How do we fix it?

How do we fix it?

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fallout 3 trilogy remake, it would sell millions

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>inb4 some faggot says "give it to Obsidian"

You fix it by not buying the next one.

Give it to obsidian

Obsidian is not what it was, The original fallout team left years ago, Pay attention

You could say the same thing about Yea Forums and yet here you are.

Fuck off to cripplechan then you whiny bitch.

By assassinating this man. Not even joking, not even hyperbole.

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give Bethesda's entire writing staff the Ol Yeller treatment and get new guys who don't suck in

go back to gamebryo

Why not todd, but him?

Give development rights to Obsidian and have older Fallout 3 Nv and 4 Remade on a modern engine

He's the main writer of KILL YOURSELF OR YOURE A COWARD and SHAUN!. He needs to go.

Retards, The lot of ye

My idea for Fallout 5 would be multiple factions, each with their own philosophy for wasteland survival and the future of humanity, similar to how New Vegas was, combined with the settlement system of 4. You rebuild civilization in the wasteland by building or taking over settlements shaping the future of the wasteland.

Bring back skills, or at least give more SPECIAL checks in a more charisma based single player game using all of 4's assets/textures. 3 had NV, 4 has 76 which was a let down. 4 deserves its own version and bethesda maryland deserves a chance to take the NV style and do it well this time. Burlington VT would be interesting, maybe Buffalo NY with Niagra Falls. The city doesn't have to be big, hell the map doesn't have to be huge, it just needs a good story with memorable characters and moments and a wide open character creator/progression. Protagonist doesn't have to be voiced to save time and character freedom.

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Bethesda missed the mark on how to use settlers. they should act as social support in discussions. if you meet somebody important and have half the surrounding area on your side you can intimidate/bargain/reason with more easily. population should essentially be farmable speech points

use a proper fucking game engine to begin with

if they did a place like the Jersey Shore they could reuse Point Lookout's basic layout and go from there

>get competent devs behind it that have respect for both the spirit of the game and have a concept of quality control, not bethesda or obsidian
>find a new engine or make one
>use some new ideas, and empasize the concept of fallout more through in gameplay and thematics than random iconography like shoving the same factions and armor into every game
>market it as a return to form from 76

make it at least as mod friendly as skyrim. that's all you need to do for all bethesda games. they can have the shitiest quests and bugs but make it mid friendly and everyone will be happy.

Focus on story first, crafting/building systems second

i cant fucking stand the settlement system in 4
"hurr build stuff here for the millionth time"
make it simple by just having them produce goods for the player or giving them caps from some profit they got from selling goods

destroy bethesda

some guys in texas made a bad game and now the company who has made some of the best games of all time needs to get destroyed

Remove Emil and Pete, put Todd on a tight leash. Get people who know the lore and do more than a quick google on the fandom wiki.

cope and seethe bethesda shill, we will destroy your company lole

>base game and four of its five DLCs
>a trilogy

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>some of the best games of all time needs to get destroyed
Like what? The best game they've made is morrowind and that game is garbage.

Remove procedural loot, and remove the "big box o' loot at the end of the dungeon" that encourages lazy dungeon design

Remove the beginning sequence where you're given endgame armor and weapon which are used to fight an endgame enemy; make gear progression feel better

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You can't seriously think that 76 is the only black mark on Bethesda's Fallout output. Going from NV to 4 was just fucking embarrassing to behold.

>make anything of note
they steal ideas and make mediocre games out of them
they work for the bare minimum to make profit, not to make a fun game
which is fine in a business sense but it's an insult to genuine fans of the series they hold

take bethesda away and give it to the original devs that made 1 & 2 or the people who made new vegas
if you cant do that then just get rid of pete hines

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This is a major problem that no one ever talks about. You aren't compelled to do ANY of the quests because the reward is always the same randomly generated loot box. And there's no risk/reward balance either. If an area is a breeze to beat, you get a loot box. If an area is cripplingly difficult to beat, you get the same loot box.

Godd Howard will fix it, wait and see

This has been a problem for me with all Bethesda games, the loot at the end of the dungeon, and the loop around so you can leave quicker without backtracking to loot after clearing the place out.

new vegas 2 or a proper van buren remake (though that was kinda already new vegas)


>Best games of all time
Your standards are embarrassingly low.

Being able to mutate into a ghoul or super mutant.

What is there to fix?

