How would you save Warframe from its current path?

How would you save Warframe from its current path?

>veteran players unhappy
>content creators/partners even becoming angry with lack of content
>player count dropping, not even constantly in top 10 anymore even with the Jovian Concord update just a couple weeks ago
>content constantly delayed, DE refuses to hire more staff
>"w-we promise The New War will b-be here soon!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was obvious as fuck this was going to happen when they sold out to chinks.
Anyone still sticking around at this point deserves what they get.

You cant, it would take too many resources and time to fix the bloated mess they made. The players wouldnt put up with it.

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Make an RPG set during the fall of the orokin empire to fill in the gaping sci-fi rpg while mass effect left

you can't fix incompetent devs. They spread their dev team way too thin on massive projects like Fortuna and don't put enough time into developing the content well enough and depend too much on 'but it looks really good!'. Fortuna was an absolute disaster, probably one of the worst large updates digital extremes has ever made. I quit after playing Fortuna for a week and realizing after getting a kitgun there's nothing really to do in that massive landscape that the devs probably spent months working on.

Create some kind of system where players can create some content. Like missions with customized objectives and enemies, and maybe map pieces that can be rearranged to create new maps.

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Give it actual endgame content that isn't grinding.
What do you do once you've grinded out your favorite frame? Uh...grind another one? Garbage system

Realize that its impossible to please Veterans. Since the moment anything is released it'll be instantly done, and if they try to make it take time to finish they will complain. Yet then go to complain further about the lack of stuff to do.

Other than that just make Warframe 2

This. To fix what's wrong you need to fix core systems within the game that prevent them from creating challenging content that plays by the game's own rules, and trying to do that would require no joke a year without shiny new shit which would infuriate the current playerbase so much it'd kill the game (they'd also need to nerf a shitload of overpowered shit players have, creating even more backlash).

Something like diablo 3 greater rifts.

That’s the interesting thing about it all. Like you can do all these different things, but it doesn’t feel like there is any reward for doing any of it. Like how zaws weren’t really worth the amount of time to get them for the slight damage increase they might give.

The random spontaneous missions on Plains were cool too, but again they didn’t give any real rewards.

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Can’t fix that the core gameplay is boring and easy

Not every game needs to be dark souls, maybe some people just like a chill game where they can be a space ninja

It went to shit when they added dogs, and arch wings.

There are many chill games, warframe is just boring.

Don't ban people for saying shit like: "gay". Don't have mods that abuse power is a good one as well.

there needs to be a balance. WoW has both content for casuals and extremely hardcore players.

Honestly the addition of adding an open world to the game killed it for me. Plains of Eidolon felt empty. Mostly played the game on a toaster, now the optimization is garbage. Hell they even removed the raids from the game, because no one knew they were even present.

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Needs characters that I can give a fuck about. Bosses of the same quality as well. A better, fun combat system that has good feedback instead of the punching bag feeling. Objectives/game modes that are actually fun to play and complete. Hopefully melee 3.0 does that. Stop adding even more grind.

imagine unironically using regional chat
lmao what a moron

They need to figure out what this game is supposed to be. Is it supposed to be a fast paced co-op dungeon runner with random loot like Diablo? Is it supposed to be an online open world MMORPG with large zones where you farm enemies for loot like Everquest or WoW? Is it supposed to be some sort of autistic time waster NEET grinding game like cookie clicker? The problem is that they don't KNOW what Warframe should be which is why there's been an endless stream of "let's add this!... well that didn't work out so well." and "let's try this!... maybe we can fix it with a few more patches eventually." updates.

Pffft, just add more timegate and grind. Hopefully it will distract the players enough from realizing the game is shit. Buy plat to support us please we really need it, thank you and see you at next open world update

They really fucked up, instead of making each new addition fit into the big picture of the game they just keep bolting new shit on to it that's completely disconnected from everything else. Warframe feels more like 30 smaller shitty games glued together than an actual coherent game world.


>put thousands of hours into a game
>"waaaaaaaah! why isn't there constantly new shit to do?!?!"

I ran out of content in 1 month.

Storywise it doesn't make a lot of sense either. It jumps all over the place.

I put over 500 hours into the game over the years, most of it in the early days when I had hope for the game and looked forward to what direction would the devs take it. And Im telling you I absolutely hate what they did with it, so much wasted potential.

>scrap the game
>reuse the assets and make a porn game/datingsim out of them

Boom done. Don't pretend anyone cares about this game beyond the sexy fem-frames, and going by the recent frames they've released, even the devs know it.

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>ITT: Yea Forums hates popular games
nothing has changed with Yea Forums. sniff you jerks later, I'm going to ruin some Hydron runs blasting All Star from my Mandachord as Octavia.

you can easily run through all the content within like a month

its not only Yea Forums not happy with warframe right now. Go on youtube and you'll find plenty of videos recently from the big warframe youtubers who are echoing the calls that the game just isn't going in the right direction. Player counts are also dropping fast.

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holy shit, what happened? then again, I quit playing warframe earlier this year.

This, if you grind out a good frame and weapon you can do everything.

Is this game still a trap?

No new content.
Where's New War

Put quick melee back in you fucks. I want to go fast and kill hordes of faceless mooks with ease without stopping in my tracks because of stupid stances slowing me down

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A real endgame

Skiajati does it

Lack of content and the recent Nightwave shenanigans really burned people out. It replaced alerts with daily/weekly chores, and it's been over for a few weeks without a replacement system. Not to mention it screwed over new players since they can't reliably get nitain without it right now.

Honestly, this whole progression shit would be a lot better if they just removes half the resources. No one wants to play Excavation.

I don't care for nikanas all that much. The Lesion's been my bread and butter for most of my time playing.

you fags have been saying this shit for fucking years now while going back to the game like an abused house wife, at no point in this game's life did it have actual ''endgame'' it has always been a different looking easy mode instance that you breeze through in hopes of getting that mod/print you really wanted and nothing else, and don't even get me started on the '''''raids'''''

The game is good but it's quite obvious the devs have no clue of what kind of endgame they want to add and honestly I'm surprised the game even has players after all these years.

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>like an abused housewife
You mean visiting for 10 minutes every few months and seeing there's still nothing to do and leaving again?

no one's reading all that, steve
gimme new quest without a cliffhanger

what was ever the appeal in this snoozefest?

i never felt even remotely challenged by it, just breezed through everything while falling asleep spamming the same two buttons or some shit, and the multiplayer competitive shit seemed dead and crap

>fortuna is just anorher empty shitty map, glorified "open world"
>jovian concord is just a reskin
Nice "content

Make a story you can follow
Everything is too scattered around
thats it

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>new ui is fucking horrible
>no new warframe quests
>3 months between updates (updates which have a week tops worth of content)
>nerfing griding mechanics, making the game a bigger grindfest
>17 hotfixes and patches every update due spaghetti code
>huge backlog of promised content that will never see the light of day

It's dying, Jim

forgot to say that the new melee changes jack shit too

I quit when Nightwave happened. What a shit update.

>It replaced alerts with daily/weekly chores
You've got to be fucking kidding me

The sequel to the famous Second Dream quest, the Second Job event

>but it doesn’t feel like there is any reward for doing any of it
That's because DE always want to time/grindgate new content, but they don't want that content to become meta/must-have

DE hate fun.

Stop doing these big blockbuster updates and focus on adding/fixing smaller shit in the game. Fortuna was interesting for like 3 days and then it stopped being interesting. Same goes for PoE. Same goes for the newest update.


No. It was also the dumbest shit like "Survive in Kuva Survival for 60 minutes without using any life support" which meant you could be in a Kuva Survival mission for 59 minutes only for a troll to activate life support and fuck you over.

Which was even worse coupled with the fact that newbies won't know what the fuck Kuva Survival is let alone be prepared for it and can't do the weekly meaning now they can't get nitain. They have to accumulate the low level dailies like "spray a glyph on a wall" or "kill 100 eximus enemies."

A battlepass was the last thing Warframe needed, it burned me out so fucking hard logging every week and playing that shit.

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They went from "Do mission once for piece of nitain" to going through hoops like "Play a level 40 survival mission for 60 minutes with a clanmate" in order to get points which you get to earn tokens which then you then use to buy nitain

at least it's not destiny 2 lmao

add gear and raids

And they had one of their stupid grindy time sink events right in the middle of Nightwave. That was just too much.

Just put more people on the team so we can have more content and fix the issues and some of the grinding in the game. Dont listen to the "muuuh endgame" brainlets, they literally dont know why they talk about let alone what they want

Its current path is the path it's been on since it launched on Steam. Even before the Chinese buyout, they were fucking it up. Every update made it a worse game, just with more useless shit to hoard. I don't know why the fuck you're surprised at the state of it now.

destiny 2 was a huge advertisement for warframe.

>Chinese buyout
W-when did this happen??

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Fuck right when I get into a game it’s dead and already rotting, this earth is just way too unfair.
I’m 20+ hours in and was having fun, spy missions were cancer, and some of the resource chances were astronomically dumb.

that actually makes sense

What happened to Destiny 2?

