Gamefreak has to be doing this intentionally at this point

Gamefreak has to be doing this intentionally at this point.

Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder since Gen 5, baiting a bunch of horny teenagers on the internet into drumming up attention and screaming "UGH I WANNA FUCK HER SO BAD BROS" is a surefire to market your game. The dick is king.

Attached: 1560025565804.png (3112x2984, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

what's lewd about her design?

She "may" be in the legal age, which means most fan artist can lewd her without guilt... granted, age never stoped them before, but it sure feels nice not needing to give explanations when doing lewd art.

there's nothing sexy about her design you're just a fucking retard

Yup bro this is the pokemon girl since the begining that is of legal age.

Please I beg you to end your worthless life.

have sex

>no I don't have a porn addiction: the post
There's nothing "lewd" about a character like that.

Literally nothing sexy about her design, fucking virgin.

WHAAAT?! marketing uses sex appeal to sell?! oh what about the children...
also this:

There's nothing sexual about her design.
The fact that you get a boner looking at a cartoon girl in jeans and peacoat says a lot about you and nothing about the design.

any design can be sexy though
there's a fetish for fucking everything

Why? I literally get paid to draw this kind of stuff, and I am not even that good. Pokemon lewd is good for business!

Its just a fucking anime girl. Every single anime girls get porn pokemon get more porn because its one of the biggest and most popular franchise in the world.

I beg you to have sex, OP.

This new girl has the most bland girl design I've seen from a pokemon game yet. The fact all these clickbait hungry artist jump on her makes me hate her even more.

>All these retards not understanding the obvious gyaru inspired aesthetic

I disagree, the fem protagonist is way blander.

I sort of agree but I think it works from a gameplay perspective since you can buy clothes (I assume) to improve her look. The npc has no excuse.

>british region

But all the clickbait hungry artist jumped on her default design

that was last gen you moron

Attached: pokemon-sunmoon-anime-plumeria-jan132019-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 64K)

Wearing hair ornaments doesn't make her gyaru.

>painted nails=gyaru
No. Would be great if they did go for the gyaru look.


Plumeria looks like a ganguro girl. Gyaru is even less edgier than that

>Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder since Gen 5
Pokemon designs have been getting lewder since Gen 3.

The pokemon company when asked why misty does not return in the show in a interview...

"many of our fans are young boys, we feel that the boys will loose interest in the girl at some point. We add in new girls to partner with ash every generation to attract their attention"

In short yes... They do make the girls more lewd and they are intentionally sexual. For fuck sake Ash has a harem at the moment.

>Plumeria looks like a ganguro girl
Not at all. Ganguro is all about cutesy colorful stuff

ugh i wanna fuck her so bad bros

Except they all show less skin than Misty

and they were wrong for it, but at least there was a little more going on with the scottish attitude they gave her

Pokemon needs to be careful, they'll lose their general appeal if they pander to horny losers too much

It'll end up deader than digimon

>being legal age means it is a lewd design
End yourself

What the fuck does that first sentence even mean?

through dick, unity

Attached: 1556327738793.gif (330x330, 208K)

There’s nothing sexual about her. Have you ever considered that a large number of gamers are just generally a bunch of sexually perverted virgins that substitute discord and porn for a girlfriend? It’s no surprise that she gets porn immediately considering Pokefags are all social rejects anyways

She has less porn than the sheep

>legal age
Is this a meme or do people really believe it?

Attached: 1549926395135.png (757x615, 184K)

There's nothing inherently sexual about Sonia's design.

I will say that there are examples of things that people have bought because of a lewd looking character, though. It helped that the game was actually pretty fucking good to back things up

Attached: 1555963607641.png (1326x744, 924K)

It's sarcasm retorting that legal age means anything when it comes to characters getting porn based on their legality since Pokemon has some very obvious counter examples like Cynthia.


don't forget to dilate tonight

those that grew up playing games are now making them. it's fanservice for themselves.
i can only dream i was in the same position

They’re basic and generic designs, everyone just has shit taste

How are you posting from the 1800s?

It's because Wooloo is cute and innocent, so corrupting her in porn is more appealing than generic anime girl.

She looks like a regular woman in nice clothes. I'm not sure what the problem is or what's lewd about her.

