What do we think of the new starwars game now that the gameplay has been shown?
What do we think of the new starwars game now that the gameplay has been shown?
Looks fun but will not play it because EA and EA origins can suck my dick.
It looks pretty sluggish and did anyone else think it wasn't as detailed as other ea games?
Laser blasts are hilariously slow.
Looks like a clunky, easier Sekiro.
The only thing that didn't suck was the spider monkey backpack droid.
The person played like crap and deliberately ignored some parts of the demo, so i can not say much about it besides that it seems to be a bit slow
It’s an alpha build, but that could mean nothing.
Underwhelming but otherwise looks alright as a followup to The Force Awakens. It plays like a 2008 game with better visuals.
For an Alpha Build demo, I was expecting something outlandish like Anthem or Watch Dog's E3 demos.
Complete and utter trash
Even fucking Force Unleashed is better
Sorta this. The staff trooper was the most interesting part of that video, though it still looks like it can be juked too easily.
I think it's promising.
The demo actually did a really poor job of showing off the game. It's not a purely linear game, it's similar to Metroid Prime/Dark Souls/Bloodborne, according to Stig.
Why would I listen to a race car driver?
>What do we think
A more NPC line has never been spoken before.
Doesn't seem to have backtracking, but I suppose the game will have its linear moments. Still, the jungle area looks way too reminiscent of linear action games like Force Unleashed or older super-hero games.
Feels like they haven't shown enough off yet, like they're deliberately holding off the really good stuff. I'm not sure what to think of it right now.
>the gameplay
If you think that's going to be the final product then you're a mark and deserve the shit sammich EA is serving. I'm not saying OP specifically but the marks in general.
The game looks like it's gonna be as linear as an Uncharted game but have the combat be Sekrio/Dark Souls on easy mode
no thanks
Combat isnt as good as Jedi Outcast but it looks like it will still be an enjoyable experience. Im looking forward to it now. Still going to wait until after it releases before I decide if I will or will not buy it
I actually forgot about it
It does in fact have backtracking, there's obstacles you need to unlock force powers for.
The demo showed a map at the start, the player just never bothered to show it off. Probably mandated by EA.
It looks like a game that's only something you'd care about if you were a Star Wars fan. Which I'm not.
>EA makes Starwars Game
>G-guys? What if it's shit this time? R-right?
>It's shit and riddled with micro transactions and cut content
>EA makes Starwars Game
>G-guys? What if it's shit this time? R-right?
>It's shit and riddled with micro transactions and cut content
>EA makes Starwars Game
>G-guys? What if it's shit this time? R-right?
>It's shit and riddled with micro transactions and cut content
>EA makes Starwars Game
>G-guys? What if it's shit this time? R-right?
>It's shit and riddled with micro transactions and cut content
Repeat until the end of time.
Starwars Boomers need to get over this shit already.
Extremely boring and soulless.
Like a downgraded Force Unleashed
>Unreal Engine 4
Why didn't they just go with Frostbite?
Well the difference is that this time EA's trying to make a game without live service. If they reveal that Fallen Order WILL have live service ala AC Origins or Oddesey via lootcrates, then that's when they'll shoot themselves in the foot.
Linear levels with brainlet AI, unnecessary uncharted climbing bullshit, and cinematic cutscenes every 10 steps.
Memed as """""Sekiro""""" combat but is actually just Onions of War combat.
Bioware apparently had a hell of a time getting Frostbite to work for Dragon Age Inquisition, Unreal is probably a lot easier for Respawn to deal with.
less interaction with the environment than force unleashed. Which has its pros and cons.
Pros: Less clunky to play, less chance at buggy physics, less cluttered environment because you don't have to have 2 dozen boxes and barrels and rocks on the ground to force grab and force push at people.
Cons: Less possibilities for fun, physics going off the rails can be some of the most enjoyable moments.
They've said repeatedly that the game doesn't have microtransactions or multiplayer. It's purely single-player.
I know it's EA but I don't think they would claim that over and over and then turn around and be like "JK IT'S FULL OF LOOTBOXES LOL", even they don't want that kind of shitstorm.
>Uncharted invented climbing
Enough with this meme.
Unless there was a secret Uncharted game on the PS2 that I don't know about.
>implying this is even close to God of War
This is just simplified Force Unleashed. Hell, this can be taken as Good Guy Forced Unleashed.
Stop acting like an autist. You know what it means.
Looks okay. Kinda bland but enough flavor to enjoy. Generic action rpg with star wars skin.
There's nothing RPG about this.
It means that you're retarded and have zero understanding of games.
Not even a dark/light side choice. Force Unleashed was more RPG than this, and it wasn't an RPG at all.
Is that the actor from the US version of shameless?
Silence yourself, shill.
Skill trees and a “customizable” space ship
Unironically Force Unleashed looked better than this gameplay-wise
Nice argument nigger.
Play more games.
>skill points
>talents you spec into
Do you know what RPG mechanics are? Spoiler alert: Answer is no.
I know him from Gotham. He's pretty based.
Okay sure
the color palet looks like puke
By that definition almost every single AAA game is an RPG.
The only things I thought that stood out and looked cool was the droid, the slow time power (being able to force pull a trooper and push him into his own blaster bolt), and the wall running.
>mandatory platform levels
i hated it back in the day and i hate it now
i thought we moved away from that awful game design
Is this what classifies as an RPG for EA shills?
needs better looking lightsaber
I was actually surprised that it was part of the feature. Combat's seviceable, only two-four enemy types shown, some tie-in/nods to Rogue-One, and some dynamic between our guy and the droid. Overall, plays like a movie-game adaptation or a spinoff if it were released during Rogue One's time.
I know there's probably some legal thing with not being able to totally recreate the actors' likenesses, but yikes.