Warframe is like a puzzle put together completely wrong with pieces from other puzzles jammed into it in a desperate attempt to make sense of it, but it only results in even more chaos

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it exists


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>have an alright movement system in a fairly fun TPS game
>ignore improving it and developing content that can truly utilize the movement
>make god awful open world hub that ignores the system
>have to make a brand new movement system just to traverse an empty shitty landscape
>make godawful space levels for their flying system

What exactly were they thinking

>a-ah huuurrr e-endgamehuur duuur
People asking for this should kill themselves already

play Let It Die instead

t. steve

Fuck the veterans. Make excal prime with all the other shit available and see them seethe and cope

>Enjoying 1 shot 5 minute run snoozefests
May as well play a mobile game since that's equally boring and probably less time gated.

I would just like to remind you that warbros got infected by reddit and couldn't even get top 20 in the last event's leaderboard



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Get rid of nightwave. No one likes a daily/weekly grind where you can be locked out of getting shit if you don't do it. That and have some sort of endgame that isn't just collecting everything

explain that image to a brainlet like me

>Couldn't finish the sortie because my game keeps freezing in the Rescue part
I did it 4 fucking times and the 4 fucking times the game froze, the FUCK

buy plat

Warframe is inherently broken because of the power creep. It is functionally impossible to create challenging content when your playerbase consists of three people with Power Donation feeding an Umbral Chroma who can one-shot God with his crit damage Rubico Riven.
So what is the solution? You can either nerf everything to reasonable levels, which results in RIOT, or you can create enemies and bosses with invuln phases which are tedious as fuck. I fucking hate Orbs and Eidolons so much.
You also have veterans burning through the content it took you 8 months to make in 2 days, so you have to add in time-gates and invent new resources with a 0000001% drop chance in a futile attempt to artificially extend the playtime.
>Oh shit they're gonna complete all the content in 8 hours, quick, lock all the new gear behind a faction standing grind that will take you a week to max out at max efficiency because of the daily caps, and make people catch 150 fish or something, fuck
I'm not sure that there is a solution.
As a veteran myself, I mostly just want cosmetics, the gameplay is almost incidental. I'm so horrendously overpowered that nothing can even slow me down.

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>Power Donation feeding an Umbral Chroma who can one-shot God with his crit damage Rubico Riven.
This has NEVER happened, no one has done this at all, you sound like a fucking shitter and not a veteran at all, post MR and time

destiny 2/3 whenever it comes is going to be a serious problem for Warframe. Ever since bungie separated from activision they've been doing some excellent work on destiny 2.

at this point in warframe being a veteran means you have been playing for 2 months because thats all the time it takes to get almost every frame and weapon in the game.

>Ever since bungie separated from activision they've been doing some excellent work on destiny 2.

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I still have never built the sibear with how much I fucking hate excavation, 30k cryotic is even more ridiculous then vauban prime's release cost

lol no you're delusional.

Warframe isn't perfect at all, but Destiny has always been a shitshow. It has all the problems that Warframe has but it is BOUND to keep them FOREVER due to being an MMO.

Just buy it with faggot, do you even Arbi or Hieracon atleast?

take it back

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>three people with Power Donation feeding an Umbral Chroma who can one-shot God with his crit damage Rubico Riven
You sound like a single digit MR player who watches youtube videos and forms their opinion on the game through methods other than playing it yourself

Plus the time gating hurts casualfags that don't play on a daily basis.

Do you also want to see my fucking crit damage Rubico Riven you fucking scrubs? I'll show it to you.

>Steam time
Lmao I have 3500 hours and still you’re a fucking shitter

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Today, October 14, 2014, Multi Dynamic Games Group Inc. (a subsidiary of Sumpo Food Holdings Limited) and Perfect Online Holding Limited (a subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd.) entered into an acquisition agreement with the shareholders of Digital Extremes Ltd. to acquire 61% of the entire issued share capital of the Company. Multi Dynamic Games Group Inc. and Perfect Online Holding Limited will acquire 58% and 3% respectively.

You can't, there's a reason why most investors didn't want to support Warframe in the beginning. It's a miracle it's survived this long.

>Just buy it with faggot
fags are a resource now?

Show in game time faggots. Also the dude with 5k hours must just leave the game on cause I even have more achievements than him with only 2k hours on steam

>takes almost two months to get all from the game
Then why do retards complain about grind in a grind game again?

Boring ass grinds are what usually upset people. 25 rounds of arbitrations for 1 riven, which is just made up of the same boring ass modes that have been in the game since launch. At least other looter shooters have real encounters during missions, every warframe mission is a straight line in terms what happens during that mission

Did a Tridolon where this happened. The Chroma was one shotting every piece of it including the body. I didn't catch what his build was, but it was definitely ridiculous.

Fortuna killed my interest in Warframe entirely.

It's so far up it's own ass that it's never coming back. It's all just cringey fan service now.
I mean a fucking musical introduction? Are you kidding me?

Don't even get me started on how all the Warframes they keep releasing are just nice pairs of tits and ass mixed with an alien and covered in bump-mapping.
Their art team all needs to be fired. We need more Warframes that look like they're built for WAR instead of hideous over-designed alien women that look like a fucking HR Giger painting.

Whatever I already know the fanbase is too autistic to ever let any good changes happen. I consider it just as doomed as Sonic the Hedgehog. Not a single shred of effort put into overall presentation, just mindlessly doing what the loudest fans say.

Man it's getting really sad lately
>lowest players online
>reb: quick it's time for a jojo meme tweet!
>also reb: what's a stand?

>Dumb children of this generation were successfully brainwashed into thinking achievements mean something

Corporate boogiemen actually managed to get you, huh? I feel sad for you. We all laughed when achievements came out in games but your poor little retarded head actually ate it up. You actually believe it means something other than you stupidly wasted your wow. Amazing.

>invent Maiming Strike Atterax
>invent Ignis Wraith or Zappy Boi
>Catchmoon or Mara Detron

Why do they even bother putting other weapons in

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you like "open world" and "accessibility" don't you? because that's what you're getting.

>that guy with no avatar and stock liset who waits until 0:02 to get to the exit and did 0% of anything
>he's rank 13

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>>Dumb children of this generation were successfully brainwashed into thinking achievements mean something
>Says the faggot that tries to prove something because of his 5k hours

>That one Saryn with stock liset and no avatar who just presses 1+4 and does 98% of damage on Hydron while carrying you to wave 10

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I don't have 5k hours, that was my 2nd post of the thread. The other being Retard.

>At least other looter shooters
Such as? Not even shitposting, but other than borderlands I can't think of any other game.

>that guy who does spy sortie with public groups

Is he broken inside?

>I mean a fucking musical introduction? Are you kidding me?

A fictional culture has fictional culture!? GASP, how dare worldbuilding exist!

Best we remove the warframes, I mean immortal warrior children touched by another dimension piloting biotech drones? Heh, that's so stupid! It's not real!

Gotta get rid of space too, we don't live in space lol, gotta get rid of all of that lol!

Those are fucking pointless, they literally do nothing. The only reason you'd be farming achievements is if you were bored out of your mind. Oh boy complete 8 waves of defense using only a melee weapon, travel 10000 meters on a K-Drive, great use of my time.
You asked to see my MR, that's the Steam achievement for MR27.
I'm better than all of you at this game, suck my shriveled Tenno cock.

That's how we run them. A Chroma modded for power strength with two of the Umbral mods, plus three team members with power donation for an extra +90% base STR for over 1000% extra damage to Vex Armor. With my Rubico Riven, I get a 9.3x base crit damage multiplier, at the second magnification level you're looking at another 5x, coupled with the 1.5x damage bonus from the combo counter that stacks up to 2x within 3 shots.
A Hydrolyst's limbs are gonna go down in 2 shots max.

They asked me for my hours so I posted them.
Apparently none of you run an Umbral Chroma with Power Donation squads so that makes you all useless scrubs.

You can make fun of Destiny 1/2 and Division 1/2 but they have much better boss/mission encounters.

>Those are fucking pointless, they literally do nothing
True but I never farmed for them and have more than you just through gameplay. You must be a total potato. Not someone I would trust to give good opinions on the game

Yeah because they have dedicated servers. That's the issue Warframe has, you can't have interactive shit running off one person's connection very well.

I'm approaching 1k hours in this fucking game (30% of that from alt-tabbing and forgetting to close it).
It's too casual, too easy, too many safety nets (operator mode, shitload of revives). The gameplay is not tight enough for skill to be a thing. Why even grind at this point.

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>that whole post
yikes just yikes

It's simply about having fun and being cool.

