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First for next bone announcement
Pcbrony here. Looking forward to playing with you lads across system.
I still dont trust MS, not that I trust Sorny either
E3 isnt until Tuesday?
will be noice
Daily reminder that the greatest comeback will be 90% multiplats like last year and all the 'exclusives' will be available on Wine.
you said this last year too, remember?
remember buddy, what happened?
m$ and bethesda tomorrow
All I want to see this E3 is a Halo Infinite with no sprint.
Xbox is the cheapest current gen option where I live
if microsoft has some good games tomorrow i'll buy their console for sure.
is $215 a good price for a One X?
I can't wait to see games get announced and then forgotten about in 2 years
that's a banger of a price
The XBOX OCs must flow!
I'm ready to play Tales of whatever on my Xbox.
Its going to be my second Tales of game
I remember when last year was supposed to be the greatest comeback in video game history. And the year before. And the year before. Etc.
yeah but they were though
>Microsoft getting baited AGAIN
This is actually funny.
you don't even realise how much the brand has turned around. it went from TVTVTV to actual games and nothing but games. they even killed off kinect it's literally end of life. there's still a long way to go though because mattrick left the brand in a hole.
Were they though?
I mean Microsoft won E3 last year so...
yeah bro of course they were
Can you lads post more pics of the Xchad Skeleton or whatever he is called? I really like him.
I'm un ironically excited to see what Xbox has.
I'm getting eXcited
I know it's a bit early lads, but fuck it WE FUCKING WON
Come on baby give us old school, classic Halo
Why does phil look like he uses the xbox avatar editor to dress himself
what an absolute chad
Yea Yup
Baited by who?
Sonychad here, waiting for your multiplats.
Daily reminder Fuuka is a cock slut.
They have that Xbox green carpet thing in my area during E3. Do you think it's worth going?
You get breakfast and E3 goodies, but you have to watch new X-Men movie after.
Who would've thought microsoft would end up being the least shitty one
dont you have dilation simulators to pre-order
That's a fucking steal
How do you feel knowing that this will go down to 10 once rare replay is announced for switch tomorrow?
You guys better give me timesplitters or destroy all humans ganeplay!
these games aren't ever going to be on playstation so why are you waiting?
He’s just a normal two shirted dude like you and me user
>but you have to watch new X-Men movie after.
I lost confidence. I’m going to Stadia. XBOX used to be a place where gamers got shit done. Now its being taken over by the LGBT community. I’m done
i've seen more sony fanboys care about xbox exclusives than xbox fans themselves. no one really cares about these games being on pc. why do you?
What will it be called boys?
>no one really cares about these games
very true also no games
>Thinks Google isn't run by LGBT
PC players do. And Snoyboys pretending to be idorts because they have a 3 year old laptop with integrated graphics.
My bet is just Xbox
>Only one more sleep till E3.
E3 is already over fellas We fucking won already
well yeah i mean no one really cares about them being on pc as if its a negative. i find it funny even as a ps4 owner myself that sony fans are apparently more concerned about the future of xbox than xbox fans are, in the sense sony fanboys think its going to be doom and gloom because of this when xbox fans aren't too bothered by it.
M$ staff here. There's two consoles announced tomorrow
>Xbox Radius
A small, circular streaming only console. Game pass used for the entire library. Monthly subscription. Release date of November 1st.
>Xbox Arcadia
More traditional console, dont know specs, does have a disc drive. Release date of Oct 1st
>Xchads turned the skeleton used to mock them into their mascot
Fuck me, xchads are based
PC x XChad alliance here to stay.
Nice try, the greatest comeback was Nintendo after the blunder that was WiiU. In all ways, Xbox has just been literally forgettable.
Shut up retard.
>Xbox Radius
>A small, circular
I always thought how nonsensical the names were was pretty fucking based. It would've been so easy to just number them, but something as simple as that he refuses to do out of sheer desire to be rad.
neither next gen console is coming out this year. sony's console got delayed because of delays to navi and microsoft are using zen 3 which isn't available till next year. both will be 2020 but the ps5 will probably release a few months before the next xbox but the next xbox will be significantly more powerful at around the same price if the multiple leaks about it are real.
