Explore thousand year old dungeon

>explore thousand year old dungeon
>loot coins currently in circulation

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Imagine an empire that stable... Rome and Japan in real life I think meet that criteria.

>explore thousand year old dungeon
>no loot at all just a bunch of skeletons

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I always assumed the implication is that you obtain old coins that are worth [x amount of current currency] when you trade them in.
And the game is basically skipping that process for convenience.

>explore a giant temple
>has locked doors
>keys to locked doors are in item chests
>in the final room of the temple evil dude is waiting from you, and no, he is not a zombie, skeleton or ghost, but regular human

>kill wild animals in their natural habitat
>they drop gold coins when they die

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>Explore an ancient temple
>Lit torches
>Fresh food
>Functioning mechanisms
>Coins currently in circulation

>game has multiple races
>all the skeletons you found are human

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>character performs amazing moves during the cutscene
>you can't jump and only swing your sword in a basic way in-game

Coins made out of precious metal do hold value.

that's actually something I never thought about, maybe humans are just the majority of the region's population?

>video game has flame arrows
>video game has berserkers
>video game character cuts rope
>video game has cavalry
>video game has a *SHIIING* noise when someone draws their sword

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>explore ancient abandoned dungeon
>lit torches and candles everywhere

>game has random treasure chests lying around in dungeons
>game has ruins that have never, ever been plundered by any bandits
>ruins have bandits in them, and they somehow got past all of the dangerous wildlife and traps without leaving a mark or a single trail

wait what's wrong with rope and cavalry

Well how the fuck are the wild animals supposed to get out of their shithole and emigrate to first world countries then?

Greek drachma was used until around 2002. Maybe inflation just doesn't work in video games though.

>video game labels the Spandau as an "MG42"

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>ancient ruins unhabited for countless milenia
>candles lit

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>game has multiple races
>game has undead
>all of the zombies in the game are human zombies

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>game makes you wear sword on your back
>game is set in medieval times and has modern dirt roads made by tractors

>implying the random butt-fuck merchant you trade with is going to care about how old coins are
Money is money

>>video game has a *SHIIING* noise when someone draws their sword

>not having your scabbard be made of whetstones on the inside to ensure a sharp blade before combat

Those are actually coins from previous adventurers.

>Kill the character who sells you things
>He shows up again later

>skyrim trailer
>character sends a magic ball of light down a dark hallway in order to see, greatly pleasing my autism
>game releases
>every dungeon and cave is fully lit

>in-game lore book explains that the undead that live in the ruins light the torches and candles

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if its a fantasy game, they could be magical candles that never burn out

>game has "dual wielding"
>game doesn't have spears
fuck you skyrim

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>Character gets shot countless times through the game
>Dies from a single bullet in a cutscene

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i dont think you can use Denarii and Ryo in Rome amd Japan m8

>game has berserkers
>game doesn't have flame arrows
>game where napoleon is literally hitler
>game has the French as vile villains
>game sets the Bren gun as a machine gun sniper rifle
>game has tap dancing mini game

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Wait only the SHIING one is legitimately wrong

Why cut the rope when you can just untie it? That's a waste of rope

rope is valuable and laborious to make so cutting rope to untie a prisoner is retarded
lindy never said cavalry was bad, he made a video how the first person who decided to ride a horse to battle was crazy and goes on to talk about all the problems that comes with riding horses for war and how people overcame them.

>game has "dual wielding"
>can't dual wield shields
I sleep

>explore thousand year old dungeon
>dungeon sealed for as long as anyone remembers
>fresh food, potions on shelves, all perfectly consumable
>fucking lit torches and sconces
>boss chest contains weapons and armour of modern quality and material

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>game doesn't factor in human digestion
or even worse
>game doesn't have dedicated breathe button
or even worse

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When will we have an ultra-immersive game that factors in everything in this thread?

>later on in the game it is revealed that these things were placed there on purpose by someone who anticipated you would arrive there, and this was all part of their plan

I can't even name one game though.

yeah, but they're ALL human skeletons.

How is it possible to explore a "thousand year old dungeon"?
In just a thousand years, humanity advances massively. To be exploring a thousand year old dungeon you'd be having guns and shit.

>other races are so based they don't die
How will humans ever compete

you does not know history.......

