It changed to a fake small ball!

It changed to a fake small ball!

Is this hint? If so, who is he hinting toward?

Attached: file.png (829x432, 565K)


It means that every leak has been fake

He's in

Attached: 1544857389185.png (196x384, 64K)

Leaks were all fake, real newcomers are 4 generic mooks from Fire Emblem.

Fuck. I didn't think of that.

The entirety of Erdrick's support base consists solely of fake fans.

It's Shang Tsung.

He is hinting to the most based alt costume ever that the newcomer will have.

Attached: tumblr_osggorOqic1sqlozao1_400.png (330x305, 31K)

It means there's no announcement today.

it could mean that he's lying about something
maybe that there's more than 1 character or that news will come earlier (Banjo at Microsoft, Doomguy at Bethesda, whatever crazy shit)
or he's just being a goof
probably just being a goof

I love sakurai

Everyone thought that their favorite 3d platformer would rise from the dead. Not necessarily true, as two 3d platformers are going to come back.

They're in

Attached: 3368277-jak.png (1920x1920, 1.46M)


the faker himself

Attached: 1541256911064.jpg (1262x2295, 225K)

Todd Howard


Newcomers are Scorpion, Crash, Lara Croft, Master Chief

It's gotta be Sudowoodo

Fake Smash Ball is the Smash logo inverted.
Who has an inverted symbol?
Waluigi Time

>Who has an inverted symbol?

Attached: adolf_hitler.jpg (560x381, 142K)

All the data for the smash fighter was code named "Brave" Sakurai even dropped hints on it being related to DQ on his insta. "It turned into a fake smash ball" it was all a ruse everything is pointing to Banjo.

Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here