Games with god tier combat.
Games with god tier combat
>slash slash
>slash slash
>slash slash
>slash slash
Minecraft (pre 1.9)
find me ONE game where you don't repeat a few moves over and over again. I'll wait
most hack and slash games if you're not a cuck
dmc comes to mind since you're literally encouraged to mix up your attacks and change your approaches to each combat scenario
DMC series where you literally rewarded by the game design to mix your moves as much as possible and not spam one move ad nauseam
>find me ONE game where you don't repeat a few moves over and over again
>most hack and slash games
Enemies in dmc are not a threat unlike Sekiro where they will fuck you up.
>inb4 play hardest difficulty
Increasing damage and health does not make the game better.
just what I had in mind
thats not what you asked, quit changing goalposts
>Nioh has great combat
>the rest of the game blows
Hack n slash games are fucking cancer
>enemies in DMC will fuck you up in later difficulties, therefore making them a threat
>n-no that doesn't count
Not Soulshit. Play action games like NG, DMC, MGR, and Bayonetta.
god I hate soulsfags
whole game can be played doing 3-4 moves. next
I love how a mere mention of DMC fucks sekirofags up, it's like deeply ingrained inferiority complex or something
by the way enemies in sekiro do not posses a threat either
Someone post the sped up webm of him parrying a general to death
Oh I love games that are made for braindead children
>God-tier combat
>he posts Monk
Git gud.
>bb-but it doesn't count unless you play on specific hard mode.
dmc fags are sad creatures
see sekiro literally has 1 weapon with 2 moves
dmc5 has 8 weapons (spread across 3 characters) all with different moves
And Sekiro actually tests your abilities.
Guitar Hero is a better action series than Sekiro
Ninja Gaiden alone is better than every single Souls trash game.
and sekiro can be played doing only parry and attack (2)
Ninja Gaiden is very different from DMC and Bayonetta.
its as if you've only played 5, the one that is literally built for players to get into
either that or you havent played any of them and you're using the one thing that souls games have as an argument, difficulty that can easily be worked around if you know what you're doing
doesnt matter. if you are gunna completely ignore the prosthetics impact towards gameplay, then i;ll ignore the other 8 weapons that dont even need to be used. whole game can be beat using default weapon.
DMC is very different from Bayonetta. What's your point?
I've played 1, 3, 5. None of them are actually difficult.
Phantom Momokun Summoned
in awe at the size of this lad
yet the parry and attack system itself has more depth than muhh cuhrazy button mashing combos
>name one
>says just most hack and slash games
You never played even one.
No both DMC and Bayonetta are mindless.
how did your posture not get depleted?
>another Souls vs DMC vs NG vs Bayo episode
can you /cgg/ niggers fuck off already?
Monster Hunter is better than any From Software games lmao
come back to me after you beat Disufroa or Shantien nerd
>git gud
>stands still and drinks potions
Ok retard.
These bosses are From at their very best, and the rest isn't that bad either.
Dark Souls/Bloodborne can't compete boss-wise, but they have strengths in other departments.
Your posture doesn't get depleted as long as you get your parries right.
why are you still replying though? you've already btfo yourself
dmc games only become challenging if you play them on specific modes designed to gimp you by raising artificial difficulty.
1 actually is, but I agree that the rest aren't.
Souls games are garbage and they aren't even fit to be in the same conversation as those other games. It's baffling how up their own ass Soulsfags are despite their games being entry level "action" games.
yes I know what people here think of the combat in these games, but if you experiment with the moves, you can actually do some cool stuff
except DMD difficulty really does mean enemies will attack more frequently, lower difficulties they can kind of just stand around for long periods
I will admit DMC has a problem where you have to play through a couple of times to unlock higher difficulties AND all the moves, but higher difficulties really do come with more active enemies, not just higher damage
well, except with bosses, bosses seem pretty similar IMO
please enlighten me as to how the prosthetic arm modifies the gameplay so much to the point where it can replace other weapons that all have different movesets
neither is a single souls game yet you people parade around those like they're god damn amazing
did you stop reading there? i literally pointed out a specific game literally the next fucking line
>it's yet another souls shitflinging thread
God damnit OP you could've posted god hand webms or literally ANY OTHER GAME
Actionfags are insufferable. I know it might blow your double digit IQ minds, but complex combat is not the end-all be-all of a videogame. Not like that matters, because if you faggots actually practiced what you preached, you'd be playing nothing but Fighting Games instead of reposting the same 3 webms of combo simulators.
This to be honest fampai.
>neither is a single souls game yet you people parade around those like they're god damn amazing
who the fuck are you talking about because I've never said they're super difficult
Sekiro != Souls
Agreed. The fucking ape was gold. I expected 2 phases but the last animal "boss" I fought was only one so I was like whatever. When that fucker stood back up it was horrifying
>multi-phase boss fights
why has Miyazaki become obsessed with the idea of to turning one boss fight into multiple consecutive ones? Ever since DS3 almost every From boss has been multi-phase
Nigga the only games I play are actual action games and fighting games. Legitimately git gud and fuck off with your garbage ass rolling simulator.
Is there any game with better combat than God Hand? Not saying there isn't, but if there is I'd love to play it. Playing it for the first time, I love Souls, Sekiro, and DMC, but this is on another level
Actionchads are unironically the highest IQ breed of gamer.
Because it's hype
It's a better system than sponges
Oh look, it's an Oriental Champion Gundyr, how boring
unless i havent been talking to the same person throughout this chain of replies, if thats the case then i apologize as im getting you all mixed up
No, since Bloodborne. And it's seeping into other games, too. It's annoying and almost predictable now.
>get dmc5
>forced to play nornal mode before hard
>normal mode is a mindless button masher
Get fucked retard, your idiotic "omg so deep and emotional UwU" walking simulators are fucking garbage and a cancer on this hobby.
Even if you remove dodging, shinobi prosthetics, all items, ninjutsu and special abilities, just with attack and parry alone the game has more depth and challenge than dmc.
Sekiro probably has the best combat system of the last 5-10 years. I wish there was a contender, I truly do.
Sekiro has pretty good core combat but it's limited by only allowing one combat art to be equipped at any time and the game doesn't really reward anything other than spamming r1 and the parry button. More equip-able combat arts + less focus on just parry spamming to break posture would make it a lot better. You have to go out of your way to do cool looking stuff and its never as viable as just parrying all the time since the damage output is pretty shit and it uses spirit emblems too quickly.
I didn't enjoy Sekiro's combat, but I got Bloodborne about a week ago and I'm already almost done with my second play through, very fun game.
So fucking stupid. SoS was a perfect normal mode
>Increasing damage and health does not make the game better.
And yet you argue for Sekiro where the entire difficulty comes from damage and health. Also, the difficulty of Sekiro is a main restrictor of what you can do, so arguing for the difficulty is arguing against NOT spamming the same moves over and over.
t. didn't even play the game
What's wrong with that?
Ah, when Bungie was still full on Weeaboo.
Brings a tear to my eye really.
I enjoyed 1 and 2 way more than I thought it would. Always thought the series was just gay weeb shit
That's good enemy design though. It makes sense that a boss would be become more aggressive the closer it is to dying. Kinda makes me wish the monsters in MH would adopt that isort of dea whenever they enter rage mode.
actually deflecting and countering requires way more skill skill and mastery due to bosses having erratic attack patterns, timing, and delay compared to dmc5 default mode which is a total mindless button masher
>b-b-ut user you gotta play it on THIS mode for it to count
You mean the one where you literally just press two buttons? Yeah, sure retard. Still waiting on the plethora of games that have better combat which you conveniently failed to mention.
