

Don't forget to play the games that came before it in the T̮̣́I̪̙̱̜ͅḾ̧̩̻̬͓͚̖͟E̼̕L̢͎̺̻͙̜̟̝͘I̢̙̹̹͕͎̜N̶̶̛̠̙͙̤̰̤̼E͉͎͕͓̹̩.

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Getting the nothing ending blind is hard user

That's not even an up to date version.

SMT is one hell of a drug.

Give me 528 macca.

Isn't Majin Tensei 1 and 2 connected?

I have 20 play coins.

>Soul Hackers original release and Soul Hackers 3ds release are different games in different timelines
What in the absolute fuckery

Its great. Why the fuck aren't you playing it right now? I wish I could be playing it again for the first time

I finished Neutral without ever beating him.
Pretty he is optional in all endings

I don't think that's possible in IV. In order to fill the beacon of hope or w/e it was called you have to complete certain sidequests, including his.

By the looks of it, that's because of the post game? I never bothered with it.

I thought Neutral required you to do ALL the side quests. I guess I did that for nothing.

Doesn't real matter.
The games are so loosely connected that they all might as well be standalone titles/universes with a few exceptions.
Even zelda is more interconnected than these games.

>have all the PS2 SMT and Persona games on a shelf
>want to play them all
>also wanna play Strange Journey Redux and Apocolypse since the only game in all the series I've finished is P3, and IV


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I finished all the endings in IV except for the white ending without ever beating.flyboi.

Pretty good, hope you have many Play Coins, if you want a good team, either pirate the dlc or put the game on easy when you go buy stuff, I dont know why Atlus does this shit, difficulty should change store/compendium prices. Put nothing into STR, you want a world of DEX

I've restarted Devil Survivor twice now and can never beat it. I don't know why, I just can't seem to do it, yet I was able to stomp DS2 into dust after creating a near invincible Purple Mirror and making Jungo an ungodly monster.

Did you max the MC’s MAG and slap Holy Dance and Drain on him?

>I thought Neutral required you to do ALL the side quests.
Pretty sure that's not the case die to how the allignment system is calculated.

I forgot. I'll try that next time I restart.

No I mean when you have to fill up the cup thingy after you come back and alignments don't matter anymore.

I always get stuck in a park or some shit and forget the game and then remember about it and start over but the same thing happens
it happens every 6 months

I finished it yesterday
It was pretty great, played it all day long yesterday couldnt put it down.

>tfw I'm truly a neutral person and somehow got it completely blind just picking answers I actually agreed with
Kinda wish I had happened to get something other neutral first, I was pretty sure I'd get chaos actually. But at the same time this shit got too tedious to play the same thing all over again from the beginning immediately so I'm glad I don't have to go though it right now to see the true ending.
Well actually I got the nothing ending first.

I was actually curious about playing from the beginning but I looked at the wikipedia page and my brain shit down at the amount of seemingly untranslated shit and side stories and iOS only shit.

Is it actually?

Nope, his was optional thankfully. There are required sideqiests but his wasnt one of them. Was the last thing I did in the game. I mean I beat him eventually but it took me a good few tries and it did feel hopeless at a point.

I wont say the game was "easy" but I only hit a truly bad roadblock was once with the last the white but after getting beat by him like 15 times I grinded 2 levels, fused a couple higher level demons, they happened to have some repel and blocks to physical and gun and then I never had a reason to fuse or change my party for the rest of the game.

I went full luck and then mostly agilty and a bit of luck after I hit 200 luck.

>play pick related
Expected: SMTxMadMax
What I got: SMTxDrakengard/Nier
Spoiler for dds1 I haven't finished 2 yet.
what the fuck. I actually didn't think it was a virtual world. I thought it was going to be a twist in which everyone dies in the cruise ship and this is some cruel game God creates to see who's worthy for reincarnation. Playing through the first hour of dds2 made all my theories slam straight to the ground. I legit didn't think all of them were A.I. am I just stupid?

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is the dlc for the game worth it? I still haven't hacked my 3DS yet and I don't really feel compelled buying noncanon shit.

>amount of seemingly untranslated shit
Yeah, that's the main issue.

I mean, Persona is the mainstream branch of this and even then they STILL haven't translated Eternal Punishment.

I hit a few roadblocks. Kenji took me a few tries, Asmodeus took me two, the Minotaur was pretty tricky at first, and then Belzebub was the worst. I was stuck at Belzebub for a while, but eventually fused the team comp you need to really whoop his ass (someone who blocks disease, someone who blocks lightning, etc.).

After Belzebub I wound up steam rolling everything else. I remember getting to the final bosses and just trying them on a whim, then completely obliterating them. I'd be damned if Lucifer's Palace doesn't have a kickass song to it though.

Eh, the free DLC is fine for early game first play through. but you are better off watching the DLC story on youtube unless you REALLY want a new boss encounter.