They are RPG elements, but that does not make an action adventure an RPG. It's just borrowed from another genre because they found that people did like to have character progression that they could earn, without having full blown systems designed to separate character skill and player skill. RPG's have been steering away from abstracted combat (turn based, numerical attribute based systems) and adding more action, and action games have been steering towards less static characters and offering more character development. The genres begin to blur together and you get things like Skyrim and Deus Ex where it's arguable whether or not they're RPG's or action adventures.
But this is safe to say an action adventure. Not enough choice to establish player agency.
I was hype as fuck to finally have a real Star Wars game after almost a decade, but this demo sucked out all of my interest. How is it so generic and video-gamey? It's The Force Unleashed 3 but with a more boring story?
The Jedi purge is becoming less and less effective over time.
Laziness and complacency. Just shit out mediocre content and people eat it up because of the title. Same trend for the movies.
Man, right now my ideal Star Wars game is one that takes the time you spend as an Acolyte in the Sith Academy on Korriban in TOR and blows it up into a full game. Give me a whole game about being some bumblefuck slave strong in the Force thrown to the dogs in the Academy and having to survive the backstabbing politics and instructors who pick favorites.
This new guy looks like such a cuck.
Starkiller was an edgy crap basket, but at least he had the excuse of being a weird sith autist.
This new guy is just Solo.
git gud. Only reason' you don't like the minimal amount of platforming is because you suck at them. Unless a game has REALLY clunky jumping mechanics like dark souls, there's nothing wrong with some platforming sections.
>another game about a boring nobody with same locations and characters set between the prequels and the original trilogy
Fuck off already holy shit it looks generic and sleep inducing
Looks like Star Souls, more leaning on the side of Jedi Academy. Pretty hyped actually, it's got cutscene modern game animation blendy shit but it's not too overdone like rockstar and naughty dog do it.
If I get a confirm on endgame you being basically a wizard flying around like the quake engine jedi knights, griping dudes in mid air and slicing their heads off I'm in for sure
>troopers attack one at a time
it's shit
Sounds neat. How about relationship mechanic where you can choose/serve masters while mentoring weaker underlings. Maybe mission based with day management in between for training/relationships. Use politics to identify and assassinate rivals, strategically ally, and betray yourself to becoming a sith lord.
>All this "Force Unleashed" in this thread
A) People actually PLAYED that trash
B) They're now old enough to post here
Holy fuck the prophecy came true, newfags inherit the earth
it looks so slow and frustrating
Lightsabers just don't make for good combat. Every hit should be an instakill , so the fights are going to either be really short or really annoying (every hit gets blocked, feel like you're making no progress).
Looks okay. I can see myself playing it some day, but not paying full price.
It wont have decapitations and dismemberments. It will be a neutered Disney Force Unleashed
I was hoping for more of Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy Style game but its looking more like The Force Unleashed. I might give it a go if I can get a cheap key for it at release.
Forced Unleashed was fucking great you drooling old sack of shit. Fuck off.
Dude, the first TFA came out in 2008. I played it in high school and I'm 28 now.
no i hate them because they were always pointless
they only exist because devs can't figure out how to make levels longer without adding pointless filler
>lets add these cool force powers but only use them in platforming sections
It doesn't look or play like Dark Souls or Jedi Academy.
Kill yourself, IGN.
Did you know that RPG stands for 'Role Playing Game'? Not 'Stat Choice Game'.
Fucking retard.
>you being basically a wizard flying around like the quake engine jedi knights, griping dudes in mid air and slicing their heads off I'm in for sure
Disney would never allow for anything even remotely that fun.
What classifies a RPG then?
No it fucking wasn't at the time everyone who was actually a fan of Jedi Knight and even shit like the N64 game hated that piss turd.
Anyone that thinks this looks like that is actually retarded. That game controlled more like a spiderman game or something, it was literally one of your bog standard movie game X and Y button combat shit.
This however just looks straight up Bloodborne with what I'm assuming is shoulder attack buttons and iframe dodging and shit.
If it has proper force shit like Jedi Knight 2/Academy where you can freely grip dudes by the throat and hurl them at shit, it's the best star wars game yet.
I bet you're 21 or something, fucking kid.
The biggest missed opportunity with these troopers was not having some sniping you and having to deflect their blaster bolts back at them, hell they don't even do anything more complex like have 2 melee you while the other two stay back and fire their sidearms at you before charging to melee
such lame and uninspired AI attacks
Except for
>Locking on to a single target with a reticle
>Circle strafing them, i frame dodging them
>Rolling, dashing
>Blocking with weapon, running attacks, rolling attacks, jumping attacks etc
It literally is straight up Sekiro/Bloodborne with a lightsaber control wise. The fact that you throw your lightsaber in a spinny motion, grip dudes by the throat and lift them up dynamically etc is Academy.
Force Unleashed is nothing like this
Containing a majority of actual RPG elements.
>locking on and attacking/dodging makes a game like dark souls
Did you fucking forget about the physics system of Force Unleashed? You could literally throw anything around and the stormtroopers would try to grab unto stuff.
>looks like Bloodborne
Yup a retard.
Uncharted 5: Drake’s Jedi Boogaloo
It was a demo, and it's designed to not scare off normies
I bet the actual game you get instagibbed by a single laser on hard (normal) difficulty and you actually do have to be careful as fuck fighting multiple dudes, the lightsaber deflect probably has a cooldown or locks you in place so you can be gibbed by something behind you
The gameplay fundamentals seem to be there to be a really good game it just depends on the real game being shown and how you handle multiple tough enemies, like another jedi
Next level cope and justifying. No they have them because most non autistic people enjoy different methods of moving around. Double jumps, wall running/wall jumping and parkour are things that people enjoy doing in games (evidenced by the success of the platformer and action platformer genres, and hybrid action adventures like the assassin's creed series and the arkham games) . Just running a straight line A to B with enemies to fight along the way is boring.
What is the minimum requirement of what elements?
