How do you feel about always having to be connected to the internet to play your $700 console?
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and no ape escape 4
My PS4 and Switch are connected to my wifi 24/7 right now, what's the difference?
Nothing because i won't have to deal with that
Im getting a ps5 not a xbox
seriously at this point microsoft and nintendo don't even have to do anything sony are just killing themselves. i have absolutely no faith in next gen sony myself after they pushed all this authoritarian censorship cancer.
Jsut get a pc you fucking fucks
Based Sony always winning. Keep seething Yea ForumstendoGaf.
I'll buy next gen xbox just to give them a sale. Sony should fuck off from gaming all together they've contributed nothing of value. If gaming was left to Sony and they had all the power in the world they would ban PC ports and force devs to make their games for playstation only. They tried this back in the ps2 days hence why Microsoft had to come in with the OG xbox. It's true go and Google it. Microsoft literally had to release the xbox to get devs to make directX games for xbox and hence PC because Sony tried forcing a monopoly for playstation consoles. Absolute garbage dump of a company. Their censorship policies will kill them off anyway I can't wait.
>yay corporate sales !
They can literally do whatever they want and sony queers on Yea Forums will defend them. They have been shilling a console with no games for 6 years just because it's not Nintendo.
>flat out lying
they just gave us a new trailer:
Meanwhile I own Nintendo stocks and have been doing a 60% profit in the last couple of months.
You made this thread like a week ago
Aww who am I kidding, we all know this thread is getting 500 replies anyway
That goes for all consolekids.
Fuck off, pedofag
Cope harder, switchlard
As long as misogynist character designs are not present I can really appreciate whatever means Sony takes to get us there.
Welp I won't touch PS5 with a stick now. Sony are getting scummier every year. It seems in just one year they went from pretty based to suddenly everything being censored, skipping E3 among other things.
No one here can give any valid reasons why Sony skipping E3 is good for anyone.
This user was banned because of homophobia and wrongthink. Hand over your $2000 online only library
This doesn't confirm always online you moron, are you illiterate?
>Based Sony always winning.
>take a tweet out of context and use it to make up some retarded rumor
>Yea Forums believes it without even second guessing because DUDE SONY BAD LMAO
If your isp shits the bed for some reason you lose access. I have cox, that shit is like a coin flip if I go home and my internet is down
>scummy sony is something new
>I won't get the only system that has good games because of an imagined internet culture war
You do you nintendie.
Show me the top 10 list of software sold on those platforms.
Seamless. No disconnects.
What do you expect from Yea ForumstendoGaf? They will never get over Sony winning this generation. There's a reason they obsess over Sony and dedicate threads to Sony every day. This thread proves it.
Don't forget your $80 per year required internet fee for BASED Sony.
My PS4 is always connected to the internet anyway, just like basically every other device I own. Get with the times grandpa.
I'm going to get a PS5. Best games and best console. Just like the PS4. There's a reason Sony won this generation.
please anons buy a Switch I beg you
Feels like I'll be moving full time to PC. Let's all be fucking real here, yeah? Playstation is turning into nothing but a FromSoftware box, because that's the only company that can pump out actual video games for Sony. The rest are all cinematic shit.
The difference being your wifi network isn't connected to Sony's servers 24/7.
How does a single company manage to trigger Yea ForumstendoGaf so much? Sony lives in nincels head rent free.
Why would I get a PC when everything I want comes to PS4 and Switch?
thats it. i demand a pc only board for vidya. i cant fucking take this console bullshit anymore.
>won't show them
Don't worry I will.
Dedicated servers.
Based Sony winning every generation since the PS1. Stay mad nincels.
And this is why I'll buy an xbox. At least xbox shows up at E3 to show me cool new stuff like upcoming games meanwhile Sony are basically saying fuck the fans we don't give a shit about you just buy our shit without us even pretending we care about you (the consumer).