You mean their "comeback" where they completely drop out of the console race and only make handhelds? Their handhelds were always dominant so this is hardly a comeback.
Will XBone finally get some good exclusives or is this a marketing thread?
We have the best games
Best console
And we smell the best
Nintendo BTFO
Xbox doesn't get "exclusives" anymore, it only gets "console exclusives", aka games that are also on PC.
You'd think this would make the Xbox pointless since you can just buy a PC but if console players were capable of rational value judgements they wouldn't be console players.
This, it was a smart move tbf.
Xbox nXt
Xbox Infinity
It will be called
I could believe that.
leaked screenshot of the xbox/gamepass app for PC. looking forward to play with PCbros soon.
Did you pre-order it yet?
Can I get one of the $399 bundles and get more off by trading in my OG Xbone?
>these are legitimate possibilities
The havesexbox
Looks nice
Xbros... is this what winning feels like
Xbox 360
Looking at their previous naming convention their goal is to make it as confusing as possible to differentiate between their first console and their latest one.
Therefore the newest one will do the reboot thing and just reuse the "Xbox" name with no other title.
Hows your fedora collection going m8?
Yeah, that's my thoughts too.
I only need one Fedora since hats never need to be washed.
Xbox Mega
Xbox Ultra
Xbox 364
>Original Xbox name
>360 callback, their most popular console and zoomer nostalgia
>364 days in a year (One)
>4th console
>64 namesake alluding to Nintendo partnership
>Will be backwards compatible with all Xbox games
days in a year (One)
Because they are releasing two different versions, right?
Xbox power rangers the movie.
alright, I'll post it
xbox 4
xbox 4K
Xbox Infinite
Now would be the best time to unveil the Xbox 2 now that Sony isn't there to compete with them.
Xbox reach
Very much so, since the S goes for $200.
In fact if you see an X for $215 then you should check to make sure nothing is wrong with it. I would be very surprised if someone sold an X, in a decent condition, for that price. They must be either unaware of the current market value, or maybe they're being dishonest and it does really have problems. Or maybe it's a friend selling it to you for this price, in which case, yes it's a very good price.
It was an Ebay auction. Just some surface damage and missing an HDMI cable.
I wish i had your optimism. I'm ready to see the series die, and I have accepted its death.
The series died over 6 years ago
I agree that Xbox now looks WAY better than it did with that twat Mattrick. The S and the X are vastly superior consoles to the original in every single conceivable way. They look way better, they're smaller, they have internal PSUs, they have UHD BR drives.
I wonder what has happened with the financials though - whether the S and the X have made a profit. I hope so. The fact that they've said they're making new consoles would indicate that they see future value in this business.
It can always be buried deeper.
Holy shit bro, I loved it! Thanks.
Whose ready to leave these mortal bones behind?
The next KI will probably launch with the new Xbox
Thanks for all the games you're giving us tomorrow guys
The Mustard Race
Mex box now with a taco dispenser.
The lowest it's ever been brand new is $320 on that Rakuten deal last month and it's typically $500 outside of rare sales like this E3 and Walmart/Amazon have been selling off some bundles for cheap recently for about $360-380. That's pretty much a steal assuming it works.
>André Matos died one day before he could see the Xbox
Please jewsoft announce KI2 with Mick Gordon as the composer again.
Xbox 117. It only plays halo
No, but I have gamepass already.
343 would have to make a halo game for that to work
Nothing but games i can play on pc
The brand is doing great games wise the console not so much
>more concerned about the future of xbox than xbox fans are
They should be why wouldn't they be are you retarded
great games that can be also played on the console. why are shills like you quick to pretend the console doesn't exist or doesn't have 50m users who will play the games on console? i'm starting to think that you people who keep deflecting to pc don't actually care about pc but are deflecting sony fanboys.
All you games are shit though. Like it's not even a Meme they are all shit games that review like shit AND sell like shit too. The only good game you have is Forza Horizon but people care even less about that than Gran Tursimo which is already average. No one will give a fuck about your games until you actually have games and they are actually good. Which might never ever happen.
>I'm starting to think
Did it really take you 3 years to figure that out?
why do sony fanboys care about where xbox games are played?