Its not linear, dumbass. Its already been stated, but fo find the sources yourself you aussie shitposter
by action game standards, it actually looks like it has potential. but its obvious the gameplay they showed was on the easiest difficulty
It's admittedly a souls combat rip off and not the good in way. If it was Jedi sekiro I'd be ok,but it's souls wars, published by ea, and the force powers look like they are in rails. Fuck this game
It does when it's done the way Dark Souls did it and came out after Dark Souls and was clearly inspired by it based on the actual developer info in it being a literal metroidvania.
Thats what made the game shit. It was a tech demo with crap combat. The force powers were decent but how they intermingled with actual combat sucked complete ass and Academy did them better in actual use.
>doesn't have Jedi Outcast/Academy-style gameplay
>follow hallway to set piece
>kill 3 basic enemies in one hit each
>follow next hallway to next set piece
>kill slightly more advanced enemy in 2 hits instead of one
>follow hallway to cutscene
This will be the entire game
There's plenty of room for expansion. Maybe even randomize the priorities of different characters so you're never sure who's telling you the truth in any given playthrough. I think there's a lot of potential, but someone would have to care about making a game about the Sith first.
The Nu Wars aesthetic from movies to comic books to now videogames is so fucking generic and bland because everything has to be canon and fit into the movie universe
It feels like it will be a full decade before Disney is content to let people actually make some crazy looking shit
>durr why don’t you go read indepth details about some shitty game you don’t give a fuck about
I saw the “”””””””alpha”””””””” gameplay and it looked so fucking linear and painfully easy
Ratchet and clank style planet-hopping in the star wars universe is something I never knew I wanted.
The demo didnt really excite me, but it didnt deter me, it was just like if they showed the worst level in the best uncharted game.
The gameinformer cover story got me way hyped though
Not him and I disagree with him that this is in any way an RPG.. but RPG's I think are classified by choice in narrative, character progression, and a separation of character skill and player skill. It doesn't have to be turn based and with numeric stats to be an RPG, but they should separate player skill and character skill.and offer the player choices they can make.
It's definitely not as good as Academy but it's definitely at least the best looking combat since then in the series. This might just be how it starts.
I'll be onboard when they show gameplay footage of first person shooting while wall running and force gripping dudes
I don't buy E.A games. I don't care what they make.
I'm 38 and enjoyed both the Jedi Knight and Force Unleashed games. But can see the flaws in both.
Choices in conversations and reactivity.
>best looking combat since then in the series. This might just be how it starts
This has to be bait. The combat is cinematic garbage and the AI is fucking retarded.
One of my major disappointments with the game is that they arent mixing blaster combat with lightsaber combat. Like some areas you would have to rely on the blaster so you dont blow your cover or whatever other reason
You've got one of the best shooter devs in the industry and they arent putting any shooting in.
It is their first game! Little tiny studio please understand and buy!
Shit I hope you're right, the gameplay in the demo looked way too slow and easy, coming from playing SWBF2 (2017) it felt so jarring
It really feels like they are under-utilizing these scout troopers, the full game better have them as annoying snipers perched in ledges and hard to reach places, like Nar Shadda in Jedi Outcast, relegating them to baton wielding bumblefucks is just an insult
Fair enough. The gameplay looked seviceable enough, but the fact that it's an EA game makes me skeptical to the bone
It looks bad to me too but the GameInformer article said you can go back to your ship to visit other planets at any time and there are upgrades that open up sections on old planets like Metroidvania
I think Sekiro Wars is a good enough compromise. That kind of gameplay I think is more acceptable for typical action games, it's definitely better than the X and Y button mashing shit that AC and Batman and shit rely on. Any developer willing to lean in that direction I can at least somewhat respect, but they need to go deeper and show us more.
You need to be able to wall run, while force gripping a dude, while your thrown lightsaber beforehand is cutting off his head as the grenade you froze threw at the wall earlier rockets you off to another ledge for a speedrun strat
If the gameplay fundamentals can do some shit, it'll be fun. If it's all railroaded, then nah, unless the boss fights are really good shit. I'd like to see jedi vs jedi in this game since that shit was the absolute peak fun in Academy fighting 15 jedis at once
Reminded me of Sekiro but slower and easier. You know what, just hire From Software to develop the combat system, everything else can be handled by Respawn.
It looks fantastic, I really like the cinematic flair and the fact it's literally Prince of Persia fused with Force Unleashed. But I'm not touching it until it's no longer the most recent release of the series because of EA.
>Telltale games are RPGs
A shitty slow version of sekiro in the Star Wars universe.
The final game won't look as good as the """live gameplay""" that they've shown.
Classic bait and switch by EA, I do believe that there will be no microtransactions and that sort.
The plot will probably shit on both EU and Disney canon, I buy the leak that this guy is Disney's version of Starkiller.
>is cutting off his head
At 4:08 in the footage we saw a cinematic kill where he has an open shot at a guy's exposed midsection and he isn't sliced in half, there are just scorch marks. There is no dismemberment period.
Half the posts in this thread sound like typical NPC shill responses.
>Souls ish combat in games with no character create
It sucks. I'd actually play this game if I could be a qt3.14 twilek with dual purple sabres and grenade launcher
>The final game won't look as good as the """live gameplay""" that they've shown.
That’s very concerning when the game demo looked like absolute shit in all aspects
yeah but neither did Academy etc until you turned it on via console/.txt command
I'm hoping dismemberment is in the game and Disney made them turn it off for retail
>Anons on Yea Forums will say that X game is bad, or sub-par, for years
>A new game related to the franchise is release, or on its way to release, and suddenly a bunch of anons either flip-flop their opinion, or newfags crawl through the woodworks to claim previous game was actually amazing
Same old, same old.
Half the posts in this thread sound like typicaI NPC shill responses.
Academy had slight dismemberment without console comands. It was limited to hands and arms
Force unleashed was never good. This game just happens to look worse than it.
Why the fuck does the lightsaber look so shitty in-game?