If you want a challenge go play the original Ninja Gaiden games

literally any fucking game can have better bosses than warframe. Just because two turds do it better doesn't make them any less shitty in comparison. They're all shit.

simply purge the company of the sjws
it's not hard

That's not what I meant, I mean the actual scope and depth of the encounters and missions having high and low points. I know warframe went with that randomization element but they way they do it makes every mission flat, there is nothing memorable about any of the rooms or encounters. It has some to do with the damage in the game too, no enemy is like of shit I got to take that out fast or gives you trouble normally. When they do its in an annoying way like the wolf where you just jerk off for 5 min

the absolute state of Warframe oh no no no no

Warframe, as silly as it sounds, scratches that same itch as musou games do. It's all about the power fantasy of being the baddest motherfucker around that kills hundreds of mooks in the blink of an eye. If that is not your thing, then the game has little to offer.

You're too dedicated to supporting giant showpiece bullet sponge bossfights of stand here, now stand here, get behind this from destiny and the like.

Warframe is you simply get to be cool, not have a showpiece bossfight that you're expected to grind forever to make you think you're cool when you're not.

Go play something else man other than these games if you want real action, because Destiny isn't it and Warframe is much better but still not top tier. Overcome the MMO addiction or admit your failings.

Why don't you tell me what's wrong with that scenario then? Oh wait, you can't, because you're MR15 scrubs with 2000 hours lol.
Yikes, just yikes.
Go back to proudly declaring yourselves Loki mains and looking up weapon tier lists on Reddit lol.

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I do play other games

I just started playing Warframe in February. Can someone tell me why open world zones were added to the game? Like, was anyone asking for that at all beforehand? It seems like such a random addition to a game that focused on fast tile-based missions for years.

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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I am MR 27 founder with 2k hours come at me shitlord

Then how could you possibly let yourself be satisfied with Destiny? Ah, you really want theatrical handholding...

Both of these people are retarded

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Everyone who bought founder packs. Including me

I think some new game mechanics would. And i mean not the combat system (which is now shittier than was before), but something like become-a-stalker mode. You know, hunt just like Stalker, search for warframes, PvP with people. It would be awesome, but i don't realy beleve they will make things like that, unfortunately.
Also, they should add more content to the syndicates. And bring back old Stasis for Limbo.

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I stopped playing before mesa prime, what did I missed?

It has better gameplay and teamwork in the raids. Sorry that you hate that stuff. It has a challenge unlike WF. I play both and am pretty good at both but can admit issues with both

I just started playing rceently and thought the game was always like this. Then I went and watched a few videos from beta and release. Jesus christ, the lighting, the music, the sheer amount of atmosphere dripping off of every aspect of the game. Why the fuck did they change it all to the shit we have now?

We need a place to execute the retards who buy $150 prime packs every few months

limbo is the most faggy warframe in the game

I stopped playing a bit before fortuna... what went wrong? I thought that update was going to make the game popularity sky rocket

All of the content is just the same stuff you would expect. The fortuna missions are just like all other missions but remixed a little in the open world.

Destiny raid encounters are glorified puzzles you have to solve to activate a DPS phase in which the boss just takes damage while standing still. There isn't a single boss that you actually fight all throughout the encounter.

It's okay that one particular thing cannot provide a 24/7 feed of escapism and eternal content. No game could ever. It's natural that games have finite content. You need to accept that to be happy, user.

>I'm not sure that there is a solution.

Honestly, the only solution to that problem is to stop this "games a as service" bullshit. Just make a game, release it, then move onto something else and let the playerbase grind it to death until they feel like they're done. Sega did this with PSO, Blizzard did it with Diablo, and there are still people playing them to this day.

Oh, I forgot that this method doesn't get you infinite shekels for your chinese overlords so it's not an option anymore.

It is true but you can get that part in the strikes. The raids would be like other games if it was just do no team work and shoot the boss. Strikes and missions give you that, raids give you the team mechanics

>It has better gameplay and teamwork in the raids

It's a straight up illusion, crafted from MMORPG addiction dealers. You've been bamboozled you fool. You have an addiction.

Also I guarantee if DE had the funds that they had the game would blow Destiny away several times over. MMORPGs are a giant cancer on gaming in general, and you're supporting that. Cool of you.

If I started playing from a fresh account what should I expect?

VOLT chads where are you at?

I've not played it much, but I didn't really get a sense of progression. Fashion seems like the only endgame that exists. I'd probably rework how items works. Definitely add lots of stuff that let players experiment more with builds and customize how the warframes actually play. All the mods are pretty bland and don't really push players to experiment with them in my opinion. There's tons of room to have stuff that adds interest to the game. The game is essentially just about clearing maps in the most stylish way possible so augments should be bread and butter and randomly rolled drops that give all kinds of crazy effects instead of what they are.

The gameplay itself is really fun, but it doesn't lean into that enough. Interesting bosses and enemies with complex patterns that act as actual threats and offer meaningful rewards would do wonders to improve the fact the game feels empty a lot of the time. Even bullet-hell-esque patterns to offer incentive to get really good at dodging. Parkour races are probably the most fun I had, and it's just a consequence of the gameplay and the devs don't really capitalize on it. There's pretty much nothing that pushes players to advance their skill level. I feel like it's super close to being a really good game, but it just kinda feels like they made this incredibly fun game play and forgot to put in the nuts and bolts of what makes grindy games fun and rewarding.

You could give DE infinite money, and unless they farmed the entire project out to someone else, it would only be about where Warframe is now, because they are thoroughly incompetent.

>guarantee if DE
I doubt it. DE has not created a single amazing new mission type in 3 years. They just don't have any good new ideas other than lets do more defense and survival

This thread is very funny, you want to play a ton of content but at the same time you don't want to grind anything on an online game, but also the devs should just keep adding shit and stop timegating, but then you run through it in a few days anyway when they don't timegate it enough.
So what's DE supposed to do?

The grind to raise Solaris standing (twice) is mind-numbing, and the only thing you get out of it is an amp part that's slightly better than one you can get in Cetus.

Keep losing players, because their design is fundamentally unsustainable. Because they're retarded hacks.

I honestly never feel like DE time gates that much content. Other than faction rep you can do everything and people knock it out in a few days instead of like destiny where you cannot progress a quest till the next week.

I will give up if Railjack disappoints

>All the mods are pretty bland and don't really push players to experiment with them in my opinion.

There's plenty of room for experimentation, but the problem is that building for anything other than balls-to-the-wall glass canon damage is a waste of time. That's always the problem with games like this, just killing the enemies in a tenth of a second is the most efficient way of playing because you don't have to worry about game mechanics if everything is dead.

I like public spy sorties.
It’s a challenge.
You have to get the mission done and stop your random allotment of drooling mongoloids fucking everything up.


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It will. It will be supper buggy at the start and have a lot less content than they promised

I'll laugh and then cry if New War is about as long as Sacrifice (ie about two hours) after waiting all this goddamn time for it.

I started doing them solo, its so much better. I actually like them now

I agree they have done some stupid things, but they are undeniably underfunded in comparison to Destiny and Anthem.

And yet those games have made MUCH bigger mistakes in mere days than what Warframe has done in just years and years. They are titans of stupidity and incompetence on a scale almost unbelievable. They approach ME3 levels if fiasco.

I haven't really played since just before they added that new Corpus planet, the ice one. I got to MR25, got Khora, did everything in Beasts of the Sanctuary or whatever, then basically fuck all. I think I visited that ice planet for the beginner missions once, was bored out of my fucking mind since I hadn't played for months. I don't think I'll ever get back into Grindframe. The new "bosses" look stupid, and it's just more mindless gathering.

Wonder what I should do with my like 3k plat.

Nah that would be WF with every update being fucked and needing several hotfixes back to back

>about two hours
Sacrifice was 30 minutes at the longest, unless you're shit at the game.

>How would you save Warframe from its current path?
I'd stop this nightwave nonesense. Chores did not make me happy and the rewards you could buy with good-boy points were fucking garbage.
>veteran players unhappy
Maybe if the 'story' progressed once a month instead of once a year?
>player count dropping, not even constantly in top 10 anymore even with the Jovian Concord update just a couple weeks ago
Farming Hex was boring. Farming non-prime Ash is even worse
>"w-we promise The New War will b-be here soon!"
Unless it's a whole thing with hours of non-grind content, I think they've set themselves up for disappointment.
Anywho, I'll just list the things I really hate about Warframe
1) Foundry timers are way too long. Time-gating just makes me play less as shit cooks
2) Farming some shit is ridiculously niche and not-fun because there's no good place to do it (Broken War blades/handle, Ash parts)
3) Cryotic is needed in far too great amounts considering how much I hate excavation
4) Invulnerability phases do not make fun bosses. Removing Nova's ability to make the Orb fight faster was a real bummer
5) Why do so many things need forma? Forma is rare if you're not grinding relics all the time and I have other shit to grind. There's no real alternative to relics to get a needed resource

Putting all that aside, who thought k-drives were a good idea? Archwings are already relegated to 'I want to cross this large map more quickly' tier, why make slower archwings?

You can't add PvP like this to a game that wqs entirely made around PvE, or you end up with exactly the shit that Warframe and Phantasy Star have, where nobody gives 2 fucks about it.

