post kino maps only
Post kino maps only
Awww cute
r8 my taste in Halo maps Yea Forums
>not god tier
>foundry in shit tier
avalanche and standoff should be higher but guardians and zanzibar/last resort are right wehre they should be
Honestly, the pit sucks ass for anything but CTF, and the base variant isn't nearly as good as the MLG variant. Tombstone is also not as good as hang em high.
Everything else is fine.
This is just Austria-Hungary.
I'm going with default layouts, so no forge variations for Foundry or Sandbox.
Similarly, if Reach were on here, Forge World would be low tier.
acceptable, that said one or two of the areas in forge world were alright but they were just maps from older games made out of forge junk instead of properly remade
also this
>BTB maps aren't exclusively in god-tier
sorry best i can do is 0/10
seriously, there's no excuse. Avalanche is one of the best maps in all of the Halo games.
I always get lost on that map, I don't know if I'm just a mega retard or what
Ascension and lockout are bad, there are sections of the map that are deathtraps for any player to be in 90% of the time. Zanzibar only works in a moba sense and outside that it's painful, never play it slayer. Valhalla is infact a good fucking map, but it's just blood gulch inverted in a way also they took out features of the map from beta. Tombstone sucks ass,hangem high is infact fucking better.
Part of why you have Backwash as shit tier is the same reason me and my friend really stuck it to Bent llama back in 2005, halo 2+ reduced the kill capacity of a player to shorten the skill ceiling and normalize good players to retard levels. tl;dr no grenades really fucks with you, everything is kind of samey and it can be cumbersome to weapon faggot control.
Ratrace is perfect, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Chill out as well, infact I'm noticing you just suck at CE seems to be the problem. Derelict is another good one, the fact you suck elongation off and condemn longest again shows you have a fucking problem. I'm guessing some one with pistol skills hurt you in his spawn too much so you just tell yourself that 3 and 2 are perfect while ignoring how bad XBL was on it.
Dishonored 2 has some of the best designed levels / maps I've ever seen.
Clockwork Mansion
Stilton's Manor
The Grand Palace
all masterfully created maps.
Also, bonus mention to Deus Ex Mankind Divided, the entire Golem City / Utulek Complex map and its amazing verticallity is incredible.
You are.
i thought i was retarded too but after i learned the map i realized it's just bad
It's not hard to navigate.
it's also not fun
t. fag
too short/small
still have to play that. human revolution was agonizing for me so idk if i would like it
Can I just take a moment to say that pic related is one of the worst maps in existence?
It's cp_orange before cp_orange existed. A horrible half-assed shitshow by all standards which plays out the exact fucking same every time with retarded chokepoints and 75% of the team being snipers spawncamping eachother. But for some inexplicable fucking reason it's the only map the underages want to play. WHY?
respect for not putting fucking Blood Gultch in your SSS tier
>going engineer and sticking a sentry by the final point while a scout caps
Because they're pussies and don't play based CTF-LavaGiant
It's underrated honestly, it received some backlash at release, I think because people viewed it as political (allegory to black lives matter), but it really isn't political at all, and the ARC (augmented rights coalition) is nothing like BLM. I think it was because some promotional material had augs carrying "aug lives matter" signs or some shit and it triggered a bunch of people.
That said, legitimate criticisms are the lack of multiple hubs to explore, with Prague being the main setting of the game, as well as a somewhat short story with a sequel plug when there's not going to be a sequel for years.
You know come to think about it
How come drawfags don't even think about drawing map in person
Is that godfather 2?
Who do you think those snipers spawncamping each other are, user?
eh reh
i really like the map in metroid prime
fucking nice, got any more?
great visuals and a great song
>the dude who made these maps will never finish MM
>tfw figuring out the shape of the dungeon is a skull
Miami was really good, but
Sapienza was the best Hitman map ever.
best map in arma
thats not chernarus though
tried that game out for the first time in the free weekend
>first game die after walking 2 steps from spawn
>1 game later die to guy cheese retarded angles from halfway across the map
the game is fun when people dont abuse the hell out of it
Rat Race has problems with there not being enough viable ways on the top of the map. It's also fairly linear in the way you can traverse it. In order to get anywhere you need to go all the way around the perimeter. The map was made while someone was learning 3D modelling and it shows.
Fixing both of those would make it good, but almost every other similarly-sized CE map is better. Shooting down the floating powerups was some tight shit, though.
Things get a bit... strange.
That's not how you spell Everon though.
steel is simply genius. fantastic taste, user
only good map is oregon
Honestly once you get used to that sort of stuff and how to expect it, it stops working completely. Drone a bunch so you know where enemies are and where they're looking and move with another dude.
The free weekend is also a bunch of high tier players doing spawnpeeks because they know they can get away with it, too.
In Pro League they often refer to Oregon as the map where good teams go to die and I feel that on a spiritual level.
great way to keep new players from like your game
Honestly, Siege past like 10 hours is genuinely wonderful.
But that first 10 hours is like running your dick through a cheese grater. Just take things super fucking slow and drone a lot.
they make you have uplay to play that right? i would try it, but my uplay account got hacked like 4 years ago and it gets daily logins from countries all over
Surprisingly good taste. You're out of place in 2019's Yea Forums.
my nigga.
so many hours playing 40k in college.
Just make a new one?
i won a match on that map once by building like 20 da boyz hut and then setting the waypoint as the enemy base, then with the tech to make sluggas free i'd just set them all on auto recruit
i wonder how many orks died
>capturing the lobby area
Even in co-op, I get scared as hell
This takes me back
I think I spent hundreds of hours on this map over a summer break. I still remember fighting for the button to the crawler.
>What a huge map
>w-what do you mean theres another island?
>I have to boat to it?
Grid maps are the best maps
Real talk, why do people hate snowbound?
Pop smoke, hit the deck, and pray.
Because it's shit
I can't imagine actually getting lost, but something about the design seems to lead to a lot of people defending shit that doesn't matter. lost track of the number of times I was outnumbered defending a point only to find half my team skirmishing with 1-2 of theirs in some irrelevant corner on the other side of the active map
Steel best map in tf2
>Not enough ways on top
>Teleporter and just walking through a door way
There are 3 ways in and camping is a bad idea in CE.
There were 2 ways, including the teleporter. Both of which could just be watched from one spot. Camping worked just fine on Rat Race because there were no rockets and the plasma rifle spawned up top. There's a reason it isn't played.
>Coagulation, Bloodglutch, and Sidewinder only mid tier
Wrong, that's not Takistan
There's several references to Band of Brothers on that map
Pure Kino
Can't beat the warm and fuzzy feeling this map gives
I remember playing it before watching band of brothers and thinking they copied the game before realizing I was a retard.
I heard the song in my head before I remembered the map.
Literal Kino
Did this zoomer put Blood Glutch in mid?
Did you even enjoy yourself while playing bungie's legacy?
They made a spiritual successor BF4, imo it was even better.
no laser sword or sniper DX
Top tier.
Which map was that?
Man, sure is Facebook in this thread.