Has it been able to improve since gen 5, is there any other Gym Leaders' Pokemon that had it harder than Cilan's Pansage?

Attached: pokemonfrommemory.png (392x1824, 22K)

>Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder since Gen 5
Sonia is barely "lewd" she's a regular as shit looking character. If anything she's actually a bit boring. Fags on the internet are just pretending to be hyper horny for attention

>Clearly at least jailbait age
>painted and manicured nails
>(Relatively) low cut sweater
>Large eyelashes
>Accessorizes with hearts in her hair
>Cute habits like twirling her hair
She's got plenty of THOT-y qualities which makes her generally prime material.

Attached: 1559742898855.jpg (933x525, 77K)

Post some lewds

she's pretty fucking ugly my dude

Make me, weakling

Skin isn't everything

>spats and tits

>short skirt that shows her ass at times, changed in 3rd game due to it being too sexual by complaints

>skin tight leggings showing off curves

>character is older now
>in tight little short shorts

Every game since has had a more sexual girl.


>so desperate you confuse normal girly traits with hypersexual ones

Attached: 1006512095748.jpg (850x1241, 142K)

>Create unattractive female character
>You faggots rrreee about muh fucking SJWs
>Create attractive female character
>This fucking thread
I hate you people so much.

You're pretty fucking gay desu senpai

Attached: 1559770516167.gif (600x337, 2.45M)

>Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder

God you are stupid. The bitch is literally fully clothed. Theres nothing lewd about that.

Hey pal. Did you just blow in from stupid town?

I mean, considering the general pokegirl scene, yeah. Most of her qualities aren't seen in the usual pokegirls because she's clearly older than a lot of them while not being like "an adult".
So it comes together to make her way more appealing in general.

That said, fucking every pokemon girl with any amount of girly attributes gets tons of porn.

>being a young attractive female and being dressed well are "thot qualities"

The only thot here is your horny little adolescent mind

None of these are more sexy than any of Misty's outfits, aside from being cartoonish none of the ones you have mentioned would be considered indecent. Misty's top + shorts on the other hand is something many girls wouldn't wear in public, and when she's not wearing that she's either in bikini or one piece swimsuit.

Attached: 1168469.jpg (319x450, 40K)

Gen 7 was peak waifu. Plumeria, Olivia, Rainbow Rocket Grunt, Chicken-chan, the art girl whose name I forget, Sina, and the list goes on and on.

>That hair
>Those accessories
>Those nails
>That body
>Those mannerisms
She IS definitely meant to be a light gyaru even if the game takes place in England, she's probably a scrapped character from Sun/Moon

>since Gen 5

Gen 2 had Jasmine, Karen and Whitney; even Gen 2 Misty is lewd

Gen 3 had Flannery

Gen 4 had Cynthia, the true first waifubux character

Gen 5 had Elesa and Skyla

Gen 6 didn't have lewd designs

Gen 7 had Lillie and Lusamine

Sure pokemon fans are wanking to her day and night, but that doesn't really make her sexualized, it's them who are sick and desperate.
It's the same people who made hundreds and hundreds of porn pics of this completely non-sexual character too.

Attached: 511px-Sun_Moon_Lana.png (511x599, 157K)

You seem to REALLY have a preference for older women.
Lana is so fucking hot but I agree with you.

" In another comment made in the second interview[2], he joked that part of the reason for changing Ash's female companion from Misty to May, and then to Dawn is that "boys need a new piece of eye candy to look at every once in a while".

Imagine being this fucking stupid. They make them sexual for a reason.

her name is literally ANAL backwards, how is that not sexualized?



she is LITERALLY a slag

seek sunlight ya virgin

Attached: 1002145951051.jpg (850x1222, 224K)

The hell is wrong with weebs man

>mfw only realized that when I was done drawing Sonia

The sheep actually makes my dick harder and would have been more fun to draw.

>You seem to REALLY have a preference for older women.

In terms of 2D I have a thing for girls who are hot. That means they look like women.

If you took and put her design on an adult body, that would be fine.

>Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder since Gen 5
>implying it hasn't been a constant since gen 3, if not lower
>implying Sonia's that lewd of a design and it isn't just people being horndogs in general
Pokemon just always has been porn and waifubait since gen 1.

