Should nagas be renamed?

Should nagas be renamed?

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Their original name is problematic. We should call them sea monkeys


Ocean Niggers




>user was banned for this post.

Naga is not advertiser friendly

Do the chicks have cloacas?

Did I miss something? What's going on?

Why do they bother? Why do they bother trying to clean up and police the Internet? They're so hilariously misguided in thinking that people are some sort of nefarious race-baiters dogwhistling all over some internet nazi underground, when the truth is that a bunch of spergs literally just don't like being told what to do or what words are okspeak and wrongspeak.

Nevertheless, this is streamer shit and streamer nigger genocide is best day of my life so yes rename nagas an ban all bigoted racist streamers. Ban all streamers.

Twitch banned WC3 players for racism.

They are not monkeys, they are people.

genius twitch viewers spam the picture of a black person everytime streamers use the word "naga"

The last intelligent man on Yea Forums

>twitch streamer refers to "nagas" as in the naga mobs in WoW, saying something like "I need to shoot these nagas"
>twitch audience sees the similarities between "nagas" and "niggas" and starts having fun by repeating "shoot these nagas" and laughing while posting emotes of black people
>twitch mods or some perpetually offended dangerhair in the chat at the time sees this and reports it
>twitch suspends all the accounts involved for racism

Blizzard thinks so. Didn't they ban the guild named "Nagas with attitude"?

dumbfuck streamers used naga in reference to nigger, don't listen to Yea Forums they didn't even bother watching vod's that got them banned, the streamers are concern trolling.


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>Why do they bother?
the internet got so big and mainstream so fast we're all scrambling to work it out.

No one believes you tranny. Provide proof or fuck off.

Call them Seaboons

Sounds like your average Twitch chat users being about as retarded as normal, along with Twitch overreacting. Par for the course. Thanks for the info, guys.


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2019 brah get with the times you dumb faggot shit like this doesn't work anymore for more context, hell check his fucking twitter, the guy is a fucking bitch.

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I actually do think they should be renamed
I would like to keep the old name but 12-18 year olds really are too immature.

nagas should be my wive(s)

Aquatic Americans

>he deserves to be banned cause of his chat

naga please


It was his very own Mods and people he made VIP, he sure as hell deserves it.

>literally 4 (four) dumbasses pressing up/enter repeatedly
>ban the streamer
that's not sensible

>concern trolling.

Failing to moderate your chat will get you banned on twitch. It's his fault for thinking that dumb shit would fly.


Oh i'm sorry is this your safe space? Too bad faggot.

The most ironic thing about all of this is that I really do hate Naga. They're everywhere, annoying to fight and all they drop are some Fish Scakes.

I'm aware of Twitch's policy - I'm saying that it's retarded.

Oh no, I'm being concern trolled. Someone help me please.

Oh no. Racism on the internet!

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They are fish not monkeys

No bully nagas

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Says the snowflake who can't handle not being able to say racist shit.

Yeah it's fucking stupid but the internet is real life now so you gotta get used to it.


Dont shoot those npcs

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There's nothing racist about shooting nagas.

>this shit blows up
>trolls and epic anti-SJW Yea Forums memers start using naga as a substitute for nigger everywhere
>eventually stormfront thinks it's a legit slang for nigger and starts using it too
>nagas/snake people no longer allowed in videogames, tv and movies because they've become an alt-right dog whistle

I'm not saying racist shit. I've already clarified that it's a few retards spamming the chat - and I'm more than capable enough of "controlling myself" to not scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER every half a second because I'm a functioning adult without Tourette's. The point I'm trying to convey to you is that if there's an actual problem with the messages being sent (not that there is, but we'll pretend that there is) - then Twitch themselves can remove it. Punishing the streamer for someone in his chat doing something against their TOS is akin to holding the groundskeeper of a park accountable for someone running through screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. You're quite literally missing the forest for the trees.

Everything is a alt-right dog whistle.

No, keep it going, I want to see the waifufags actually do something when they come after their precious monster girls.

The streamer is responsible for his channel, not fucking twitch, the people he brings and what they say is under his control, why the fuck should twitch have to babysit them. The streamer gets to use the twitch platform and the streamer is expected to follow their rules. This isn't forest for the trees at fucking all.

We're going to keep going until everything good is an alt-right dogwhistle and we're forced to create our own internet to discuss anything worthwhile. Then the Normie Internet is going to only be able to discuss why white people deserve genocide and avocado toast, and the Conservanet can talk about anything from (good) video games, to hunting, to mecha to anime, to etc.