Xtard delusion will deflate soon enough. After E3 they'll left with nothing. Microsoft is disbanding Xbox and turning it into a service, and the devote fans can do nothing but watch.
That shit nearly killed the Xbox, why do they think this is a good idea?
Why is Let's Go Pikachu on the list twice?
Xbox player here. I'm buying Sony next generation. Xbox is garbage. There's a reason why it came in last this generation. Sony always wins.
2013 was 6 years ago
Absolutely shaking lol
Death Stranding basically btfo the entirety of e3. Who cares what shitbox gets?
I don't know what your fanboy wars has got to do with my post. Don't bring me into it because you're mad.
yeah lets not forget the time when PSN was literally down for months.
Don't people find it more annoying when someone shows up to E3 when they don't have anything to show? If they did E3, it'd be the same as last year, minus Spider-Man
All the major publishers are salivating at idea of always online becoming the new normal, but no one wants to make the first move because backlash will be immense (Xbox 2013), and it gives rivals a chance to throw you under the bus (PlayStation “how to share games” video at e3 2013).
It will happen eventually, just need one company to take the PR hit and follow through with it first, then rest will follow. Exactly like Xbox live paid online.
Says the mad fanboy posting in a Sony thread.
PS5 will be always online with worse restrictions than the original Xbone plan and people will cheer for it
Screencap this post
Because they don't and you're falling for bullshit posted on Yea Forums
Your switch and PS4 don't need an internet connection to function properly.
Who? Fanboy for who? I own a PS4 this gen moron.
if anything that tweet confirms the opposite
>proves Sony has been winning for nearly a decade
I think you're considering that xbox tried to do this already with the xbox one and that is part of why microsoft shit the bed this console generation. Also playstation has way more high quality exclusives than microsoft right now and I can't really see how anyone could deny that. If sony does do this I think it would be a bad move.
Valve started this shit
never forget
yes. obviously. and thats the absolute state of the company, where they have to pick between showing up and not showing anything or not showing up because they dont have shit.
its pathetic.
You can't get disconnected if you're always online
and as always Sony will outperform Nintendo
Except that’s not what that means at all.
I'll take "shit that never happened" for 500, Steve
Not everyone uses the huehue NEET Brazilian monkey internet package
Now post Sony's revenue compared to Microsoft's you little left wing tranny cuck :)
>brb gotta go pay for a download
>pirate? nah Gabe has to get his cut
>death stranding (granted it's coming to pc eventually)
>ff7 remastered (granted it's also coming to pc and xbox eventually
>ghosts of tsushima
>literally have a new console coming to talk about
etc. claiming they don't have anything is BS. they're getting cocky and thinking they don't need to advertise to consumers. even the biggest cancer in the world being apple shows up and does big events. sony has cancelled literally every major event from psx 2018 to e3 2019 and probably will continue to cancel shit. fuck them seriously.
Everything is better on PC
Yeah, that's what happens when you're prepping for the next generation. Nintendo went through the same shit in 2015. They were shifting focus towards the Switch, so their presentation on Wii U games was asinine when they showed up at E3. This is just what happens when you're ready to move on to the next generation.
>pay Valve for playing online
you must be a fucking idiot. Stay seething, so(n)ycuck
your tears are delicious nintendhoe, hows that AC game or VC?
>inb4 muh e3
idgaf hoes mad
No. I can't play Central Fiction on PC. Nobody's ever there.
Why does this image make Nincels rage?
It just works.
must be retarded if you think that the ps5 will have any games in its first three years.
>without disconnections
Oh yeah? Sony is going to personally keep my internet on at all times?
Shill harder
okay but what anime is this
Because it forces them to accept the fact that Sony has been the king of home consoles. It tears their ass that 4 sony consoles have outsold 7 Nintendo home consoles
Didn't Xbone got shat on hard because of that always online thing?
>if you can't get an internet connection then there's the 360!