Turn based combat fucking sucks
solid blue color
no white bright core
a baffling design decision
depends on the turn based system. Most are not deep enough to warrant being turn based and at best should be RTWP, esp JRPG's.
But Divinity Original Sin regained my faith that turn based systems can be good.
Looks boring. Not worth getting worked up about. It’ll randomly come out, and I won’t even notice.
The TFU defense force isn't quite as strong in this thread, but they've popped up in other Fallen Order threads today claiming that it was actually an amazing game.
I'm glad it's not just me that dislikes the lightsaber design.
Literally looks like a shitty TORtanic custom lightsaber
The gameplay looked slow and boring. The game looks extremely linear as well, I am fine with a well crafted single player story game but how fallen order was presented in gameplay made it looks very restrictive.
Guess Marvel's Spider-man was an RPG
I haven't heard "amazing game", just people saying it looks better than this one.
I unironically loved it and the DLC when you got turned into the edgemaster robot.
The sequel on the other hand can piss off.
this. here's hoping for a chiss qt
>It looks pretty sluggish
best part of it tbdesu. i already don't expect any star wars game to do the lightsabers justice, but at least because you attack less, your damage is up. You still one shot rando troopers it seems, but the staff guys and bugs take 3 slashes it seems.
Nigga even tortanic is miles ahead of this garbage
force unleashed was just plagued by jank. The story was alright and when the elements DID work it was fun, but it could feel clumsy to play because you were trying to force grip a stormtrooper but grabbed some barrel behind him instead. Almost too much physics and too much environmental interaction to make smooth.
Guess Sekiro really is getting an easy mode.
>Gold with Black core
Looked bland to me. Not terrible, but also not worth my time. I don't know why anyone would be actively excited about what we saw unless the Star Wars name alone is enough to sell them.
worst hag
I'll grant you that there are some snowflake saber colors in the game but they still understand that lightsabers have a fucking core and isn't the same color throughout
>actual purple and not pink
I just hate how it took absolutely no risks. When they needed to show an alien creature enemy that wasn't a stormtrooper, they went for a generic spider. Granted they are from the EU as one of Kashykk's top predators, but when you're trying to sell a Star Wars game I don't want to see giant spiders as enemies when there are way more interesting things you could have chosen.
>Isn't missing one hand.
Just like the new movies
Good, more action game should adapt Sekiro gameplay and make it easier.
Looks completely linear
It actually looks pretty good.
MC reminds of me of someone...
It's actually this actor. Not even joking.
It looks just like the force unleashed which was a true piece of shit. I'm so goddamn salty, I was hoping this would be the Star Wars game that got the lightsaber right, with one hit kill bisections when it made good contact like Jedi Academy but without the dancing. Instead it's just a stupid fucking stunstick/smackstick again. Disgusting. Worst part is I was interested.
My hype died a lot after the first trailer at Celebration. Character designs looked trash. But you're right the first battle with the stormtroopers today was the nail in the coffin
>waggling your lightsaber like a retard
It's so fucking frustrating. The sword in Sekiro feels sharper than this dude's lightsaber, he legitimately might as well be using that electric rod from Demolition Man for all the fucking damage it seems to do. And don't tell me it's so they could have it rated T either, Academy was rated T and the lightsaber hits in that game chopped limbs off.
They should have copied Sekiro's combat where 'damage' is just damage to your opponent's stance and the minute that runs out and you actually land lightsaber on flesh, that would be the end of it.
Oh yeah, and fuck hiring Hollywood actors to play parts in videogames. Fuck Forrest Whitaker and whatever else B lister they got whose paycheck drained money away from the shit people actually care about.
Looks ok but it's an EA game so chances are it's going to be shit
I hate anything that remotely looks like uncharted or nu God of War, but I'm really pleased with how this looked. Un-jank platforming in a big budget game that isn't Mario is rare. Combat looks solid, world looks great, force powers look very exploitable.
The health bars for enemies make that problem even worse like you're hitting a sponge, it makes sense in RPGs like KOTOR for lightsabers to be like that and health bars to show up but not in an action game when you're supposed to be holding the melee equivalent of a rocket launcher.
And I don't think that's actually Forrest, he was in Rogue One and they probably just recreated him in this game.
Good one user
They don't do humanoid aliens anymore. They do humans, all sorts of them in all sorts of colors, and then weird animal inspired aliens. I'm guessing it's some kind of intersectional purpose. Closest you'll get in butthole eyes from TFA.
The worst part is even in Kotor they didn't have lightsabers harmlessly passing through your enemies' bodies. The combat choreography in that game was actually really good, damage was done as I recall via stuff like you slamming your lightsaber into an overwhelmed defender until his guard broke. The one bit of choregraphy from the game I most vividly remember is you doing three overhead strikes in a row and your opponent's sword blocking it getting knocked closer and closer to him with each hit. I think that's the animation you saw the most in melee.
those anons are delusional. it's good for murdering stormtroopers for 30 minutes, but not much else.
>God of War and Tomb Raider are RPGs
Because frostbite fucking sucks for anything that isnt a multiplayer shooter.
>final fantasy 1 isn't an RPG
The Resistance is supposed to be the military of the Republic but I've counted a grand total of FOUR aliens amongst a majority female humanoid army. And two are Nien Nunb and Ackbar from RotJ.
The other two you can spot in this picture, and they aren't distinctive or call attention to themselves in the least so a viewer could feasibly watch the whole movie thinking the Resistance is only made up of humans in the background. That's the in-universe diversity message Disney wants to send while pushing their IRL diversity.
Frostbite was a big part of what turned Anthem into a trashfire
Nearly everything about it looked clunky as fuck. I'll believe it's an "alpha" once we see new footage that's noticeably better.
Looks forgettable as fuck, like any other modern star wars game
>all they had to do was copy souls/sekiro
>fucked it up
I hope the female Sith asks pretty boy Jedi Twink:
>Hey kid, wanna SS with the force?