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The streamer is being responsible for his channel. I'd agree with you if the streamer was encouraging the "racist" speech, but as far as I'm aware, this is entirely spurred by the chat. I can't see the chat being the responsibility of the streamer any more than comments on a Youtube video being the responsibility of the channel owner.

When people you've modded and VIP'd start doing that shit, it says alot, if he was smart the first thing he would of was dropped the banhammer on them. Intentionally racist or not, the fact it can be easily misconstrued for something actually racist is the problem. They should of known better.

Nagas could be our wives one day.

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>the fact it can be easily misconstrued for something actually racist is the problem.
This shit is surreal.

It's actually not. It's 2019, time to grow up.

>fact it can be easily misconstrued for something actually racist is the problem

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Okay you had your fun already, no more (You)s.

You wouldn't want it.

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But I do.

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Can nagas be boys or is it only girls?
Asking for a friend.

Nagas? More like nalgas, am I right, /ñ/?

i too go to a video game streaming website and video game board to discuss mature, grown-up things.


that some heavy >implying

No such thing as "racism", stop making up bullshit.

Why did they never make them playable?

Blizzard doesn't have good ideas.

Don't trust them new nagas over there
Leaving they naga essence in the air
Them happy nappy headed nagas with their fingers on the triggers
Don't trust them new nagas over there
Don't trust them big nostrils over yonder
They suck up so much air it'll make you wonder
Don't trust them new nagas with their spiny little naga fingers
Don't trust them new nagas over there

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I spit out my milk laughing you magnificent bastard

No because that shit is hilarious

Still user I thank you.

at least you recognize your mistake

How misguided/ You can ban as many terms as you like, but you can't magically stop people from hating niggers.

Why aren't they playable yet?

This is the real problem.

>being a conservatard magian
read SIEGE kid

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>loot trousers of courage
>high stats
>can't wear them


Why not sea WOMEN?

Ocean Noodles?

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The spiral is always the same and people don't understand it. By even acknowledging these minor, juvenile social transgressions they catalyse the whole thing. Why even bother reacting to it? It would die down in an instant until the next 16yo makes the linguistic connection between naga and nigger and it sparks up again for a fraction of a second before it dies. By overly punishing these things and other people making a fuss about it they feed into the Streisand-effect. These people need to learn to not jump in front of every (toy) train to protect something. Just roll your eyes and go on it's not like it's the first step back to cracking times. They dig their own hole and then try to shame every reasonable thinking person into some box.

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this is pretty based...if they had any balls to actually fight corporations or lefty commie fags.

Blizzard should nuke Azeroth and recreates the world and give every race new ,non-offensive, copyrightable names.

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all of these are lamias, retards. It shows you don-t even love them

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This post made me kinda like Tyrande again.

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I still remembered getting a boner and then beating my meat when killing these semen demons in Frozen Throne. It seems like no one appreciate Naga Siren on Yea Forums, which is just sad.

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die irl SJW scum, you'll all get the bullet one day

yeah steak should be banned man, i mean it's delicious and healthy but 8 year olds just can't handle chewing it, so lets ban it for everyone. yaaay. kill yourself unironically you absolute faggot

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No faggot they are nagas
Stop letting Monster Musume rot your brain

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ocean men

murlocs are better


Can someone explain this fresh new meme?

>Spam shoot some fucking nagas TriHard in chat
>Be surprised if someone makes the connection
Get fucked ecelebs

>struggling in your wife's coils becomes a workout routine
>one day, eventually, you manage to get free and dominate her

blacks aren't people

>Yea Forums gets angry that being a racist fucknugget isn't smiled upon by God
Meanwhile, water is wet, hamsters are fuzzy, and Jimmy Hoffa has yet to be found.

>4000 people in chat saying different shit
>streamer is responsible for everything they say
SJW logic everybody

Why is saying Nigger considered Racist?

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some streamers got banned for talking about nagas on stream

Are twitch Janitors god?

The streamer wasn't banned, the people in the chat spamming are also streamers, they are the ones who were banned.

The person streaming wasnt banned, he even said "I shot that naga" and wasn't banned. But he was actually talking about a thing that happened. A bunch of other streamers all got together to raid his channel and spam "shoot those nagas" trying to bait him into saying it some more.

>Said something racist? Get fucked
>Said something that could be considered racist by someone? Get fucked
>Someone says something that could be considered racist in your chat? Get fucked
But the slippery slope isn't real.