Realistically speaking, is there anything that can stop Sonydomination part two?
no no, you're right, Sony causing one of the biggest security leaks in the history of mankind which lead to the servers getting taken down absolutely did not happen :^)
Sony supports my archiving of media i pirated and back ups of my physical copies with M-discs and Optical Disc Archive
And who cares? I'm not a 3rd worlder with shitty internet services
If the console's overpriced, especially compared to the competition. That'd be a real kick in the shin
I hate Sony too but making shit up won't do anything
Not having an e3 presentation would be pretty shitty
they're already being assraped by the stitch in usa and asia and microsoft are going for the jugular because as always, microsoft wants a monopoly. so yeah there's many ways sony can be prevented from having the ps4 success next gen. ps2 -> ps3 happened as well.
If Microsoft goes fucking bonkers and makes their operating loss huge on a console with better hardware than Sony
its not an issue of availability user, its about rights/privacy
Yeah but snoys will probably give it a pass since sony can do no wrong
ignorant or underage?
They said the PS4 was going to do this in their design documents or patent or whatever, but got a lot of backlash before the reveal so it was removed. Even XBox removed it with all the backlash. So hopefully they smarten up.
>'oh no sony can see that I play videogames! on their videogame console! the horror!'
look at this zoomer and laugh
I can play my games without being connected to valves servers what the fuck are you on about?
Funny how they made fun of Microsoft doing that same thing with the Xbox One just like they did with Xbox Live being a paid service.
How stupid can you possible be?
>anytime, anywhere
it's another switch everyone
Once again nintendies fail their third grade reading comprehension test
It did happen you hyper autist.
Maybe instead of sucking on your moms tit all day why don't you go outside, associate with the world.
>lmplying I will buy that shit
This is the fastest way to get me to not support Sony in terms of consoles.
Like guys, believe me, I know Sony said this, I have a check mark on twitter and a japanese name.
can you even afford it? make sure you save up for neetbux first weeb
Ancient shit is irrelevant. Most of us still went to grade school back then.
oh right I forgot he's just your average sonyafrican
Remember when microsoft did this and everyone lost their minds? Sony niggers will defend this.
playstation pulls an xbox one and xbox pulls a ps4
Shots fired
>snoy servers shit the bed like they often do
>cant play your games
Posting the same baseless claim over and over won't make it true you dumb nigger.
you think that's the only major sony hack?
neck yourself underage
I laugh at the hourly anti shills trying to sway public opinion against Sony. I can't wait for the ps5 to be a major success that it shuts you up for the rest of the gen like with ps4.
Be honest with me anons. How many hours a day do you spend console war posting? Is it cutting into your ability to have a normal life?
i remember you shills saying this back in 2007 when there were gaming forums on fucking AOL and shit. sony got absolutely destroyed that gen coming off their biggest success in their history, even bigger than the ps4 this gen and even that didn't prevent them from crashing and burning.
Imagine unironically being loyal to a company
>got absolutely destroyed that gen coming off their biggest success in their history
we're not talking about nintendo user
You'll give up every corner of your life to corporations by piecemeal, then as an old man look behind you, and ask your peers how it got to such a sorry state, but they will all be dead, and you will hand the next generation nothing but an orwellian hell of mandated in game play time of EA's most recent hot runny turd.
with absolute braingeniuses like those people in charge I cant see them not getting everything right.
>we're not talking about nintendo user
i know where did i mentioned nintendo? i was talking about the ps2 being miles in the lead at 150m+ sales to coming in dead last in 7th gen with barely over 85m sales. my point is anything can happen.
This is true, but it wasn't down for months retard.
Sony did fine that gen, they may have lost money but their brand didnt get trashed as hard as Nintendo. The wii was the beggining of the end and nintendo has never recovered from being casual shit since then. COD blew up on ps3 and xbox not on wii lmfao
And I recall you anti shills trying these same tactics at the end of ps3
oh I'm sorry, just 20 days. thats perfectly acceptable.
commendable even.
>can you even afford it?