Sekiro tests your memorization, that's what I understood when I finally fought Demon of Hatred and Sword Saint Isshin. Every time you fight new enemies in Sekiro, you notice more and more how you haven't improved at all over time as a player, you just memorized the same enemies more and more, because the new ones always fuck you up, and it's because of the way the combat is built coupled with the damage and health values. So no, it doesn't test your abilities, because your abilities don't need to get better over time to beat Sekiro, you just need to memorize the same individual enemies more and more.
Having a blast with this
this is the dumbest shit ive ever heard
Is 1 and 2 on vita or switch? Never played the series but it looks like what ffxv could have been
>claims there's no variety
>webm uses multiple skills and tools
How come only single digit iq tards complain about Sekiro being boring... oh yeah, they've never managed to get past chained ogre. that explains it perfectly.
>Sekiro tests your memorization
>because your abilities don't need to get better over time to beat Sekiro
Did you forget some bing bing in your post?
>What's wrong with that?
it's no longer exciting when it becomes predictable. It also feels lazy because every fight ends up seeming similarly designed. I suppose this design choice is the ultimate consequence of including loads of combat-focused bosses: maybe if there were more gimmick/puzzle bosses the problem might be alleviated somewhat
>no counter argument
There is zero room to do anything else in Sekiro than what you're supposed to do, therefore there is barely any difference between someone who mastered the combat and a new player who just finished the game. Because in both cases, you're meant to "master the combat" (in other words, master each individual enemy) in order to beat the game, but it's not like a pro player would use different ways to beat a boss.
Name me one thing that you're doing at the end of the game that you've not done at the beginning that is 1. Not Mikiri and 2. ACTUALLY harder to do than in the beginning.
idk. I emulated
Keep reading.
I will never understand the people who argue for more puzzle bosses. If anything puzzle bosses are even lazier design that are more predictable than anything else, especially since once you figure out the gimmick or method the boss will never pose an interesting challenge again
Monkies and divine dragon are plenty for one game and I didn't even like those anyway
>all this iq shitposting as if you need any semblance of intelligence to play Dark fucking Souls
Hilarious shit.
go watch many players on youtube fighting bosses and you will see they all play it differently. If you think, its all the same because the game is based on using mikiri, delfect, attack, then you 100% did not play the game and instead watched a few videos on youtube.
>Play action games like NG, DMC, MGR, and Bayonetta.
Really? I love MGR but that games genius is in the presentation, not the gameplay. You can S rank every mission by just pressing up+square repeatedly. It's not nearly as deep as the others on your list.
Miyazaki straight up ripped off of MH for Dark Souls
Enemies are by design unable to do shit to you in DMC period, difficutly doesn't matter. Bosses maybe.
>DS but you're forced to take Dex builds and told when to parry
Looks like shit
>L1, L1, L1, L1
Good ass game. Worst combat system in any from game.
People like puzzle bosses because they're a change of pace and not just the same repetitive spamrollspamR1 base gameplay of Souls. Personally, I prefer inbetweens like the DaS1 bosses, where there is a puzzle element but you're still meant to use your basic combat tools to make them work and not just using very specific methods of winning that doesn't make you use your movesets.
The difference is that those who play differently, excluding anything that adds ontop like using sugars and divine confetti, lose. Unless it's the firecrackers, then it doesn't matter.
hey user, can i play these difficulties in Dmc-5 unless i beat the game on button mashing easy mode difficulty first?
did you even try other prosthetics? The axe can obliterate the posture of even Isshin. Lilacs umbrella and spear can trivialize guardian ape's second phase, but then using mist raven can also be used very effectively. Did you actually play the game
Monster hunter sucks fat load dude
So says who? You, A fat loser?
I would be okay with puzzle bosses if From were actually able to do them in any capacity. The core of the issue is that DS/Sekiro are not Zelda games. They are combat-focused games and are not designed for environmental or prop interactions with your tools. (Grapple in Sekiro is a noteworthy exception)
The only "puzzle" bosses in das1 are Bed of Chaos (absolutely horrible), Iron Golem (ok, but gimmick not required), centipede demon (gimmick not required but still a shitty fight), and Seath if you count turning around and hitting the crystal as a "puzzle".
Divine Dragon is just a setpiece and doesn't require any real thought or "puzzle" to solve. Four monkeys was just.... fine to me but it did represent an effort to have the player take advantage of the environment to overcome the boss so it's a step forward I suppose.
>games have a core gameplay loop
You don't say
says the Soulsbab lmao
Probably controversial but I fucking love this game’s battle system.
Sure you can! All you have to do is beat the prologue boss to prove you're good enough for the higher difficulties.
If you have to invent your own fun it's probably not that fun. 90% of these flashy Sekiro webms are highly orchestrated sequences and objectively worse approaches to combat than just mashing r1, which is the exact opposite of what an in-depth combat system should incentivize.
Dragons Dogma's combat is better than any Soulsborne
I've finished Sekiro at least 5 times now and I still don't know how the monkey puzzle works. I just run behind them till I get lucky.
No souls boss even comes CLOSE to this
You can ring the gong to stun green monky when he's standing right in front of it. You can engage purple monky in the dark room so he doesn't see you coming. There are doors you can open for wind. I forgot what the wind does.
i can agree with that
tried to play dark souls and bloodborne but they seemed too slow and clunky
his was the perfect amount of speed and dificulty to keep me busy for a month
>they'll never go back to this
>instead they'll keep regurgitating the same souls game over and over with a different look
>faggots will keep eating it up
>Souls games have shit comba-
You could have skipped Devil Hunter entirely if you beat Urizen in the prologue.
meme sword has so many fights you can do this with, it's great
>souls shit
>not brain dead
Reminder that Demons is the only good game they made
You pressed l1 instead of r1?
dodging, rolling and weaving around enemies, disarming them and using their weapons against them was a blast.
Furi > Sekiro
Have a (you)
>hit once
dark souls """combat""" lmao
come back when the game has a real movelist that rewards creativity and aggression and not simply reacting to obvious telegraphs and punishing
>b-b-b-but bloodborne!!!!!
bumping because I want to see this thread become even more of a shitstorm
it's really weird to me when souls people talk about blooborne as if it radically different combat from the dark souls games
it's like they're operating with a completely different idea of what makes up the combat in a game, i've seen people suggesting bloodborne has deep combat because all the weapons have large movelists for example, but this is intuitively wrong even on a surface level (how many of these moves do you actually use when playing the game?)
>it's really weird to me when souls people talk about blooborne as if it radically different combat from the dark souls games
No one does this.
>too much vit
>kindled bonfire
Imagine choosing a single series and not having finished all of them. Pathetic.
Unironically have seen a redditor do this
>Does one attack in the entire webm
How was this supposed to be impressive
it's a widely held opinion, people even used to get upset at the phrase "soulsborne" because it implied that bloodborne was a souls game
>but complex combat is not the end-all be-all of a videogame
Imagine believing this
Not controversial, at least from what I've seen here.
It's a fucking travesty that the remakes (mobile ports) couldn't bring it back.
I think it's the part where the attack doubled as a dodge because he got too low to the ground to be hit. Also, combat isn't just about attacking.
pic not related.
this the game gets boring before the first playthrough even ends.
I would say DMC but it feels kinda autistic like you care about you than your enemies, except on hard bosses on DMD
Its an autism simulador, but pretty fun while at it
not shown.
pausing the game to switch combat arts because this games systems are fucking bland garbage.
I agree. TWEWY’s dual screen combat was fucking amazing and it’s a shame that we’ll never experience something like that again.
sekiro is just an easier more limited version of the royal guard mechanic a small part of DMC.
never realized how badly i wanted an Oni remaster. nice play user, not spamming the same combo over and over again
My favorite game of all time. For me, it's the Tonfa.