>why do I have to follow someone else's rules when I'm in their house?!

>dude we were only talking about nagas
>responses are all ha ha black people

hey guys *chuckles* eheh.. what iff... *tries to hold laughter so badly* what if... *extreme pain from hiding laughter* we call them... *the absolute energy of thousand laughs is being held at bay as much as possible* n-nnnIGGERS

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I mean
You don't
It's not like the homeowner makes the law of the country
If I go into someones house and say nigger they can't place me under arrest senpai

That's a terrible anology
Try again bro

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They've (meaning silicon valley liberals) only realized how powerful the internet is when it was used against them for the presidential election in a yuge manner and now they're trying to make sure it'll never happen again by going full thought pplice on anything that might be remotely troubling.

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I remember a WoW guild called "Nagas belong in the slave pens"

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seems to work, i mean look at your autistic reaction, seems like calling people niggers brings out the childish whining in people, it's great, it's like you're weeding out all the faggots

I'm curious if anyone will argue against them and say banning the name is racist toward Hindus. Nagas are some of the most famous monsters in Hindu mythology, thousands of pieces of media use them.

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What does the Nintendo Wojack basedface have to do with twitch chat zoomers thinking one thing is funny because it sounds like something else

That's not the correct image to use
Do you have brain damage?

>Black people or niggers as most call them are so upset they want words just starting with N banned

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>why can't we act like faggots and assholes on the internet?! it's our last bastion of hatred and bigotry! we can't continue to exist as men if we're not allowed to call non-whites animals and monsters!

But do they poo in the streets?

Nagas are cute!


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Hey, your own fault it happened, you could have simply not used the word as an attempt to get around rules and common sense.

leftists can say it's cultural appropriation of indian culture, have one of their token indian journos write an 'i'm offended' article, and use it as a plus for their side of the 'argument'. but yeah you're right, in reality that's true and that's why they're in the game in the first place

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that's mighty bigoted of you


What's wrong with hatred or bigotry? And why is it bad if it's on the internet?

I'm confused here
Don't leftists hate nazi's but also want hate off of the internet?
How can you remove hate if you yourself are hateful?

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leftists have a seperate language that they use, they've created an alternate reality and they indoctrinate kids into it via the school/uni systems. racism = power + prejudice, you can't be racist to whites. hatred doesn't mean hating white people, or men, or nazis, it doesn't apply in those cases, that's how they think. they are postmodernists who don't believe in the validity of reasoned argument or logic, they reject western philosophy as patriarchal, they instead pull from french postmodern/jewish marxist roots

Back then it was to imply superiority over blacks and to mock their status. But the truth is now in days it's a word that invokes the sum of black failure.
When a black man cries at the use of the word, it isn't because of some sort of deep seeded reminder that at some point in the past the white man enslaved and abused his ancestors, most millennials probably don't even know the fine details of such history enough to hold an emotional response like that.
It is rather, a response to failure, a realization that even in a society that puts so much effort to cater to them, they 're still blatantly behind. All those insults, those stereotypes that the white people of the past threw out them when they were down, as slaves or second class citizens, now echo as some kind of truth in a world where they're put on pedestal. It's enough to shatter pride at any height.

They prefer the term people of coral.

nigger has been used as a totally a-racial term (idk if that's a word but it is now) meaning like lesser, or slave boy, bitch boy that kind of thing. "i'll make you my nigger" you know, but i don't think that's what most people think when they hear it. at this point i believe it's simpler, it's more just straight up pavlovian reaction, show a dog food they salivate, say nigger as a white guy in a public place and everyone's heart skips a beat and looks over, it's a conditioned response, nobody individually is affected or insulted by it, nobody ACTUALLY cares at all, but everyone is conditioned to act in that way, to pretend to be offended because you're supposed to be offended, so sayeth the church of social justice. it's like when kim jong il died and everyone had to cry at the big parade thing in north korea. some of those people probably were happy that cunt died, but they had to force a cry otherwise eat a bullet

>What's wrong with hatred or bigotry?
Are you really asking this unironically?

it's a valid question. i hate spiders, because they're dangerous. i'm fucking super bigoted towards spiders. and that hatred has served me well in my life, i've managed to avoid being bitten by most spiders.

No, I know obviously for most people there is a baked in "offense" response made from conditioning, but the offense blacks get from it in the manner I brought up is real. The evidence for it is how they use it themselves outside of simply referring to "other blacks". When they use the term as an adjective, it's to highlight behaviors they know are negatively associated with them (I.E Posturing, stealing, loitering, violence, etc). They use the word to describe what amounts to their failures, but it's of course fine to "self-reflect" so to speak so they don't take issue with it unless someone who isn't black uses it as such.

