Divinity 2

Heard great things about Divinity 2 but haven't played it yet. Looks like great customization but not sure if I'll like the turn based combat. Honest opinions? It's on sale for $27 now on Steam so thought I'd ask first.

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Why are you posting Original Sin 2 yet talking about Divinity 2?

turn based combat is a good thing when it comes to crpgs
did you know that you can play games for free? all you have to do is yarr harr

>looks like great customation
is this bait?

Never played any of them. Thought it was "Divinity 2: Original Sin". The newest one is what I meant to ask about.

Yea, but I don't have a VPN and last torrent got flagged and got letter from ISP so more wary now.

Systems let you fuck around to an absurd degree and is probabbly the best part about the game
Armor and Magic Armor sytem is fine, people just whine
Writing is pretty good, better than pillars but the humor is often hit or miss and the "lore" is a bit lacking.
holy shit, all the endings are garbage.

The gameplay preview shows it's very open ended and story based and you aren't locked to classic archetypes, etc

fuck customisation, if you make your own origin character you basically delete the entire story and instead become the typical no-named hack just passing through, with bargain bucket sequences
its a great game, and playing the first one isn't essential and almost counter productive because they both play slightly differently, but the first one is more complex and hardcore, especially with traps and respawning mechanics
but if you like turn based shit, original sin 2 is a must have in your library, assuming the only other turn based shit you like isn;'t xcom tier
ignore the anatheme, it's gay

Yea like teleporting enemies into fire traps and shit. That looked cool and is my main reason for wanting to check it out.

Ah so it's better to pick a premade and go through their stories? Hmm. I don't like Xcom much so if it's more like that I'll probably not like it. thanks for info

Yeah is probably the most basic crpg out there

Sounds good in theory but you'll soon learn its extremely closed minded rather than open, in term of freedom with building.
Sure you can use whatever skills you want provided you have the right levels to use them, and wear whatever gear as long as you have the right attributes etc.
But what this really means is you'll be playing a fucking mess that has access to multiple class teleports since mobility is king, while playing as an AoE nuking necromancer wizard who heals when doing damage, wearing full heavy armour and wielding a shield for the massive increases to physical / magic armour it provides as well as being able to use "Shield Up!" which practically refills it all for free etc
The game is also trivial to play outside of a few cheap mechanics (lava, deathfog, enemies with scripted one hit kill moves like possession) even on the hardest difficulty

And going oh shit when the enemies teleport you into your own fire trap by swapping their teammate.

definitely, if you make a custom character you get given only generic filler and no reason at all why you are pressing on with the main quest, whereas each of the titular characters have their own side-main story and ambitions, as well as reactions to the events that unfold
some of them are really fucking cool, like the red prince, lohse and fane
special mention for fane since he has an ending that only he can trigger
also speaking of endings, don't expect satisfaction when you finally reach it, it's really lackluster

>And going oh shit when the enemies teleport you into your own fire trap
If you're not killing at least four enemies in one turn with teleports+lava field shenanigans you're playing the game very, very wrong.

>lava fields
>turn based
Convince me this isn't for brainlets

He's exaggerating the amount of lava fields. There's only like 2 areas out of 1000s with them in the entire game

Sounds like a cluster fuck damn

its not like xcom is what i meant, sorry
xcom is very static whereas divinity is very fluid, you can use objects in combat and alter the terrain, not to mention being able to combine interesting shit, like throwing a water bomb, freezing it to trip characters over, melting the water into a steam cloud, then electrifying the steam cloud to stun the poor bastards when they finally stand up
because knockdown, freeze and stun are the most overpowered forms of attack in the game, and you can chain them (and be chained) very easily, but only when your armour is down (which makes most of the combat a trial of stripping down your enemies armours first, then stunlocking them indefinitely)
this also makes the game difficult to play solo with just one character, because the enemies can and will fucking constantly stunlock you and force you to just sit there being beaten to death with no chance to recover, since all knockdown / stun / freeze attacks are 100% if your armour is down
also speaking of modifying the terrain, you can place boxes to block enemy movement and even throw boxes at enemies doing damage, which is kinda fun and useful in tricky situations
also, remember you can combine nails with footwear to make it so you never slip on surfaces (slipping is another form of knockdown aka stun)
its a good game, you'll enjoy it
make sure you play on the mode that adds extra shit, so you can encounter a few challenges, at least
and get used to necrofire

when the absolute fuck do you have the AP to spare on shields up past the very beginning of the game?