>s-souls is b-bad because it became normie-tier and i must be a contrarian
Souls combat was never deep. It gets the job done, but it is certainly not complex
This but unironically.
Oni fucking sucks
I love souls but the combat is ass compared to DMC
What game?
pic unrelated
>because the new ones always fuck you up
There have been several bosses in the game I've beaten on my first try.
Jedi Outcast/Academy multiplayer
I'm sure you had a point to prove.
I think the problem is that NO ONE is asking for these 'gimmick' fights. I would have no problem with a fight that you can fight normally or use your head to figure out a way to easily beat, but bosses like Divine Dragon are just annoying. Their games selling point is combat intensive boss battles. No one even wants these things, let alone enjoys them.
monk is my favorite boss in the game, such a joy to parry
No it doesn't as long as timing and positioning matters.
The first move is a prosthetic move, you brainlet, not a combat art.
>play FPS game
>move cursor onto enemy
>click until its dead
>move cursor to next enemy
>click until it is dead
In glad Miyazaki addressed the elephant in the room that is the mediocre souls combat. Sekiro is far from perfect though, they need to improve it further, make it a spin off action series like Nioh and expand the combat options, combat arts are an incredibly restrictive option and barely combo with your basic moves
This middle ground between soulsborne and pure action only hurts the game for both fanbases. Either go full crazy or go back to Arpg + multiplayer
You say that in defense of a game who's entire difficulty stems from dying in 2-3 hits.
Grandma Butterfly is their best tutorial boss along with Papa Gascan.
>no Owl (Father) in that list.
user I...
Another day, Another Dmc5-Sekiro comparison thread.
All of you are retarded. Do yourselves a favor and drink bleach.
So it's a rythm game
the elephant in the room was "souls games are doubling down on their combat instead of focusing on all the other stuff that makes them great", not "souls combat is too shallow/mediocore"
Divine Dragon is my favorite fight in Sekiro.
Dragon God was my favorite fight in Demon Souls.
Fuck you, the immense scale is cool.
Why is everything 3rd person now? I miss the old top-down action rpg combat.
Divine Dragon is kino. Dragon God is the worst boss in the entire series; a pseudo stealth boss was not the best idea.
he does a shadow rush into a whirlwind slash you brainlet.
>Divine Dragon is my favorite fight in Sekiro.
Amazing set piece in the last deflection, immense scale handled well, actually able to do something to the fucking thing.
>Dragon God was my favorite fight in Demon Souls.
"Use stealth to beat this amazing looking boss we used to hype the game". Absolute irredeemable trash.
What do we think of Westerners ripping off Japanese games?
GoT is already going to dumpster Sekiro.
this game's gameplay just looks like assassins creed
That is obviously not your first playthrough. Gascan can be similarly cheesed, doesn't mean he is one of the best tutorial bosses if you actually fight him.
Literally God Hand
>radically different
I wouldn't say radically, but it is much faster paced and focused on attacker faster and more aggressively.
DS actively encourages you to play it safe and learn by baiting things out. BB forces you to attack.
>how many of you use all the moves
I used most of them periodically, same with dual wielding in DS. Its not a constant switch between moves, but if I have the threaded cane for example I will swap to the whip form on relatively normal occasions. Same with the sword hammer.
They already did. Only thing that can be criticized is the lack of interconnected levels. Bloodborne pretty much is exactly what you described for instance.
Using intended game mechanics != cheesing
>GodTier Combat
>Literally timing memorisation, no different from QTEs
Wheres the positioning
Wheres the space control
Wheres the environmental advantages and options of approach?
Is hardcore highrisk-highreward precise parrying the epitome of gameplay to you fucks?
>that """parry"""
Westerners can't animate worth shit, all they can do is mocap.
>dark souls
>someone user is having trouble
>the only response is "git gud" because there's a variety of combat styles and ways to beat every boss/level
>some user is having trouble
>lol how does user not know you're supposed to back track to the shrine and enter another level to get the flame thrower so you can use it because this boss is super weak to fire?
>lol don't you know you're supposed to have this specific gadget equipped?
>obviously you're supposed to just memorize the parry timing, god, git gud
Its cool if you like boring scripted combat, but it always makes me laugh when sekirofags consider this "hard". Its just scripted combat and QTEs.
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
Your timing couldn't be better, I was just thinking about how Yea Forums is a bunch of retards who see videogames as a series of separate events rather than a cohesive whole.
I beat it without flames, while having to deal with its retarded hitbox on its jumps.
And then it made me cringe when I realized that to sekirofags this was supposed to be mechanically difficult because they had to use a fire gadget.
Dead or Alive 4
that was the worst example you could have used to back up the point
vergil has no moves
That's an actual combat art you can learn in the game you based retard, it's called shadowfall, you get it with the advanced master combat arts scroll which you can get from either Ishinn or the Tengu of Ashina (Ishinn), you brainlet.
Then again you are a shitposter who never played the game, otherwise you would know.
>muh chained ogre
its a hilariously easy boss regardless. but its a good example of the shit game design, so its ironic how sekirofags always bring him up as the 'filter'
>fight it without the scripted gadget
>long ass annoying fight against a massive grab hitbox where he periodically just instant kills you off the cliff
>fight it with the scripted gadget
>easy mode
sekiro in a nutshell.
You'd have to be the cringe one if you think the bottom constitutes good "combat"
Seriko is fucking rhythm game. Parry or get fucked. That's it. They ripped out all the fashion and customization, builds, stats, etc to tack on another health bar so you can mash parry. Why? Why not just expand souls combat instead of ripping out everything to expand upon one element of combat?
it's not that great but it's easy to have fun with if you aren't looking for superb
Based. If this is what anyone actually considers God tier video game gameplay, they are not very creative about vidya as a medium. When even positioning basically doesn't matter, it is shit.
Drinking While Pregnant
But I thought Silent Hill 2 was the highest rated game on that site
>tfw no vidya about hardcore airsoft combat
But user, GOOD GAMEPLAY means "Gameplay but more precise and finer" and anyone who cant do it needs to git gud
Thats the rules of good gameplay
Creativity? Thought? Consideration for options and mechanics and strategy? Don't make me laugh, everyone knows to be better is to be more aware and reactive to every single rendered frame on the screen.
You mean Call of Duty?
Extremely low iq bait
>game has no flaws so you have to compare it to another game to make it look bad
i might play it if it wont be anime garbage
double weapon god of war is the best experience you can have in an action rpg.
Cant be debated.
Based BamHamfag.
Eceleb told me to not like souls combat.
Projection, funded by Cope
God, why was this game's combat such a step down from 3?
Of course I played it. I just never unlocked that skill a got bored at the final area after i beat owl 2 & the divine dragon.
Fuck me man, it's sad to know that we'll never get a game like this ever again
>space control and environmental advantage
One instance I can think off is luring enemies to fight each other in Ashina castle invasion. Using stealth is also a good way to learn positioning for taking down mobs with no hassle
Options of approach is what stands out in Sekiro with stealth and grapple hook
Holy shit I played this at a friend's house when I was like 7.
Didn't know what it was or what the fuck was going on.
Is your supposed achievement to be impressive? Also, YouTube let's plays do not count as playing.
>Memorizing openings.
>Creativity? Thought? Consideration for options and mechanics and strategy?
Sekiro does have these, choosing the right prosthetic for each boas for instance is an example, choosing to use dodge counters or deflections depending on the type of enemy attack is another example, no one is forcing you to play it as a rhythm game
Oni's combat is trash. Not as cuhrazay as Japanese action games, but the shit animations and limited moves aren't even good enough for a "movie" game. Also the anime aesthetic used sucks.
Literally no reason to think about anything in sekiro when you can beat the entire game with a "see pixel, click parry" playstyle. That's all you need. Not all games suffer from this flaw.