Where is the remake
First of all learn what a shill is before you post again you retard second a console has no use without exclusives
If all the so called "exclusives" are on pc the console is made useless
imagine being this disconnected from reality to think nobody will buy a console because games are on pc. pc's aren't the be all and end all of gaming. name me the top 10 best selling games on ps4 and we'll go from there.
Xbox wins by default this year nothing Nintendo going to show is going to beat it and everybody is still mad at Todd for 76.
>why do sony fanboys care about where xbox games are played?
I never mentioned anything about that what are you talking about dude.
A little more than 3 years user
This is going to be the best E3 ever became sonyfags and shit up the places
Is it worth getting an X if I don't have a 4k tv? I mainly just want it to play RDR1 at a good framerate along with a couple of exclusives.
It's been about 3 years since MS started porting absolutely everything from Xbox to PC. They weren't really doing it before Windows 10(released 4 years ago) and they weren't fully commited until W10 adoption grew higher about a year later.
>xbox will be the most powerful console of the generation
See ya soon bro!
Based, came here for this
You think i care about what normalfags like you buy
Consoles are literally useless mircosoft exclusives playstation exclusives and even switch exclusives are all coming to pc
Name 5 reasons to buy a console over a pc you can't
I'm sorry but it needs to be multiplat to survive
I wish they would stay with Xbox Scarlett
If not this year then next year for sure!
Sonybro here. Ready to see dem multi-plats.
There really is no reason to buy a console aside from exclusives and even then only if you already have a PC as your main system and it's pretty much top of the line(otherwise instead of spending $400 on a console you could upgrade your PC).
Luckily for console manufacturers consolefags are sub-30 IQ and can't even follow instructions for a lego set.
I read that there should at least be an Xbox One S replacement (codenamed Lockhart) and an X replacement (codenamed Anaconda). And I thought I had read there could be a third streaming-only box, but I googled this and one story referred to this box as Maverick, but that turned out to be the Xbox One S All Digital Edition.
>microsoft are using zen 3 which isn't available till next year
Really? I've not heard this. I just googled it and some YouTubers seem to mention this rumour, but it doesn't look like any reputable news sources have reported it. Also, I was just looking back at a Digital Foundry video I watched yesterday, and they say Zen 2 is what the next Xboxes will use (start at 4:58): youtube.com
>the next xbox will be significantly more powerful at around the same price if the multiple leaks about it are real.
Hopefully, but who knows. The Anaconda model should hopefully be pretty powerful. But in that same Digital Foundry video they say there's a rumour that the lower end Lockhart Xbox will have only 4 teraflops of GPU compute power, which they say is worrying. See the video at 5:15: youtube.com
And you could indeed say it's worrying. 4 is a jump from the Xbox One S with 1.4 teraflops, and the base PS4 with 1.84 teraflops, but 4 is basically what the PS4 Pro has (the Xbox One X has 6). So yes, it's an improvement on the base models of the current gen, but would 4 really be a generational leap when the PS4 Pro already has that?
Surely the cheaper model is the more important, too. That's the one that teenagers and kids' parents will be wanting to get, because they don't have a lot of money. So that's the one, surely, that will determine mass adoption or lack thereof. If the base PS5 is more powerful for a similar price, people will want to go for that one. That was one of the main reasons people picked the PS4 over the XB1.
Steam is the new home for Anime Titty games since Valve even allows literal porn on their platform so they have no issue with some softcore jigglies.
Are you ready?
>£200 for an Xbox One S
>£300 for the most basic gaming PC with a Ryzen 3 2200G, using the iGPU (discrete GPU would add more cost), and that iGPU is not as powerful as the Xbox One S GPU (1.12 TFLOPs vs. 1.4 TFLOPs)
If PC players were capable of rational value judgements they wouldn't be PC players.
I'm not selling my soul to a DRM digital hole
>implying consoles aren't drm
>steam games aren't pirateable
>Xfags talking about a comeback for the fifth year in a row
Like clockwork
Fair. Definitely a good price.
I don't have an X, and I don't have a 4K TV, but I know that the X is meant to look better even on a 1080p screen, because 4K downsampled to 1080p apparently looks better than something rendered in 1080p native. Apparently. I've never tested it myself.