Attached: twisted.png (645x729, 91K)

>Gen 6 didn't have lewd designs
what is serena and shauna

I cant believe this is actually true but the sheep is one popular fucker

>If you took and put her design on an adult body, that would be fine.
So her mum?
Just wait until they start announcing team grunts and the female gym leaders, that's when the good muses will appear.

You are literally such an incel. This is what any normal girl does

>a constant since gen 3, if not lower

Gen 1 had Dom Sabrina, waifish Erika, tomboy Misty, and MOMMY Lorelei.

Plus I think the female ace trainers had whips.

Nigga they've been making bara porn of the crow pokemon. There's nothing sexy about any of these designs, the internet is just horny.

Would you say Wicke's design is lewd? Aside from people latching onto the THICC thing with her it seems like a pretty non-lewd design though it still makes me completely diamonds

>wears swimsuit underneath at all times

Iunno man pretty sexy

Plumeria's problem was being in Gen 7. She'd be undisputed top girl in a shittier gen for waifus.

Best girl. Only rivaled by Olivia.

Marina from Splatoon and Plumeria are the best two Nintendo girls fight me

Have sex

they've always been based.
this one is still one of my faves.

Attached: 0ebe5a87e79e9075db65ed40ac1e9957.jpg (753x1059, 356K)

worst pokegirl. her official art makes her look like a downie

Honestly I thought her design was stupid, then I just looked at a bunch of doujins and my mind changed for some reason.
Wasn't there someone who was more like a gyaru in the movies, or am I mistaken

>Companies catering to horny men with sexy characters is a bad thing

What? are you some kind of fiminazi who would rather have ugly neon haired dykes flooding videogames? Seriously fuck off faggot resetard

Attached: 1526554681579.png (540x406, 348K)

here's nothing inherently "lewd" about her design. Or any other character that's been revealed. I understand Pokemon is popular (understatement) but I'm still baffled at how much art is being made because it seems less like anyone is actually excited about this character or any other character and like it's just a bandwagon.

Attached: 1559850377419.jpg (1075x1518, 226K)

I think a key thing about her, men and women both like her design. She's pretty and fashionable, but also dressed completely reasonably except maybe overdoing the hairclips.

Women aren't going to cringe at her being shitty waifubait. If she is waifubait she's incredibly well designed since they did it in a completely inoffensive way.

Rule #34 is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Many artists will jump on any and every new thing for exposure, riding the Trending Now train of social media.
And then there will always be the people who genuinely get their fire lit by a specific design.


Attached: 1124484075847.png (300x100, 20K)

>Pokemon character designs have been getting lewder and lewder since Gen 5
And that's great. The only thing gamefreak can do well.

Please continue gamefreak

I love how easily I can recognize Boris

The OP just pointed out an interesting subtle marketing tactic and you're going on like they murdered your dog. They didn't even denounce it or anything.

>because it seems less like anyone is actually excited about this character or any other character and like it's just a bandwagon.
Well it's a children's game and story, not some deep narrative. So you won't find people excited about her character arc or development, they need porn to make her interesting.

good lord this is the most basic pokegirl design i've seen in years how the fuck is everyone THIS thirsty

Attached: DnMSdKgVAAEHbv2.jpg large.jpg (845x771, 46K)

New girl hype during pre-release.
The real pain is those girls who never get an announcement and are somewhat obsure in their entry, like Kahili.

I never said it was a bad. Don't be such a knee jerk faggot.

Attached: 1560031051446.jpg (486x430, 53K)

Did /vp/ broke down or something? Im starting to see a lot of pokemon related threads on here


Nobody's asking the important question about her.

Is she ALSO a angry Scot?

What have we done

Attached: D8hltECXkAArmCW.jpg (729x347, 46K)

source me on this one famalam

Nincels are genuinely just a bunch of gross virgins. I get that this is Yea Forums, but you degenerates are embarrassing if not pathetic.

It's this or shagging a sheep with what info given, FemMC's just for joke artwork for now.

Attached: 1559956985109.jpg (948x1820, 320K)

Why is the pokemon community becoming gayer and gayer, is it because its a combination of numale anime shit and furry shit?

>pansear doing damage with incinerate
all I remember it doing is like 1/6 of the green monkey HP

I didnt count but considering furries always put way more work into drawing their fetish I can easily see the sheep having more fanarts by now.

