Will this dialogue be present in the HD remake?
Will this dialogue be present in the HD remake?
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What HD remake? Don't tell me it was announced.
>making fun of retarded inbred rednecks
Yea Forums would probably take this personally and get mad.
At this rate, it'll probably happen.
Was this line on the PSP version?
wat gaem
And to think there are people who hate Working Design's translation...
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for PS1
Lunar: Silver Star Story.
Lunar Silver Star Saga.
They would localize weebshit and jrpgs no one else would touch but in the process they would often ruin the game's balance and add in American jokes in weird places. Playing one of their games is basically like finding a 90's pop culture time capsule. Some people love just how 90's their translations are but generally most people dislike their scripts and tampering with games.
But pro censorship people dont care about insulting rednecks
I think this kind of thing would probably not be as accepted now as it was 20 years ago. I think.
there's a remake already, probably coming to switch soon
They made some stuff easier, I think it was a puzzle with lamps in Alundra.
>that fucking Vanguard Bandits script
They made a character talk like yoda bros, she's even a main party member in one of the routes
There's legitimately no worse occupation than a localizer.
I love this sort of shit.
That part with protection (shield) is the best.
holy fucking shit that's incredible
Real talk, since pic related is an actual confirmed HD remake, what are the odds they keep this in?
what's this from?
You're god damn right
Grandia. Look forward to upcoming remaster!
100%. There's a reason it isn't coming to PS4.
Friendly reminder that Lunar > Grandia
Today, I am forgotten
Friendly reminder that both are worth playing. Lunar 1 and 2, Grandia 1 and 2. Everything else sucks balls.
I remember the Sleep Staff that had the description "REM Rod," I always liked that one. The dub outtakes were great as well.
Not entirely, I reinstalled it (and Brave Fencer Musashi) on my PSP this week. Some of those boss fights are incredible.
those three are dead and forgotten
throw in Legend of Dragoon while we are at it
What version of the Lunar games should I play?
sega cd or psp
You did mean PS1, right? RIGHT?
Not at fucking all.
Found the WD hater.
Yep! If you must play with WD translation Sega CD version is best
>The only we'll get through this door is with a battering ram or a credit card.
based Nall calling out the degeneracy of modern gaming long before it was cool