Why haven’t you hacked your switch?
Why haven’t you hacked your switch?
What the fuck, seriously? How well does DC run?
Because I'm waiting for my shit to arrive from mail because I'm too pussy to use tinfoil
30fps on crazy taxi and shenmue
But I did BLACKED my Switch
And on the only dreamcast game that matters? skies of arcadia
user, why do you constantly think of black men fucking white women?
Because Gamecube emulation is spotty as hell and I just installed Moonlight & Remote Play on my Vita so I could just stream Dolphin and PCSX2 if I really want to play poorly coded emulators on the go.
Any decent games that came out this past month?
Haven’t downloaded it to try it out
>poorly coded emulators
*laughter shakes dust from ceiling*
It’s a symptom of low testosterone and white guilt
Online Unban method when?
When that comes out, then I will.
Because I still don't have one. Was hoping to grab an early hackable models secondhand cheap when the Switch redesign is announced, but I guess that's not happening for a while.
Never ever
You should ask the real important questions instead like
Private servers for piratebros that aren't just LAN shit when?
White guilt is a meme, if you're white and feel guilt about some old shit you didn't do then I feel nothing for you.
It's too new to hack, which kind of sucks.
Waiting for emuMMC
Thankfully, it looks like I won't be waiting much longer
Too current, still have a valid NSO sub.
Waiting for a few years until shit is optimal and I can get a used one for dirt cheap. I eventually mod every handheld.
It runs better on Dolphin, when you play the superior Gamecube version instead.
Firmware is too new, dont want to brick my switch
can you pirate a "Warning" status Switch?
Also is the DC emulator good? I want a GC one but if I can play SA2 and MvC on the go, then I'm interested
If not then I guess I'll buy another Switch to hack it and play non-online games
Can I still play Splatoon, smash and Mario maker online? That's all I want the switch for really
The guy dropped what is basically a rushed alpha version of Reicast. Yet lots of games still run really fucking well but still buggy in most.
And guy said he is busy with work but will work on improvements over the next month. Next update might take weeks.
Waiting for switch revision to transfer my shit over and hack my current switch without worrying to get my account banned.
Just hacked mine but couldnt play shit , all the nsp's I downloaded from switch bounty kept giving the "user can't play this game" error , is there anything I can do or do I just have to download all that shit again ?
t. Jungle idiot
do you got all the fs and es patches?
because I'm not a poor parasite
I already did
But now I'm thinking of scrubbing it clean since I want muh safe online for crash racing and smash
got everyting the sdsetup guide told me to get
1. i dont want to get banned
2. seems like too much work for little progress
3. dont want to lose my games
4. dont want to get my console bricked.
Not sure if that guide includes it.
Just merge the atmosphere folder in that download with the one on your sdcard.
Mario Maker 2 is coming out soon and dont wanna get banned.
You won’t lose your game if you unlink your account and create a new throwaway one .
Switch doesn't have enough games for me to bother hacking
was gonna try it but shitty brazilian monkey internet really isn't helping it
>download speed : 5kb/s
Because its a meme at this point?
Because I play Splatoon 2
user the download itself is 13kb...
But it does for buying?
I play online a lot with my fat boomer buddies
I'll hack it once a revision comes out and I can have my online play.
Well thats lovely then , didnt even bothered to check .
because emulation on it is buggy and shit?
Seriously, an unhacked Switch isn't worth owning.
I bought my Switch when Odyssey came out which was just okay, and BotW works on CEMU. Why bother hacking my Switch to play 7/10 Nintendo games? Maybe I'll do it when Bayo 3 comes out or something
>Paying for online regardless of price
Can't find a Switch old enough to be hackable.
I'm waiting for the revision announcement on Tuesday so the original model gets cheaper.
Because i am going to buy a Vita and hack it to play some Gravity Rush, MGS HD, Freedom Wars, some PSP games, and dump shitloads of GBA/SNES roms.
Do we have emunand yet? I'm fucking poor so I pirate everything, but I'm willing to pay for Mario Maker 2 and the online thing because it's that fucking good.
>Custom Themes
>Free Geimus (that often leak before official release date)
>Free DLCs
>Offline save backup and editing
>Emulation of many cores with RetroArch (also standalone ones via HB Store)
>PC Streaming
>E-Book Readers
>RPG Maker Games
>Doom :^)
Did I miss any other major features, bros?
Yes. For a good while now, actually.
>rpg maker
>e book reader
this is seriously a pro?
I use them. I like reading and portable Yume Nikki is mega comf.
Because muh autism forces me to keep all the consoles vanilla, even after they go out of production.
I bought the smash edition because I thoght it would be rare one day. Is that model hackable now?
Because I never bought it lol
>RPG Maker Games
I take my Switch out in public, so as much as I want to play my porn games on the go, there's really no reason to until society changes. And anyway I have my comfy pc in the privacy of my own room to play all the degenerate shit I want.
When a new switch gets announced I'm gonna hack my launch model. How's GBA emulation?
Flawless. At least for me it is.
Seriously, I can't pissed off at expensive ports on the Switch because I don't pay for them! I welcome them, in fact, for systems it can't emulate
people dont have 2 switches? one hacked and a normal one?
why would i pay for the same thing twice?
Just don’t be poor
its not about being poor its about not being retarded.
DC emulation runs like ass on switch
Honestly apart from MM2 there's nothing online on the Switch that calls me
I'll hack my launch Switch if they ever release a new hardware revision
Because I'm lazy.
>nooooooooooooo don't hack your switch its illegal we need to support nintendo be a good goy