Same happened for Hex, but people went with the moomoo milk seller to try and justify that.
Along with nips not caring with being consistent with rack sizes, like now with everyone

They don't make XY hex maniac just busty, they make her straight up obese most of the times

Why does it matter?

Oh yeah, that too

Help me out here

shad man

>since Gen 5,
Since 4 you mean.

she's redhead

Yeah honestly I feel like Pokefags reach a lot with their waifus. All of the female designs in /SS/ so far have been very conservative. Sonia was given a bulky jacket to hide as much of her upper body as possible, but since you can see her collarbone and she doesn't appear flat it MUST be lewd. She's attractive sure, but not sexy in her dress style.

100% an incel lmfao

New stuff announced (pokemon gacha with trainers and sword/shield info) means more threads.

>eyebrows that match the color of the hair

I’m sorry, I can’t let go of the Alola lolis

>Being so much of a virgin that seeing any woman turns you on

There's nothing overtly sexual about her design. Skyla, yes. Elesa, yes. But Sonia's just a person, nothing lewd about that.

The collarbone in general is hot though

Haven't watched the movie, but I'm guessing this girl. She does look more like what most people are used to what a gyaru is.

Attached: D8jro9rXYAYO6ND.jpg (340x844, 42K)

Yeah, her, thanks.

She's not even appealing
She's just Nintendo flavor of the month that shitty, uncreative artists draw for free exposure

This. She's so generic but every artist cranks one out because she's new

You'd be surprised and horrified at the amount of people not being able to distinguish between reality and fiction.

>ch*ke and d*e

I'm not a big stickler for boob size, but the appeal of the designs is usually tied to their proportions. When hentaifags slap huge jugs onto every character they draw they all start looking like the same slut.

I'd say she's easily the most appealing girl so far, even though there have only been three and a literal granny. But keep in mind people will always fawn over the player character, no matter how shitty she looks. See Chicken-chan, who is bland as all hell, and Lillie, who is something of a knockoff of that girl from Tekken with a similar name.

>They all start looking like the same slut
Not really. They look like different sluts with huge boobs. That's why the rest of the character is there. It's fucking porn not high art.

And whats remotely lewd about all that? Are you that much of a virgin?

>It's fucking porn not high art.
Pardon that my entire appeal does not revolve around glistening tits.

Sluttery's the norm
and that's a good thing

Pardon that everyone else's appeal doesn't revolve around your tastes.

>Clearly at least jailbait age
She looks high school or college age. That’s not jailbait you dumb faggot.

>It's fucking porn not high art.
Brainlet response.

She's not all that special. So far the female protag and lass are better. Galar needs to step its game up to compete with the cute and funny Alolans.

>When hentaifags slap huge jugs onto every character they draw they all start looking like the same slut.
It's more like the problem is accuracy, like why even draw the character if it's not even on model and whatever appeal they may have?

Speak for yourself faggot.

>cute habits like twirling her hair
>THOT-y quality
For the love of all that is holy in this world, please socialise and have sex.

Attached: E78136AE-E764-4BF6-BC11-3F2E73E1E15A.jpg (678x960, 197K)

>muh horny teenagers
why do trannies hate sex so much? Is it because you can't... have sex?

>high school or college age
>high school
>not jailbait
Nigga what the fuck is your definition of jailbait?
College is certainly legal but 3/4th of high school students are the peak definition of jailbait as they're well past puberty but still not at the legal age of 18 for boning.

Attached: 1555984936732.jpg (363x651, 42K)

Did you actually think this was clever when you wrote it?


If you love her, then save her.

Best of luck, Yea Forums.

Attached: liberals everyone.png (598x666, 522K)

keep seething trannie

Attached: 1541288359891.jpg (480x480, 73K)

Attractive but not lewd
Worst girl

What a completely founded and unexpected response. Whats more likely user, me being part of less than 1% of the population or your post just being shit?

Attached: L9MlEPw.jpg (807x659, 37K)

god i fucking hate faggots and these mentally ill permanent dress up basket cases

This thread

Attached: 85e.jpg (1024x980, 106K)

That was a joke tweet you incel.

why do they try to ruin everything?

Attached: 1556815831727.jpg (320x320, 23K)

You should look at previous gen female player characters before asking that again

she exists

Who cares if she's hot or not.