I think some games do better for framerate on the X, like Project Cars 2 I think, but I think most games have the same framerate on both consoles, but just a higher resolution on the X. You could google this though. And same with RDR, google it I guess, because I'm not sure myself.
Also you could just get a 360 if you only want to play the first RDR.
Reason #1: cost
See here: Consoles are way cheaper, simple as that
Most games still work completely without patches asshole. Stop pretending to be retarded.
What did the degenerate weeb mean by this?
Shouldn't you be busy dilating? And/or playing those walking simulators with your boyfriend. They won't play themselves!
If Sony keeps pushing people away they'll have to go somewhere. Everytime they fuck up they lose more and more. The pointless censoring of anime games caused me to jump ship. Others left because of cross play
Then where is the DRM?
>Stick disc in
>play game
why do you care? you entered a thread about something you clearly don't like and are now complaining. that's a sign of autism if you didn't realise.
>Xbox one S
1.75Ghz 8 core Jaguar CPU with IPC straight out of the stone age
GPU literally weaker than an AMD HD 5850, a 10 year old midrange card.
Instead of being a retard and buying an integrated GPU you could literally just buy some 5 year old midrange shit for like $50 and it would smoke it.
If you want to play your games at 792p 27 FPS you can do it on a $200 PC, not that anyone not retarded would ever want to do that.
Phil is a compulsive liar.
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Gears Tactics
>Forza DLC
>Ori 2
>Minecraft game/content
>Sea of Thieves expansion
>Wasteland 3
>Outer Worlds
>Bleeding Edge
Only 3 surprises
It's the same deal as buying a PS4 Pro, yes because performance upgrades and downsampling is always the best thing you can have. Let's use one of the Assassin's Creed games for example, AC3R on an Xbone drops constantly and it has a much lower resolution but on the X it stays at downsampled 4K at 1080p at a stable 30 outside of a very slight hiccup regarding huge groups of people but I think they patched a lot of the drops out.
If better resolutions, graphical quality (Be it better AA, shadows, etc), and framerates are important to you then yes, it's worth the price.
>newly announced titles
>including things that were are already announced
>including things that aren’t titles
>Xniggers still seething six years on
Tell that to Uncle Phil and his misleading tweets.
He's counting shit we already know about and updates.
Out of all that i'm only interested in outer worlds and halo infinite.
fuck no
what makes you think i'm seething? i'm hyped as fuck for tomorrows conference. i'm hyped for e3 in general. why are you so mad and what are you mad about? just enjoy e3.
I’m gonna lose so much fucking sleep to live shitpost with you bros.
Is that tweet suppose to prove your point?
>No word on if Mixer is doing another Mixpot
>Mixer already commented saying they are giving free Seas of Thieves cosmetic stuff for watching a SoT tournament on Monday
>But no word on anything for the Microsoft show Sunday
Last year's pot sucked but the one before that was nice.
We fuckin back boys
Looking forward to Halo and new IPs
My unlikely but perpetual dream is Sunset Overdrive 2
Im hyped. This is the only e3 conference that has a chance at being good this year. Ive outgrown nintendo. Pokemon and yoshi shovelware was cool when i was 8, not so much anymore. Smash is garbage, mario kart is better but they only keep porting 8. Nintendos been dead to me for years. And obviously who gives a fuck about ubisoft, square enix, or bethesda garbage
i feel the same way kinda but i'm hyped as fuck for animal crossing. i loved that game back on the DS and i've been waiting for a new one for years. if its good i'll buy the updated switch (rumored) and the next xbox next year.
>MS at 4am
>exam at 8am
OneBox X
Would you like it to look like pic related?
>Consoles are way cheaper, simple as that
PC users don't have to pay for their internet twice
Yes, actually. Read it
>We have 14 Xbox Game Studios games in the show this year
Nowhere does it say they are new announcements, of course it counts everything, even DLC.
If you've studied properly you shouldn't even need to look at your test material the day before a test or the day of
Um delete this
I wouldn't mind. The ps4 and xbone feel devoid of personality in the looks department
Looks like a skin for Battle.net.
I'm hoping Xbox's streaming thing comes to Switch if only to play my backlog of back compat titles. Also an excuse to get Master Chief in Smash would be great.