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I misspelled I'm retarded

Best girl

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just beat that fucking faggot tonight on war mode what a pain in the ass
if you're a returning player to the series, SMTIV is very similar to nocturne but with some big differences as far as what is strong
magic > str sadly
demons are used for fusion fodder in this game for the most part, as soon as one becomes useless it's better to just fuse it in to a different demon with better res/stats
the neutral ending is somewhat of a pain in the ass to get, as every little interaction gives you alignment points, and sometimes knocking the ice cream out of a kids hand will net you more negative alignment points than becoming a school shooter.
also fuse alice, she's busted
luster candy is very strong

Where does Trauma Centre fit into this?

I'm glad my qt indecisive weeb gf was able to survive to the end I got scared when she didn't go to blasted and infernal with you

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with the exception of the archangel fights, the dlcs are the hardest fights possible, if you want a challenge that will push you to make the best possible team ever, then go for them, but then you should get the other dlcs to make that journey shorter.
Each of the superbosses has a gimmick worse than the last.
>when she didn't go to blasted and infernal with you
Why would she?, she stayed being indecisive and cute on Mikado instead of doing stuff.

I want to fuck this monkey

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Trauma Centre happens after Snowboard Kids 4 in the timeline where Jack Frost accidentally kills the other kids.

I was happy when she died.

Not as good as the PS1/PS2 eras of SMT. The loss of Kaneko was felt really badly and the toku demon designs sucked ass. Law and Chaos reps were also shit and Lucifer has never been dumber. Strange Journey was the last SMT I'd consider great. IV was okay and IV:A was fucking offensive.

Until Beelzebub.
Fuck that guy.

I think I was spoiled to the twist but it was still pretty great.

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Any of you even care about mythology?

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>Decided to watch a few retrospective videos on SMT.
Guy literally spoils DDS1 in one sentence, I didn't watch the rest of the video. Thank god I already finished DDS1 or I would've been pissed.

Oh you haven't finished 2, guess the picture can be considered spoilery then, sorry.

Considering how much Yea Forums jerks off to IV and IV:A I'm going to say no.

Guess it's to be expected.

Every time I start a mythology thread here it always turns to flame wars about religion.

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I liked reading the stuff. I didn't like when the designs were completely different from what they look like (until it was turning it sexy) socially when their looks are one of the most iconic things about them
I was looking forward to seeing Asmodeus but he looked nothing like Asmodeus... It was a cool design still but it could have been anyone.

Doesn't make a lick of sense to me without context.

You're in for a treat.

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never really fond of this quetzalcoatl design. Would've preferred him being a snake with wings like his original SMT1 design but with more Aztec influences instead of just a literal snake with wings.

>Be me
>Talk to a bunch of NPCs
>"you think the director is a hermaphodite?"

What? I mean I was already pulling Nier parallels but God dang I wasn't expecting that. I talked to that NPC like 3-5 times just to see if what I was reading was right.

Blew my mind. It is good. Long game like any jap game, but good.

He was a refreshing surprise since by the time I fought him nothing else was a threat and I was just checking off endings completed. Beelzebub’s strategy had to be Luster Candy/Debilitate and three Megidoleons in a row to give me my first game over ever since the first playthrough’s fight with Medusa.

>continue playing the game through to the Law end
>reload a save from Gabriel’s appearance and go the chaos end
>replay the game in NG+ to the neutral end
Is this a good plan?

I find it better then the simple "snake with wings" of the original. The human design at least takes Aztec influence in its appearance.

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True, but him being human is kind of boring in of itself to me because there's plenty of humanoid demons and angels already. How are you not going to design Quetzalcoatl to look like a snake with feathers when its name literally translates to "feathered-serpent" and the majority of his depictions in Aztec/Mesoamerican culture feature him as exactly that?

I fully agree with you, I prefer the literal interpretation myself. However, in Kaneko's case a human form is not ridiculous by any means. Aztec art depicts him both as a serpent as well as a human like figure, both interpretations are perfectly valid.

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Yeah, then end it with a nothing end.

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They haven't been good since 2 but they're better than Persona

shut the fuck up you contrarian

Cope, press turn is absolute shit

Oh Christ, it’s you.

>It's him again
Dude, lmao

I guess you like your RPGs easy and hand holding.

SMTI and SMTII aren't particularly difficult. SMTI is just broken and SMTII is easy as long as you properly buff and debuff,kind of like some other megaten games.

>Implying SMT is difficult to begin with

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It doesn't stop there.

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the only hard part of smt 1 is actually doing the dungeons because it feels so shitty

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The intro is so fucking hard, what stats do I want to level on Mc?

>tfw 176 strength

>not posting the real timeline

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I hated the designs on release.
But honestly after seeing them in all the SMT games plus all the persona games I now find going back to smt4 kind of refreshing.
I haven't memorized all of the demons so smt4 feels more alien than the other games, which I think suits SMT really well.

Should i play #FE? it looks fun

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yeah sure.

Shit quality

Missing SMT crossovers with MH4U baka

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The problem is that most of the guest artists hired for SMTIV were veterans of the sentai and/or toku genres. Essentially Atlus hired guys who made careers off of their ridiculous designs and then asked them to make designs without even a briefing on what SMT even is.

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