Name a more chad JRPG protagonist

Name a more chad JRPG protagonist.

Attached: tidus.png (500x700, 699K)

Did you run this through a faceapp filter or was he always this fem-looking?

literally anyone else

It was always strange to go from a western face to straight japanese in the cutscenes.

Attached: tidus-face.jpg (860x630, 73K)

The more baffling thing is they made him look even more Americanized in the Remaster. What the hell?

he's literally a sports star jock, raised by another sports star jock
he's the ultimate chad

What? He looks 100x more asian in the remaster.

can i take ya order prease

Attached: tidus.png (600x338, 116K)

Attached: zidane cops a feel.gif (500x288, 1.5M)

The one who can pull off the Harem ending , and make it the canon ending.

Attached: 1158f7d30727b6b7ec335174136ed19e.jpg (583x800, 125K)


Attached: 46-0-1479655718.png (670x376, 90K)

Given FFX's southeast Asia-style setting, if anything it was weird he looked western in the real time engine.

It makes sense in the story why he wouldn't look like anyone else.

The problem is that Jetch was so chad, that Tidus grow up like a cry baby (the Nerd) just so the universe could remain in balance.

Was Tidus's childhood even real, or just false memories created by the Fayth?

That's true I guess, but the others don't have an excuse for looking white in an Asian inspired setting

IIRC, he can only have been dreamed if he was remembered by the people turned into the Fayth that were dreaming of Zanarkand.

This plot twist is a huge mess no matter how you try to explain it... I thing he and Jetch were "real", but as aeons. The people of Zanarkand create them as a collective instead of soom cool summon. It would made so much more sense if the Twist was that Zanarkand summon Sin as their last resource and he was made of theri collective resentful souls, trapped in a "dream loop", but instead we have this twist where a whole civilization that choice to become into stone so a dream world could continue living for them... while they remain on eternal suffering or something.

*instead of some.

>It would made so much more sense if the Twist was that Zanarkand summon Sin as their last resource and he was made of theri collective resentful souls, trapped in a "dream loop", but instead we have this twist where a whole civilization that choice to become into stone so a dream world could continue living for them... while they remain on eternal suffering or something.

You had that first part right, though.

Yu Yevon had the people of Zanarkand turned into fayth that were summoning Sin and while they were summoning Sin, they were dreaming of Zanarkand where Tidus was growing up.


Attached: Vyse.jpg (900x1200, 598K)

So the fayth dreamed up Tidus based on their memories of Shuyin, right?