>british accent


So... straight man?

Then I...must also become a trans lesbian!

>Not wanting to stick your dick in the turtle's mouth or be anally ravaged by sir raven


>a surefire to market your game. The dick is king
It's more than that. Appeal to young pubertal kids with interesting and attractive girls as they're going through puberty and overflowing with hormones, and you'll catch them for life.
This is one of the biggest contributing factors to the extremely strong nostalgia factor Pokemon has.

Fucking imagine if Game Freak actually added a female character that wasn't flat. The internet would go crazy.

it may be common but its still thotty. Women should be modest, just because 99% aren't doesn't change that

Starting with Lorelei?

Attached: FireRed_LeafGreen_Lorelei.png (334x751, 260K)

Virgin cope

This tweet is nothing more but a bait to fuck around with people and get more attention. Just look at the replies for reference.

Friend said he had a nude misty card in Japanese. Everyone thought he was full of shit. MFW its actually true.

Sorry bro. Its been almost 20 years and all this time he was telling the truth.

Same friend said Paul Pierce shit his pants 11 years ago when he went out in the wheel chair and then straight went back to shoot two 3s in 22 seconds.

Please tell me I'm not the only one when I was a kid. Every single time I saw him he was on a white background, so that's why the gap looked like teeth to me.

Attached: mewtwo.png (909x342, 152K)

someone post the gif

Also, I swear that original drawing's look was unintentional.

Attached: oscar mewtwo.jpg (422x423, 57K)

twitter was based for once

Attached: OH SHIT.jpg (600x632, 49K)

>Ppl here not understanding how the Twitter clout game works.

I swear there's new ppl on this site. Her popularity is inflated and artificial because of drought season and ppl want clicks. It's alway a race to the first to get clicks.

Twitter Artist literally have templates ready for this shit.

kek, delusional

Attached: D6fcCqTUwAAdMi_.jpg (1024x789, 166K)

Normal girly traits are sexy, that's the point, that's why biology works.

>Her popularity is inflated and artificial
Yes and no. A new pokemon girl presented like that is always going to have a certain degree of popularity by default, but you're also right about people wanting to latch into anything with the potential of becoming some popular meme, specially after last year with the whole Bowsette thing.

I'm not cultured enough.

I bet you think hex maniac looks like this.

Attached: 1555313330457.png (1719x2184, 2.56M)

Bowsette should have been a wake-up call. Everything that gets made on the internet is a cynical product of people following trends to drive up engagement with their personal brand.

Fuck the chicken and the egg.

What the drawings represent is what is important. If the character is designed to be an adult, it's seen as more socially acceptable. If the character is designed to look like a child, people are going to see those attracted to them as pedophiles.

>UK setting
>not wearing burqa
Immersion ruined, gj gamefreak.

Attached: 1498792411266.png (483x368, 260K)

Upper right Text bubble: Long time No see

Without realizing there were another person behind her, Hex mania thought
the greeting was for her and kept waving her hand.

Can we talk about more relatable girls instead?

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_kedamono_kangoku_tou__sample-80301a3fcbc25 (850x1063, 184K)

hard cope

Needs more Lorelei.

Attached: 6de0a56134011fa280bce2e0ed55b026.jpg (1023x723, 275K)

This is a gyaru according to ninten/v/o

user, fucking Jynx is based off of ganguro girls

Japs call her a gyaru too

Attached: D8iwfKBV4AEOM9s.jpg:orig.jpg (1408x1895, 238K)


In Japan

Did a quick search on twitter

Attached: D8X60S4UYAA8c0r.jpg:orig.jpg (1008x1024, 116K)


Attached: 1557565170702.png (180x180, 79K)

And the rest of the world calls it normal. Where? The rest of the world unanimously.

It does.

Attached: 1549190562915.png (738x1026, 326K)

Do you know what that says?

Now post a ganguro girl

Attached: 124Jynx.png (851x851, 494K)

Stop being a muslim

The image? It says "super cute".

Attached: D8XonoXUIAUVNO_.jpg:orig.jpg (700x662, 72K)

So what's the connection with gyaru?

>people want to fuck Pokemon, Trainers, and NPCs
What's it like being this new?

>Low cut
You are a prude and probably gay.

The artist that drew it calls her a gyaru, do you need a map or something?