I love this so much
why is xbox-tan a skeletor
Skeletons are BASED
>No word on if Mixer is doing another Mixpot
What? Yes they did.
It's apparently more limited this year though, I know they say it every year but this time they're alluding to there being less "spots" if you will on top of you needing to hop around streams apparently?
I can feel it! Xbox will TAKE IT!
Is it even possible for Xbox to win over the Japanese?
Just release uncensored games.
You'll sooner see PC gaming become mainstream in Japan than Xbox being anything but ultraniche.
Not against the Switch. Japan no longer likes home gaming. The best Microsoft could do is have the next Xbox include an app that lets you stream the games to anywhere from your console so you can play at home, and have a dedicated phone controller for it. It could be the nightmare fusion between the Switch and Stadia while not actually ruining anything about the Xbox. I expect Sony to try something similar.
Shitposters posted skeletons to mock xbros because “Xbox is dead” or “xbros died waiting for no games” so xbros adopted skeletons as their mascot.
New screens from PC Xbox app.
Basically Discord but not shit.
This is a hilarious thread. Viral marketing at a new level.
Imagine being excited for a Microsoft conference
Xbox consoles? Hell no.
Games published under the Xbox brand on PC and Switch? Maybe.
I can't
>tfw switch and steam
a new era of tiddy games for all
The recent 1903 W10 update and the UI changes it brought we’re actually really good so I guess they finally hired someone who wants regarded to do their UI.
I can just ignore Cortana and have a regular search again. The new DVR looks cool too.
But they also sometimes ban games or even patches. It’s really inconsistent.
What are you scared your precious company might actually have competition this gen?
imagine posting in a thread about something you dont like
Honestly Yea Forums
How can you be excited to hear about multiplatform games and the chance to buy new fucking Xbox consoles all over again?
That's all Microsoft is giving you tomorrow. New 600 dollar consoles to replace your "Xbox One" and "Xbox One X" you bought last year and new multiplatform PC games.
Why the fuck is something being multiplat a negative? Why do I want to spend money buying a console when I have a PC?
I want good video games, and I rightly don't fucking care how many platforms they are on.
>how can you be excited to hear about multi platform games
It’s like I actually play video games no matter the origin. Imagine that.
Because gaming doesnt take up a majority of my life like most people on Yea Forums. I am happy to see where the industry goes and I dont feel obligated to console war or feel slighted that I cant play Sony games.
In the end you just need to enjoy gaming and stop creating drama where there is none.
you guys think microsoft will ever make something new with twisted pixel again? splosion man and comic jumper were fantastic. lococycle was fun too
>xbox will be in last next generation
It's gonna be just like the 360 days
Thank you. I was only checking their twitter where they for some reason never mention it.
Comic Jumper and The Maw were my jam so one can only hope, particularly because all their games are backwards compatible on the Xbone. Plus they're good at getting stuff stuck in your head:
>Yaay I'm so glad Microsoft is announcing some games that have nothing to do with Microsoft!! YAAAY!!!
But literally every single "xbox" game will be on PC too. And PS4.
will there be any news on Elder Scrolls 6
If they're good games why do I give a fuck?
Way to miss the point entirely.
nigga what? companies have been doing that for ages. they make money from their marketing deals with the companies who make those other games.
>And PS4
wrong thread nigger and no, you will not get any ES6 news.
none of the first party games or streaming will come to PS4.
What point? Half those games tomorrow are Microsoft IPs, and Windows is a Microsoft platform.
What is your fucking problem?
Guys I’m actually nervous about what 343 has to show us, it’s been 10 years (imo) since a good Halo game has come out. I just want Halo to be gud
okay sonyfaggy
I have a PS4, a Switch, and a really good PC
Convince me to get an Xbox as well. I like games like Fable, so if there's stuff like that let me know.
Step back and think a second.
If 343 somehow makes a good halo game, we win. If 343 fucks up for the third time in a row (4th time if you count MCC) 343 will be shut down and the series will have to be rebooted to save it.
Its a win-win, the second option just has us wait longer.
>And PS4.
MS is putting those games on windows for people just like you. spent a couple grand on a good pc? no problem have these games.
xbox is for people who want an entry level machine or need a console for whatever reason.