It's no longer a term of belittlement or mockery of subjection, rather a term of self-reflection regarding failure and inadequacy.

> we will never know if it was a black person or a white person who first realised this and was the first person to spam chat with CmonBruh

Spiders aren't even dangerous. Most of them aren't poisonous at all and the ones that ARE poisonous will leave you alone if you just leave them alone. They don't want to hurt you and we even take care of other more annoying or destructive bugs for you if you let them hang around.

Ye, explain what's wrong with hatred?

i'm australian and from the youngest age we are taught to be very careful of spiders, the redback spider is an extremely common backyard spider that can kill infants if untreated

>Get bite

Does something have to be poisonous for you not to want to get bite by it?


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oh shit

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not him but he's right. nothing wrong with hatred or bigotry. it's totally natural to hate other people especially when they dont look like you.

>natural to hate other people especially when they dont look like you.
also true, whether you think it's a vestigial thing that we need to suppress, or a good thing, it can't be argued that it's 100% natural and is a phenomenon seen in basically all animals in existence, it's pretty basic shit

There is nothing wrong with it as long as you keep it to yourself and don't feel the need to scream FUCKINMG NIGGERS every 2 seconds

>naga isn't racist
>you know naga isn't racist
>twitch knows naga isn't racist
>but SOME people MAY use it or take it in a racist way
>ban naga
This is the train of logic you're defending. Stop it.

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Why restrict my speech for others?
Why must the social standards of the western world apply to an internet that is made up of different cultures and ethnicity's

they always have either frostbolt or poisons too. such fucking annoying debuffs.

Are you really stuck at the mental level of a 12 year old or person with tourettes?

Because it's annoying

He did follow their rules.
Naga isn't a recognized slur by any racial group, nor is cmonBruh a racist emote, nor is typing the desire to shoot an npc in a video game.
They were following the rules, that's the issue dumb dumb.

Why must your worldview dictate everyone elses?
What king did you kill to set forth your tyranny and impose dictatorial rule?

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i find the use of the word "people" problematic and xenofobic, and by your logic you should be banhammerd, intentions be damned

its ok to be a naga

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Nobody can force you not to be an asshole, doesn't mean that we can't look down on you if you act like one

SJW companies are notorious for having nebulous vague bullshit rules that can be twisted at will to ban whoever they want

What's up my naggas?

What collective /we/?

You impose your tyrannical rule under the presence of mob law yet have no mob to back up your claims of /we/
Falsities and pities are all you can muster yet you dare to invoke supreme rule of what is just and what is not

What ego you must muster to think like this

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youre a dipshit. homeowners have so many rights, theyll kill you and lie. whatchagondoaboutit

Aquatic Azerothians

its better to be insulting and jokingly racist, then being heavily constrained in your words and/or viewpoint

just look at this site vs the [current] west world, we have been faggots to one and other since its birth and people with very diffrent veiws and origen gets along in a sibling way. we may not like someones likes/opinion, but we can understand and accept them regardless. while the west implodes apon itself for implying there are only two geners, etc


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No spiders are poisonous.
...but nearly all are venomous you dumb fuck.

>its better to be insulting and jokingly racist, then being heavily constrained in your words and/or viewpoint

i have an IRL example, two hillbilly racist that lived in a town that got alot of "migrents", town turned to shit and gangs started to form, locals vs the new dudes

so these two hillbilly dudes that were not fond of people from other countrys, had to take class with a black guy, nerds, football chad, richkid, odd one and forest/farmer duds

first day they said slurs, black guy took it and hurled jokingly silly slurs back, in the local tongue and manner

three days later they were good friends

had he took it to a teacher and made a rukus, or got into a fight, it would just have driven them harder into racism
i tell this story everytime someone tell me racists are shits and you need to be mean to them. instead make them love you.

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>Slave Pens
>lots of Naga mobs


Friendly reminder that all you need to kill 3500 nagas is bunch of pale tall guys and little bit of brains.

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Only the female ones.

Make it happen my nagas!

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>Lamia gets fucked to because brainlets think its basicly the same thing

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This is too based for Yea Forumsesettera to handle.

What makes nagas different to lamias, besides lamias being exclusively female?

I'm in a WoW guild that uses discord. A while ago I started the day going, "What is popping my nagas?" for fun.