To be fair it took me awhile to complete because I tried to play it on launch day and it kept bugging out. I guess that's one way to extend the duration.

reduce the time it takes to craft anything

I've actually come to no longer care about any of the grinding in the game, I get to play a game and get cool stuff while listening to audiobooks since I don't need to hear jackshit from the game or pay attention. I've completed dozens of books now. Catching up on so much shit. Multitasking is the best.

I suggest Peter Meridith's Undead World book series, has 10 books and continues on into Generation Z series.

Did you get the bug where you still had Umbra even after he had ran away?

>He thinks a hotfix patch is on the same level of Destiny and Anthem's critical design failures

HOLY SHIT KID, you are just craaaaazy lol

So it's just a destinyfag smear campaign thanks to the f2p, ok.

Active combat does not mean you cannot have challenge. A boss could have instant kill AoE attacks that it would use in certain patterns that requires you to keep moving or die, they could use long lasting DoTs and blinds that would force ability usage to survive through or even possess players. Hell, all of this is pretty much par for the course in other games with raids, but not in Destiny.

Doesn't mean it's good content though

I did for a while, but it got dull racing against myself.
Started to enjoy trying to get one or two rooms done and being in place to rescue your team mate s when one of them chokes on their own tongue mid hack puts real pressure on.

Here is how to unironically fix warframe:
>Remove enemy armor scaling, period.
>Rebalance scaling of almost every mod to be about half as strong as what it is now, and prevent the massive multiplier stacking that is the current meta for both damage and health (Most people leave when they can't instant kill enemies or die instantly, whichever threshold gets crossed first, and that's poor design)
>Fix the fucking enemies and particle effects so that you can actually see the attacks that kill you, and don't have enemies that oneshot you instantly with no warning or animation (Think of the improvement to Ballistas and Combas, that needs to happen to EVERY fucking enemy)
>Create an endgame zone where the max amount of mods you can put on a gun/frame is 30 as opposed to 60 (15 with no potato). >Enemies in this zone are not immune to warframe abilities, but repeated use of the same ability on an enemy halves both their duration and effect. Congratulations, now CC is viable and important, but not broken.
>This zone also Follows ABC cycle, but the rarities of the best loot is added ontop of itself each set of three, encouraging groups to succeed and carry on for a long time.
>Remove "increased energy usage" and "Number of uses" For Kiddo abilities
>Massively increase the effective pool of energy for both the amp and kiddo, Massively reduce the rate at which they regen. Make Kiddo deal % Health damage on top of their current damage numbers. It will make using the kiddo a powerful moment that is like an 'ultimate move' rather than something you use to activate energy regen or a quick heal, but won't be as shitty as it used to be pre-amp.
>remove flame and energy leech eximus

The issue is that content needs a difficulty gate rather than a time gate, but that is impossible when the game is literally designed about getting numbers high enough to oneshot everything. The game needs a massive balance pass or it will remain a joke to anyone past MR 20.

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There was a raid at the end of Destiny 1 that was almost entirely chaotic shooting with minimal puzzles, and even had a sick section where you fought on a moving platform while bad rock music played. Pretty much everyone loved it. Then they released D2 and went in the complete opposite direction with the most unenjoyable team-building-challenges raid encounters possible so that complete retards could finish it if they were told where to stand and shoot at static objects.

>enter random Loki that fucks up the vault
I legit have more confidence in a random Rhino than those fuckers, they always manage to mess up even the easiest of vaults.

Isn't this actually something they're doing? Think they call it the kingpin system in the works.

Honestly I can't remember. I just know that despite the wait updates will be broken in all sorts of strange ways, so I'll wait a few days from now on.

Shit, I forgot one
6) Bugs making a mission unbeatable, quitting counts against you
Fuck that shit so hard. It's not my fault that Tenno can't deal with a door that won't unlock after the alert is lifted

I guess, but I could also just play other games that are actually enjoyable. I'm also not very good at multitasking. You are correct in that Warframe requires basically 0 attention, even on the most difficult missions (when I played at least, even Eidolons required minimal attention. I'm TOLD the newer bosses are just as easy, but I haven't played myself), but I can't multitask. I'm great at working on an individual task, but as soon as I have to split focus, whatever I'm doing as a secondary task gets 5% of my attention or less, and the other task gets the rest.

Will look into that book series anyways though, thanks for the suggestion.

Which is why Destiny 2 is garbage and will never become anything. It doesn't want you or people that play games to play it, it wants quite literally everyone else to play it. And in order for that it needs to be INCREDIBLY easy and you have to join the lemmings of the MMORPG cult.

But as a result of this, strikes are actually much more fun than raids. The final phases of Corrupted on Nightfall difficulty, for example, are much more hectic and fun than any raid encounter in the game, precisely because the boss is right there with all the adds, and you have to deal with it all at the same time.

>Guy brings a Justice weapon to a spy vault sortie
>Blames other people for it exploding and triggering his vault

>Wisp shows up
>Puts down shock mote

>Putting all that aside, who thought k-drives were a good idea? Archwings are already relegated to 'I want to cross this large map more quickly' tier, why make slower archwings?
K-Drives would be fine if they were just for show. Something new to put in for the people who could enjoy it. Tying more mastery points to them was the problem, as rather than just an amusing thing that a handful of players will use consistently, they made it something that everyone is forced to use if they want to get max MR. More options good; more grind bad.

Audiobook bay. I don't know if Brian Callanan voices every book but when he reads them he has some great voice acting and creates wonderful voices for everyone.

Also Sabriel is another great book read by none other than Tim Curry.

>I guess, but I could also just play other games that are actually enjoyable.
Warframe is plenty enjoyable, you simply get to multitask if you wish and also get some reading done.

It's not like you can't do this audiobook thing with Destiny, I have lol. 0 attention required for that as well.

>lack of content
It never had any.

>you simply get to multitask if you wish
You seem to have missed the section that said I can't multi-task at all. Not even a little. I would either be listening to the book, or playing Warframe. That's what it would boil down to. Trying to do both would just result in me hating both.

Warbros has been a hollow shell of it's former glory ever since DE banned the leader. Most of the old guard left for greener pastures.

Return movement and gameplay balance to how it was in beta.

I'm MR 20 with 200 hours buddy

They already said they're bringing back your wallrunning you faggot.

Is melee still really scuffed? I remember friends saying they completely fucked over melee at some point recently.

>current path
>same shits been happening since 2015

>Remove "increased energy usage" and "Number of uses" For Kiddo abilities
>Massively increase the effective pool of energy for both the amp and kiddo, Massively reduce the rate at which they regen. Make Kiddo deal % Health damage on top of their current damage numbers. It will make using the kiddo a powerful moment that is like an 'ultimate move' rather than something you use to activate energy regen or a quick heal, but won't be as shitty as it used to be pre-amp.
Kiddos were foreshadowed in the lore but of course that wouldnt stop DE from turning them into a massive content bloat, regarding an ultimate ability, the heavy weapons thingy already does that, right now Operators have a specific niche which is fighting sentients and eidolons, and that is completely fine and shouldnt be fucked with a lot except for energy dash which needs to be removed, anything else and kiddos would start encroaching on frame territory which is not remotely acceptable, in terms of gameplay it's better to keep them a nice distance apart instead of making kiddos just another accessory of frames.
So changing their stats now would just fuck with eidolons in an unwelcome way, i'd argue the eido hunts themselves need to change, not kiddos.

Melee got way better, they didn't fuck it over at all.

They got rid of that shitty almost-melee basic attack shit you had if you had a gun out. Now you just switch between gun and melee instantly based on whether you shoot or melee.

>that guy who does spy sortie with public groups and intentionally runs to C, fucks up on purpose, and is playing limbo and hits 4 on the console so even if someone gets there they can't hack it, plays as limbo in missions with a carried payload and AFKs while holding it, and wastes people's time on purpose in trade chat hoping he gets banned and can stop playing some day
all me

Attached: warframe trade chat.png (477x208, 144K)

it's time to make warframe 2

>Remove energy dash and give me passive energy regen

That's what you want, right?

I'm not someone who has put a lot of time into this game, but my impression of these complaints has been that people are frustrated because you spend a lot of time farming for items or warframes or whatever to then go do it again with no real progression. You blitz through content to blitz through content... You don't interact with any of it because it's easy. And that's what makes it feel grindy. There's no challenge. There's no skill walls. There's no dps threshold you need to overcome. new content comes out and you do exactly what you did before. Run through it as quickly as possible. And the rewards for doing so aren't enough to keep people interested.

at this point I probably will, I get so many 50%-75% coupons I just buy a bit of plat every once in a while and give it away to friends or buy deluxes

You can operator to get passed Limbo's 4

I've been told the exact opposite. That it's better for people who mostly gun, and melee sometimes, but it was complete fucking trash for people who focused on melee.

I swear, Classic WoW has made every entitled faggot feel validated about their complaints.

Have you ever thought thats its just you that doesnt enjoy the game anymore for no fault of the developer? Its a fucking grindfest F2P game, of course you'll burn out.