That would be great but there's no chance EA and Disney would ever go for a game with that premise rather then the most boring generic premise of 'you good guy, kill bad guys' out of fear of alienating normies
>if it ian't Souls-like, it's shit
You can't tell right now, but I am fervently sending out my deepest wish that you get stabbed in the urethra with an AIDS infected pencil, out into the internet, into the ether, and into the observable universe. You are the gayest fucking thing to ever plague this planet. I hope God has mercy on your wretched soul because I will not bestow even the slightest reprieve from what I hope is everlasting torment and damnation upon your very being.
It sounds really good, that’s it.
he’s a man of many talents, user
I'm calling EA customer support and demand them to fire you for that post. Also going to contact them on twitter and facebook
Look forward to 'realistic light-sabres' being a 10 dollar DLC
I just realized after SW reveal that a SW game with sekiro combat would be fucking sick
But of course that would never happen cause only hack western devs were given the IP
Zoomer alert
EA sure as fuck wouldn't, but if Disney did the smart thing they'd let other dev teams take a whack at Star Wars, once EA's license runs out. Whenever that is.
It looks so painfully mediocre that it's almost laughable. I would have taken horrible over this.
Any fanfiction where a hot female sith rapes a shota jedi?
oh trust me they will include some other jewing tactic, but won't call it microtransaction or lootboxes
>even they don't want that kind of shitstorm
lol imply they care, plebs still buy their game in flocks
>out of fear of alienating normies
They're so fucking clueless about Star Wars that they think people dislike the Sith. When Darth fucking Vader is the most popular character in the series (as an evil badass, not a conflicted father. See the response to his scene in Rogue One), and Sheev Palpatine was what redeemed their trilogy and made people cheer the loudest in their shitty IX trailer.
If Rey had turned to the Dark Side, even for one movie before turning good again, they would have made so much more in merchandise and created so many more fanboys.
And then in vidya you had the positive audience response to playing as an Imperial in the Battlefront 2 campaign only for them to think they wanted her to turn into a good guy 2 fucking hours into the game. I guarantee a Sith game would have much more buzz about it than "blonde Jedi Knight" game if they knew the first thing about the fanbase they spent 4 billion dollars one.
thinking about light saber duels with Sekiro parry, muh dick
well the only hope now is for someone to mod it into Sekiro
It'll probably happen, should be very easy to do
Come to think of it, the lightning reflect mechanic wouldn't even be out of place if you fought some Sith
>mod lightsaber in sekiro
>give the enemies lightsabers too
>change ranged enemies into stormtroopers
Better SW game than whatever EA is shitting out
looks like shit
the enemies just stand there
Literally one part where he turned a corner to three stormtroopers down the hall. They all stood there, fired three shots, paused, lowered their guns, and repeated.
The majority of his kills were deflection or force pulling a guy closer to his lightsaber.
the only exciting part was when they fought the black stormtroopers with the magnaguard staff.
The expositional dialogue you could hear by eavesdropping on troopers was uncomfortably obvious and plain.
Shit like
>Hmm, some kind of webbing..
>spider hiss
>Hey, who's that? AAAA
>That trooper, He's dead!
yes, actual quotes from the demo.
The movement and combat looked slow and boring. inb4 EA's "feel" memes, but I could unironically tell you wouldn't feel like a Jedi playing that game just by watching it.
The Dialogue was poor in the cutscenes too.
Also thought it was stupid how this demo had close to zero content for the story of the game. The demo boiled down to "free wookies" and that's it. I understand this might've been a gameplay demo, but for a supposed singleplayer action adventure game, I would've expected more content to be teased at in this department.
Some little things like how you could use the force to throw people into eachother to knock them down and how the magnaguard troopers would dig their staff into the ground to keep you from pulling/pushing them were cool. Also how you could see the burn marks from your lightsaber in people, though it would have been even better if there was dismemberment (but I know good ol' EA would never add such a gruesome feature. Regardless, those little details can't save a bad game.
Hopefully the end product is better but this demo was very underwhelming.
getting some anthem vibes.
you could change Sekiro counter moves to some light saber moves instead, like the one that chop off your opponent's hands or some shit, it would look and play great. It's THAT FUCKING SIMPLE
>uses legacy media and symbols while sayign they're non canon
fuck off disney, i'll buy your shit game on the bargain bin.
Doesn’t this have a release date for this year? If it’s still in alpha then they can kindly fuck off
It means it will look even worse
slow sekiro. seem alright, thought would be way worse.
my issue is level design, it's tubular.
Too slow
Too easy, and harder difficulties will at best just make you take half your health bar in one hit across the board
Stormtroopers shoot the blaster really fucking slow
The force grab stuff looks worse than Force Unleashed and the new Control game
November 11th or so, I'm glad Death Stranding and Pokemon will bury it especially on Yea Forums.
looks worse than a 2 year old game. Right is nu Battlefront
>Stormtroopers shoot the blaster really fucking slow
are you new to star wars? they shot blaster real slow even in JKO
MC also uses the lightsaber with no finesse at all. I know that he's just a padawan but he should at least look like he halfway knows how to use his own weapon. Reminds me of the animations Donte has in DmC where they intentionally made them all like he doesn't know how to fight and stumbles all over his own sword
Storm troopers attacking one at a time was stupid as fuck. Starwars is so fucking gay now it is unplayable. Rogue squadron was the last good game where you just fought.
Also the fact that this follows gay disney canon is another no no
it's demo played on easy, respawn if we go by titanfall 2 makes AI aggressive on harder difficulties
you all miss the important part: level design is shit.
It looks like one of those middle tier games that don't really exist anymore. It definitely looks bland, but for $20 down the road it looks like it could be a decent 5/10, or 6/10 game.
On a side note, it's funny seeing ex "journalists" being corporate shills, hyping bland products like the next big thing.
