18 years later

>18 years later
>goat soundtrack goat level design
>still can’t be topped

Onett bros get in here

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's shit

it's obnoxious as hell
>walk-off stage
>annoying stage hazard
>no natural spaces to have functioning gameplay in

One of my first thoughts after they revealed stages would get every song from their series was "finally, Humoresque of a Little Dog can go where it belongs"

Zoom zoom zoom

Well then don't just walk off the stage you fucking retards.

shitty bait thread

>no one posting rebuttals

Guess I win

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>all the competitive shitters in this thread

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How come Hyrule Temple is the only large stage to ever get it right?
Every other one is just lame as fuck to play.

Good observation. Honestly 50% of smash stages are trash.

>that one gorgeous Mother stage they completely ruined because of the omnipresent assist trophy
>all the Pikmin stages
>lazily designed Paper Mario stage

real men fight here without using throws

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Paths. On, say, New Pork City, to get from the rightmost part to the leftmost part you're gonna be airborn for a disgusting amount of time, which makes it really hard to fight for a large portion of the cast. Plus, the large open spaces make dying that much harder. Palutena's has the same problem but somehow fucking worse because the stage is literally divided in half by a single rickety bridge.

Temple is partially underground with plenty of easy paths leading around the stage. And the main parts of the stage where combat happens, i.e. the upper right ledge, the upper center, Death or Glory, etc. are close enough to the edges of the stage to allow for everyone, not just heavy hitters, to get kills.

The problem is that 90% of large stages are huge wide open spaces with no arenas to kill in. Incidentally Great Cave Offensive fixes a lot of these problems but the 100% instant kill on the lava, which in itself adds a disgusting amount of hitstun, plus all of the random fucking hidden traps within, absolutely kill that stage.

Temple has segments to it that you clearly see, and also lacks any hazards to it, making it fun to play and go around in. New Pork City is far too spacious, takes forever to get anywhere, and is just generally uninteresting. Palutena's Temple has the same problem, and GCO is far too cramped, both plagued with annoying hazards that makes you never want to touch either of them again.

based and frankpilled

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I'm not sure if it's morally righteous to play on a Ness stage without using any killthrows.

I think it's kinda a problem I found with each Smash after Brawl where everything has to be overdesigned and gimmicked.

oh wait this is a smash thread
I take it back

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I wish we could get an EarthBound remake that looked like this, minus those trees.

Or like the smash games, either one

Stay awhile and listen

Almost every stages added in Smash 4 feels like they were made by designers having fun making them, rather than thinking about what's going to be fun playing in.

Smash used to be really fun casually. While Brawl did have a few stinkers like Hannenbow, it wasn't until Smash 4 when stages started to have far too much shit going on in them, like the Orbital Gate Assault.
Items aren't any better. Older games used to just give a slight advantage, but the newer ones are pretty much "You instantly win the game" if you grab them, like that stupid Ogre Club and S Flag.
Pic related is the perfect casual stage. Simple, easily digestable layout along with only 1 gimmick that never gets in the way.

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Its called turning stage hazards off ad its called disabling items you don't like.

Gust bellow is what caused my roommate who is the most casual of casuals to turn off items back when 4 came out.

Hazard toggle is inconsistent and retarded.
Platforms moving on FoD is a hazard but Town and City can transform still.

Its called shielding

Why would you turn off hazards on those stages?
Use it on stages like Wario Ware or Magicant.

Didn't know you could shield when you're already off stage and can't recover.

>just turn it off lmao!
Then that just makes it even worse. Instead of putting that crap in, wouldn't it just be better development time to refine mechanics, character balancing, and other things?

>being too dumb to get the point of a statement
Even if you ignore your stupidity the fact that means you have to go out of the menu and change rulesets instead of just being a toggle option on the stage select is also retarded.

Its called dont get off stages when theres a gust bellows on the stage.

Putting items in the game doesn't detract from character balancing retard. There are two totally different teams for that.
Either way, competetive smash players already disable half the game just to play fairly, i dont see how turning off certain items is any different.

It looks so...
...s o u l l e s s

So have one ruleset dedicated to hazards off and one for hazards on? Shouldn't take more than like, 10 seconds.

Its called make stages and items that are actually fun instead of making us turn shit off
In previous games the only people who turned off shit were competitivefags

So you're saying that gust bellows has no counter play?


It's bad design.

are you people seriously discussing the best level in a children's game that came out last decade

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Not really? Even in melee and brawl i always turned shit like the Fan or Golden Hammer off.

>WarioWare Inc.
>Hyrule Castle
>PAC-Maze (RIP)

literally the worst

Poke Floats
Fountain of Dreams

why did onett and great bay look so accurate yet stages like jungle japes dont look anything at all like their home games

>Fountain of dreams
>Yoshi's story
>Pokemon stadium
>Meta crystal

Is anything beyond Brawl that bad to play casually? When I tried to play Ultimate with my family, I noticed they didn't have nearly as much fun since they kept getting confused and annoyed by almost everything. They didn't like the huge roster that much either, always saying "Who's this?" or "That doesn't look like a Nintendo character!"

Melee and n64 are the best to play with the family. The games don't have any of that shounen anime super laser kid icarus bullshit. Everything is really straightforward.

post songs faggots


Brawl's still the best casually. Easy to play, has the most stages that aren't too irritating to play on, and the roster manages to be expansive yet concise at the same time. Plus, playing 2 Player Subspace Emissary is always a good time.

>I noticed they didn't have nearly as much fun since they kept getting confused and annoyed by almost everything
Sounds like your family is intellectually disabled
What the fuck is there to be confused about?

Pokefloats is based and people who hate it are faggots who cant get gud

This is also true for orbital assault


Get dabbed on.

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Introduced my little sister and her friends to 4 and they werent big on it. Screen gets WAY too zoomed out in that one even without 8 player mode, and there’s so much shit happening on screen that people lose track of stuff.

The early games have way more clarity. And contrary to what Sakurai seems to believe, casuals don’t like the stupid overpowered items. Bobombs hammers and final smash are popular, but fuck the golden hammer. Assist Trophies are way too strong in ultimate as well. They used to be my favorite item but now they’re just annoying way too often.

Unironically, the Hyrule Fight Club section of the stage.

That fucking bayonetta stage makes me want to fucking kill myself. Why the fuck is there SO MUCH SHIT HAPPENING IN THE BACKGROUND

If there was a sub-menu to toggle individual assist trophies (and Pokemon) I think they'd be more reasonable.

did any 64 modder recreate the stage yet?

It is a great stage for heavy weights.

>Palutena's Temple / Great Cave Offensive come up in random stage select
>that one guy who runs to the corner to make the screen zoom out as far as possible

Do any of these videos still exist? They were the best.

the stage hazard invalidates walk-offs though.

Assist trophies, along with pokeballs are waaay too powerful in ultimate, whereas assist trophies in Brawl were always enjoyable. Another thing is the fun items that were removed like the cracker launcher and fan, and were replaced with much more annoying and overpowered ones like the cuccos, beetle, beastball, etc.

Don't they have that though??

too many guns/swords. feels super rushed imo.

As someone who never really played 4, what are the big differences between ultimate and 4?

That's only in training mode.