>Just one
I’m hoping we get another revealed as a surprise
I can’t take it Banjobros
Its over for you banjocucks. One fighter mean its obviously Erdrick
*AHEM* FUCK rosterfags and FUCK nostalgiafags
>we do have one more thing...
How long do they plan on dragging this out?
three days
>makes a fun lighthearted party game
>dumb gaijins take it as competitive fighting game and have shitflinging contests about the next DLC character
I seriously hope all characterfags get BTFO'd on Tuesday
>"Who or WHAT"
100% everyone's getting BTFO.
Nobody will be happy except like one guy.
That one guy who was like
>Fuck I wanted Cackletta this whole time
>My never ever is that blue wasp badnik from Sonic 2
Fake Smash ball = Fake Crash
Crash is confirmed lads
>people literally thinking we'll get TWO reveals
be happy with your ONE Dragon Quest rep.
The longer we wait, the sweeter our reward Banjobros
And the glacial pace of the fighter pass continues to plod onward towards February.
Look at that smile. That’s either the insidious smile of a genius or the facade of a man on the verge of a mental breakdown
>ONE character
>chance we're just getting a boring fucker like DQ Man and not even a tease at what's next
god just kill me.
Fakest smile ever
I mean how long are they gonna drag out the announcements for all the characters for the pass. Time is getting short and they’ve only announced one character.
>Time is getting short
We have almost 9 months until the end of February 2020.
just wait for the Microsoft conference
then we can have our souls 100% crushed when there's nothing about Banjo besides "hey, you can buy a little phone holder of him and Kazooie now"
Every E3 with smash present has had at least 2 reveals
What if they take so long to announce the next fighter because the next fighter is part of a game (maybe even IP) that is only going to be announced at the Direct?
Such as the new IP that Retro Studios is working on...
>tfw Chugga started a Lets Play of Chrono Trigger today, and so close to the Nintendo direct
What did he mean by this?
and 4 characters before the deadline, with 6 months between jokers announcement and release.
Sakurai is being slow as fuck and theres no way he will met that deadline properly, and not only that, we HAVE to tolerate rosterfags and suffer not being able to enjoy Yea Forums until all 5 DLCs are revealed and sakurai confirms theres not gonna be a FP2.
Erdrickfags are so fucking stupid. DQ is not that popular in the US. E3 is an AMERICAN event and the biggest gaming expo in the world. You'd have to be a complete retard to think they'd waste this opportunity by revealing some anime sword character who's fanbase is not even at the fucking event. You want to generate world wide hype if possible.
just shut the fuck up, you will NEVER guess who will be the character, its gonna be who Sakurai decided will be, for better or worse, so stop assuming shit and ruining this board!
>whaaaa stop sayin things i dont liek!!
YES! Stop saying things like that! and wait for the Direct!
>I'm hard at work on the Downloadable Content
Thanks treehouse
It's time
I wish I could shoot all rosterfags in the head. You are beyond pathetic, and I will die laughing when your shitty characters never make it in.
Is this seriously a treehouse translation fuckup?
I wouldn't be surprised but I'm still expecting only one announcement given the slow pace of information.
I don't think it'll just be one... I really believe it will be two.
Plurals basically don't exist in japanese, so treehouse just did whatever as usual. Hell, if you want to be picky, even with the translation being taken at face value he never said there'd only be one reveal, he said he's working on the next one right now. They've all been decided, he can announce how many ever of them he wants, he's not restricted to just ones that have work put into them already. After all, joker was announced before he was touched by the team at all.
Hope this shit is true, 8-bit Mario sounds based
You guys have no idea
Orinstein is going to be the next fighter
>dark souls is one of the most influential games not in smash yet
>is japanese and we know a majority of smash characters have japanese origins
>orinstein is in all three games in boss battles. One of the only characters in every souls game.
>boss fight in 1 is one of the most talked about and inspirational
>boss fight in 2 is kino with only abandoned armor.
>boss fight in 3 is when he turns into a dragon and fights with the nameless king (look at the lore it happens)
>darks souls 1 is on the switch already with maybe more games planned.
Just accept it anons. He is the best choice.
i hope these fake leakers rot in the deepest of hells. lies should not be tolerated... EVER!