Doomguy or Doomslayer?

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B.J. Blazkowitz III.

They're the same guy.

doomguy sounds fun and less edgy than doomslayer. but that's my opinion as a non english speaker. maybe doomguy sounds silly to native speakers

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Are we talking about the name or the general playstyle/appearance?

Doomguy beat hell without being some ancient mystic warrior dude with power armor. He is just a pure psycho

>no Doomed Space Marine option
Gay and homosexual

But Doomguy and the Doomslayer are the same person. He's Doomguy when he first goes to hell, and eventually becomes the Doomslayer when he decides to stick around and murder demons for the rest of his days

>but that's my opinion as a non english speaker.
No, you're right. Doomguy is just a silly sounding nickname that doesn't take itself too seriously. "Doom slayer" was rebranded to sound edgy and cool.

Doomguy is a fun silly name, but you couldn't have anyone in-universe call him that.

Doomslayer is just what the demons call him.

>Samefag vs samefag

I like Doomguy's 93 design more I guess

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All correct and combined together just say "Doomguy is now named Doom Slayer so he could actually be mentioned in the game without sounding silly"

You never meet anyone in the original doom that would call him anything and if they did they would just use his rank or call him marine. If the demons could talk they would just use insulting terms like manthing or something. Kind of like how the covenant call master chief "demon"

It's the only reason why devs say the Doom protag isn't human

It would sound retarded if the demons named him Doomguy, or if anyone else called him that, but it’ll always be his definitive name.

The demons gave him that name.

No the game developers did, same as the game developers called him Doomguy previously

its the same guy, the same exactly guy, he can't fight himself.

remove archvile

If Sakurai actually did it he'd have both variants as costumes

He’s a Pollack, just like his great great great grandpappy Blazkowitz.

he's the final, ultimate result of the "Polish Man" meme.

They're the same, Doom Slayer is just how the demons call him

So did ID, since his original design is the final reward for him in Quake Champions.

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"Doom Slayer" sounds shit, if you don't want to be as silly as "Doomguy" just call him the marine

The question was never whether or not the two are the same person, idiots. It's a matter of which design and name people prefer. Fucking hell.

I like both.

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Sup fags

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It'd be kind of funny though

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>In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him the Doom Slayer.

Doom Guy is from that game that grampa plays and Doom Slayer is from that officially sanctioned Brutal Doom remake. You know which one you like based on your type of game.

Doom Marine is Doom 3 Guy though. But they also called him the Doom Marine in 2016 too.

Yes I know the lore reasons for the Doom Slayer name, what I mean is that the Doomguy name was never in the lore, apart from being mentioned by the devs, so it was created by the devs, same as the lore for the Doom Slayer name was created by the devs

I like a good game so
Duke Nukem 3D

Admittedly, yes. I wouldn’t even mind it considering how goofy and over the top Doom normally is.


>In the first age
>In the first battle
>When the shadows first lengthened
>One stood

>He chose chose the path of perpetual torment
>In His ravenous hatred he found no peace
>And with boiling blood He scoured the umbral plains
>Seeking vengence against the dark Lords who had wronged Him
>And those who tasted the bite of His sword named Him


it's all marketing, Doom Guy is just too silly and everything must be super serious now.

Both are good.Original is better.


>super serious

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>everything must be super serious now.
It's really not. The Doom Slayer behaves like you'd expect him to, in spite of whatever narrative the game was "meant" to have, and then there's The Doom Slayer name is just there to make sense lore wise, no one expects anyone to take the game or the character seriously all of a sudden

This sold me on Doomslayer

That's not it. They made the made the doomslayer armor default because it reflected the current image of the character. Thats like them saying that they like football ranger better than him in the quake 1 armor

Doomslayer is by and for faggots

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it's the same fucking guy

green shirt>>>>shitty gay plastic armor

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someone should make a wad where every enemy is replaced with banjo, steve, erdrick etc and make it about doomguy's journey to smash

wait I thought they were the same person?

They are, just at different points in time.

Doomgirl is best shitlord. I want to speak to the manager of this site

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>tfw no one else calls him doom marine except for me

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Which fucking one? Crash, Arlene Sanders, Lorelei Chen and/or Thi Barrent, another?

I sometimes call him "the Doom marine" but its pretty rare nowadays.

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Doom3guy is "Doom Marine" if you ask me.

Arlene > Crash > those literal whos

Shiny Butt.

DoomGuy is the better name, but the Doom Slayer design is better.

Aren't they the same guy?


Easy way to get the name 'Doomguy' into the game, without it being out of place:
>Doom 64 story
>The classified archives are opened. The military episodes code named "DOOM" were not actually completed. A single entity with vast rejuvenation powers, masked by the extreme radiation levels, escaped detection. In its crippled state, it systematically altered decaying dead carnage back into corrupted living tissue.
>The mutations are devastating. The Demons have returned even stronger and more vicious than before. As the only experienced survivor of the DOOM episode, your commission is re-activated. Your assignment is clear: MERCILESS EXTERMINATION."
>The events of Doom 1, 2 and Final Doom have been codenamed 'DOOM'
Thus, when someone recognizes Doomguy:
"Holy shit, it's him!"
"Blazkowicz! You know, the DOOM guy!"