I can't, because it is indeed a game for brainlets, even though it still require more IQ than RTwP trash for the sole reason of being turn based.
You have a very convenient pocket lava field in Act 2 you can use to instakill 90% of the enemies in there while the rest dies to other kinds of CHEESE, BE THE BIG CHEESE ON YOUR BLOCK WITH A WHEEL OF THE GOOD STUFF.
Act 3 is even worse because there's barely any place where you CAN'T get some pocket lava field, I can only think of the Elven Tree section which is still piss easy AND not even obligatory.
Consider that Act 2 alone also makes up for more or less 40% of the game's content, and lava field wipes are just one of the many effortless cheese "tactics" in the game.

Those dynamics sound pretty great and at least not the same boring battle every time. It reminds me of Star Wars Galaxies though where PvP was all about knocking down and keeping down and that sounds lame as hell. I guess keeping armor up will lessen that. As long as the story is decent and it's not the same point and click battle over and over I think I'll enjoy it.

>you can use objects in combat and alter the terrain, not to mention being able to combine interesting shit, like throwing a water bomb, freezing it to trip characters over, melting the water into a steam cloud, then electrifying the steam cloud to stun the poor bastards when they finally stand up
That's retarded

also there's a few notorious areas where the enemy will be teleporting YOU into the insta-kill mist

>Those dynamics sound pretty great and at least not the same boring battle every time.
If only you knew how bad things really are, user.

Real time is superior in every way.

At least it isn't boring, though.


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>Real time is superior in every way.

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The combat is very open ended in that it allows for a lot of creative play. You're going to be pretty constrained within character archetypes though.

>I need a computer to bail me out of combat

remember: the most op thing in the entire game is a cup of tea

Is scoundrel the most /based/ build?

RT>Turn based>>>>>RTwP

it's a lot more in depth than that, and stuff can be blessed or cursed too...fighting a bunch of skeletons, throw down some water balloons to cover the area in water, then bless the water so its healing, if the skeletons move they take damage because heal kills undead, etc etc
its up to the player if they want to care about this kind of shit or not for the most part, and while it's not wholly something you need to care about, it can lead to interesting encounters
vaguely remember an oil rig that was cursed to create oil blobs, which shat oil everywhere, which eventually got set on fire...just an entire battlefield of fucking fire
its a shame though because in original sin 1, fire and so on hazards were extremely hazardous, but in 2 they're barely an issue, thanks to the shitty physical / magic armour mechanic (basically energy shields)

Any good mods for this game?

>I need my dumbed down RTS to bail me out of any need of meaningful strategy
I bet trying to read all your dice throw reports on the UI makes you feel really smart, eh?

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>titular characters
Ah yes, my favorite characters to play the game with were Divinity II: Original Sin, Divinity II: Original Sin, and Divinity II: Original Sin.

Ok, I was just playing this game a few minutes ago and now I see this thread up after so long without a Divinity OS2 thread.
Tell me who you are or I will find you.

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>I don't know how crpgs work outside of turn based
I'd be lying if I said I was surprised

well every single character is at least scoundrel 1 for adrenaline

im a dotard

it would be if you couldn't slap on a shield on a mage and become a tank that was also capable of nuking the map with stun inflicting high damage thunder attacks
but for burst damage and killing tanky assholes through their armour it's incredibly fun

>stun inflicting high damage thunder attacks
I do wonder who on the dev team loved thunder magic that much, it's even the only magic type where ALL source skills are god tier

Thanks for letting me know, I'm buying the game literally RIGHT now. I'm a lizard.

whats the most fun character i should pick on my first playthrough

>I'm a lizard.
Extremely based.

if you do go with lizard, might as well play as the red prince, he has a great story

for sure. most source skills aren't even worth using but that thunderstorm thing is just fucked
>cast rain / blood rain
>cast thunderstorm
>everything dies
>anything that survives no longer has stun protection, and gets stunned
>everything dies
the skill description implies it randomly strikes the battlefield or something, right? so it might not actually hit enemies, just in the AoE, but instead it just annihilates everything within the AoE instead
nerf when?