Nintendies can't contain their lust looking at this picture

Attached: pss-sonia.jpg (800x1450, 133K)

You have a screencap for that and possibly a few other?

arrest yourself soulless chad

you mean the humans or the pokemons?

Sure, but if you can't do the basic search I did, then what makes you think you can argue about this?

Attached: sonia.png (725x729, 591K)

One guy calling her a gyaru (and being wrong) doesn't make her a gyaru user.

Attached: 1535750209459.png (1010x807, 809K)

This is just hazzarding a guess, but since gyaru was born from western makeup that if you've got fancy nails and non 'natural look' makeup you're a gyaru.

Attached: a_battle_against_lorelei_by_gagaxkonback_dd0kzgu-fullview.jpg (1280x4337, 823K)

She's a gyaru though

>Normal woman with twig legs and a broad coat that completely hides her figure

Attached: Bowser This Fucking Guy.jpg (500x500, 88K)

I'm sorry user but that is high incel cope, fuck I'm a /pol/ user and you're acting like an idiot.

>one guy
There's plenty, but really, why so against?

Attached: 73318875_p0.png (1320x1575, 1.28M)

Ironic how the people acting like they actually know what a gyaru is are the real retards.
Gyaru doesn’t mean tan skin. It’s just a term for trendy/fashionable.

I suppose this is a gyaru too?

Attached: depositphotos_217067646-stock-photo-young-smiling-woman-trench-coat[1].jpg (1600x1167, 166K)

>Yea Forums suddenly likes women

what happened

You might want to paste the above into google translate.


the whole concept of being a gyaru is based on the idea of making yourself look like a nigger

why wouldn't he dislike it

Wonder what the Sword and Shield Hex maniac will look like. Haha.

Longhair Sabrina > 30-something childless wine tour Sabrina

Something about mecha
Why are they talking about giant robots?

>of making yourself look like a nigger
See, the main problem here is that people think that only ganguro = gyaru when that's only one type, has the right idea.

As objects, not people.
That’s always been the case.

The most important thing is that he didn't call her a gyaru. And the word gyaru is not even referring to the style gyaru here.


Never expected I'd get so many (you)s.
Thanks faggots.

Attached: 1551852565712.png (1378x1378, 952K)

I see what you're trying to do and this is why you're gravely mistaken.

it's really simple. they just make cute girls because everyone likes cute girls. naturally you want to fuck them too because you're lonely.

This. There are 2 types of gyaru. There are shiro gyaru and kuro gyaru. This character is obviously shiro gyaru

Attached: 1560049793549.jpg (2481x3507, 531K)

Your welcome.
Now don't go telling your grandkids every year how the highlight of your life was over in a day.

Is there anything of her tribbing the player character girl? Please say yes and give source. Why does nobody like tribbing dammit?

does going on 6-12 hour jack off sessions twice a week count as having a porn addiction?

Attached: 1555982795323.jpg (792x792, 135K)

Attached: 1550965457118.png (492x588, 159K)


Attached: 1506974041194.png (1600x1600, 1.75M)

Nothing, like 90% of girls in Pokemon. They're only attractive when they get drawn with fake proportions

Post a shiro gyaru and let everyone here decide.

Attached: a_battle_against_lorelei_2_by_gagaxkonback_dd0nrb8-fullview.jpg (1280x776, 146K)

sounds like you're on an anti-depressant

Attached: D7Fg6nB.png (1000x815, 676K)

Attached: 1545330779407.jpg (2048x2048, 420K)

What the hell do you think the word ギャル is referring to then?

Get a job

She's become more gyaru-ish but sonia is crazy cute、 im looking forward to it(the game)

The artist says she's become more gyaru ish cause he drew her have have more emphasis on the gyraru characteristics

Probably cause tribbing isn’t a very pleasurable act at all.
Might as well be masturbating with a table corner. At least that’s stiff.

An image we can both agree with, user. You just don't get it.

Pick up a football

Does that make it worse? If I ditch Prozac will I stop be so orgasm addicted?

who cares, you can't omance any of the trainers anyway so it's irrelevant

nah i'm on adderall

What's not to get? sure she has some gyaru qualities but that's about it.
To call her an outright gyaru would be like calling someone goth because they wear lots of black.
The artist can insert his gyaru fetish on to her if wants but to call the original design a gyaru is just plain wrong.

