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Damn I didnt know that anime was that dark

this is why i always say last gen was better. this gen has been nothing but remastering old ass ps2 and 360 games. just fucking make your console fully b/c and have the games on the store for a cheap price faggots

You are too young to remember all the remakes/remasters aka ports of the older gens

And I see no problem with this. I actively buy remasters and remakes even though I own Physical copies of my originals. I bought every PS3 trilogy and even the PS4 remakes OF said trilogies

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difference is their were actually good games from those older gens and you didnt have faggots begging for remasters like we do now

Grow a pair of balls you fucking faggot, no wonder nobody liked you in school

>LOGH got remade

There's a scene where half of a guy is crawling on the floor crying for mom and another is trying to shove his intestines back in his body.

Here's your Cazerne bro.

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Nothing wrong with remakes, I dont trust modern game devs with making new games of old franchises/IPs, they end up ruining them

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>obersteinfag spergs out over games getting remade

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I pretty much exclusively play Triple A/big budget games and I'm completely okay with sequels/remasters since there's at least a certain guarantee of quality. Life is too short to waste on shitty games.

absolutely soulless
There is nothing about this design that tells me it is logh. Completely indistinguishable from every other generic anime in the 2010s.

they just realized that old good new bad and that they cannot possibly outdo what came before

If only Kircheis was here...

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fucking EL OH EL

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Remaster collections of old jrpgs are actually fantastic. I wanted to play all the 聖剣伝説 games, and thanks to the Switch collection, I can.

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I wish I looked like Mittermeyer.

it wouldnt feel right if they remasered the movie game and also called it "rehydrated"
just feels like a cheap move.

I wish I had Reunthal's voice

user it shows gore early on, out of nowhere.

What hit him?

Is EVE online the only vidya thats will give a Lotgh feel? Battle wise



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it's so distinctive, i hear it everywhere now when watching other shows. dude is a prolific voice actor

Don't worry, he survives until the very end and only dies in like the last episode, and accomplishes all his goals.

ah man I haven't posted in this thread but I wanna apologize for you seein that vicariously

nigger leave before you see someone else die. Just leave.

>he hasnt watched darker than black

You better leave now before it gets worse.

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>not finishing it in a week

A bomb.