Looks like TFU but much worse and boring
I liked the part where one of the staff wielding enemies AI got confused and it just stood still for quite a while until the player hit it
EA is based for fixing Battlefront 2 so will def be pre-ordering this.
he was hit with the slow time power
I can forgive a shit intro level. Something to let an idiot figure things out. Used to be there were tutorials you could just skip, now large portions of the game are just intro level that get mixed up and have more enemies. Yeah, it is bullshit. Fuck this game even more.
the one true actual shill in the thread. No one talks like this on Yea Forums.
>not gonna lie, def pumped for this one!
it's 3 hours in. not intro at all.
I still liked combat I see how I can use it to make it fun, demos only show mechanics a bit, I can see how it can go sonic speed JK style.
Boomer alert
probably just bait, but would be hilarious if real.
>the power of contrarianism
Yea Forums pretends TFU is good now.
It's nu-Tomb Raider meets Uncharted meets Dark Souls lite. It will likely be mediocre.
Nothing in that post implies TFU was good
that's stasis force, I wonder why they didn't simply made it speed force like in prev games
The hell is that thing on the left? Fucking nu-aliens
Right, that Chewbacca could be anyone
Sekiro was pretty good and it was exactly that, it looks like easier sekiro with bad level design.
Have you ever worked as a developer?
Trust me - "Alpha build" for big studios most likely means that they don't have any other level than the one they have shown.
Nothing will change in terms of gameplay, flow or overall graphic style.
But it could also mean everything, remember last year with anthem “ alpha build” it look and play better than the actual game since they make attacking actually have impact.
The game is underwhelming, look like a Sekiro clone that more clunky and dumbing down so that everyone can have the “Star War” experience.
It a 2019 game that look like it made in 2015.
The good thing is that this might be the final nail in the coffin of EA hold on Star War if they keep the game play the way is it and not giving it another 2 year development to polish it off. And we all know history will repeat it self
Alpha build in gaming industry is just their safety ticket in case the final version turns out to be wildly different from what they showed. More than half of the time they probably have already had like 60%-70% of the game done.
Pre-alpha is an even more stupid term that game devs use.
this. after a demo like this the rest of development is copy paste and hoping the whole thing doesn't spaghetti out of control too much. the gameplay is set in stone save for very minor tweaks. for example they can't change the movement speed or jump height much or the platforming parts would all have to be rebuilt by hand. the gameplay is done.
nah TFU was shit. This game atleast has lightsabers that do real damage instead of being wiffle bats.
It looks decent, and the story might actually be pretty good. Respawn knows how to make a good single-player campaign, so I have faith in them.
how fucking long have you been here that you can't recognize bait you fucking retard
>asscreed in Star Wars skin with clunkier combat and interface is fun
You’re either a Disney shill or the usual braindead zoomer.
>real damage
>no dismemberment
complete trash
Lol they don't do real damage in this, he has free shots at their arms and midsections and no dismemberment just lame scorch marks like it's a kid's game
Why do they keep setting shit on Kashyyk when they KNOW that fur graphics look like utter garbage?
Check out movie battles 2
Looks kind of interesting but the slow mo was dumb, hopefully it is meant as a crutch like witch time in Bayoneta rather than a central part of the combat like witch time in Bayoneta 2
Also the supposed expert playing it was shit and I really hope that was easy mode.
Get fucked you shit taste zoomer.
Not that poster, platforming is fine but prince of persia crawling has and always will be the worst example of it.
Force Unleashed was a flawed but enjoyable game. It's the sequel that was dogshit.
real alpha build is when barely anything works, this one is late beta when game is already done and in QA stage
tfa wasn't even enjoyable either though, it's sequel just managed to not only be worse, but be like 3 hours long.
>but be like 3 hours long.
I', afraid this one is barely 8h long. I'm too used to 25h games these days.
Why do people keep saying this it wasn't that short in my playthrough.
>and the wall running.
You're fucking kidding, right? He's not even touching the wall with his hand to try to stop himself from falling. It's just magnet shoes copying Titanfall's wallrun animations without said hands to mask it being taken from that.
3hours 6 hours, it's still under 10=short
This. Disney is the kiss of death for Star Wars being anything more than "good guys good, bad guys bad."
you don't really know how wall running works IRL?
it's power of momentum, lose momentum fall, you don't touch anything. he keeps up his momentum with force. wall running is least of game issues.
it's exactly what I expected and that makes me a bit sad
I liked the time freezing fuckery, it was also fun in nu-BF2.
But I have to say the protagonist so far seems generic as hell, just another cookie cutter jedi like Space Aladdin. Hopefully the story isn't shit.
Boring and not interested, so just like the movies now
Momentum won't mean shit for gravity. His body is pulling sideways, gravity would effect it, force or not.
> wall running is least of game issues.
Sure, like the animation of EVERYTHING FUCKING ELSE is horrible, I'll agree. But he's saying the wall-running is interesting when it looks fucking bad and is ripping from their previous game and STILL can't make it fucking look good/sense.
I have no idea why they thought those janky animations would be acceptable to show for a game coming out in November
>fuck hiring Hollywood actors to play parts in videogames
I keep saying voice acting was a mistake. But you can't put the genie back in the bottle, now it's required for every western or localized game, and it eats up budget while adding absolutely fucking nothing.
Literally only JKA had dismemberment and that was with a console command.
>you don't really know how wall running works IRL?
It doesn't, for more than a couple steps.
>still has a nigger in it
no buy
can never get through KotOR because of that
There was a stormtrooper that he cut the arm off of and cut through a portion of his torso and it kind of separated. There's no blood, but there's definitely dismemberment.
Jedi Knight 1 had dismemberment with no cheats required.
He's using the fucking Force, dude.
There is literally a cavern at the right of the first fucking fight against troopers
You just know the whole game is going to be a series of corridors with some 10 foot long offshoots that you dip into so they can say there are "secrets" and "exploration."
>There was a stormtrooper that he cut the arm off of and cut through a portion of his torso and it kind of separated.