Maybe single player games simply can't have good combat.
It's interesting how lucky he got in this webm
DMC might be good if it wasn't wrapped in such a cringey weeby package.
And it doesnt restrict you to that playstyle. I used the spear extensively for range and the Kunai/flame thrower for interruptions, senpou hand to hand combat arts for posture damage build up. You're doing yourself a disservice by not experimenting
have sex
>implying you don't have to memorize combos and moves in dmc
So which multiplayer game has good combat?
Devil may cry
Ninja Gaiden is pretty much dead and buried at this point user. If it were really worth a shit, they'd still be making them today. How many NG hack n' slash games did they end up making that were actually good? Two? Yeah, good shit *slow clap*
You first
>Can be played doing 3-4 moves
>Implying other games have at least that much, which is like the minimum in DMC
>Implying you would get an S doing just those 3-4 moves, which is the whole purpose of the game.
Yeah, you're retarded.
I know about the umbrella but how does spear help in phase 2?
Yet Nioh was still better than Dark Souls
Severance: Blade of Darkness, though some of the special moves are OP. As the knight you can one-shot the final boss (not the "true" final boss) with the ice sword special after drinking a power potion.
Enemies with higher health in DMD means that now you literally can't beat them with just a few moves, unless you want to get the D like the faggot you are.
And that's just on the health side, they get devil trigger, more moves and are more agresive in general. Also the spawn patterns change so the weaknesses of the enemies are toned down.
This isnt Nioh user
>keeps his posture bar practically at max and still manages to not need to recover it or get it broken
The fact that none of the shitposters can notice this makes me think none of them played the game.
I loved watching this dude dunk on DSP
i see this complaint a lot, but all it really says to me is that sekiro took a very simple concept and made it satisfying and enjoyable with a relatively high skill ceiling. yes, it only takes a basic understanding of a couple different buttons to play well, but mastering those simple buttons isn't exactly easy
this, sekiro is a boring mess
Release when? Saw this shit like last year E3.
based retard
Man Oni was great and is still very underrated.
I loved the cheat that let you play as any enemy with their full moveset intact, it was awesome playing through the game as a ninja or even as the final boss.
>artificial difficulty.
>More moves for enemies
>Devil trigger for enemies
>Different spawns locations and loadouts
Lmao seethe more fromcuck
no games have good combat.
retards who think dmc, mh, fromsoftware games, ninja gaiden, etc have good combat probably are still amazed by pretty multicolored lights and fireworks.
Bosses also have more moves and gain devil trigger. DMC normal difficulties are designed for training with the moves as you unlock them. DMD is the endgame where you are supposed to play as the powerhouse the characters really are but in a "cool" way as the enemies are also retardedly strong for what they were in previous difficulties.
>no games have good combat.
The only enemies you can tear apart in souls games are the fucking skeletons
is this good combat?
please tell me this can be emulated or played on PC somehow?
Nioh 2 will fix all of those missteps in level design, story, world, characters, and everything else that sucked in 1! R-Right?
KH2FM has the greatest combat in any game ever
Blade Symphony... Now that was a game!
>my game's better because we spam every button instead of timing two
Only on Yea Forums
DMC has a lot of moves taken from street fighter characters. Shoryuken, atomic buster, flash kicks are all there. Also is built around long combo strings ala marvel vs. DMC is a single player 3D fighting game in all the sense of the word. Although the knowledge cannot be transferred from one another, it's really obvious that the people that makes the DMC games are well versed in the mechanics of fighting games. On the other hand From devs do not have this knowledge and the combat in their games ends up being lackluster when you know how to cheese everything (and be sure that you really can cheese your way through all games they've made and will make).
>limit form
>god tier
>souls shit
>tfw KH3 didn't look nearly this good
>Mindless button masher
>Didn't even beat the prologue
You got pleb filtered, retard.
OP said good combat not brainless
Fuck I wish I still had my 360 so I could play NGB.
Sigma on PC is alright, but it's just not the same.
>KH3 was shi-
>muh big brain
Why are Soulsfags so insufferable?
Nice Musou you got there.
you may like Tunic
I'd love to see DMC's take on PvP
>how to beat chained ogre
>back track and get flame barrel
>get fire crackers from merchant before the chained ogre
>use the grappling hook upgrade to swing around his head
>just beat him normally, dodge his grabs, head stomp him
>stealth stab him to remove a bar and do any of the above
>skip the fight entirely by jumping off the ledge to the left
get guud fagget
Soulsfags already got btfo from this thread
>Is 1 and 2 on vita or switch?
No. None of the KH games are on Vita or Switch
KH3 wasn't KH2FM levels of great gameplay but it wasn't FFXV's levels of bad "gameplay" (if Holding O counts as gameplay)
Mashing X is only slightly better than Holding O.
Played it for 10 years.
me too
pso2 gunner before they removed the infinite airtime bug was pretty fun
assymetric characters(1 player had a block the other had a jump) and you only have one attack button which is a combo that cycles into different attacks.
>you can just back track...!
Which in a normal play through you wouldnt do because theres no reason to believe it.
>if you just happen to know where this merchant is and buy the items to back track to the shrine to get the prosthetic...
A shit fight
>just avoid the fight XD
Such great gameplay.
also what games should copy the block is on a dynamic cooldown(if you block for 1 second u are unable to block for 0.5 seconds) and if you block for 0.5 seconds u are unable to block for 0.25 seconds etc.
>that last second dash turn before the missile hits
fuck man. they just don't make games like this anymore.
>A shit fight
Explain, is it the grab attacks? They're all avoidable with jump and dash/dodge
>Which in a normal play through you wouldnt do because theres no reason to believe it
In my guideless first run I explored the entirety of Hirata (minus Butterfly) state before Ogre and read the description of the item.
I don't know what you say there is no reason to believe but I will dismiss it as you being retarded.
>if you just happen to know where this merchant is
You can easily see where he is, and you can easily get to him, not that you would know since papa YouTube didn't show you.
Quite the entertaining fight where if you get hit by anything he does is obviously your fault because he is more telegraphed than Ludwig.
> back track to the shrine
Dismissed and disposed, shitposters need not apply.
Wow look punching bag enemies that don't do anything to you, what a challenge!
>good combat
lel it's worse than their last four games my man
TWEWY was a blast
>mfw I once made an entire deck made up of nothing but JOTM pins
Grab attacks should not exist 2bh
Play the first game, it's the only one that did DMD particularly well. Enemies in DMD don't have more HP unless they devil trigger, in fact enemy baseline health is reduced 10% to compensate. All the challenge in DMC1's DMD are the bosses.
>R1 and roll for I-frames
>agility as a stat
>Weapon arts
What a pathetic joke. The difference in these '''''''playstyles'''''' is minimal and you absolutely know it.
Are you going to pretend there isn't an optimal way to play for literally every encounter?
I bet you upgrade weapons, heal after taking damage, and roll to avoid hits. You're weak and will never be as good as me
Came here to post this.
Still the king.
>optimal way
Not really, fighting the ape for instance is optimal with sprint and dodge, and phase 2 with deflection
For red eyed enemies, fire
For apparition/ghost enemies : Phoenix umbrella
For fire enemies: vermillion umbrella
For spear enemies : mikiri counter
For beast types : firecrackers
For flying enemies: kunai/shuriken /anti air deathblow
For enemies with tons of agility : spear
>people give the Souls games shit for the i-frames on the rolls
>DMC has much, much more i-frames on its side rolls and jumping animations
>no one cares
>>people give the Souls games shit for the i-frames on the rolls
and yet more people gave Dark Souls 2 shit for crippling the i-frames on rolls
You could get a flag as a weapon the fuck? Where?
>still no TWEWY webms
fucking roasted her
I think that was the morph of the PotC Keyblade.
