KH3 DLC details may have been leaked

KH3 DLC details may have been leaked.

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27 minutes of cutscenes cant fix the absolute fucking mess of a story
roxas tera being playable seems kinda cool i guess and the bosses might be ok too

>10 new bosses
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys

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Who even cares about fixing the story, KH's story has been a clusterfuck since Chain of Memories

you got any source on that besides (you)?

I am sure that it costs $1,816.66 for the DLC.

You got a singke fact to back that up?

>Added new cuisine mini games
Please no. The mini games alone were harder than the base game.

Attached: 655.png (680x1224, 2.81M)

>zero final fantasy characters.


>Not Aqua even though she is fucking playable

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>Condom Farts

>Roxas playable

>no Hollow Bastion
no buy

>summer 2019

Want to beleive

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>playable Roxas
>10 new bosses
>new secret boss
>27 minutes of nomura madness

>They actually believe it
>They're not even questioning it
You people are going to be disappointed in 4 hours

I thought the SE presentation was on Monday

There is a KH concert tonight. 2 years ago we got the Olympus trailer, last year they got a remix of the Xbox & Playstation conference trailers. Nomura is most likely going to announce something tonight, especially if Square wants to focus on FF7, Avengers, and other western studio games on Monday.

There's also a VII concert tomorrow night so they're probably going to show the new trailer for VIIR there too

>Sice: 5.40GB
>"it can change" = this is bullshit and you're retarded if you believe this
>27 minute long cutscene
>Roxas and Terra being named as playable characters despite not existing in the game until the final hour so no "hurr it's off screen shit from earlier"
>10 new Boss
>"""secret boss""" being separate from "10 Boss"

This is the worst """""""leak""""" in recent memory

Knowing Nomura it'll be a shorter version of the Monday trailer, with a tease of Tifa. Like her back and just from the waist up.

You know what's more embarrassing? Not knowing what a comma within a number means.

In Nomura original announcement of the DLC in Tokyo, he had three separate lines talking about bosses instead of putting them all in one bullet point. So different bosses being differentiated makes sense since that's what happened in the first note released. Size thing and the price is fucked up though

Sorry SE. You fucked up and I will from now on just watch you fuck up the story on Jewtube.

Oh I'm laffin.

Move the decimal one to the right you nerds, it'll round up to 20 dollars USD

>Summer 2019
>(it can change)
>Riku included in NEW playable characters
>New gummiship project
Nice try OP but maybe proofread your shit and make it more realistic
Could definitely see Nomura adding more cutscenes and bosses but it doesn't take a fake leak like this to figure that out

>Move the decimal one to the right
Yen doesn't even use decimals in the first place you absolute brainlet

that's not what moving the decimal to the right means you gigantic retard

It does when you convert currency. The actual price is 16.02 Euro, which is still weird because why would you list the converted price.