>tfw you hate that you can't manually block anymore
>tfw you love that auto-parry also invalidates most of the game's shitawful instant-knockdown attacks.

>Give anyone that has paid money in the game the ability to pick an option to matchmake to a dedicated server, that anyone else can then join on. I have lost Literally a HUNDRED PLUS hours in missions to host migrations and shitty disconnects from hosts. Either give me an option to "Queue as host" or give me a dedicated server
>More bosses like Kela, ropalolyst, and the second orb. Engaging, but not just a DPS check or a invuln phase wait.
>Make Enemy AOE effects require LoS like warframe abilities.
>Make Self Damage with all explosive damage cap out at 50 flat damage. Divide that damage by multishot so you don't get fucked for using multishot.
>Either add a cap to weaponspeed on combos or make them not break with high weaponspeed. It's amazing that we got melee 3.0 but it didn't fix half the weapons.
>Make primary and secondary swap as fast as melee. Make primary and secondary passively reload while melee is out (so we have a reason to rotate through our weapons and hop in and out of combat)
>remove tomagotchi mechanics on pets, give them aura slots so you can actually use mods on them because they have an insane demand for mods for some reason
>STILL NO RAIDS ???????? ITS BEEN TWO+ YEARS WHERE ARE THEY. It can't be hard to make a mission that has hard enemies, Kela CC mechanics, and some basic puzzle shit and a boss. People don't care nearly as much about how cinematic something is when it's the 30th time they run it, just put some fuckin gameplay in the game that requires teamwork. You don't even need to give them unique loot pools, just a high chance for some good current loot, just something challenging as a reason to get the boys together for an hour to get some good shit rather than grinding the same 20 waves or 5 bounties over and over. Variety is the spice of life, but there's no reason to do anything different as is until raids return.

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>buy it with faggot
Didn't notice that at first glance kek

Attached: lol good one.gif (320x240, 698K)

Honestly user, I just started to get back into it about 3 days ago, the games so convoluted with how to move forward and how to do much that it's actually stupid and I've already given up.

>Veterans unhappy
>Returning players lost
>New players stand no chance

This shit sounds like WoW.

Or just play with that one aura that removes enemy armor. Haven't played in months, so can't remember what it was.

>add lategame content
>add an auction house
>change xp gain (frame abilities give weapon xp)
>make farming focus less shitty
>add raids back in
>add more ways to afk farm tedious shit
>allow supporting either Nef or Worm for a passive income
>rehaul daily rewards

>So what's DE supposed to do?

Create a Warframe FPS spin off game.

Instead they created a whole FPS game that they never released, wasting all that time and money. Cancelled it right when they were about to release it too lol

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The heavy weapons are all worse than the main gun except the Velocitus in certain circumstances. For an "Ultimate" to be cool it needs a lot more.

An ultimate move is really fun when it changes up your gameplay significantly, and nothing an archgun has will do that.

You need 4 people to use it for it to be useful

>More bosses like Kela, ropalolyst, and the second orb. Engaging, but not just a DPS check or a invuln phase wait.
>Kela, not an invuln phase wait
But that's literally all she is. InstaDPS to invuln multiple times. Though to be fair each of those phases where she jumps out of the arena are really short. Even as a level 100 boss she dies instantly though, so it's nothing but chain invuln phases.

CP shouldn't be mandatory, especially when there are other fun auras.

>remove daily affinity limits
>remove "you can only do this every day lol"
>remove the weekly cancer garbage
>remove daily trade limits
>remove trade tax
>add auction house
>remove farmville timers with payed bypass
>that last one but a second time, how do more people not complain about this in [CURRENT YEAR]?
>remove riven mods
there, minimal effort and effect of gameplay, game saved. done.

Bring back coptering

Nah, it's fine for people that focus on melee.

And it's not even done yet, they're releasing on the melee changes in waves. They have to implement a lot more stuff that they showed like the huge range increase to all melee weapons and the closing moves and new animations for weapons.

A big problem WF has is DE doesn't like the concept of 'rare' items and equipment. Prime items through relics aren't exactly very rare or hard to get at all, especially when compared to a lot of the gear from Destiny. I'm NOT saying Destiny is a better game but they definitely have a better system of acquiring rare items.

Attached: inaros1.jpg (752x1063, 124K)

Again, haven't played in a while, but I seem to recall really only needing two. Three if you wanted it basically entirely gone, but two did the job well enough that enemy armor was basically irrelevant. I guess this does require playing with a friend though, or getting a smart rando player, but why would you ever possibly play Warframe solo anyways?

Hand it to a better developer that didn't sell out to Chinese. Remove "operators". Divert effort towards actual new content instead of introducing feature bloat and then abandoning them like Archwing. Reduce the grind to grind to grind and reward players for time invested in a more sensible manner. Create enemies that are difficult not because their healthpools are insurmountable unless your weapons are minmaxed and their attacks onehit you.

Damage 3.0
Remove scaling and armor
Add more enemies and learn from Killing Floor, add some Warframe's variant of Scrakes and Fleshpounds to endless missions, and make sure you can't oneshot them and they can't oneshot you so it's a challenge to go against them
Rework mods, serration, multishot etc mods are built and increase the base damage by the same amount
Rework missions holy shit they are boring as fuck unless it's a survival
Rework rivens rerolls
Speed up the grind of resources

It was always going to end this way and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Warframe hasn't had a clear direction for its development in years. They either just dump more shit to grind for in the game or gimmicky shit which they abandon straight after its inception.

Attached: abbo.jpg (500x374, 83K)

>Have to fudge Inaros' head to make him seem cooler

Should have just put Anubis on him and call it a day.

I don't think the point was that they were necessarily a bad thing, he was pointing out that Kela's has intrigue, rather than existing bosses where their health bar turns grey and they have to either use a specific move or animation, or just wait it out. Either make it interesting or fun, or don't have an invuln phase.

It was mainly a thing people used for raids back then since they were easier to coordinate and you had more people
Honestly every other content is easy enough that you don't need it

It's too late. The game was given a dose of poison the moment they made Operators a thing and it's impossible to fix it now because just ouright getting rid of them would cause the self insert ERPers to riot and stop buying tennogen.

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>Nah, it's fine for people that focus on melee.
I pulled up the chat log with the person who said otherwise. These are his lines.
>any combo that requires right click is almost impossible to do.
>you can't aim glide with melee weapons because they removed the ability to have your melee weapon out as primary.
>blocking is automatic now, but broken.
>channeling is a toggle and only a toggle. channeling breaks the second you swap back to your guns
>problem is when you right click it aims whatever gun you had, so you immediately drop your melee mode. hence the right click breaking combos
>it also (has been broken for a long time) breaks valkyr's 4 -you continue draining energy but it removes your immunity
>you cannot aim glide with melee weapons out
so you cannot block while aim gliding because it's automatic
He had more complaints apparently, but he saw I wasn't super invested in the conversation since it was about Warframe, so he didn't go more into it. This conversation was from late April. Did they fix any of this since then? 'Cause it sounds like they balanced it around people who barely melee.

A way to speed up mission timers would be great
Instead of sitting on an excavator and waiting for 1:30, you could actively do something to bring that timer down more quickly

Also nice for The Index. Even better when they revamped it.

>spend 5 or 6 forma on Chroma
>DE nerfs him to shit
>adds Chroma prime
Is there a worse feeling?

You offend my intelligence my man, do i look like some forumdrone to you?
>buff ES slightly
>remove regen block on sustained skills
>add more energy mods specially stuff like energy steal on hit
>rebalance support frames to have more reliable energy gimmicks besides just Trin

That's why the only frames I ever upgraded were either Prime variants, or ones that had just come out, since they wouldn't get a Prime for a really long time.

Prime frames follow the standard release order with some occasional liberties my man, Everyone knew it would be either Mesa or Chroma after Limbo.
You have only yourself to blame.

Energy is easy enough to get tho, especially with arcane energize

Reading this thread makes me think this game is not actually that hard to fix. It just needs re-balancing and lots of quality of life stuff as well as revamping of some of the devs questionable decisions. They've built plenty of assets and a really fun game. They just need to expand on the basics and stimulate the players reward centers a little better.

make my wife good
also remove the retarded " craft times " and stupid " you need 1000 fizzy widgets to craft 10 fuzzle wugums so you can craft 1 flabbergrabbler so you can finally craft a diddlycrapper "
Its retarded nonsense

Attached: hyldrin.png (753x690, 1.15M)

basically just exists to confuse new players and be non-intuitive.

Think of the other 90% of the playerbase who are too intimidated to be carried in a tridonhunt but still want dank farms.

It is hard to fix because they need to actually find a way to add meaningful endgame content and balance the late game around it

They should unironically bring back raids and just change the AW raid to something less retarded

Not only that the whales who have spent money on the game don't actually want that kind of content. They're perfectly happy with the way the game is right now.

Most of the crafting is fine. At least they're not doing what they did for some of those weapons before, the ones where you needed to craft something like 7-9 guns or something ridiculous to finally craft them into one final gun. The Akjagara was one of them if I recall correctly.