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Ifan, Red Prince or Lohse.

anyone but beast or fane
beast because he's boring and fane because if you play as him you get the entire plot spoiled early (though do take him as a companion)

Is fire magic good in this game.

red prince is the best, especially for a one man army playthrough, although lohse is pretty cool for the shit that goes down in arx
his voice actor was the only reason i bought that vampyr game

hey guys this loser lives in a country with an updated legal system

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I really liked Fane's special ability, which gives a second turn to the target.

>throw down some water balloons to cover the area in water, then bless the water so its healing, if the skeletons move they take damage because heal kills undead
You'll never, ever do something like that because it's incredibly inefficient even at easy difficulty levels.
Most of your elemental mats mechanics get completely negated as soon as you're ending Act 1 because of Necrofire cancer anyway, they're largely pointless mechanics where only one or two elements have any real sort of application.
The problem with D:OS (and Larian in general) is that it's a mess of mechanics that weren't even properly designed to work well with each other, you have a bunch of abilities that are monstruosly overpowered, followed by a good portion of things that are effectively only useful to deal damage and a bunch of other stuff that is completely fucking worthless in any scenario.
What's the point of using any statuses other than Knockdown, Freeze or Shock (Which are all exactly the same thing btw) when anything else is pointless?
Why even have something like Blessed surfaces when they heal the enemy far more than they heal you and they get reset to cursed ones in 90% of the games because anyone bleeds cursed shit?
Hell why even bother setting up a surface when you can just set one of those three shutdowns and win much more safely and faster by snowballing?
Why have a crafting system that is literally only useful to craft three key items in the whole game?
It's a completely fucking retarded game, and that's without going into the actual exploits and problems.
>I have no argument so I need to pretend you don't know shit
Nobody like RTwP dude, It's a garbage system.

It's ok, but lightning is much better.

there is so many variables in combat you spend most of your time thinking about your next move instead of waiting for the enemy to do something predictable so you can finally mash attack again, it's not really like most turn based games

chain lightning is also great early on when you can't get thunderstorm yet or to follow up a thunderstorm after eating/stealing another source point

that said there are a decent number of source skills that are most definitely worth it, Polymorph also has 2 god tier source skills and one situationally useful one

I'll keep that in mind

>nobody likes real time
Guess who likes turn based? Normies

>What's the point of using any statuses other than Knockdown, Freeze or Shock (Which are all exactly the same thing btw) when anything else is pointless?
Chicken Form is the single greatest status in the game

also water surface is fantastic because it combos great with elemental affinity

As long as it isn't required to use OP statuses I don't mind much if I can win without it and have an interesting battle.

Exploring the combat is when the game hits its peak. Its when you meet a new challenge and you have to get creative that the game shines.
But about 90% of the time, you can just play encounters on auto-pilot and with how fucking long the game is, it just gets tedious.

The weakest parts of the game are the inventory and experience systems. Managing inventories in this game is such shit, I just turn off the game for a couple of hours after giving everyone the gear they are supposed to have.

>Heard great things about Divinity 2
Battle is great but no sex other race.

if you're playing on tactician you need to use immobilizing status effects to survive

yeah, you're right, i'm just trying to be positive lol
i don't remember ever striving to set up environmental shit, i just rolled over everything with moves that would cause enemies to skip their turns, which was always far too fucking easy to set up, so many options for it
knockdown arrows, stomp, etc, its been a long time since i played, but i do remember how fucking cancer necrofire was, to the point where i respecced midway into the game so i had whirlwind or whatever just to remove it
i still would always put nails in my shoes and then attempt to cover areas in ice when i could though
i wish it was harder and more tactical, it tries to be with like terrain height advantages and stealth and all that, but even on tactician mode it was never difficult outside of a very few encounters, like mor the trenchmouthed and that crucified fire witch bitch

Normalfags don't play RPGs, and judging by actual RPG normalfag tastes they all prefer action based games given how no turn based game sold as much as Skyrim or The Bitcher 3.
Chicken Claw is inefficient due to making enemies move away from you, it's only useful as a rotating status when your cooldowns are still active, and if you removed the physical armor from an enemy.
It admittedly works great with ruptured tendons early on, but other than that, you'd still want to set up hard shutdowns over anything else.
>also water surface is fantastic
What? Where is it ever useful outside of putting off fire before a battle? I'd rather pull out some oil than water.
As long as you won't play on Tactician you can do anything you want, the game is piss easy, on Tactician you just need to know how to cheese, which isn't hard either, but it does bottleneck you into some definite strategies.

