tfw you realize E3 presentations will be filled with LGBBQ and tranny-faggotry

> tfw you realize E3 presentations will be filled with LGBBQ and tranny-faggotry

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thats honestly pretty based

But Sony isn't attending.

So what? just ignore that and watch the games, why do you care so much about someones sexual orientation or gender? whats your problem what the fuck

Fucking based

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Dedede supports LGBBQ rights, so you sh ould be happy.

wrong and gay


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>developer makes a game that appeals to hardcore gamerz
>that's capitalism lol. They just want to make money, you can't make them do anything
>developer tries broadening it's audience in a way that upsets alt-right dweebs
>get woke go broke! Fucking SJWs! They ruin everything with politics!

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> just ignore the politics they shove in your face in what's supposed to be about games
> haha bro why do you even care haha just let it happen haha

top dilate

>religion is bad
>expects anyone to be surprised

you must be 18+ to post here.

you're just realizing that?

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No, it will be filled with game journalist announcers who don't understand what they are doing there or who 'Banjo' is.

Call of Duty 4 was literal an anti-war game you idiot

yeh :(

I recall one year everyone wore rainbow flag pins due to a gay club getting shot up (by a hard closet gay guy) the night before, so it was treated as a "memorial" of sorts.
But now "gay month being the month of june" is apparently an "actual thing" now, I wouldn't be surprised if E3 was a bunch of gay shit.

At least Sony won't be there this year to try to go for gold on being "the most gay conference imaginable" again.

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> he swalled the gender-pill

lmao, sex have.

>implying the small "alt-right" are the sole believers in what they think
>implying everyone else outside their (also small, but have more money) liberals actually don't think closer to the alt-right, but either don't care enough due to focus of their own lives or just fear of being fired because the heads up top want to monetize on memes

If it exist in the game, the developers want you to care. There is no "passive" sense with "progressive" developers.
Which completely goes against what original "minorities" wanted.

My wife's a teacher and they have school wide meetings about kids with "gender identity issues" She teaches 2nd grade. Shit is off the rails at this point.

Cry harder bitch


Remember kid, these trannies will soon be dead.
Get strong.
Read mein kampf.
Stop touching yourself.

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you presenting the show OP?


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>Games that have a plot focusing on political/philosophical topics
>vs shoving women into ww2 because of current trends
And yeah, it is just capitalism, but that doesn't make it any less annoying or stupid

What makes you think that?

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i think the main reason at least some people or at least i dislike lgbt related things so heavily is regardless of your stance on the whole movement and actively doing nothing, people get actively angry because you aren't going out of your way to support the movement. i've never done literally anything actively against lgbt. personally don't find the whole movement fine but that's me. yet despite me keeping my take to myself and sharing it with others on the rare exception that they ask me (and this reply), people have genuinely gotten pissed at me because i'm not for it despite literally doing fucking nothing. i genuinely don't understand how people literally cannot wrap their minds around the fact that someone might disagree and that's literally okay. if you literally are that desperate for acceptance that if someone isn't aligned with your stance on something the normal response is to shun the individual. it's fucking retarded


>companies expect me to give a big loose shit just because some dyke slapped a rainbow in the latest walking simulator
Sorry, California, try making games with sexy people and then I'll buy them.

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you will actually decrease your libido by not nutting indefinitely. Doing this would require regular sex which most Yea Forumstards don't have access to.

>developers faces when they realise all these mentally ill people don't even buy games and are a tiny proportion of the market while theyve alienated the rest of the market

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how are you supposed to ignore it when its the thing that is being streamed you braindead tranny

>story telling elements/narrative
>socio-political climate dictates we abandon historical accuracy completely


Because these people see 'gender'/mental illness as a personality and hold others to ransom by victimising themselves at every opportunity. The community is as selfish and ignorant as they claim others to be

where is the argument?
uncut and proud btw

Go back to Trannyera lol

Tfw something that isn't video game related is going to be discussed as usual

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Holy fuck. I actually pity him. People like him clearly need help, but won't get it, because

Like it being filled with fat middle aged CEOs and basedboys were any better.

>dark mode
You just outed yourself to be an avid redditfag.

better than incel faggotry heheee

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Yes just ignore it, it's not hard to do moron

They're goylems, hebrews slaves past redemption.

Rope is the only hope.

It already has happened. During the Sims 4 segment at the EA presentation they promoted faggy "#Pride" shit. Fucking ridiculous. How do people fall for companies promoting social movements. They just want your money.