I love this game so much.
It's not as grandiose or "interesting" as the other JRPGs of its time. But I think that's a good thing. It's understated. It's sincere. It tells its story without any pretension. It's a pure and beautiful game about hardship, remembering the past and building a better future.
I also love the 90s Squaresoft games and I'm not trying to disparage them, just say what I love about DQV
I love this game so much
Other urls found in this thread:
Personally I like 4 more
Unironically the greatest JRPG of all time.
I wish they would remake it so more people in the west would play it.
I haven't played IV yet. I will after I get done playing V. Then after IV I'll play VI.
As of now I've played I, III, V, VII, VIII, IX, and XI
The ranking is V > III > VIII > IX >>>>> VII
I didn't like VII, grinding for job levels is a lot less fun than killing metal slimes
Can't really rank I, can't say I enjoyed it but it was interesting at least
Meant to say replaying V. I played the SNES version a while back and I'm replaying it on the DS.
maybe this thread will gain traction if i start a waifu war
Bianca is canon and best
Square had nothing to do with DQ5.
Yeah I know but the grandiose games I was talking about were mainly Squaresoft games
What's the best version of dq 5 to play?
Or mobile. I think it's a direct port of the DS version.
PS2 also works but DS is better for a couple reasons
>Better graphics
>Third waifu
>More catchable monsters
>Maybe better translation depending on your tastes
By that last point, I mean that the fan translation is different than the official one. The fan translation is more accurate but the official has more flavor. Both are great so it's up to preference.
PS2 version's graphics look fucking cheap and weird
PS2's biggest advantage is the orchestrated soundtrack, but I don't think that outweighs the DS version's benefits
Just dropping by to say that Dragon Quest 9 is still the best Dragon Quest
eat my ass it totally is
Best gameplay definitely, by fucking far
The post-game legacy bosses are great
There's tons of strategy required
However, I think the story is a bit weak
10 is 9 but actually multiplayer and just better.
I recently beat 6 and I loved the initial concept of 2 worlds, but in the long run it became really annoying to constantly navigate both when trying to continue the story. I've beaten 1-6 and found 6s final boss to be the hardest so far, just because his hands can revive each other, if you get unlucky it'll just survive forever.
Why do ppl like 3 but seem to hate 9? 9 is just modern 3 (making your own party instead of having preset ones)
Are the mobile ports pretty good? I see they have almost all of the games there.
Debora is best girl
the others are whores who would marry someone else
III is the SNES version but without Pachisi, so not definitive. Play the fan translated SNES version. Pachisi is fun.
IV is definitive since it has the party chat missing from the DS version
V-VI are just the DS version so they're fine
VII isn't ported for some reason
But VIII is, and play the fucking 3DS version
Honestly, the mobile ports are all fine. The ability to play a little bit at a time on the go is good and really suits these older jrpgs. They are just fully working ports of the DS remakes.
Graphics aren't hideous like Final Fantasy mobile ports.
This, everyone else gets hitched, Deb remains celibate.
Just because she doesn't get married doesn't mean she's not a whore who fucks old men for money and jewelry
Honestly yes. As a huge Dq fan that's played everything on everything multiple times, the mobile ports are often the best ports. Some will tell you the original graphics are better and the translation for 4 is a bit off at small points but otherwise they're your best bet.
I know story's not a big deal in these games but just going by descriptions/summaries 9 sounds like some Final Fantasy type stuff
>It tells its story without any pretension.
this is one of dragon quest's best and least-discussed characteristics
yeah because no one wants her mean ol ass
>who fucks old men for money and jewelry
Lmao why would she went her dad is the richest mofo around?
>VII isn't ported for some reason
It is. Only in Japan. youtu.be
And yes the dl link is legit.
It's sad that its been nearly thirty years and there's barely a handful of games like it
I want more stories that span generations (simulators don't count)
Wife X Kon
It actually is more interesting because it is one of the few Dragon Quests that actually tried to do something different. The protagonist isn't actually the hero, he gets a wife, he has an actual tragic story, he catches and trains monsters, etc. None of this was very common back then
How come the West never got a DQ3 remake like Japan? I have 4 and 5, but not that one to complete the trilogy.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War is an obvious one
Very good game too
But the trilogies are 1-3 and 4-6.
user 4-5-6 form a trilogy, not 3-4-5
3's in a trilogy with 1 and 2
Do people only not like 6 because of the sad ending? Or is it because it took out the monster catching that 5 had?
Oh shit that's right. Thanks.
I just don't like 6 and 7's job system
The idea is great but it just takes too long to level up
People don't like it because it's bland, the story isn't that great, and the "romance" comes out of nowhere. Also it's class system is nice, but it's done better in 7.
It’s amazing how well the game holds up. Even with how archaic the story presentation can be, it’s so endearing that it doesn’t matter.
I also grew to love how sincere and intimate it is, it’s really a fresh of breath air from 90% of anime/vidya plots. I absolutely adore the first disc of FFIX for similar reasons.
Rance X
Nostalgiafags: the thread
Most people in this thread have probably only played the DS version though (which is fine)