Hey, you know how endless mission has enemies that get stronger and stronger
But they don't drop better/more stuff and the rotation rewards are no different than aborting after 4 rotations?
They should probably do something about that because there's literally no reason to stay in missions for any length of time. Just do your AABC and fuck off

99% of the games problems boils down to Warframe becoming far too large for the current dev team to handle. They don't really have a big team and since the game relies upon a constant flow of updates these long ass content lulls leads to player unhappiness. They have a problem with devoting too much time into content that only has 1-2 weeks of sustainability.

>you need 1000 fizzy widgets to craft 10 fuzzle wugums so you can craft 1 flabbergrabbler so you can finally craft a diddlycrapper
>confuse new players and be non-intuitive
Are we playing the same game my dudes
You can probably count on your hands the shit that needs other craftable shit to be crafted and that exists in the early game.
Out of the early that number barely doubles.

I couldn't. DE would need to have quadruple its developers at minimum. Why, you ask?
The game is fucking code spaghetti. Nothing that they're making happen now was thought of initially.
There are a million old features and ideas that were "paved over" instead of being properly replaced.
Pretty much every single balance decision made since launch needs to be reflected on and re-evaluated.
The roadmap, though, would look something like this

The Great Rework:
> Go back through old code and write everything.
> Removed features have every reference to them scrubbed
> Create a framework for adding new basic features to things
> features not originally in the game aren't coded directly in, instead re-added through this method
> Laborious? Yes. Necessary? FUCK yes.

Aggro 2.0:
> Give enemies individual aggression, don't make them instantly alert everyone in the room subvocally as soon as one pixel of your hitbox enters their cone of view
> Give enemies target-dependent aggression, so you can get stealth kills on enemies who are shooting someone else
> Now you can actually use a stealth playstyle, no matter the mission

> Let players avoid damage via skill-based maneuvering
> Give enemies more obvious tells for when they'll attack
> Make enemies coordinate so you can more effectively predict movement and attacks
> Now tankframe cheese and massive resistances aren't mandatory

Why these specific things? Mostly because they're the biggest, most outstanding issues.
> Game is a bloated mess
> There are like two playstyles when you don't separate by the specific weapon you use to deal damage
> You can either take damage or use cover, forcing players towards retarded tank/gimmick strategies

Please don't lock meaningful content behind 60-round endless Defense. I tried that shit just to see if it was worth the Nigwave points, and it was the most boring thing I've done this year.

>Did they fix any of this since then? 'Cause it sounds like they balanced it around people who barely melee.
Not at all. the only news we've gotten since then about updating melee is that they're possibly maybe adding finishers to the game.

I meant more along the lines of "you chances of getting the rare stuff increases and common stuff decreases"
So, say, ou have a 1% chance of getting itemA your first rotation, it's 2% for your 2nd, 4% for your third rotation, 8% for your fourth, etc.
You know, give you some reasons to stay in longer because 8% is leagues better than 1%

Didn't they do this for some stuff? I thought they moved some stuff over so it goes AABC, then just stays with C rewards. Was I told incorrectly? Or is that just not most content?

rare prime parts were actually rare when void keys existed

Nope, that literally never happens. Either.

But how would I have gotten my inventory stacked like this if not for relics?!

Attached: 1536722328956.png (1259x882, 2.02M)

it happens but only on one game mode, I think it's arbitrations

With relics you get boosters at least. Its ridiculous how you get boosters for every relics while normal endless gets you fuck all, why would I run normal endless when relic endless gives parts, boosters and the usual rewards?

Haven't played since Plains, but

>>More enemy variety

>>Guns are useless when melee can do everything so much better

>>Drop rates too low for playing solo.

>The Great Rework:
A game like Warframe would be completely impossible if DE was this incompetent at coding, programmers are expected to reach a certain standard regardless of which area they work on, if something doesnt works its probably the lack of testing, and not expertise, if you really think this is somehow a problem then you are obviously assuming way too much about how the game works.
Hightly questionable my man, solutions have to be accounted for, analysis of viability is one of the first thing good programmers learn.
>Give enemies individual aggression, don't make them instantly alert everyone in the room
Gunshots have a noise flag, its even written on the gun stats and it applies to enemy weapons, that is what alerts entire rooms, assuming two enemies are sufficiently far away they wouldnt both be alerted unless the alarms were raised.
And if you werent a shitter who never saw true fast you'd know you can literally road runner through rooms without getting spotted most of the time.
> Give enemies target-dependent aggression, so you can get stealth kills on enemies who are shooting someone else
There are stealth multipliers and such even on alerted enemies, DE naturally nerfed them to the ground a long time ago. If you want finishers, then i could argue that finishers rely on enemies being completely unguarded and unalerted, but even then there are frames who can force finishers on alerted enemies. Your playstyle exists if you look for it.
All of this exists, its simply negated by aim scaling. And its perfectly understandable, at a certain level of difficulty, it's reasonable to expect players to come up with something brighter than roll spam. I'd argue the problem here is the speed at which dodging becomes non-viable.

>Mostly because they're the biggest, most outstanding issues.
Abso-fucking-lutely, most definitely and decidely, with no doubt in my mind fucking not.

Warframes are not built they are grown on top of cloned corpses of people the orokin wanted to torture.

Didnt want to imply anything but if you had the audacity to not even remotely mention late game then you are probably a gigantic star chart shitter. Try actually playing the fucking game.

>1 platinum has been deposited on your account

>Hell they even removed the raids from the game, because no one knew they were even present.

They removed raids because raids were absolute shit that even the devs couldn't bring themselfs to finish.

I never said the game was without problems
Im just pointing out a shitter who doesnt knows what he's talking about.

The issue isn't DE's competence, the issue is that the game has lasted for the better part of a decade and is several times larger than whatever its original roadmap was. The features currently being added as we speak are patch jobs at best, not because the devs can't do better, but because the devs didn't leave room to do better years prior. Nobody at DE could possibly have foreseen Warframe getting this fuckhuge.
> Hightly questionable my man, solutions have to be accounted for, analysis of viability is one of the first thing good programmers learn.
Not questionable. The game's a fucking bloated mess.
> Gunshots have a noise flag, its even written on the gun stats and it applies to enemy weapons,
Yeah, no. If one enemy sees me, another enemy with its back turned to me will no longer be eligible to stealth kill, before any shots are fired. You can't hide DE's shitty stealth code from me.
And the fact that alarms make it impossible to stealth enemies in any capacity is fucking nonsensical.
> you can literally road runner through rooms without getting spotted most of the time.
I know that, dipshit. It doesn't negate my point.
> There are stealth multipliers and such even on alerted enemies
The visible buff only applies to completely unalerted enemies. Fuck, these enemies can be alerted BY THE SHOT THAT KILLS THEM from a HITSTUN WEAPON and it still won't count. If I have 0% chance for an enemy to hear my shot, the stealth affinity bonus will apply about one third of the time, even if no enemies are alerted by my killshot.
> All of this exists, its simply negated by aim scaling.
No, dipshit. Enemies don't make it clear when they'll attack, all you can do if you're trying to use cover is pray that your next spot won't send you through five bullet streams.
> I'd argue the problem here is the speed at which dodging becomes non-viable.
Same here. When did I imply otherwise?

To finish off, you've clearly been in the endgame so long that you've developed myopia and can't see the value in anything that doesn't directly and obviously improve it.

First step:
Remove the fucking store entries when you’re equipping shit.

I don’t need to see that I could buy ack and brunt when I’m equipping a different melee weapon for the fucktillionth time. You have a store right in the front of the orbiter.

>remove armor scaling
No. Cap it to a sensible level and balance. Also, several warframes strip all armor with a #1.
>mod rebalance
No. Quicker and easier to modify enemies instead; especially so if you are going to re-work their AI.
>let me see what killed me
Unnecessary with other changes.
>end game mechanics
No. Your suggestion is just another Hell Mode.
>endless missions
No. Make the drop rates sensible or have a secondary manner to obtain them when poor luck attacks. (token system)
>nerf focus cost mods
>Tenno as ultimates
No. Keep the Tenno in their niche roll. We do not need more bloat when trying to fix balance. Nerf focus cost mods will be enough.
>remove flame/leech eximus
No. Adjust their spawn rates at most if your are re-working AI.
>dedicated servers or Queue As Host
Wishful thinking for first, completely reasonable suggestion for last.
>more Kela de Them
Yes/No. Depends completely on what an AI re-work accomplishes.
>enemies have to play by our rules
Yes. I universally agree this should be in every game.
No fragging yourself with self-damage is a skill.... and about as low hanging as it gets. If you can't manage that...
>melee 3.0
Yes/No. I would wait to see what the rest of the re-work brings first.
>swap speed and passive reload
Yes to the former, no to the latter. Passive reload for magazine fed weapons is stupid. Energy weapons? I could agree.
>diversify pets
Yes/No. Need AI re-work first.
>just clean the game up before more content bloat
Yes to the 3rd factor of yes.