Some of the Morphs are interesting. Ultima weapon basically makes you rain swords everywhere like it's Unlimited Blade Works
Does TAS count?
This thread inspired me to finally beat this mother fricker. Only took several years of attempts.
which games that?
The sound effects and all those purple sprites with faces they throw at you are complete cringe.
Sleeping Dogs
gravity rush 2
one of the Gravity Rush games
That was a nice DMC clone
Play Alien Solider.
What system?
Sega Genesis.
Oni is garbage and not even half as good as a dmc game
why are dmc fags so obsessed with trying to tell everyone how good their game is? no one cares about edgelord characters and button mash mindless combat. Play a real game like Rdr 2 or GOW with some actual substance
DMC combat is the deepest of any combat in any game ever made, faggot
I know you’re baiting and all that but this is still weak, man.
what really makes me sick is when combatants just combat eachother over and over
super mario world, contra 3
deepest up your anus (gay)
Monster hunter
Does this feel as satisfying as it looks?
Not him but yes.
It has the most weighty combat from any game I've played.
yeah, feels like shit
>1 isn't difficult
Well that depends. The RPCS3 is having some issues emulating ACFA but it can emulate AC4 better.
However Xenia can emulate both AC4 and ACFA full speed but the texture mapping on the paint schemes in-game is not properly rendering yet for ACFA
Dunno if it's fix yet since it's a minor glitch anyway.
With that said however neither can emulate ACV and ACVD at full speed however Xenia is once again much more closer to it
SoS should have been normal mode.
sekiro also has better controls and camera than dmc
dmc5 has really good improvements but it still relies on a lot of archaic stuff like cinematic auto camera that gets stuck on walls or doesn't let you see everywhere
Man, this game was fun as fuck. Should really get around to buying a second copy one of these days.
we will never get a game with air control that feels this good again
2k hour solider main and everyother rocket jump in gaming feels like shit compared to tf2
How did valve do it?
The blind hatred gets so boring
the switch port is neat to see the story +music in HD but the gameplay is sadly pretty gimped
Absolutely braindead post
So I’ve heard, which is a bummer. TWEWY’s dual screen gameplay was fucking great and had a ton of variety and fast-paced intensity to it.
If it's so weak then why are you biting?
Is this made by the same guy that made that super cool ashina cross showdown on the elite?
He's got a point. DMC fans have some kind of penis envy when it comes to hack n' slash games. They're like Jehova's Witness with the shit. Have to go around "Have you heard of this?" and are so assblasted when people just respond with "Yeah, it was alright. I prefer X game better"
Because I hate myself
Because reasons for those preferences are always retarded.
>he actually and unironically wastes time to fight illusory monk
Why? It's not like the game gives you better rewards for fighting her that way. There is no in-game incentive for actually learning how to fight her. Just do the speedrun strat. Webm related.
Owl is tough
that's not fun
Let's not pretend that Sekiro is any more complex than the Bamham games and games inspired by them like Mad Max. It's just not as easy.
literally just dark souls again except parry instead of roll
As opposed to deliberately gimping yourself by not using all the tools at your disposal and drawing out the fight?
>parry and press x to cutscene, the game
Sekirofags are somehow even more obnoxious than soulsfags, who thought rolling around like a spastic and memorizing extremely basic attack patterns ad retarded AI was somehow 'good combat'
I hope this stupid fucking meme ends soon and we stop getting these shitty games with no story, no mechanics and just garbage hallways with mooks and a boss at the end of the hallway that's just a HP sponge.
Only fucktards who want epic gamer cred even care about this shit anymore. So sick of every fucking game trying to copy souls. No, rolling around and hitting someone in the back during their attack animation 500 times isn't fun or a good system. Kill yourselves.
Sometimes, yes. Did you summon for every boss in Dark Souls?
>crtf f "jka"
>0 found
Yea Forums...
Devil may cry, anyone from the franchise, if you don't have mental issues of course
Literally this dude played the same stage 50 times before doing that, it's not skill, just memorization
I never played Dark Souls, but if I did I probably would. I don't believe in self-imposed challenge runs. I play to win. If the devs don't want me to trivialize a boss by summoning friends, then they would have prevented players from being able to do that. But it's in the game. Therefore, it's something I'll use.
Likewise, if the devs didn't want me to stunlock enemies to death, then they would have patched it out. They patch out speedrun skips. So if stunlocks are "bad" then why haven't they patched this shit out?
If u have brain damage, I'm sorry for you nigger
move assist
we'll never get a starwars game at this level ever again
>most hack and slash games if you're not a cuck
>Souls games have shit combat
only actual retards think this to be honest
This is the best part, honestly. The game isn't even difficult unless you inflict retarded challenges on you, like deprived run or no summons. I really don't get the current generation and why they praise souls so much. Around 2008 and before, every game was as difficult as souls as a BASELINE. The fact that souls is seen as the 'hardcore difficulty' genre of videogames now is pathetic.
I'd like to see modern gamers play something like Nethack, where you actually have to think.
You mean like in every other game? If you play jsut the most optimal way you can beat as good as every fucking game with standard attacks. Not that single digit IQ holders would be able to recognize that.
That's amazing that you can even enjoy Sekiro at all then, I wouldn't have even gotten myself to finish it with that attitude since baiting easy to punish attacks for some damage and then just parrying is almost always the safest but most boring way to play. You do you I guess.
Wow, so engaging. Mindless drones might like it tough.
JKA had shit combat. Literally just spamming m1 and praying.
5 seconds into any bossfight in a dmc game has more inputs and complexity than an entire souls game.
But good to know you have zero argument and no nothing so you post le funny image macro xD
>JKA had shit combat. Literally just spamming m1 and praying.
I love how shitters like you try ot break down the mechanics to the utmost base to shit on it since it's all you can come up with. It's the same as calling an fps a walking simulator with qtes since at the most basic level, it's exactly that.
>Living consist in just don't being retarded and die like a nigger dude
people get off on being powerful in games, who wants to gimp themselves for no reason instead of winning?
unless you maybe have nothing else to play so you replay it several times and need to spice it up
>5 seconds into any bossfight in a dmc game has more inputs and complexity than an entire souls game
Keep going, not that anyone believes that you played either of those games anyway.
It's always funny when you see that mentality in these Souls threads.
Beat a boss or a level and found it easy? You'll always have 5-6 anons ganging up on you trying to convince you that the boss or level you beat wasn't actually easy and that you were actually "overleveled", using "overpowered" gear or got lucky or some shit like that. They don't realize the irony of such statements. If a boss or level can be trivialize by simply boosting your stats or using a piece of equipment/item that destroys the challenge they provide, then they aren't actually difficult and are only difficult because players desperately want to make them seem difficult by deliberately gimping themselves when they fight these bosses or go through these levels.
It's why I find the concept of SL1/No Roll/No Blocking/No Item/No Damage runs to be absolutely hilarious. It's like peak self-gimping.
Wow, what an argument. How can he ever recover from that one. suck some more on miyazakis microdick
I had a lot of fun with this game when I first gave it a shot a few years ago.
Shame the devs are updating it at a snail's pace. I guess their incentive to complete it has gone up in smoke.
Sekiro is easy. It's a memory game and nothing more. People give up on it because of how tedious and unrewarding it is and they call this "hard" when in actuality, a trained dog could beat this game if there was a controller designed for dogs.
Unironically pic related
its part of the risk/reward system
you can keep the aggressive playstyle if you time the deflects exactly right all the time, otherwise you get fucked up
part of the skill ceiling is managing to keep up the pressure and break the boss' posture early on while your own is constantly at the brink
Darksiders2 had really cool combat, its not perfect but well made with lots of combos and abilities, all the enemies attacks being telegraphed and counterable allowing skilled play and its fun
>shitty From hitboxes
>shitty From camera
>little variety
What's so good about it? It's just Soulsborne combat with less variety and QTEs. So it's a worse version of Soulsborne combat.