Looks boring and linear (and the argument that it's just a demo doesn't apply because if it wasn't linear you can be sure they'd market that). Expect Uncharted but with Jedi powers because that's basically what you'll get.
How did they achieve it? How could they make this gameplay so boring? It's not even interesting to watch.
There shouldn't be blood from light sabre wounds
Was it 4:03 to 4:13 in this video? Because that's some weird visual glitch caused by his body falling with scorch marks showing on it, right after he gets a clear shot at someone's midsection during a cinematic kill and the body stays intact as a scorch mark shows up, it's obviously not there.
TFU2 had dismemberment
Yeah, that's the moment I was thinking of. I guess it was just an optical illusion.
How do you explain pic related?
As stated by my favorite youtuber: "I guess they did show the new Star Wars game, which I feel like people are forgetting that it's a sequel to star wars battlefront... They're making steps in the right direction. But this is EA, ok? They'll find someway to fuck it up."
creating friction between your hand and the wall would only push you away from it faster. horizontal wall running is a meme and it's a shame they put it in a star wars game. it has no place there. jedi have never done wall running before. wall running equates levitation / flying powers and no movie jedi or sith ever had flying powers, they could just jump very high.
the force in the original trilogy was a mix of telepathy (all the skywalkers talking to each other in their minds), telekinesis (yoda and luke lifting things, vader lifting people), super strength (one-armed handstand pushups, super jumps) and weird visions (ghosts of dead jedi mostly). the one oddity that breaks these categories is palpatine's lightning but he was the ultimate villain, an extremely powerful force user. levitation powers can only come from TLJ where leia does it, after a lifetime of displaying only telepathy. you'd think people outside of lucasfilm would be smart enough to avoid adding anything from the least liked star wars film ever but here we are.
this is just one detail but the whole package misses the appeal of star wars by a mile. we see a jedi doing COOL FINISHER MOVES on helpless low-tier enemies. why? where's the honor or empathy in that? how is this a jedi at all? they call him "jedi" and he uses a blue saber. then there's the setup - or rather it isn't there. the camera pans down from the sky to reveal our protagonist and his droid. there's a rogue one character (?) who delivers some basic exposition and then our protagonist runs along the linear path and kills everything. in star wars every scene on a new planet should start by showing the planet. cinematography could be a generic movie game's saving grace. the devs of Uncharted, this game's main influence, pay attention to cinematography. so why completely ignore the visual language of star wars? even the music doesn't quite sound like star wars.
>it's a sequel to star wars battlefront
>we need some new sci-fi alien creature enemies to show people its not just stormtroopers
>how about a big ass spider and a bunch of honey bees? that's Star Wars right?
Having just played TFU a few months ago, it's alright, but it goes to absolute shit in a few places. The lightsaber feels like a pool noodle, the force stuff with the physics, where the game actually excels, is super limited by a meter and by nearly half the lategame enemies being immune to it.
This at least looks like the saber stuff is pretty lethal, which is an absolute upgrade from most star wars shit.
it was a quote for BF2, but w/o that bit, it works for the new SW game
>This at least looks like the saber stuff is pretty lethal
Until you reach a boss character that arbitrarily can tank what should be instant killing blows. And they don't even have special armor that the lightsaber glances off of or anything, they get those orange marks that signify your lightsaber ran the fuck straight through them but somehow they're still standing even though the same thing happening to any other trooper is an instant kill.
It is literally a pool noodle in this game too aside from stormtroopers. When he's fighting enemies with health bars he stabs them straight through the chest but only 1/3rd of their health bar disappears instead of an instant kill.
It would be cool if they had lightsaber-resistant armor that you couldn't stab through, and if taking a direct hit from their vibroblade staves just fucking killed you.
>It's not a purely linear game, it's similar to Metroid Prime/Dark Souls/Bloodborne, according to Stig.
Promising, I enjoyed the Demon Souls and Dark Souls level design. In general though when the level is basically linear I'd prefer it to to be wide
>>Unreal Engine 4
>Why didn't they just go with Frostbite?
Unfortunate, since Respawn seems to be best with Source. Pretty sure Titanfall 2 (which had a great campaign) was Source 2. Other anons are correct in that Frostbite was a major stumbling block for Bioware during the development of Anthem
>I was hoping for more of Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy Style game but its looking more like The Force Unleashed.
What exactly does that mean? I loved Jedi Knight: Outcast, but I dropped Force Unleashed too quickly to have an opinion on the game
good point. sw aliens always have features of real animals but they are always a mix of many, not a straight copy of some earth animal.
Yeah they needed to make encounters with guards/Sith more convincing to differentiate it from Stormtrooper slaughter.
The armor is the easiest way and also have them limping if you wound them and take half their health off so it feels like a proper duel, not just pop back up repeating the same animations after they just got bored through the chest.
See even the spiders in the trailer are from the old EU novels as a big predator of Kashykk so Earth animals in SW are fine I guess.
But it just sucks that that's the thing they chose to model and show in the first trailer instead of an encounter with some creature we hadn't seen before.
>EU novels
bleh. I'm in the "OT only" camp. the giant praying mantis in Attack of the Clones was distasteful as are giant spiders. I don't care if some fan fic author once got Lucas to approve of that shit. I wouldn't care if Lucas personally designed every creature in this game either. the fact of the matter is, these things don't fit with the OT and that's all I care about.
For a padawan hes pretty OP, thought they were going in the other direction with him
The OT had a man in a werewolf costume.
Why is the main character a literal 16 year old twink
>can double jump and force pull
>can't walk across a tree without swaying like a fucking retard instead of standing up/balancing like a fucking Jedi
>any non-fat person could do this perfectly in real life
Why the fuck does he put his body weight entirely on one side of the tree? He literally should have fallen this is fucking unplayable.
The Old Republic is the only serviceable content in Star Wars. The rest, especially the OT is fanfiction tier trash.
It doesn't look exciting or challenging at all.