>belgian game
no thanks, I like my games not dipped in the blood of africans

t. nigger

yes, and?

It's got a lot of depth for an SRPG. The elemental effects are great and actually make you think of your party structure more than "fire - damage, water - heal" since opposing elements work against each other or produce entirely different effects. Like putting out fire with create smoke.

I liked the origins feature since I felt more involved with the story than a blank slate.

Give them torturer so you can actually utilize burning debuff. Nothing stopping you from using lightning spells either.

>Chicken Claw is inefficient due to making enemies move away from you
it also works on everything, doesn't trigger perseverance, lasts 2 turns and if you combo it with ruptured tendons deals stupid amounts of damage

and with the water surface, you create the water surface under your hydromancer (real easy with rain) to get that 1ap discount on everything or for global cooling/ice breaker shenanigans

also electrified water can easily stun enemies

don't mention chickens you fuckers
i lost an ironman game to a chicken once
that fucking evil chicken in driftwood, i was playing solo and it just kept spawning more and more chickens, i got buried under the fucking things, couldn't kill them fast enough
i could have died trying to bring down a boss tier mob but instead i died to infinite chicken spam why

if it's the evil chicken, that was your own damn fault mate, it's dad tells you it's an abomination

kind of wanted to run exclusively fire magic at least for my pc for the first playthrough, my loss i guess

>he doesn't know about literally every character spec'ing for Adrenaline

>doesn't trigger perseverance
Perseverance is completely useless, I don't even know why you bring it up, it might as well not exist.
If you have to actually worry about perseverance it means you have fucked up your build.
>if you combo it with ruptured tendons deals stupid amounts of damage
The problem with that is that again, it's only useful in the early portion of the game when your attack ratings haven't skyrocketed to the point you spend less AP just mashing attack.
You need to deplete armor to set up Chicken form and by the time you deplete all armor you might as well just slam a knockdown and mash attack instead of wasting time on Chicken form, it's really, really situational at best.
>and with the water surface, you create the water surface under your hydromancer
Too risky, it can backfire easily and turn into cursed water because fucking everything curses your surface starting from lat Act 1, it's again, extremely situational and the AP discount isn't really worth it.
>Unironically getting Peeper'd
Dude, the chicks don't spawn more chickens, each time a chick gets a turn it rezes and relocates a dead chick, the key is wiping them out all at once, which is piss easy, a standard melee buffed Summon can do it.

course they do, but even then, how are you using AP on shields up when you could instead be CC'ing or killing enemies?

Whats the point of even having separate limited character inventories when anyone can use anything from others characters inventories at all times?

>lol you party got separated
>ok i guess ill just move the teleporter pyramids between them, despite them being locked away in 2 miles from eachother

do you consider summoning magic? because summoning was kind of cool
requires mods to make it viable, I.E being able to summon enough creatures so you don't have to fight in battle yourself
options to change your summon into the element of your choice and even level up so they become a champion of sorts, nothing like fighting something weak to fire and throwing a molotov, and then summoning a giant beast of flame from the spreading fire, which wrecks the enemy
also necromancy is great
>playing as undead skeleton necromancer
>cast living on the edge, so i can't fall below 1HP
>cast chains of torment on enemy, which makes them take 50% of the damage I take
>start drinking giant potions of healing, which would hurt me for 1200 damage, sending 600 damage to my chosen enemy
>could drink several in one turn and both living on the edge and chains of torment would last multiple turns etc
it was an interesting way of playing through the game, anyway
magic is pretty fucking interesting, but it depends on how you choose to apply it

>Too risky, it can backfire easily and turn into cursed water because fucking everything curses your surface starting from lat Act 1, it's again, extremely situational and the AP discount isn't really worth it.
cursed water deals relatively little damage when standing on it and the 1 AP reduction, even just for one turn, is god damn huge