From could actually improve the combat in their games by improving the camera and designing enemies that are challenging without requiring hitboxes that break the immersion because you are hit by invisible stuff.
What the fuck do you think real sword combat is like faggot
I bet you haven’t even read The Book Of Five Rings
Are you legitimately retarded?
The godawful camera in Sekiro is zoomed in so close that you have the camera go apeshit if you fight a tall boss upclose or an enemy jumps
not him but the way enemy parrying works felt like it was random, was the system actually more complex than it looked?
yeah I remember it being good fun, much better than modern beatem-ups a-la Batman
>it's another memory game episode
Name a "fighting" game that isn't one.
That looks a billion times more fun than Suckiro.
Same with every early access game. They get your money, they have no incentive to work. The one crucial flaw with the system that is the death of almost all early access games.
But people keep buying them, so Early Access keeps being a thing. Same old shit.
This game isn't going to look even remotely this good by release though.
Finally somebody gets it. Thank you for expressing what my lack of vocabulary prevented me from express.
Extremely low bait
The way these animations end-start one after another after each move is fucking awful.
No, it's "cinematic". That's the only important thing nowadays.
But that's the thing, it's not even cinematic or on-rails scripted like Uncharted and TLoU animations. It's legitimately clunky. Something you'd see out of some AA game like Senua's Sacrifice.
Seething tranny go dilate
Literally Witcher 3
In order to use these things effectively, you need to know the attacks of your enemy. But once you know the attacks of your enemy, there is zero point in experimenting because you can now defeat him with zero effort. The """difficulty""" in Sekiro is to figure out attack animations. Once you did that, the combat is a piss easy toddler tier cakewalk. So why should I bother being flashy at that point? I already won.
>Several years
Dude. Just poison him with a shit covered dagger imbued with poison gem, then roll away. Do this 3 - 5 times (depending on NG) and you win.
>still no argument
You have to suck harder.
based retard
Soulstrannies on suicide watch
Sekiro is an action adventure, not a fighting game. If it was a fighting game, it would be even worse. Imagine if in a fighting game, the opponents always had obvious tells that reveal what they're about to do. Fighting games actually require you to react and think fast. You need reflexes and strategy. In Sekiro, you only need to know which animation indicates which attack.
Also looks a billion times more fun than Suckiro.
You still haven't name another game.
Which game does the combat described on the top of the image?
This, monster hunter's combat has so much shit put into it that its definitely the best for depth
>press a button
>and something AWESOME HAS TO HAPPEN
Yep, it "looks" more fun.
The entire game doesn't play like that though, just a special ability to clear the fuck of everything. Batman is a one button game if it wasn't for platforming honestly, at least Spiderman is more interesting.
lmao dmcfags get triggered so ez
It's a shame that Sekiro was a financial success. That means From will make more low effort unpolished cashgrabs like it.
Even if you enjoy the shitty gameplay and uninspired design, you at least have to admit that Sekiro was much smaller in terms of scope and content than any previous Soulsborne game.
The amount of move-assist is way overblown. Watch Kratos whiff attacks on enemies who are 2 feet out of swinging range instead of auto-sliding over to them in this webm
Isn't this just real sword combat? How is that bad?
>"Why did they nerf Poise in DS3? This is bullshit."
I'll take another sekiro over another shitty attempt at dark souls
The most mechanically demanding genre in gaming, yes
Pretty much every action adventure ever?
Batman games, DMC, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Prince of Persia, GoW, various Spiderman games, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Alundra, various Star Wars games, Soulsborne etc.
I don't know of any other game that has pure memorization combat. That's why many say that Sekiro belongs in the rythm game genre. Its combat is more like playing a song in guitar hero than fighting an enemy in an action adventure.
How good that Miyazaki himself said that it's not a "soulsborne" game but a new take on Tenchu.
The fucking success of Souls was the worst thing to happen to them, since now everyone expects that every new From-game has to be "souls"-like without even being able to clarify what that fucking means.
Still better than "game gives you input command, you do it, game gives you input command, you do it, game gives you input command, you do it".
"b-b-b-but I can also mix it up with random shit I can do!" yeah nobody cares about your pointless flashy nonsense. people want to beat the enemy, not dick around with an enemy they already know how to beat perfectly.
Why is everyone moving like they are underwater?
if you think sekiro is about memorization, you're bad at sekiro. there's definitely a "rhythm" to parrying in the abstract sense, but i beat many many bosses' second phases first try despite huge move switchups. SS Isshin second and third death blows (third and fourth overall, including Geni first phase if you do) were first try kills for me after dying to SS Isshin's first phase a decent handful of times. it's about getting in the zone, anticipating, watching what's going on. people like you probably also bitch about mega man because you don't have situational awareness.
"Having less content and polish in your game is a good thing because something something Tenchu"
ok then
>Batman, GoW, Uncharted, AC, PoP, TR. Okami, SotC
Be honest, you just grabbed names from games that are in the adventure section of wikipedia, right?
Ah, yes. My first vidya fap..
which kind of attack? with which weapon? from what distance?
how fast (depends on your loadout)? why not block or parry instead? you also have those options?
Soulsborne combat has far more options and a far more variety than the one-dimensional Sekiro combat.
>pres one button and everything play like a movie
>somehow superior over a game that lets you play the fucking game
Can't wait for Tushima to release. The salt-mines will reopen that day.
MM is just another memorization game that "people" like you try to show off as hard since you lack the simple skill of memorizing attack patterns.
Define skill.
>Multiple weapon types with customizable movesets, combos, perries
>Three stances
>Ki Pulse
>Ranged weapons
>Ninjitsu Items
>Onmyo Magic
>One sword
>One attack button
>One Block button
>Only customizable moves are your combat art and your stealth attack ability
>Dodge/Jump are just qtes
>Prosthetics that are made trivial besides using firecrackers for easy stuns
>There are Fromshitters on Yea Forums who will actually fucking argue that not only is Sekiro's combat better, it's also deeper
Monster Hunter WAS better than any From Software game.
>if you think sekiro is about memorization, you're bad at sekiro
Yeah because you can totally anticipate what you do not know...makes perfect sense.
>watching what's going on
no shit, sherlock. that's ALL this game's """difficulty""" is about. you need to pay attention to animations and once you know them, it's piss easy. the timing windows are incredible lenient, the attacks themselves aren't so fast that you need outstanding reflexes (especially since they announce their attacks) and you do not require any strategies or clever positioning or item management or anything. you can stay on their ass the entire time and make pussies out of them once you know their attacks. "yeah but isn't the same true for soulsborne" except that you DIDN'T NEED to do it like that because Soulsborne has much more variety.
People seem to not understand that game combat is made of 2 (T W O) components, the player and the enemy.
DMC probably has one of, if not the most deep player depth in combat, but the enemies, even at hardest difficulty are not engaging at all.
Souls has some of my favorite enemies and bosses in all of vidya, with tons of different attacks and variations, but the player while has many options to choose to use prior combat, but during combat you options are relatively simple.
Some games try to go both ways like bayo and ninja gaiden, but in general i would say with confidence that no game has achieved "perfect combat" mechanics.
The entire point of the DMC gif is to show how many options a player has in confronting and approaching fights in the game. Unlike souls games and especially sekiro where the combat is shallow and your options are limited. Of course, fromsoft drones take this as enemies not having any threat because enemies can be put into a stunlocked mode if you're good. When in reality the player pulling this off had to first clear out an entire room of enemies attacking him to setup a 1v1. Which is the opposite of sekiro where enemies wait around to be stealth killed through QTEs.
