How does Mewtwo remain cool even 20ish years later?
How does Mewtwo remain cool even 20ish years later?
Time to decide
Mewtwo, Mewtwo, Mewtwo, or Mewtwo
copy the best villain, Freiza
good villain purpose
strongest pokemon of gen 1
Who's the best between frieza, Mewtwo, mereum, or giegue
My dumbass thought mewtwo was pregnant.
inb4 >shadman
All of these. Also this may be a personal preferrence but I feel like villains and rivals are probably the easiest memorable characters to make.
Many things that are inherently cool stay that way.
Gotta say, I appreciate how he's consistently acted as a face of the franchise so far, considering he's a weird as fuck Pokémon. I think his design is one of the most dated (more similar to Digimon, really, or to the Sonic-styled franchise mascots) so as to no have equal, which at the same time makes him iconic. He won't trend, but you can't live without him. Pretty based Pokémon 12/10 I would capture him and train him despite the fact that he towers over me, has a trillion IQ and an ass that won't quit.
He's a cat with psychic powers and a tragic backstory
I want a Mewtwo wife, can a human impregnate a Mewtwo?
Game Freak became SO uniform in how the stronger legendary Pokemon work- they are deities in all but name, rearrangements of one set of stat numbers (but not in interesting ways like Lugia and Ho-oh were), maybe all dragons, etc.- that Mewtwo is not only cool on his own merits, but really stands out from most of what came after. Even his stat spread is fairly unique 20 years on.
you mean as the best character or as in the best fighter?
the strongest one would probably be frieza but the best character overall would be meruem without a doubt.
Mewtwo 1
Thicc Thighs
shitposting aside, I actually liked that piece
Well the "Ultimate Lifeform" trope typically turns out pretty well.
Did anyone else try to find an armoured version of mewtwo in the games as a kid?
Isn't Deoxys just a weird alien? I think that's an alright angle.
He dummy THICC