They got rid of Quick Melee entirely now? Tell me i'm reading this wrong. That'd be fucking stupid.

I'm more impressed by the fact that they made such a huge map, and the bounties you can take don't even take you to maybe 1/3rd of it all. There's whole swathes of land out there that is virtually unused.

I quit playing when it became apparent that I couldn't just keep using Latron Prime indefinitely for every situation. It's been a while now.

I really fucking wish I was lying man. the rework made stanced fighting required now that you automatically equip your melee weapon when attacking

>using hands to shape butt
disgusting and ugly

There's no fixing warframe. Too much of the games problems are baked into the games fundamentals, not the least of which is the design philosophy.
"Bite sized content" + Grind is fucking stupid. Either give me the grind or give me the bite sized content but you know which one of these is going to see player retention so just fuck off with your bite sized content bullshit and give me decent rewards for the 20 minutes I wanna play.
So much shit in this game needs nerfing.
So much shit needs buffing.
And I ain't just talking about weapons. Arcane tox/slash resist? Fucking lol. Arcane "Your blue orb is now a completely full energy bar" on the other hand is uber powerful. I can run zero eff on most frames with 2 sets and never have to stop spamming skills.
Rivens need to be removed. DE was fucking stupid for implimenting them in the first place. Even if they were going to be balanced in the way they promised (what a fucking pipe dream) they would still never be actually fucking balanced because raw numbers don't make guns good, mechanics do. Slash guns are good because slash is good. Raw numbers on a slash gun will make a slash gun better than other slash guns, but the Boltor Prime will never fucking ever be better than the telos boltor because the telos has crits and crits give slash and the prime has no crits and no slash.
Basically every fucking damage type in this game that isn't Slash or some combination of Toxic is completely fucking useless because their effects do fuck-butt nothing.
There's no reason to repeat content once you've got thing because thing is literally the only thing that any given content has. Nidus piece from that jordas verdict air bubble mission, harrow from defection, etc, you get the point. If you want us to play these game types you need to give us a fucking reason. (please don't give us more reason to play defection, it's terrible. How did you not get the fucking memo that escort missions suck you dumb fucking idiots)

>remove/shorten build times
Yes. Drives off more players than it sells platinum, guaranteed without proof.
Supposed to be receiving significant changes during the Railjack expansion. Wait and see.... but it definitely needs to happen.
>blocking and gliding complaints
Yes. Limited in scope yes, but I agree. There should be a way to bind a block key and/or glide key for melee to cater to people who have lived with those options for years. This isn't about coptering which should never be brought back since it was clearly an unintended mechanic that has been replaced and simplified. This is about mechanics that all but disappeared, breaking some existing mod options in the process.
>remove "mandatory mods"
Yes. You do not have an option, additional base damage on every weapon goes in every. single. build. Likewise with vitality/redirection/vigor. These filler mods are completely unnecessary and limiting in an already limited mod budget.

And for my own:
>stop shutting off Warframe abilities / making them useless thru complete immunity
This isn't Call of Battlefield: Modern Fortnite. Partial resistance... decreased duration... animated nullifying abilities on cooldown... misdirection onto others... limited physical scope.... FFS anything but simply turning Warframe powers off save self-buff abilities that give rise to "just use Chroma" syndrome.

I’ll be honest, it didn’t go as poorly as you’d think. You can whip out your melee weapon just as fast as you would’ve quick melee’d before, so unless you’re using some plebeian weapon that had better quick melee than regular attacks, it’s an improvement.

Aren’t zaws the meta?

this, Nora Nig was the last straw

Melee attack range is the meta. Zaws can obtain immense melee range builds with damage edging out the non-Zaw options. Remove their range and the other options would come back into favor. Atterax disposition tells all.

>some plebeian weapon that had better quick melee than regular attacks
When I left that was true for basically everything except Greatswords and Hammers and Fists.

700+ login player here.

I felt like the game almost made sense when Plains of Eidolon was released. The story arc was cool, the level design was cool, fishing and mining was chill, eidolons were fun to fight and required some coordination.

The problem: it was too good for the rest of the game. The main story is garbage, the boss fights are laughable, and mission types are boring af.

If the game developed around Cetus, it would be in a better state than it is right now.


>haven't played in 2 years, considering picking it back up once I'm home from vacation
>read this thread
>don't want to jump back into the shithole anymore
thanks based anons, saved me a lot of time in the future

Please user reconsider, there is a 75% plat discount waiting for you!

... Warframe is in a state of flux right now with emanate major changes coming by the end of the year (so they say). If I wasn't actively playing right now I wouldn't join until Railjack, bare minimum.

Stopped playing when they started releasing content for those kid-pilots. No way in hell I'm grinding their ability trees.

Noob traps and MR grind.

its impossible to save - just move on
the DEvs are incompetent at gamedesign and on top of that became a hostage of the lazy casual playerbase they've cultivated - so any drastic change would be met with rejection, its too late

>>haven't played in 2 years
you can come back to check the open-worlds and few new quests, just be prepared to burn through them pretty quickly

Long LONG time player. Been playing since the very beginning.

You want ways to fix this game that they'll never do but should?

>no more rng for frame parts
This was always stupid and never needed to be a thing.
>no more 2+ days waiting for a frame to finish unless you spend plat
Again always stupid and never needed to be a thing.
>stop "reworking" aka NERFING every fucking frame for stupid reasons.
This is a fucking PVE game. Nobody fucking cares about the PVP. They just don't. Why the fuck is DE so worried about people making AFK builds? Who cares? Literally who cares? Stop gimping builds both on frames and on weapons for reasons that don't exist. If people want to practice autism inducing feats of afk farming let them. Who cares? The RNG is so against the player no amount of farming guarantees anything anyway so why the fuck does it matter if I can press 4 and then walk away? It doesn't and it never did. Why does it matter if a gun one shots everything on screen? It's co-op pve. Nobody fucking cares. You joined my mission and one shot everything? Cool, now I can literally walk straight to the exit.

>stop adding weapons that nobody will ever use with shitty gimmicks that nobody wanted

Thats how you could fix the game. They'll never do any of it.

It's amazing that for a bunch of so-called "veterans" you seem to have zero grasp on how armor works in Warframe and are running Meme Donation instead of Corrosive Projection. Literally the only aura worth jack shit apart from a few niche edge cases.

honestly I do enjoy the main story quests they're ok but the issue is a full year for one hour long little cinematic quest just isn't good enough. The Sacrifice and Fortuna were both awful updates that really showed the cracks in DE's update schedule.

and 90% of playerbase would throw a tantrum cause no one likes nerfs
this is not a viable solution, DE has to find ways to make gameplay fun and challenging with no nerfs - but they just can't
and they dont give a shit about vets and hardcore players, all the content has to cater to noobs and casuals - cause those are the paying customers!

Arcane energize is one of the reasons WF can be fun to play; nobody likes running out of energy because lmao leech eximus and dying because of an enemy they couldn't see, rivens do need to be completely removed.

have you played since 2016? there are so many ways to remove armor now that CP is irrelevant (especially for boss hunts)

>Don't sign in for 4 months
>Sign in to only see a 50% off plat discount
Given that I had nearly 4k raw plat and several thousand in prime parts I wouldn't buy it anyways, but I was disappointed all the same.

Big daddy Destiny is coming, Warframe is over.
You know what feels better than grinding for 12 hours to build a gun that takes a week to "build"? Picking it up off an enemy and using it.

Attached: 1553524417563.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Warframe got a surge of Destiny refugees after that game shat the bed.
you think Destiny 2 going F2P will bring in a share of Warframe refugees?

>Game should be about playing your fast robot w̶a̶i̶f̶u̶ ninja
>DE slows the gameplay down with every patch
Sounds about right.

>used to enjoy hearing corpus and grineer mooks grumbling on the comms on my ship
>it is now 90% nora night reciting bad poetry
>have to disable transmissions entirely to get rid of her

The only good thing Warframe ever had was fatframes

>you think Destiny 2 going F2P will bring in a share of Warframe refugees?
not only will it take a big share, the F2P version will include every single open world in the game and it wont gatekeep powerlevels if you don't have the story dlc.

also it's coming to steam, the #2 reason people didn't play Destiny 2 on PC (althought the numbers are actually higher than Warframe iirc) was because it was on that god awful launcher.

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Isn’t there a specific setting in the nightwave menu to turn her off?



Destiny 2 went or is going f2p


Destiny is fucking worse than Warframe

That's only for missions

both are fucking terrible.
one being worse than the other is irrelevant, it's like, would you rather play with solid shit or wet shit.

>spend 500 hours on a FREE game and comply for lack of content

how about just giving a reason to play the old content? make the wraith weapons as rewards on the kuva tileset, make the vandal weapons drop on gas tilesets. make new weapons WITH LITERALLY A DIFFERENT SKIN DIFFERENT STATS and put them in these tiles. plus i also like 's idea. How about reworking the dogshit augment mods to actually make the frames play differently. How about make the void dmg kids do is finisher. how about making one handed melee and one handed pistols equippable on the kids? Maybe I expect too much out of a game that is in beta at all times and is an indie company.