Bought the PS3 and PS4 at launch. Recently got a PS4 Pro because my PS4 HDD is full and I just wanted and excuse to get a 75" 4k TV and try out 4k. Also moved all my fighting game data to the pro for that as well.
Also got the Wii U and Switch at launch.
Financially I ain't struggling friend.
>make sure you save up for neetbux first weeb
Would really love to dwelve into this "neet" lifestyle but meh it just ain't me.
That sounds more like it's going to be comnected to Project Starlink, "Anytime, Anywhere, without disconnecting"
>Sony did fine that gen
they were close to bankrupcy that gen to the point they had to sell off their whole fucking headquarters. and if the switch is anything to go by nintendo are fine they are the best selling console in the usa in 2018 and have already outsold the ps4 in japan.
>Shots fired
He's just insecure. Let the poor lad stay poor and insecure.
This thread is clown world incarnate. XPagliacci's need to stop deluding themselves and remember that people still aren't hyped for Xbox even when they're the only ones at E3.
they were never close to bankrupcy fucking retard and idgaf about usa and japan ps4 is about to sell 100m worldwide nintendo switch hasnt even hit 40m yet pipe down
Thats not how it works retard, if that happens then you just cant use online features , you can still play all your shit.
they are talking about game streaming you dumbass not always online
We are talking about the Wii and the DS not the Gamecube and E-Reader
Most people stop bothering with console wars the moment they can afford to get all the consoles they want.
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
Use in the future.
the japanese government had to bail them out because they lost so much money and why are you getting so mad? you just said the dumbest thing. the ps4 is about to sell 100m, yeah i didn't even mention that but that's since 2013. the switch is at 40m since 2017. why are you comparing apples to oranges?
Ok retard
lol combine wiiu and switch sales they still dont add up to shit, nice cope with muh only been out 2 years though
the wiiu was a complete failure that only sold 13m? Whats your point?
With the specs they're posting, the PS5 will be $599 MINIMUM, screencap this.
the point is you dont get to cope with “”only been out for 2 years”” now
It'll be the PS3 all over again.
so true. I bought it on steam sale and the online is fuckin dead
>Shit that never happened
Are you fserious? The PSN was hacked / DDoS and was down for all of April and some of May.
i don't even own a switch, relax your tits. you insinuated that nintendo was declining and i used factual proof of the success of switch to disprove that. you're the only one here taking issue with that and making it out into some platform war when nobody was doing that. you then made a retarded comparison which you were called out on and are now trying to pretend the switch and ps4 have been out for the same amount of time. did you expect any console to sell 100m in 2 years?
>success of the switch
it really isnt performing that great as articles written by manchildren would love for you to believe
>did you expect any console to sell 100m in 2 years?
epic cope I clearly said you can combine wiiu and switch numbers and they still wouldnt amount to shit since you want to cry that the switch hasnt been out long enough
Why the fuck would not have Internet anyway? How can you have 700 dollars to spend on a console and not be able to pay for a fucking Internet service? Are all you people who browse this site retarded or some shit? Who asks such a dumbass question?
>Sony is doing the things they mocked Microsoft for last gen
>they're literally shooting themselves in the foot after winning last gen by seeing what a mistake this shit was
Is this when they gave us a game to compensate?
Not saying it was a good thing, just that months I ply 2-3 months, and saying 20 days=60-90 days is factually incorrect. What are you, a journalist?
Nintendogaf so triggered by the success of Sony they massed flagged the post. LOL
Literal fake news shit to push console wars.
Jesus Christ Yea Forums
They had success for 2 years out of 6-7 by shilling mario and zelda nonstop, PS4 has been successful for much longer. The Switch will get pokemon and that's it, just more shovelware and ports for 5 more years. The sale rate is not going to keep up.
