yet another eceleb owned by BBF
Yet another eceleb owned by BBF
Get a fucking life before it's too late
is this autism?
are you BBF?
cause this guy is a literal who
How long will it take before someone asks what his name is again, and then people start saying the same names from the previous 50 threads.
i enjoy his rants very funny and true imo
yes it is
The thread was made 1 minute after he uploaded it. It's him.
Big Black Futa?
very cool video you made OP
Shill your channel somewhere else.
>4 hours!
What game was he going on about in this picture anyway? I've always been curious
Imagine spending your time - your short life - making videos about ecelebs
I can't think of anything more pathetic
youtube corporate shill #592801
Rambo the game.
That's his complaint? He wanted it to last longer or something?
Hey OP, what's the guy in your picture name?
Anons, lend me a hand on it.
What was it...?
it says "maxresdefault"
The game cost like 50-60 dollars, and you could finish it in 4 hours or even less.
He's a man, not a god, come on comrades.
for a $60 game that's pretty short.
What the fuck is this shit
While I dislike furious fedrique this rant is long winded and boring af
Distressed Diego
cool vid, BBF
I lost braincells from your video OP.
Go read Catcher in the Rye and let go of your childish angst.
but it's Rambo the game, why would you want to torture yourself for more than 4 hours? The game is shit, seems pointless to bitch about the length if you hate it regardless of how long it is
Angry Joe
>miserable nobody telling you why a miserable somebody is bad.
No that's Furious Fredrico
(reposting my response in case nobody wants to click on the video)
Shill your video elsewhere OP :^)
Listen we all know angry joe is a faggot but posting a lazily made video with absolutely no editing and no description to entice people to watch your video is absolute cringe. Some people wanna get the gist of what you're saying quickly by skipping around but I can't get anything by doing that because you have no slides or watermarks to show "here i talk about this", "here i talk about this other thing", "here is my conclusion". Disorganized ranting. What little description you have of "real anger" is also pretty lame because by skipping around (maybe it's just my dumb luck) I keep hearing "stupid superman t-shirt" and that's not really helping your case (even if you're right).
Get a life and have sex.
Is this really what you want to do with your Youtube channel? You glom onto more popular Youtubers by giving your hot-take takedowns to get attention from Yea Forums. You're scum. You're actual human garbage riding the coattails of literal whos while you spew feces in your wake. You're the personification of the sound a bum makes as he wretches his dope-sick bile into the corner of a stinking alley. Rethink your life immediately.
>This is gonna be real quick...This is a character assassination
I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did.
Also, does anyone care about Angry Joe?
almost 3.2 mil subs do.
>Mister Metokur wannabe #238080123
Even Metokur got boring after a while, try something else breh
who the fuck is BBF? Big black faggot?
I thought it might have been commentary on his Dark Phoenix review so I kept waiting for some larger point to be made.
Just looked. He averages less than 300k views per video. I imagine most of those subs are people who subscribed to him, grew out of him, forgot to unsub or are just too lazy to.
FalseFlag op's shitty channel
Those are his movie review vids. It's his game reviews that get the most.
This mother fucking idiot came here to shil his own channel literally minutes after the video went up LMAO
>she's a great actress not because of her beauty but her performance
wow so insightful, almost turned into a nice guy right there
>disses superman shirt for no reason 5 times over
just stop
Guess your not allowed to wear blazers?
while I agree about most of the things being said here, agitated pedro is a mild offender compared to many many more. Secondly, this is a completely wrong way to approach this problem, because it's a systematic one, hell maybe even a sociological one, and pointing a finger and spergeing retard tier things at him (like the capt. marvel comment on this video) just proves that we deserve nothing better.
Keep going people
E-celeb cancer. Kill yourself faggot op.
What did this dude like dark pheonix or something??? lol Joe is an orginal dude I love that mofo this guy's being a faggot and jealous of his success.
Nice Youtube channel faggot. How about you make another video where you parrot Yea Forums like a brain dead moron.
stop advertising your videos on Yea Forums
>this guy is a fraud because of what he wears
I want my 10 seconds back OP, fucking faggot.
>go against the general consensus and do meaningful and eye opening critique that goes against their narrative
>lol why won't you be like hundreds of other sheep and preach to the choir?
OP seems right, but it's like yeah not even worth mentioning.
The guys that get views are ones who are corporate friendly, game the system, etc.
Yeah, like these guys are all trying to make money and it's a business.
pedro is even pretty inoffensive all things considered.
donno why but I actually gave you a thumbs u, even though your arguments are fucking cringe and I hope you don't actually express them in public outside of the internet.
>Hurr durr, youtuber plays up his enthusiasm for something to appeal to an audience.
More news at 11.
Boy, you sure uncovered a mystery there. Next you're gonna tell me that these morning show TV hosts are not really that interested in a new way to cook a better omlette!
Fucking neck yourself, you retard.
Btw, I dislike Angry Joe too, the guy is a faggot, but you have to be special dumb to make a video like this.
I watch his channel he's so not for corporation idk where you guys get your info but he will bad mouth any company/Dev that deserves it. This is the LAST gamer dude you can call fake on YouTube
>do meaningful and eye opening critique
it's everything but not those two things. The guys lasts like 2 minutes before he goes down the chauvinistic rabbithole like his fellow /pol/tards then you understand that hes basically worse than the people hes criticizing.
>because it's a systematic one, hell maybe even a sociological one,
Yeah, it's the trend of Youtubers who turn it into a business vs a hobby. This is Jose's only source of revenue and he has a mortgage on a big house so he needs 200,000 per year or else he'll be homeless. That's why Carlos flipped out when some of his vids got taken down.
If you want to make a living on Youtube, you gotta do what Carlos Slim is doing. You gotta be a cheap shill who accepts free products if you'll use them and to endorse products. You gotta be a total whore.
>t. based sneedposter in the comments
Herniated Hernandez
Enraged Emilio
it's not just pissed off pedro or any other youtuber, it's the twitchstreamers, and also worse of all game "journalists".
Hotheaded Julio
>e-celeb wants to make money
Who would have think'd?
I don't like angry joe anymore, he got too fake after his little rebranding effort a few years ago. He doesn't seem genuinely interested in his coverage anymore and his "acting" that took its place is unwatchable.
But this is the worst god damn youtube soap box video I've ever seen.
Because if you are playing Rambo the game you want to torture yourself and at $60 you want do gets your money's worth
>He's deleting the comments
ah yes, fellow 4channer, this video content is absolutely hilarious!!! Couldn't have enough!
I still like him but he is doing too few game reviews, and too many reaction vids and movie reviews.
I like Alex. I think he's cute