My message was immediately deleted and a mod opens a private convo with me telling me to "not use words that can be purposely mistaken for other words" and that I "clearly wanted to say the n-word and using a obvious substitute for it is still racist because of the intent, regardless of what is actually said, and that is simply not acceptable in 2019"

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just call him a nigger and gquit obviously

That's just what happens when you play with Americans. They're all like that.

What is with retardera misusing and appropriating dead /pol/ memes?

It's blizzard, I'm fucking amazed they didn't remove them from the game already.

come to oceanic you can just say whatup my niggas and noone cares, trade chat has so much racism that people stopped bothering to report it now it just flows like water

Yes, because nigger is actually still a racial slur in the states, meanwhile in Europe it is not generally used. This should not really be something you need pointed out.

ye slavs don't say nigger ahahahaaaaaa

You don't know much about Europeans do you?


saw this meme coming a mile away. naga/nigga was the first thing that came to mind when people started talking about having naga as a playable race. Granted being able to unironically say "my naga" would have been great

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What’s your problem, nigger? Have a banana and stop chimping out. You think you’re gonna fix the “W-w-wrongthink on Yea Forums!” with your ape hollaring? lmao at you bitch.

Sit down. Know your place.

Serves you right for playing with amerifats

>Sit down.

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Why are black people so sensitive about a word?


Because they associate themselves with the word.

Then go somewhere else. There's infinite places on the internet you can discuss whatever you want where people who say nigger get banned.

>tfw dreams of streaming classic and doing the naga dungeons
It's all over bros.


And here is the attempts to twist what happens to make the mentally insane look normal. You fucks try that every fucking time, utterly unable to comprehend what a timestamp is and that you can easily look up what happened first.

>doesnt understand people naturally want to be with like minded and like colored individuals that are similar to them
how young are you kid?

>look down on you
lol how high and mighty of you faggot how will we ever cope oh no

Nigs cant swim though

>Damn, kill that fucking naga already!
>kicked out of the party


streamers are all faggots anyway they deserve it

You'll learn that you can't just call everyone niggers without any repercussions once you actually get out of your mothers basement

>use proprietary big corporate service platform
>knowingly throw race-baiting amerimutt jokes
>underage tards start spamming them in various chats
>get banned
Also GW2 > WoW or any nuBlizzard shit.

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It's the same shit as with the ok-sing and the perpetually butthurt self-appointed watchers of moral decency just kick themselves in the nuts with their overbearing behavior.

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You're being hateful now instead of explaining your point. Are you maybe unable to explain your point since it would just show the hypocrisy of your opening statement?

>live in sidney
>always get told to check toilet seat before sitting down
>one day find black spider under toilet seat
>if it would've bitten me I'd be dead within minutes


Aquaman and Mermaid

>people of Nazjatar-Kaldorei decendency

what a fucking naga

Nagas belong in the slave pens

>*smacks gills*
>*reloads trident*
>*sips Pool-Aid*
>*steals a submarine*

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Dota 2 is going to have it even worse because of eNIGma.

>live in georgia
>get to where i stop paying attention to spiders
>reach hand into trash can like usual to grab the trash to take to the dump
>black widow in the way
>find a whole nest of them on the back side of my house
still not sure how in the world they got there

>Nagas live in the sea
>Literally sub-human

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not this shit again

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God is racist, you dumb nigger tranny

I want to FUCK a naga's Beautiful Blue Cloaca

Do male nagas have peepees or do they just piss the sperm on eggs like fish?

They can do both

No clue, it's not like I give a shit about male nagas, faggot

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Oh, cool.

Too bad that they are superior to the females then, bitch.

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Nigga, it's an objective fact that Blizzard cannot do female monsters right.

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BFA is a perfect expansion to add playable nagas, maybe in the same wasy as they did with pandarens who can choice which side they can join. But maybe new blizzard would be afraid to add a new race because N-word.

Ahem... Fuck nagas.

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my naga

Rip nagas heads off

Weren't they going to add Sethraks and Vulpins at some point?

>all this summer heat
>slip into a pleasantly cool pool of clear water play around with your Naga buddy
I wonder how their scales feel like.

To a liberal, love is hating hate.

Warcraft 3? I hope it wasnt WTII or Grubby.

The only macsuline, non-beastial nagas are myrmidons and royal guards from my recollection of warcraft 3. Never played wow, it raped the lore of my favorite franchise.

The forbidden fruit of playable races. Could you imagine chain tidal waves from your army of royal guards then following it up by spawning 5+ water eles? Eat shit HU player