Would rather just replay Metal Gear Rising
Slow, everything is slow the game looked like it's on 0.5x speed
No dismemberment outside of cinematic events
Combat didn't look good at all
It looked like a complete downgrade from the previous games aside from graphics.
I've never played SW Jedi Knight or Forced Unleashed or any of those games and I think it looks great. It looks like Bloodborne / Sekiro style 3D lock-on based combat with force powers in the ultra cinematic Uncharted-style, featuring jumping and climbing around vertical levels and all that.
cortosis exists and that will likely be the explanation to those troopers surviving a slash
It's meh, but it's decent considering it's EA, so we allow it to exist.
Even the cinematic events don't have dismemberment, see
Well specifically the first? spider he cuts off the front legs during the cinematic scene, but that was the only time i saw any type of dismemberment the entire time.
It's not just a slash, he literally gets skewered through his armor
And then later the move that finally fully depletes his health makes less contact on his armor than the move that only took half his health.
He doesn't cut off the legs, that's his weapon dropping. I was talking about the second kill where there's a cinematic spin where he aims right at his midsection and doesn't cut him in half, only leaves a tiny scorch mark.
Looks like a consolized cinematic garbage game.
I love Star Wars, or at least I used to before the nu-trilogy. But this game just seems like boring cinematic drivel made for consolebabbies. Doesn't help how the mouthbreathers keep comparing it to the Souls games, even though they are nothing alike. Fuck this gay hobby.
My bad you were talking about the spider, I was talking about the video in the post I linked. Yeah creature dismemberment is fine in all kinds of games, the topic is human dismemberment.
>slices his lightsaber through the entire guys abdomen
>all we get to see is orange burn lines
>they don't even go show the orange lines the entire way around the body
>his upper body and lower body fall as one still
E3 has billions to spend and they somehow show off a game that can't even do things we had back in early 2000s?
>Mommy please finish the game for me, I'm already bored and it's too long for my attention span!!! :(
Because violence is boo boo, user. Can't hurt the childrens feelings. It's rated E for a reason.
Disney is a family SJW company now, no limb cutting.
In the new Aladdin live action remake they just deleted the scene from the cartoon where Jasmine gets threatened to have her hand cut off because a shopkeep thought she stole from his stall.
Maybe I'll pirate it one day, who cares, it's EA.
What's the agenda behind this shit??
>Not crowd sourcing your thoughts
They don't want Mommy coming in and seeing a man sliced in half and saying no more Star Wars toys and no going to see Episode IX in theaters.
nigga it's not about tech, it's about having that rating not be 17+ or whatever
Force Unleashed 2 had it, rated Teen.Same for Jedi Outcast.
holy shit how did it make to T I will never understand
outcast and academy only had arm and hand dismemberment out of the box. anything more is a console command or mods.
Disney suits have no fucking clue what they are doing with regard to the gaming industry. It's like the complete opposite of what's going on in the movie industry. WB Games has made a ton of great licensed games over the past 10 years while Disney always makes terrible flop after flop. Disney Interactive even had to cancel all their games and close all their studios in like 2016 because they were losing so much money, and they had to pay some massive contractual fee to Sony for doing so ($157 million). And WB Games purchased Avalanche Studios (of Disney Infinity series) from them as they liquidated and now WB is actually letting them use their talent to make that awesome looking leaked Harry Potter game.
Disney is honestly one of the stupidest videogame publishers ever. They can only ever make money with their franchises when other developers come to them asking them to use their characters for a game, and they have as little involvement with the project as possible. I don't know how much involvement they had with the development of this game but yeah I bet they did make it an important thing that the game be "kid friendly", because they don't understand or care about the history of the SW game franchise or its fans
neat. a shame the game is garbage
Disney isn't a publisher
they were til they closed down in 2016
Any chance this shows up tomorrow in a conference? It's over a year old at this point so if it's actually happening we should get actual news soon. The trailer was good enough to be an instant win for whichever conference shows it considering HP's brand and following.
If that trailer releases sometime in the next few days it's not good look good for EA
EA is comically incompetent at this point. Cancelling development on Titanfall 3 to move everything to Apex, just to see that game completely crater a few months later, shows how much trendchasing is biting them in the ass
Disney's involvement with this game was probably limited just to the terms of the licensing agreement, but those terms may indeed have said something about making sure the game was kid-friendly and could get an E rating
god she was hot in that movie
No limb cutting is a big no no; maybe they'll fix it up, or maybe they'll half ass the game and think people don't want single player games when it doesn't sell.
It's shit
this. All I see ITT are fans of the old SW games complaining that things aren't the same. The game looks fun
EA is behind it, I expect nothing, Im willing to be proven wrong. No matter what it is it will sell, and EA will cling to life another generation and still hold onto the Star Wars license, ensuring that Star Wars games are hamfisted and drip fed.
but i like trashfires
Pic related came to mind when I saw the trailer.
There was a weird dash+swing move, that whole animation looked awkward and also it seemed like a pointless move.
I think the player character should be able to dash/dodge more effectively, the game is too slow for what they are trying to do. The Bloodborne dash is a perfect example of the speed it should be at
Looks very slow and clunky. It's at least a step in the right direction from Battlefront but its pretty pathetic that this is the best EA can accomplish.
Why is it so sloooooooooow? Did you see how slow the blaster lasers were? Like damn.
Hello, Vextin
I only watched the part where he used the force to slow down a large fast-moving fan so he could walk through the blades and I immediately hated it because we've been doing that shit since 1998 and it's literal non-gameplay
>space bees
This game is basically garbage. Even tfu play better than this assassin creed wannabe.
it usually means that there will be a downgrade
Star Wars version of shadow of Mordor fucking when.
Fuck when are we gonna see more of this game?
Looks incredible boring. Plus lightsabers are the disney lightsabers that do tiny cuts and act like clubs. I want limbs flying off!
Looked decent fun but
so at most I will pirate it.