Where's the evidence?
jannies and mods are a bunch of nincels
Maybe in your magical land of delusion it happened
Anyone denying this is nintendogaf needs a reality check
Yeah, back in 2011, there were lawsuits over it because millions of people had their private data leaked as a result, including credit card info. Even though officially the outage only lasted during April according to the company and internet, anyone who actually tried to use PSN could tell you that service was intermittent for close to three months.
Internet service with 99.9% uptime costs upwards of $500 per billing cycle. Your average residential internet connection isn't guaranteed to stay up all the time.
Not impressive when PS4 is nearing it's life cycle end.
Shitch couldn't beat PS4 in 2018 and 2017.
i don't need to read articles all i need to see is numbers. when the NPD group says the switch is the best selling US console of 2018 it means it's the best selling US console of 2018. when i see mediacrate or whoever it was say that the switch has officially outsold the ps4 in japan it means just that. there's no beating around the bush or warping going on.
why would i combine wii u and switch? they're completely different products in the same way ps3 and ps4 are completely different products or x360 and xbox one. you suggested the ps4 is somehow better because its sold 100m compared to 40m of the switch and i correctly said one hasn't even been out for the same time as the other and suggested, if you didn't realize, that a like-for-like comparison can only be made if they're both out for the same amount of time.
Microsoft could literally just rename the Xbox one X to something like
Xbox Star
Nintendo should just roll out Dockless Switches and Smaller official Switch docks
And do literally nothing else and win
Understood. But that still doesn't answer my question.
LOL you are so fucking retarded its unbelievable. PS4 outsold Switch in 2018 in worldwide sales. That is fucking PATHETIC imagine busting your load early putting out the mario the zelda and the smash and STILL being outsold by a fucking console in the 5th year of its life
But the retards who write the articles cope by insisting its okay because they outsold in usa and japan LOL
Remember when playstation just increased the price of ps+ to match XBL and snoy cucks didnt do or even say anything about it. No protest just accepting whatever sony does
>"j-jannies are nintendies!"
Funny thing that Xbox threads and posts don't get deleted. It's almost as if you follow the rules your posts don't get deleted
Where can I get internet with 99.9% uptime for just $500/mo?
>when the company cuts support, the console and everything on it is gone forever
>psn already goes down a lot as it is
>internet in many places is still shit
My question to you is, what benefit does the customer get from forced online?
>From soft box
Fifa Station user
Literally everything except GTA V, Minecraft and COD is fucking soccer
thats because xbox is irrelevant they arent even in the discussion anymore
Even if you don't believe this, this next generation of consoles will likely be the last "real" one there is. No more physical copies, just a bunch of proprietary servers holding (((exclusives))) for a limited team before everyone else gets them.
>Look boss I posted it again
Well we can tell MS' E3 will be crap
Stop posting satire you fucking maniac
you're implying i care about the switch when i've already said i don't even own one. i do own a ps4 (and pc). you're still retarded for comparing the two at this current time. the switch is early in its life, it still has blockbusters to come which it relies on. the ps4 has the benefit of having an established library of games as well as games like gta 5 (50m sales on ps4) and others like cod (last cod sold 30m on ps4). there are so many different factors at play. relax yourself it's not that deep.
beats the wiiuport and indie tablet
Nigger I literally got a call from my bank fraud department and had to tank 300$ stolen from my account
Me and millions of others lost a lot of money
"It's okay when Sony does it" is legit worse when it comes to snoys
>How do you feel about always having to be connected to the internet to play your $700 console?
are there people above the age of 18 that unironically use consoles? YIKES!
Yeah it isnt deep
>nintendo releases under powered hardware
>lacks third party support
>loses the generation
>releases their next console too early
>sony releases a stronger console 2-3 years later
>actually has 3ps
>wins the gen
repeat for infinity
Now kill yourselves you fucking retards
Are all of you anons ESLfags or something? This is nowhere close to the same meaning of Xbone’s announcement.
>I am retarded, I cannot fathom why would anybody else act in a less retarded way than me
Just let corps fuck your wife and decide your job too while you pay them a monthly subscription for the privilege.