That kinda stuff sounds pretty great

because as nice as original sin was, it made everyone forget the older games existed

I want to try a double mage party for a playthrough, is the standard Hydro/ Aero and Pyro/ Geo combo good, or should I mix and match other schools in as well?

another neat thing is thrown world objects doing half of their weight in damage to enemies they connect with, while also taking that damage as well (and eventually breaking)
another playthrough of mine involved an orange filled with every item in the game so it weighed a fucking ton while also not having HP of its own so it would never break
>sneak around as a scoundrel type
>pure stealth, no combat moves, points into boosting sneaking and backstab damage
>telekinesis too
>would sneak around setting up around enemy groups and bosses, and then telekinetically throw the orange into position behind an enemy
>then pull it into their back, which counted as a backstab for bonus damage somehow
>hitting like 50,000 damage by the end of the tutorial island
>killing gods with a single thrown oversized orange filled with chests, crates, sacks, anything trash you can put into your inventory
interesting game for sure

If I like JRPGs and action-style CRPGs (Elder Scrolls, Witcher 3, etc), would I like this? I haven't played an isometric-style CRPG before

It's for using when you've already CC'd everything. Regardless even tactician is easy and you can do whatever you want

This isn't really like one of those RTwPs, it's turn-based, it's really easy to get into.

Only if you're a min max autist, the game isn't even that hard that you need to abuse the skill system and give everyone each of the top tier skills in every skill tree.
Just build and specialize each of your characters in their respective skill trees and have fun with the game.

this sounds amazing, I never thought to use the fake orange kek

Is it possible to make a workable solo build with any of the origin characters? I hate party management in this game.

Yes, easily. Take the perk known as Lone Wolf.

And then do what with it? Sword and board, archery, summoning?

Origin characters/ custom characters only affect dialogue and racial skills, you can freely customize.

Dual Dagger Scoundrel with high Pyro/Aero/Poly/Necro, choose Fane if you want to be a dick.

its one of a kind in that its a container that can still cause damage when thrown at enemies, but it doesn't have HP so it'll never break
you have to put items into it while it is on the floor though, since putting anything inside it while it is in your inventory causes it to splatter and vanish into thin air

easily enough, but you'll possibly need to invest in perserverance or whatever so after being stunned / frozen etc you regenerate some shielding to prevent it being chained
lone wolf perk is a given, even though they nerfed it (its DoS1 all over again)
it might be an idea to invest in multiple teleports too, so you can easily escape from shit consistently, as well as skills that allow you to recover health and armour (use a shield for shield up etc)
you'll most likely end up being a hybrid mess but you can make it through

no min maxing about it, the only reason you wouldn't end up like that was because you were larping as whatever class you set yourself out to be

Anyone? Is a Hydro/Aero mage and a Pyro/Geo mage combo good, or should both run the same combo like double Pyro/Geo? Also what about stuff like Necro?

If you're getting shut down in a solo play on tactician you might as well reset.
Perseverance is also useless because by the time you get to Act 4 almost anything can kill you in one turn, so you absolutely need to evade all kinds of possible damage, and Perseverance never, ever regens enough armor to be useful.

true enough but my memories are from when lone wolf didn't suck, so 10 was actually 20
20 necromancer let you heal 100% what you hit, and i think perseverance recovered 100% of your armour and such
combined with shields up and the other skills i remember being tanky enough to abuse that reactive armour skill during one of my solo playthroughs
but it has been a long time since i played the game so some of my memories might be a bit off
i also remember heavily relying on living on the edge and chains of torment along with that phoenix idol of life
it always bothered me you could recharge that midfight with barely any ap cost to speak of

>Anyone? Is a Hydro/Aero mage
You can set up some shocking puddle, but the actual utility of such a thing is questionable.
Pyro and Geo don't really combo all that well since oil carpets into fire don't really lead to a lot of damage to be useful(Sparkmaster on a dual wielding daggerist already outdamages 90% of your combined toolkit), and Geo doesn't want you to set that oil on fire since you use it to regen your physical armor with the succ.
>Also what about stuff like Necro?
Necro is a physical damage focused school so don't use it on a magical based party for damage, it still lets you heal for any kind of damage you make and has OP utility like living on the edge of chains, so yeah, putting three levels or four doesn't hurt.