I don't know who Ashley is...

I don't know who Ashley is, but I hope she gets announced as new DLC just to spite the Gatornigger fanboy faggots that continually seethe at me calling out their shit taste saying "y-you must like Ashley!"

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

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K. Rool thread?

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I remember when I was as underage and obnoxious as you OP. I also just as stupid.

Says the Gatornigger fanboy

>Still seething 10 months later,
Feels good to win

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>after seething to nintendo for YEARS over your shitty literal who fatso not beng in it

You only need to win once.

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What I love about OP's posting of this thread every once in a while is how SEETHINGLY ANGRY those G A T O R N I G G E R S get

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M-may I touch it

You like Krabby Patties dontcha Squidward???!!!


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>being so cucked you want to pay even more money for ashley

k rool came into my life AFTER my parents divorced, thank you very much

mom bribed me with a GBA SP and DKC to take a 14 hour road trip to the midwest to meet her abusive boyfriend's new family and i hid in a corner for four days playing the game while my mom and he got drunk and ran off different places

Still salty my friend? Dont worry, only 4 more years now until the next smash! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

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Literally nobody talks about him anymore

i don't give a neek's ass if your loli witch gets in or not, we already got our kroc and we didn't even have to pay for him

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¿Te diviertes con el suave vaiven de MIS BOOOLAAS?

>the main villain of the donkey kong franchise
>nobody cares
big stupid.
Also ashley is a shitty minor character in a spin off minigame collection. Also she's already an assist trophy. seethe harder