People do this in ninja gaiden as well as seen here:
>you need to pay attention to animations and once you know them, it's piss easy
Just like in e very other game you listed. Well, those who are comparable to Sekiro, and not shit like fucking Uncharted or Tomb Raider. But foir that to know you would have to play them in the first place, something you very obliviously never did.
You do realize that you webm directly contradicted what you wrote, right? Of course not, for that you would require to play it, and not just see pretty pictures and fill out the rest with your head.
10/10 opinion
>empty arena
>target lock
>spam parry and slash ad nauseam
I'm really wondering why they make it so you can use the whistle only 3 times on apparitions but thought it's a good idea to make fire crackers work an unlimited amount of times.
Geralt-kun in Japan was pretty fun. Hope that we will get some wacky stuff in 2.
There was nothing contradictive in what I wrote, are you a literal retard without reading comprehension?
>they will fuck you up
Nah, just spam parry and you're good
I wish they could fuck me up because once you figure out how to parry all souls games become fucking snoozefests. There is zero skill required outside of having to time the parry.
the game was shit but the combat was pretty epic imo
Are you? Watch your webm and then very carefully read what you wrote. I'm sure you can do it, so go on.
>Memory in general
>functioning as a living creature drawing from prior knowledge to not make the same errors again
>Just like in e very other game you listed.
Absolutely not. None of the games I listed are based on pure memorization. In GoW, for instance, I don't stand around and block until I've seen every attack from my enemy a couple of times so I remember the timings and THEN go to rape them mercilessly. I just fight them because my character doesn't feel like a weak, slow pussy. Furthermore, in GoW I react to what I see and hear. I use my actual human senses and my already acquired knowledge that "when a sword hits you, it damages you" and "when a sword misses you, it doesn't damage you". In Sekiro, physics and logic don't exist. The hitboxes are so bonkers that you can never know if you can evade and attack or not unless you already tried it. So you don't bother and just parry parry parry parry unless you get a QTE. It's so incredibly boring and mindless. Like learning for a vocabulary test.
>Enemies in action games are meant to be taken on in groups
>combos provide options for players and also provide a method of crowd control for groups
>this is essential for all action games, juggling enemies is a mainstay as also seen in ninja gaiden
>show webm of enemy one shotting dante on dmd thus emphasizing that enemies in groups are dangerous and a good player knows how to isolate his targets.
>retard: hurr stop contradicting yerself
Look ma he's retarded.
>spam dash
>smam shoot to a target-locked enemy
>proceed to spam dash
Did you even play Sekiro or GoW? And be honest for once, since the shit you mentioned applies even more tho Sekiro then to fucking GoW I assume you mean he new one. And dude, you don't need your "human sense" in fucking GoW, when the indicator always tells you not only where to look, but also indicated which enemy is closest to you. If I wouldn't know it better, I'd say oyu just watched a few YouTube vids of it and now think that you posses actual game knowledge.
Furi feels more like a rythm game,though - since you can't hit your opponent before you block/dodge his combo most of the times.
So you either didn't watch it again, or just copied the drivel you "wrote" without understanding what iat actually means.
>no actual counter arguments
Okay you sure got me with that non point user, keep it up.
>counter an argument when already did it himself
>doesn't even realize it when pointed directly towards it
Keep going, lets see what your retardation comes up with next.
>hey user you totally contradicted yourself!
>trust me you did! I won't explain anything or make a point but trust me my point is totally valid and I'm not an idiot.
Okay thanks for the free (you)'s.
How about you make an actual point in lieu of making assertions about me you have no relevant knowledge to make? I was thinking of GoW 3 when I wrote the comment, but that doesn't really matter much. The point was that I am not constantly hit by invisible stuff in these games because the devs were too inept to create a challenge without fucked up hitboxes. Thus I can react to things I SEE without needing to first memorize shit. This hitbox issue of course also applies to Soulsborne but, as I said, there are ways to still have fun with these games because there are so many options available to you. You do not need to learn that one pattern the devs given you by heart and then be done with it. You can figure out your own way.
"herp derp but I can do this flashy nonsense in Sekiro. that's variety, right?" no it's not because it requires you to already know the boss. it's pretty much useless unless you have a fairly good understanding of the kind of fight you're in, but once you have that understanding SEKIRO IS NO CHALLENGE ANYMORE.
The biggest problem with Sekiro are the piss easy levels. From really dropped the ball there. In Soulsborne, fighting a crowd of enemies was really challenging because you had to keep so many things in mind at once and carefully position yourself so you won't get raped by enemies who surrounded you.
In Sekiro, you have essentially an infinite block and you can easily run away from every enemy even without knowing the area. It's a piss easy game.
True but the pacing in Furi is just better so it's the superior rythm game. They should've made Sekiro a boss rush game with consistent attack indicators. The levels were just an unrewarding unchallenging waste of time and the stealth mechanic was a joke.
>From Software
>ever understanding how to balance videogames
>point out where he fucked up>
>still doesn't see it
It keeps getting better and better.
>Lifeless combo dummies the game
One of the things I love the most about Nioh is how the stamina system is almost meaningless beyond the first few hours of the game. Anyone who knows how to Ki Pulse properly will basically never run below 50% stamina bar drain unless they're using something like the Axe and all heavy armor.
>"herp derp but I can do this flashy nonsense in Sekiro. that's variety, right?" no it's not because it requires you to already know the boss
It fucking doesn't you tremendous retard. Christ, as if you couldn't make it anymore clear that you never played it but at best watched some speedrunner break the game with the tools. You assessment applies to every fucking game, yes, also GoW. You won't use your magic attacks to the utmost efficiency unless you know when it's safe to use them. Because that's all you whining comes down to, not only use tools, but use them as efficiently as possible. There's not one fucking game where it's possible without knowing then encounter to the second.
You claiming that Sekiro isn't any challenge if you know every attack-pattern can be applied on every other fucking game as well, which you of course won't do, since it would show that your only way of critique is to try and break the game down to it's most fundamental level to have any point of critique in the first place. It's the exact same shit that retards to when the claim that shooters are nothing more then walking simulators with QTEs.
>The biggest problem with Sekiro are the piss easy levels. From really dropped the ball there. In Soulsborne, fighting a crowd of enemies was really challenging because you had to keep so many things in mind at once and carefully position yourself so you won't get raped by enemies who surrounded you.
The first five minutes of the game would prove you wrong instantly.
>In Sekiro, you have essentially an infinite block
Yep, you really never played it. Don't know why you're so hambalsted about the game tough.
Movie Battles II
Max Payne 3
Sekiro has better dodge and attacking options with the grappling hook
>enemy sees me
>grapple away
>enemy doesn't see me and you can qte kill him
Miyzaki is truly a genius.
>Christ, as if you couldn't make it anymore clear that you never played it but at best watched some speedrunner break the game with the tools
I beat the entire game but keep believing whatever you want to if that makes you feel good about yourself.
>You assessment applies to every fucking game, yes, also GoW. You won't use your magic attacks to the utmost efficiency unless you know when it's safe to use them.
But they are not useless even when I don't use them to the utmost efficiency, dimwit.
Let's take every Suckiro fanboy's favorite crutch, the firecracker. Should a player use it or not use it? If he does, then he stuns the enemy, thus preventing himself from seeing what the enemy was about to do in order to get a few hits in. Those hits aren't worth it though. You want to know the attacks of your enemy, so you do not immediately use the firecracker. Once you know the attacks of your enemy, do you use the firecracker then? Nope. Why bother? You know the attacks. You can perfectly parry them every time now. Why waste spirit emblems? Just to be flashy? Same goes for Shuriken interrupting jumps. Why bother? If you know what happens after the jump, then you don't need to interrupt it. Yeah I guess you can be faster with these items but in terms of winning, they are not needed at all. They don't add anything substantial unless for speedrunning purposes.