Rome fucked their currency because of my welfare. They made it worth less and less with time by changing the metal composition from 100% gold ( i think ) to around 1% and this made the currency shit because even the plebs at the time knew that you are not giving them some good money, but some Zimbabwe shit.

i can be wrong about the metal and the composition % but otherwise I am correct. Some history fag can tell us the real metal and %

>The byzantines we’re running around with glocks compared to the Egyptians who only had revolvers, because the byzantines came a few thousand years later. They were better off than the Sumerians, at least, who only had grenadiers.

>Explore old world house
>Old world money
>Can be sold for current circulation cash

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according to (((BI))) it was 90% silver to 5% silver.

>game doesn't factor in human digestion
haha could you imagine

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>Rome fucked their currency because of my welfare
Wtf you literally destroyed Rome. Everyone get this guy, he ruined Europe.

>American education

>>The Turks we’re running around with laser guns compared to the Byzantines who only had glocks, because the Turks came a few thousand years later. They were better off than the Sumerians, at least, who only had grenadiers.

The Romans had a bunch of different kinds of currency. Some emperors minted shitty coins, some minted great coins.

>And the game is basically skipping that process for convenience

I wish more games did this. The Bard's Tale just automatically turns vendor trash into money.

You pick up the trash loot (broken armor, animal pelts, etc.) but it just becomes coins automatically.

smell like elf and and murder is back on the menu

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according to the source provided, they did debase their currency and fucked their economy.


At least mods can fix it

there are a few skyrim mods that track what your character eats and drinks and has them react accordingly


Also if the money was still made of that cloth-y fibre US bills were made out of for a long time, the stacks that have stuck together over time could be used as mattress stuffing, insulation, tinder, etc.

>explore thousand year old dungeon
>all the torches are lit
>the elaborate traps still work

>I always assumed the implication is that you obtain old coins that are worth [x amount of current currency] when you trade them in.
>And the game is basically skipping that process for convenience.
so why not just have an item worth a lot of the currency the word uses? problem solved.

>lindy never said cavalry was bad, he made a video how the first person who decided to ride a horse to battle was crazy and goes on to talk about all the problems that comes with riding horses for war and how people overcame them.
damn you're like the only person who actually watched the video and not just see the clickbait title.


>explore thousand year old dungeon
>everything that wasn't bolted to the ground has already been stolen

Ah yes you might be able to craft something from it or trade it in for a currency they only use is one town because the towns can be like city states and might have there own currency

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KCD has something like this, if you eat too much food you get stuffed and it's a debuff effect and you can't eat any more food

Skyrim is guilty of this to the extreme. Though since lore stated that the Draugr constantly resets and maintain the crypts, you could reason that they also clean up the leftover coins from dead adventurers.

You're one of those nuts who thinks the world was created 2000 years ago, aren't ya?

Witcher 3 actually had you loot coins that were out of circulation and you had to turn them in at a bank to get the current coins.

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>Game doesn't have fresh food in dungeons
>Game doesn't have lit candles in dungeons
>Game has multiple currencies that you need to convert in a neutral city
>'What do they eat' Game has farmlands, fishing huts and dedicated areas where they are drying and salting food
>Game's land has a famine so you mostly find dried fruit and fish
>Games richer areas have richer loot
>Games poorer areas have poorer loot
>Games roads have been clearly built out of the nearby rock formations
>There are mines showing this
>Game has jedi mind trick magic
>It doesn't work in crowds and you get called out for it

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>dungeons full of giant spiders with nothing to eat
>sealed and untouched
>no way for spiders to get in or out

>Most spider dungens have a hole in the roof you can't see from the outside

Japan was still using Ming dynasty copper coins well into the Edo period.

Hey, I recognize that behavioral pattern!

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>the spiders are actually ancient entropic spiritual sediment formed by milennia of emptiness
>they are just lonely and happy to see you

Old currency was worth the material used to make it. You think people don't want gold coins because of whatever shit is inscribed on them?

go back to /pol/ schizo

I shan't.

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You must.

game where you play as a skeleton constantly keeping your dungeon fresh for explorers when

Fuck, alright.

Oh fuck you guys, I don't know how I never noticed this but now it's going to bug the crap out of me.

>ca't duel wield bows

Yeah, I played Skyrim too

>it's another *nglo thread