As if that nose was not enough clue.
Yeah well Sony have been cancer for some time now just look at their censorship policies. I won't buy one.
>another obsessed pcfag entering a thread about consoles to do nothing but whine about consoles
>Lost money
Nigger they had to liquidate assests like crazy
Tons of layoffs, selling building, they nearly went completely bankrupt
xbox one 2.0
still nothing compared to the failure that was the virtual boy
and they are dominating right now and for the forseeable future but cope on
Oh boy I get to dust off my 599 memes
Guess I'll switch back to Xbox, then.
Remember when Nintendo allowed you to use your internet for free?
>Supporting EA
>At all
Enjoy your lootboxes faglord
enjoy your idubbbz cringey 12 year old
you'll be just as disappointing. Unless you're an actual sony employee.
They probably need to charge that much after they went begging to Microsoft for their cloud gaming services. Microsoft literally making Sony fund all their future games lmao.
>what benefit does the customer get from forced online?
Well, obviously he can suck sony's cock while paying them for it. You have to understand that for faggots that is a selling point.
So how does this translate to always online? I'm confused.
I have a sony remote like this and its fucking garbage.
what a piece of shit.
>Xbox player here
Sony really needs to hire better shills
keep seething, snoyboy
>Losses from Virtual boy
4.1 million dollars in losses
>Losses from PS3
3.2 Billion dollars in losses
Nintendo at least had the courtesy to show up.
if you tanked the $300 then you're an absolute moron
actually one of the lowest IQ people to ever exist
never give your money to the jew without reading your contract, 99.99999999% of banks cover the losses their customers face from fraud, I've never heard of a bank forcing anyone to "tank" a loss from a company leaking your bank info
you either sue the company and get your money back with damages or you sue your bank cause it's illegal in the US for the (((bank))) to force you to """tank"""" the losses
no where in the west would this ever happen so try moving out of the stone ages thirdie
means sony is for normies. :^)
its 2019 who is ever not on the internet
despite anything else said in this image, nintendos consoles are not competitors to mainstream consoles
they are for a different audience
I mean I got that money back like 8 months fucking later
I just remember being worried as fuck about not being able to pay rent.
Not saying that it's beneficial to anyone. This is a rumor based of off some buzz words and not even confirmed. But if so, why would you buy a 700 console and somehow not be able to afford to pay for internet? Why are you still buying every single game digitally? Now I understand where you are coming from, but you as a consumer/customer have to be smart.
>let the mega corp fuck you sideways goy. I mean, it is the current year!
Riveting tale, cuck.
yes sony is for well adjusted sex having members of society and nintendo is for incels like pic related
Do you realize we can see the file names and realize it is just you shilling for snow while the rest of the thread laughs at you, right?
i dont care keep seething
"well adjusted sex having members of society" You never have touched a woman...have you.
>get found
Seethe and cope, right fellow gamers(tm)? They don't even train you guys for more than 2 minutes these days.
i mean you already buy consoles so you already subscribe to completely locked down platforms with hardware drm
whats your excuse for not taking it a step further
i dont even buy consoles for the record :)
have sex
Like I already had decided not to waste money on Snoy-affected consoles before this was even confirmed.
The seamless feature was part of the discussion about PlayStation Now. The Sony streaming service.
>What do you mean a streaming service requires a connection!?!? Reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Oh great, the guy who uses cock and faggot every three words. Learn comprehension. I did not say a "forced online" would be beneficial. If you are buying something presumed to be that expensive, why have one and can't afford the other. This shit isn't even confirmed and based off a fucking tweet.
then you should still sue as it should never take longer than a week for a dispute
either quit lying or at least get your story straight so it isn't so outlandish if you want to tarnish the name of faggot sony supporters
otherwise you just come off as a retard to anyone with a brain
>not being connected to internet at all times anyway in the year of 2019
Lmao at literal third world country peasants