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Sorry bud, this is the best game of all time. Get some fucking taste kid.

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Make a turn based, isometric cRPG with emphasis on player agency.

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>New Vegas but not ugly as sin
I can dig it.

what, like underrail?

Kind of, but Underrail is a lot more combat focused than Fallout 1 or 2; you don't have have as many solutions or dynamic systems to solve things with.

Instead of post-apocalyptic or post-post-apocalyptic, have the setting be post-post-post-apocalyptic

THat looks so nice!

So basically like Vault City except the whole map? I could dig that. I actually imagined that stuff myself. Imagine if all the crazy high-tech from Fallout universe was commonplace.

Make it more mod friendly
Reimplement RPG elements
Remove voiced protagonist
Add more player agency (ie, basically let you fuck around or break sequence more)
Don't make the protagonist tied to some bullshit like FO3's dad or FO4's son
Make crafting/modding more impactful

Make power armor some legitimately rare ass shit that you might have to play hours to find instead of just handing it to you. I'm talking like shit you have to go into some military bunker that's crawling with assaultrons and military bots and then on the way out the Brotherhood of Steel rolls up and puts you in a firing squad unless you hand your power armor over

there it's fixed

have the next fallout deal with the Zetans as the main antagonist.

I want Fallout wastelanders/Brotherhood vs Alien settlers who triggered the war initially who are finally bothering to show up and see what happened to the other mother ships in the FO3 DLC.

Then let me have my stupid fucking Atomic Age Alien battle simulator Todd.


Give it to a different developer or just replace Todd

give it to someone besides Todd

>five DLC
wait what? am i forgetting something

That's pretty hot

4 is a better game in every respect apart from the plot.

Fallout works wonderfully when you realize Bethesda treats it as essentially filler for the next Elder Scrolls.

Something to let you pass the time and not take seriously.

I'd LOVE to have the old style gameplay back with new graphics.

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Uh no, the perks, dialogue and RPG elements of the game are substantially worse as well

define new graphics.

Let go and begin again

>Wrote Oblivion’s questline
>But also wrote Skyrim, Fallout 3,4 main questlines
What went wrong?

Excuse me what game is this? It doesn't look like 1 or 2.

There's nothing wrong with 4's perks.

It's fan art.

>RPG elements
>Modern fallout
Don't kid yourself, Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are nothing but FPS action adventure games. Your "RPG" elements are shallow as fuck, don't even pretend to act like you're an RPG because you're not.

It's fan art from devinatart, not a real game sadly.

oblivion's questline was shit
>You are literally Martin's fucking lackey

There's nothing to fix.

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New Vegas is on par with 1 and 2, though.

I'm not taking his side and a like 4 better but they seriously regressed with the dialog and player choices.

t. Obsidishitter
Here's a hint, it's not. Get your head out of your ass. None of the modern fallouts even remotely compare to 1 and 2 in many aspects. The writing for NV was made for redditors so don't even try to act like the story was good when it's a fucking mess.

>New Vegas is on par with 1 and 2
Get a load of this FUCKING nigger.

Not him but I think some perks are useless while the others are obviously overpowered. Most Luck perks are way too good while Charisma ones are shit. I honestly like the Crit bar but the perks completely ruin the balance.
>Perks that make you do 3x crit damage
>Perks that allow you to bank 5 fucking of them
>Perks that refill crit gauge by killing or attacking or just by being shot at
>Oh, and you can do sneak attack to triple the number btw

Mothership Zeta

>fallout with high quality painted backgrounds

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It's on par as far as player choice.

I'm still playing through 4 for the first time but I've been ignoring VATS, my only complaint at the moment is that I wish half of the perk chart didn't revolve around it.

>bethesda's e3 conference
>todd does his whole spiel and appeals to the audience - "we heard your complaints about fallout 76 and we're going back... to the beginning"
>everyone thinks it's going to be a remake of the first fallout game
>yfw todd just announces a fallout 3 remake in the fallout 4 engine

>Mothership Zeta
Wow somehow the was blocked from my memory. Which is weird since i liked that DLC more than bullet sponge lookout

Bring back low INT runs.

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Yea Forums has been comprised of redditors and neofag user since 2015 so i don't trust this list at all. and also because it's Yea Forums of all things

>chrono trigger
>ff9 ff10 ff12
>bravely default
>radiant historia
These games are honestly mediocre.

>It's on par as far as player choice.
not really but lets agree to disagree