E3 edition

ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

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enjoy myself

Whenever I'm playing a game with the intention of getting 100% completion, I always do the side content first instead of the main story. This way I feel the game is more complete rather than just completing some random side quest or collectible.

I always pick the third file in Zelda games

Worship anything Kojima does, yes even if he scratches his ass. It’s symbolic

Move my head around like I'm ducking and dodging shit

Rub my feet

Browse Yea Forums

Read dialogue options in an RPG out loud before I pick it.

I talk to myself as if I'm the main character and his party in games.

For an example, if I'm playing a JRPG and I'm fighting a boss, I will make up my own dialogue mid fight with things like "Oh yeah? Let me show you my true power, take this!" "Ugh, you think you can best me with that attack... ha, Rydia, summon your dragon and show him who's boss!"

I do other little narrative stuff too....

>See a thread of Anons discussing a game I love
>they all bring up what makes the game good and fun and why it's great
>have vastly superior knowledge of the game than any of these people because I'm autistic and have over 3000 hours in that game
>explain to them why the game is shit and that they should feel bad for liking it
>they can't retort to my superior arguments despite them being easily debunked with the knowledge I have but they don't
>they get angry, some even agree with me
>thread devolves into shitposting and gets deleted
>make thread about the same game an hour later saying I love it with a few superficial points why
>anons who like to pretend they're smart now parade my points from the earlier thread
>don't debunk them despite easily being able to
>threads of said game now devolve into shitposting whenever it gets brought up
>play the game because it's unironically and objectively great while watching people tear it apart with faulty arguments

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i have compulsive disorder and have to repeat random things while playing vidia like speak 2 times to certain npc or pick up and drop certain items or insert random crazy action thats fixated in my mind while playing sometimes is living hell but well i cant do nything about it thres isnt a "dont be crazy" button on my brain

Post it

That's not autistic though.

Yes it is

Explore all of the dungeon instead of going straight for the exit.

actually based

i'm literally losing sleep over not knowing if banjo is in or not

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Imagine making this thread everyday


It's not. You're naturally going to have way less drive to 100% a game without the main story to act as a buffer so pacing yourself is best.

I'm a hoarder in video games.

I roleplay as a specific argonian (hes always the same dude in my headcanon) in every elder scrolls from skyrim to morrowind, strongest version is definitely the morrowind build due to broken stackable buffs and no level scaling
However skyrim is very comfy, running around solo killing filthy bandits with maxed archery/stealth

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i reload the gun after every kill i am the only person who does this nobody else does this

Don't worry, I also do that. It gets me killed a lot of the time, too.

Now that is autism

That would be obsessive tendencies, not necessarily autism
t. crazy person

I have a video game ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my game as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if my ballsack sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

I've spent more time in games than in real life. Nothing matters to me anymore.

Sounds like a pretty cool guy, does he afraid of anything?

uninstall if I have a bad time and install the game like a week later again

Move my head to dodge projectiles in first person games, even worse I also do it when I'm playing a space shooter where even if I actually were inside the game it wouldn't accomplish anything.

>slowly move camera like an E3 presentation

I post smash bros roster threads

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>things that never happen: the post.

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I always reload, even if I fired one shot only I can't risk having a slightly empty clip


reenact glory kills from d44m


Even if the game outwardly informs you that breakable objects will never yield anything of value, I'll still break everything I can juuuuuuust in case.

whenever i play any game where the characters have a few voice lines they repeat when you move them, i constantly say it whenever they do and try mimic the voice

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This. Games lie. Like the necklace in dark souls

speak to an inexistent audience larping as a speedrunner while not speedrunning at all
>so for this skip...

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If a character I like is speaking and I have control of my character, I make sure I face him and am not moving around so it seems like the playable character is paying attention to the character I like.

don't post thumbnails of my wife

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why not just stream then, even if no one watches at least then you'd feel less autistic.

Fuck, I like doing this so much.
voy constroir voyvoyvoyvoyvoyvoyvoyconvoyconstruir

If it is a third person game or a first person game with a mirror, if the character speaks or makes any noises I try and see if the developers put in the effort to make lip movements.

i do this too i'm always disappointed.

Would you watch my ordinary magic streams user?

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Make the same exact thread every day

sure friendo

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I play Roblox horror games. I'm usually disappointed by how bad they are but occasionally I'll be actually scared. It's really fun when that happens.

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This but I also take hundreds of screenshots and recordings which are piling up on my HDD and despite never sharing or even rewatching them I can't bring myself to delete any