Attached: 1539641359734.png (863x638, 622K)

Shut the fuck up
Nothing, she's the next quirky designed girl outside of the main female trainer and the other blond one. Porn artists were just waiting for an excuse, albiet an extremely poor one.

Smash is a party game, not a fighting game.

No、this wrong. There is kuro and shiro gyaru. Kuro is vlack or darker skinned and shiro is white ornloghter skinned.

Are you supposed to be wrong?

This is a shiro gyaru inspired character. Based Nintendo.

Attached: pusum-lillie.jpg (700x1260, 101K)

Now you're just being retarded.

See the light skin? Obviously a shiro gyaru. Based Nintendo for pandering to twitter

Attached: pusum-selene.jpg (880x1300, 142K)

>low cut
>can't see any cleavage
yep its a retard

No、he is right

>completely non-sexual character
1. It's a girl
2. It's a design that has appeal
3. It's Pokemon
There is going to be fanart of EVERY Pokemon girl whether you like it or not. The fact you think they need to be inherently sexualized means you have no creativity, and thus why japs will eternally be the better artists

Attached: 8cce.jpg (715x1000, 143K)

I'm fucking right is what I am. There is kuro and shiro gyaru. Read a book.

Here's another obvious motherfucking shiro gyaru reference

Attached: pbwv2-misty.jpg (800x1600, 131K)

>legal age of 18

What third world shit hole do you live in?

It's hot though! At least to the viewer. Besides how would you know, Mr user?

Cute face. But side ponytail is only beaten in "Worse fucking haircut ever" by pigtails. Anyone that likes it has shit taste.

You’re making a fool of yourself.
Just cause you don’t know the difference doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

She’s not gyaru
Gyaru means nugget jn japanese

Jeez, isn't Watamote's Tomoko a normalfag now?
I recall her being what helped Hex Manic rise into popularity as they had similar looks.

you sound like a homo

You just don't get it. Your understanding of the current trends is lacking.

Attached: NEOBK-2283733.jpg (353x500, 56K)

Even then to call her a shiro feels like a stretch
I feel like we'll have to agree to disagree and meet each other half with dick unity.
I'll see what my one true gyaru lord Rebis has to say about this before I make my final decision

Attached: 7ff0d234b6456274c7e5e6e62ec89b6a[1].jpg (1000x887, 315K)

Fuck off retard Japan calls them gyaru

Attached: psm-protagonist-female.jpg (750x1450, 127K)

I uh... w-Wikipedia...?
Please do not ask further questions on this matter


A shiro gyaru is gyaru whose skin is not dark and who rather focuses on whiter/fairer skin.

Post actual gyarus in vidya. Starting with an obvious one.

Attached: p3-yukari-takeba1.jpg (680x1100, 92K)

Whoops I mean nigger

This is universal truth. Even an absolute 10 is unfuckable with pigtails. I can't really think of a bigger turnoff that isn't some over the top fetish shit.

Attached: p5-anne-takamaki.jpg (600x1000, 79K)

You’re thinking Kokujin.

She’s okay. I’m just looking forward to the gym leaders. Since we have the whole soccer motif going on the only thing I need is a cute tomboy gym leader please.

There's always a at least somewhat tomboyish gym leader on every region, I say you're safe.

As long as you don't know because you cut off your penis and rubbed the wound on another cut penis.

>pigtails is bad
shit taste

Attached: D8XTR6YUwAAcNZf.jpg (856x1356, 96K)

Ahahhahahaha this is such shit lol

Attached: 1560041936463.jpg (960x960, 43K)

>baiting a bunch of horny incels

>only barely showing collarbone

get help

Is Pokemon actually Satanic? They are blatantly indoctrinating children to concepts of animal prizefighting, gambling, sexuality, eugenics, and playing God under a demeanor of cute, colorful visuals and the encouragement to connect with other fans via internet, a cesspool of degeneracy. Is Pokemon a contributor to the increased loss in faith among the youth and the downfall of civilization as we shift into the digital age?

Attached: 1560023486543.webm (550x550, 1.91M)


Nice. Here’s hoping she’s a tan sporty one. Tomboys need more representation and love.

It mostly just makes them gay.