I love Battletoads but I need to see some actual gameplay before I even consider pre-ordering.
the average XChad doesn't have time for PC autism, and just wants to play some games at a cheap price
PC's are for neckbeards with no other hobbies outside of vidya
Battletoads always was mediocre, and the best they might do is remake the levels with new visuals with new stages too. The problem is those 2D Brawlers are always super short, lack depth and very rarely last in the interest of many past a week. Dragon's Crown was the last brawler I think that had staying power
Its one thing for Sony to put RPG and other dumb elements of stat progression into God of War, but its entirely different if 343 throw in skill trees, R&D research for upgrading specific armor parts that might unlock new moves etc. I think they are going to bog down the Halo gameplay with bullshit layers of "progression" which usually means abilities and techniques you should just have innately.
but...I want to post with the boys. How can I do that if I'm not one of the bros?
You know, sometimes it’s a bitch to be a halo fan
>And PS4.
Xchad X here
How you bros doing?
Tomorrow is gonna be a GREAT day :)
>can't into rebranding
which game threads ever talk about which platform anyone is playing the game on? there aren't any, for example, witcher 3 threads only for ps4 players or pc or xbox etc. if there's a fable thread nobody cares about where the other person played it most people just discuss the game itself.
I would honestly buy it if it did
Holy shit kek
Xbox 365
idort here
My PC is shit (like a i3 2500 and a radeon 7700 or something) but I only use it for work, retro emulation or mouse-heavy games (LoL, dawn of war and whatnot)
Xbone isnt for you if you have a good PC
Ayyyy my nigga. You alright PC boi
Neat skelly bro
>pushing digital harder than Sony and Nintendo
fuck them
>Microsoft released 4 consoles already
>Xbox one
>Xbox one S
>Xbox one X
>Xbox one Digital
>And will release two more
>Xbox one Scarlet normal and pro or w.e
>When gamepass will be on pc
>literally every game will be on pc
So what's the point of releasing 23904392084 consoles if games are and will be on fucking pc?
i don't mind digital but sony pushed cloud harder than even google (by even locking games in the cloud like ps3 games) so fuck them even more. i don't mind digital now all my pc games are digital anyway.
It won't be announced tomorrow, yet it's inevitable to come on Xbone2 next gen
>Forza Horizon 5
>location: Japan
>4K60fps HDR
Oh god please
How does it feel to still live in 2004 when physical media wasn't obsolete?
>never owned an xbox
>still rooting for xbros
Because the console market and PC market are separate, and Microsoft wants to sell their software.
>So what's the point of releasing 23904392084 consoles if games are and will be on fucking pc?
Are you assuming potent gaming PCs are handed over for free to everyone or...?
Look I get that PC has some serious pros over consoles, but the simplicity and accessibility of consoles caters to a lot of people
Very likely. Car games are pretty easy to run while looking great. You just don't need as many polies for a card model to look right as you need for a human face.
FM 6 also ran true 4K60 on the XoneX with a few drops during replays.
Plentiful shared system/video memory also means they can push texture resolution pretty high with low performance impact.
You can also get away with lower-quality shadows since shadow-casting objects are either stationary(so you can pre-bake shadows for that) or moving so fast that you won't notice slightly lower res shadows.
This is also why you often have a bunch of racing games after a new console release, people get fooled into thinking other games will be able to run as well and look as good.
>simplicity and accessibility
Only matters if you're sub-60 IQ and can't put the correctly shaped objects into corresponding holes, which is all you need to build a PC.
Is it time?
Next gen is definitely a next year thing
The only thing I want out of that game is for it to not give me a new fucking hemorrhoid every 30 minutes out of shit that’s not related to racing.
They won’t be. Look at how they’re moving shit to steam. They realize they’re cannibalizing console sales so they’re doing away with their play anywhere deal.
Fuck Microsoft and their shitty Chinese overpriced hardware. But Sony’s been a cunt so I hope the xbros get some good.
This won't be out till at least 2021 because all the games got pushed back by a year probably so the devs can further develop for next gen consoles and do engine modifications for ray tracing and stuff. Forza 8 will be a launch showcase title for xbox two.
Gross post better waifu
sony has this already. albeit with their proprietary phones through the PS app