Just tell him what you mean, user. Stop pretending to be cool, just be honest, be a fucking human being, try to resolve your differences between one another rather than continuing this arbitrary fucking chain of animosity.
What for?
I think TWEWY (DS) was amazing
It's just common shitposting user.
>Black Knight Halberd
>Smough's Armor
>Grass Crest Shield
>You claiming that Sekiro isn't any challenge if you know every attack-pattern can be applied on every other fucking game as well
Hahahaha. No.
In an action adventure where you fight hordes of enemies who all have their own attacks and where you don't have infinite block or the get out of jail free card of escaping everything easily, knowing the attacks isn't enough. You need to manage your resources such as stamina and health. You need to think about how you position yourself relative to the enemies. You need to figure out whose attack will reach you first (if at all), who to take out first, how to best control the crowd. There are so many variables you have to keep in mind that each crowd fight is a novel situation even if you have perfect knowledge of every incoming attack. And in boss fights, you ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE PERFECT KNOWLEDGE in most games. That's part of the challenge. In Sekiro, however, you have this one boring dance you have to perform to win. You can do all kinds of other crap to interrupt the dance here and there but that is neither necessary nor efficient in terms of just achieving victory.
>I beat the entire game but keep believing whatever you want to if that makes you feel good about yourself.
Nah, nigga, you most certainly didn't. You make too many false assumptions about it that anyone would really believe that anymore. But keep telling yourself that watching a speedrunner is the same as playing the game.
>But they are not useless even when I don't use them to the utmost efficiency, dimwit.
Just like the tools in Sekiro, hell, one of the complaints about the game is that you can literally abuse them during the first encounter with bosses if you experiment a little. Not that someone who never play it would know about it.
>why use a tool that makes a fight easier if I can drag it out unnecessarily
Play the game for once, really, it's not even funny anymore.
>high monk
play the game first
based soulsbaby
>>In Sekiro, you have essentially an infinite block
>Yep, you really never played it. Don't know why you're so hambalsted about the game tough.
Are you retarded? When you parry perfectly, then your guard never breaks. Play the game, retard.
>The first five minutes of the game would prove you wrong instantly.
lol are you claiming that it is hard to run from enemies in Sekiro? Are you on drugs? You can rush through literally every area without knowing it. I know because I've done it halfway through this shitty game.
>You need to manage your resources such as stamina and health. You need to think about how you position yourself relative to the enemies. You need to figure out whose attack will reach you first (if at all), who to take out first, how to best control the crowd. There are so many variables you have to keep in mind that each crowd fight is a novel situation even if you have perfect knowledge of every incoming attack.
Literally all of that applies to Sekiro as well. Do you really don't play the games you write so muc habout? I really do want to know it, since it seems perplexing just how much revealing bullshit you keep on writing.
And you don't need perfect knowledge of a fight in Sekiro either, unless you want to do a speedrun and need to outright break the fight by baiting abusable attacks. All this shit is just what the other user assumed, probably because he fell for the "sekiro is ultra-hard" meme and it's the only way he can explain it to himself.
I just came in here to say sekiro is probably my best game purchase in years. I feel like I got my money's worth and more
>Nah, nigga, you most certainly didn't.
Welp I know the truth.
>why use a tool that makes a fight easier if I can drag it out unnecessarily
None of the fights takes very long when you constantly parry, mikiri counter and attack. Fights only take long when you keep running away and try to get the actual health to zero rather than breaking the guard.
>long ass annoying fight against a massive grab hitbox where he periodically just instant kills you off the cliff
>he periodically just instant kills you off the cliff
based brainlet
>parry and block are the same
Keep going, you're just digging yourself deeper now.
sekiro is best action game ever made
>makes another mistake by now knowing that health and posture influence each other
>and some bosses are unbeatable unless you depletes their health to a certain point
You're really have to drive home that you didn't play it.
>be you
>*choke a bit from high BP*
>deeper inhale
Same game for 30 years with no job or gf upgrades. booooring.
>Literally all of that applies to Sekiro as well.
I have infinite "stamina" in Sekiro when I know how to parry. So what's there to manage? And I can run away from everything easily AT ALL TIME so there is never a dangerous situation I cannot get away from. There is only one single enemy type in the entire game that doesn't let you do this, i.e. the flute fags who suck your life away. Those enemies are the ONLY real danger in Sekiro levels.
>And you don't need perfect knowledge of a fight in Sekiro either
Yes you do unless you want to really spend a lot of time playing keep away (which is enough time to learn the animations anyway) or just want to get lucky and hope that certain attacks won't be performed or that you can heal through them when they are.
>I literally wrote "parry and ATTACK"
>herp derp he said that you never deal damage because it fits into my narrative
ok fag
thats not even the speedrun strat now, much slower than doing the AA deathblow off the tree
Nigga, you lost all credibility once you said that uncharted and TR have better combat. That you just keep on kicking yourself in the nuts, makes it only more fun for me.
>I have no problems with the game if I mastered the machnics perfectly
Yeah, that#s kinda the point of games.
And if you run away instead of being aggressive and learn the fucking game, then it's only your fault for dragging the fights unnecessarily. The game even telly ou to be aggressive in fights to bring up the posture meter.
>sekiro doesn't need reflexes and strategy only *continues to describe reflexes and strategy*
most action adventure games have utterly braindead combat. you're literally.not playing a game in those
I said that Uncharted and TR have combat that doesn't depend entirely on memorization because I was asked about examples of such games. Improve your reading comprehension.
It's fun that after I exposed one of your strawmen (he said that you never have to deal damage in Sekiro) you immediately resort to using another. I guess when you don't have real counter-arguments, you can only argue against shit you make up yourself. Sad.
Do you even read what you write? I'm truly curious since simply scrolling up proves you instantly wrong. Besides you don't even seem to know what a strawman is, let alone how one is used. Just as you don't know how Sekiro is played.
>you're literally.not playing a game in those
Learn English, then come back to me.
It just looks like another of those formulaic ass western games with the same "press x to win" combat that Assasins Creed/Shadow of Mordor/Whatever else has.
Oh hey another strawman. How is being able to run from EVERYTHING at all time the same as "mastered the mechanics perfectly"? It means that even if you do fuck up, you are never in any real danger because you can always easily run like a bitch. Sure you can also run past enemies in Soulsborne games for example, but doing so is itself really dangerous when you are in an area you don't know. There are traps and dead ends everywhere which can fuck you. Or you can fall to your death if you're too hasty. In Sekiro, even falling doesn't kill you for sure but there's no need to fall because the areas are so easy to get through that you never have to desperately jump off a cliff. I know because I just yolo'd through half of the game's levels since they simply weren't fun to explore. The only time I was stopped was by the flute guys. It was the only part of a level that was actually well designed in Sekiro. The rest was just garbage.
>sekiro doesn't need reflexes and strategy only *continues to describe reflexes and strategy*
An enemy annoucning his attack with a certain animation and then having a VERY LENIENT window of time to react requires awesome reflexes? No it doesn't. I have shit reflexes and I had no problem getting through the game. And what strategy? There are like three buttons you have to press in order to achieve victory in every encounter and you are essentially always told flat out when to do so.
>run away from everything
That's not even possible in the game. And I didn't say that running away is the same as mastering the mechanics. Did you even read what I wrote? You learn the fucking mechanics by being aggressive in the game, you can try to learn animations by "running away" I just assume you mean creating distance, but no enemy will show you every attack he has if you do that. Play the game, learn something about it, then come back. It's getting more and more pointless seeing how you most likely didn't even watch a video of the game, considering all the mistaken assumptions you keep on making about it.
swag on em bby