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is this sneed?
or is it
I dont get it
He didnt speak German in the originals
The first game is also all about America's fear of the USSR
if it was a russian track or something it'd make sense, sort of.
it's a german track for what? because it sounds angry? dumb.
Excuse me but it is ICH VILL
It's because it's cool, that's all, retard
The lyrics make sense for the video
>THQ Nordic
crypto, his saucer and pox end up in the setting/world of the last game you played, what happens?
German developers for the remake
The actual song is about mind control
Makes sense
I'd imagine some good bants between him and certain heroes.
I see you didn't get my joke.
No I didn't.
The C and V on your keyboard faded? Just curious
Medieval Europe has a huge spike in ruined towns and UFO sightings.
That would be one hell of a cross promotion.
Germans pronounce their w as a v
Since it's a remake and not a remaster, I hope they make the gun play and mechanics like how they felt in 2.
Your "joke" sucks.
Ah, I never said it was a good joke.
It'd work better for TF2 I'd imagine
>Pyro Lightning gun and silhouette item set
>Demoman Ion detonator
>Pox item set for medic
no, but the A and S keys are for some reason.
I could also see some of the classes in majestic uniforms with majestic themed weapons.
Quick tip: during the days of the USSR, "USSR" included East Germany.
I didnt want to think they'd do it but THQnordic has already messed up. Cryptos eyes ARE NOT RED! They are RED in the later games but in Destroy All Humans! 1 they are BLACK. The original is pure soul while the new one looks TERRIBLE. Wtf THQ? Fix your shit or quit.
>The original is pure soul while the new one looks TERRIBLE
Are you being hyperbolic or do you actually believe that it looks terrible?
In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something?
>being this nitpicky
>Rising Storm 2
>SAMs, Nukes and Gooks and alien spooks
This gonna be good.
Judging by the DAH games, Furon ships are wet paper when subjected to SAMs
i hope some one gets fired for that blunder
Listen to the lyrics, numb nuts
>Cryptos eyes ARE NOT RED!
You sound like a sonicfag
>Rammstein...now THAT was a band *sips*
>Super Smash Bros Ultimate
I want Crypto as a fighter now
They're still performing.
They talked about how they instead on improving Crypto's mobility.
They're absolutely going to have to. I can almost remember how badly Crypto used to move, though it was acceptable for time period when the game came out.
What is there to get? The devs are german or some shit and the song is about mind control.
>It's a Nazi Zombies music video episode.
>Super Smash Bros Ultimate
>I want Crypto as a fighter now
Imagine the palutena guidance on Crypto.
that cg trailer felt like it came out of the 2000s, in a good way
i think they're gonna get the humour right
they announced their retirement
Where? The only thing I'm really finding from a cursory search is that they'll be touring for the next 3-4 years. This was said in an interview in January.
It's funny, in any other alien invasion medium the Blisk would be the big bad aliens, but they are just giant crabs that got their ass kicked by the Furons which are just little grey men with hand held nuclear devices admittedly
Dick jokes and disdain for humanity is all I ask for
Not him, but I've found conflicting reports on whether Till is retiring after the current tour is over. Some sites are saying it will happen, another says that the rumor was confirmed false.
Well they ARE reusing the old audio.
They just released a new single in may.
sneed is the pickle rick of Yea Forums memes
Exchanges some bantz with Lambert, tries to nail Yen, and cleans up every monster contract easy with that saucer and advanced weaponry.
calm down chris, dont tear down any gamestop stands now.
It's basically just Destroy All Humans 2 then.
>they made crypto black
those kikes!
Remake when?
>Cryptos eyes ARE NOT RED! They are RED in the later games but in Destroy All Humans! 1 they are BLACK.
lmfao, are you autistic by any chance?
ICH WILL be a fun game haha
The new one looks terrible. Like a ratchet and clank game.
Can't speak German and I don't feel like looking up a translation so I'm just gonna take your word for it.
>(I want) I want that you trust me
>(I want) I want that you trust me
>(I want I want) I want to feel your glances
>(I want) to control every heartbeat
>[(I want) I want to hear your voices
>(I want) I want the peace disturbed
>(I want) I want that you to watch me carefully
>(I want) I want that you understand me
looks like shit cryptos eye are supposed to be black
>STILL whinning about the eyes of all things.
holy shit you are pathetic