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Have they reworked Vauban yet?

the real question is will Helen be at TennoCon?

Look at everything DayBreak has done with Planetside 2 over the past 3-5 years and do the opposite

>he hasnt heard the news
Train Man bad

>make the wraith weapons as rewards on the kuva tileset, make the vandal weapons drop on gas tilesets.
and there goes 90% of the reason why people still play this stupid fucking game, grinding for gear is the only thing this game offers, making them so easily obtainable would ruin the game.
the fact that they stopped making event exlcusive weapons, well, exclusive to those events and brought them back was a huge fucking slap in the face to those people that were playing at the time of said events.

DE decided they're never touching Vauban because that one youtuber that keeps crying for a rework was mean to them


i respect the events and I understand your point. I was moreso wanting to convey to make more of these weapons and put them in these tiles. having a week to farm a shitty event for a crit hybrid gun that everyone will lust for during the week and forget about it just feels like bullshit. maybe another educated homo erectus can come up with a better idea.

but how bad?

It's really weird to me how as Warframe has gotten comfortable in its popularity, DE have literally become Bungie in their attitude and work ethic. The people defending the two games don't realize that they have exactly the same problems as each other.

Notably, both games have a tendency to introduce new content that's almost good, then abandon it the very next patch for the next new thing rather than improving or building upon it.

DE have very little endgame on Warframe, reason being is that bored playes are more likely to spend money on cosmetics.

It also makes them quit.

there should be a way to make old content be rewarding for newer players, when i first heard about Rivens and Kuva missions i thought DE was taking the good path.
but this is DE we are talking about, so they fucked it up completely.


You know, I really wanna think you're just pulling my leg, but back when I really played warframe DE already was a bunch of thin-skinned bitches

Stop pandering to fucking trannies and make warframes with big tits again.

gib mommy back

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They literally talked about trying to rework Vauban after Wukong in the latest devstreams, why do you believe everything you read on Yea Forums you retard

I unironically think Nightwave is the reason for the decline in player count. I can say from my own experience that I burned out so hard on Series 1 I dropped the game entirely the second I got my Umbral Forma, and I haven’t been back since except for like 1 hour to try out the Jovian Concord.

This is actually correct. They can try to add huge bullet sponges, but it won't solve the problem for veterans nor noobs.

Then you're unironically a retard. What "decline"?

Fuck space mom.
I love my space dad(s)

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Ordis is a bro, the dad is Simaris.

>Spend 500 hours playing a free game
>480 hours of that are grinding to actually enjoy 20
20 hours of a free game is still pretty good though, yeah.

I finally gave up playing this game just after Nightwave came out because of all the stupid bullshit DE has been pulling and the insufferable community. Have they added Zephyr Deluxe in yet, after like 5 years of being worked on?

1) You all want different solutions;
2) You all want different endgame or ways to add challenge;
3) You say that you hate the game after you spent 1000+ hours on it (a burnout after playing the same thing so much? Shocking!)
4) You only think about the situation of players like you, with primed mods, the best weapons & Monster builds, not thinking about the fresh MR0 dude.

I don't give a shit about hard content, that's not why I play this game. I love being a walking god of death and destruction.
What I hate is when DE gradually tries taking that shit away from me with bullshit like nerfs, or the stupid melee rework.

Is it finally dying? I quit 2 years ago after coming to the conclusion that the game will never be good. The devs will keep churning out new half baked broken content and increasing the grind to get you to spend money by nerfing everything fun into the ground. I will forever hate them for what they did to voids and trinity. Fuck DE.

Most Warframe players (aka tumblrtards) prefer stuffed animals, bobble-heads, and new potato hair instead of fixing the game and adding meaningful content. Hopefully this shit dies, because the fall began as soon as Second Dream was released

When they got rid of Draco that is when I quit. There was nothing as efficient for leveling your forma weapons. Everyone ran it and was having fun but what did DE decide to do?

Remove it and replace it with nothing but a more wide slow map where you couldn't even be in range of you team for the affinity bonus. They even said they would make something that was just as good as Draco but they lied. Anyone still playing that pile of shit deserves to be burned .

Save Warframe from what? DE managed to make this into the longest ARG in video game history. You fools.

Warframe isn't a "farming game", it's not a "horde shooter". Warframe was never meant to FEEL like a game and the fact that DE still keeps the charades alive after so long is truly amazing. Let me reveal the truth to you, poor unenlightened bastards.

>You started the game
>You go through missions to obtain resources to create stuff. The stuff you create, you level up.
>After you complete everything and get all the stuff you wanted, there is nothingness.
>The magic is that you are literally in the same place you started at once you reach "the end"
>You get more guns and frames to fight enemies that don't matter, for reasons no one cares about
>You farm resources and create new things to level them up to use them against nothing, because there is no challenge and challenge in the game consists of NUMBER GET BIGGER for both you and the enemies
>You get stuff for no reason, to fight nothing, to repeat a cycle of nothing and pointlessness
>You keep up with Warframe news and updates
>The updates change nothing, they fix nothing and will remain nothing more than superficial
>Nothing will ever change
>New frames and weapons will sit on your inventory collecting dust because they also mean nothing because there is nothing to use them on
>After you are done with the newest game mode, whatever that may be, you still get nothing
>You obtain new resources to make more meaningless skins acting as weapons or frames or companions

Warframe is not what you think it is. It is THE longest running ARG. What is it about? Nihilism. Warframe is a nihilism simulator. Prove me wrong. Nothing you do has any effect on anything, nothing changes, your equipment means nothing and mission types don't matter because the rewards can't be used in meaningful ways to reach any satisfying end. And that's the point. There is no end. It's just nothingness.

Buy plat.

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Can't you just solo those maps as Ivara or Equinox or some shit for perma affinity stealth bonus to quickly level weapons? I never got the hang of it myself, but I remember it being a thing back when I played.

The problem is that another dude will say "this game is doomed because there's too much powercreep" & will suggest ways to either nerf stuff or make sure cleaning one room with one key press isn't doable.
We might all see the same weak points (archwing,conclave,operators,non replayable quests,longer content draughts than before,microwaved "new" content,etc) but we all got different fixes for them.
If they implemented all the feedback they'd have an even bigger mess.
One thing is a constant though : they need to refine the old stuff more instead of going for the next shiny new thing (that might rot in a corner months after release).

>There was nothing as efficient for leveling your forma weapons.
What is Hydron?

Yes, spy & stealth are very effective for XP farming. The thing is, most players are just Rambo run&gun speedrunners so it is in conflict with the way they usually play. (Thats why joining a public spy goes South most of the time : most players rush them clueless & don't bother learning stealth/vaults)

What is meaningful content

DE have dug themselves into a hole too deep to get themselves out of.
90% of the Mods are useless in regular play.
Enemy and Armor Scaling is fucked hard.
The only way they can prolong missions is by just disabling every ability that keeps us alive and dealing damage.
However, if they spend time fixing all of these problems by tearing out and replacing the old systems then they won't have the resources to work on the new content which actually brings in player numbers and money.
This is why they're doing Railjack, they hope that a whole new progression system will distract players from the significant issues in the core gameplay loop, the problem is that relies on Railjack's gameplay being good and I just don't think they will pull off fun space battles.
Hell, they've struggled to pull off something as simple as a good boss fight in all the years the game has been out and they've only just gotten to something I would call 'alright' with the Rhopalolyst.

And on top of all of this, Warframe has horrendous spaghetti code, so fixing those problems would collectively generate years worth of bugs to fix.

burn it down systemically, take all the assets (including the old quests and operations that have never again see the light of day) to start over with stealth-emphasis gameplay and categorical merit/performance based rewards and a parametric scaling system with set target thresholds/tiers for enemy and player damage output + survivablity that doesn't just mindlessly go to [9999] along with enemy behavioral changes and scaling vs flat options relegating mods to be actual functional changes to how gear works while stat growth is baked into levels and MR in some way similar to current "mod capacity" and is configurable with assigned points to min/max at appropriate relative cost so there is a sense of player progression outside of maxing your Serration etc, then test all of these interactions at every possible level of gameplay and player-enemy disparity so that there are targeted desirable levels of difficulty

but it's too late for that, le(you) (mei)tu demand their profit so enjoy your 0.05% drop rate "merit-based reward" ephemera and not-battlepass nigwave system they can't even maintain while they keep breaking apart steve's FotM obsession into smaller chunks and water down new gimmicks nobody wanted into a steady dripfeed of content as the creative flames slowly die down

at least the movement still feels good

>Play 30 hours a day to do everything in a month
>Play 30*30=900 hours which is basically 1000 hours
>"LOL u dont need 1000 hours u only need month"
This is how retarded you sound

I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle, and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him

Attached: steve sinclair creative director.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>Play 30 hours a day to do everything in a month
>30 hours a day
user, do you know how many hours there are in a single day?
and how much time of that day humans require for sleep?