Literally the same game people played 2 years ago with a few things changed and a new character added to make sense of...

>Literally the same game people played 2 years ago with a few things changed and a new character added to make sense of those changes
>Re-release at full price with no plans for a it being a DLC add-on
>Personafags unironically defend this because bu-buh its done before with previous Persona games
What kind of dystopian logic is this? You guys are defending an in-your-face scam.

Attached: persona5.png (600x337, 434K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Now realise pokemon sells 2 identical games each release, and then a third 'enhanced' edition.

Sonyfags have nothing in common since all of their franchises are dead except crying about Nintendo. So they will blindly defendy any kike & tranny faggotry simply to spite Nintendo. Despite the fact that if any other company did it for a multiplat title they would be shitting on them for it

For starters, Pokemon stopped doing the bullshit "third game" since Gen 4. It was a shitty practice then and it still is now.

found the seething switchlard

Yeah, you're right. 5th gen they did 2


Attached: sony won.jpg (162x200, 8K)

>Yea ForumstendoGaf still seething about not getting a port after all the portbegging. Let is go already Nincels.

>not counting BW2 and USandM as the third versions
Just because they changed the naming scheme it doesn't change the fact that they are basically the same shit.

Nincels will never get over it.

Attached: download.jpg (252x200, 10K)

>portbeg for months about a game
>didn't get game
>proceed to shitposts about it constantly

Yikes. The cycle of Switchlet portbegging continues.

>Meanwhile SMTchads be like:

Attached: 1559019191563.jpg (1200x1061, 326K)

>Never played the original Persona 5

Attached: Shulk_Shrug.png (698x515, 209K)

Weren't those sequels though? They had new story-lines. Sure they were lazy technical sequels, but they weren't the exact same game the was simply improved over like Crystal/Emerald/Platinum and Persona 5 Royal.

Sony won.


The fact that it isn't DLC is hilarious and shows what Atlus think of Personafags.

Hopefully SMTV is shown at Nintendo's e3, though I doubt it.

A couple of new characters isn't really worth spending 60 again, does it extend the time like golden did?

Worst part is at lest if it was multi platform you would have an excuse to play it an another system for a different experience.
Such as PC for 60 fps and true 4k and mods and Switch for the portable experience.
But no Atlus literally refuses to do multi-platform releases of its games for we reason.
Not just Persona 5 not coming to switch fact is most of the SMT games could have easily come to the PS4 and hell even vita releases of the 3ds SMT games might have saved the system.

They are remaking all the dungeons and changing events around, it's probably gonna be a very different game by the end of it.

> and a new character added to make sense of those changes
For what it's worth, it adds at least two new characters, more than two new confidants (they confirmed that there'll be more than the two new ones they've shown), and most importantly a new dungeon to the game.

Should still just be DLC but you don't need to lie and make shit up to argue that, it only provides people with fuel to give you shit for saying this.

The MCs for the first couple SMTs (which most of the people who post this image most likely haven't played anyway) and maybe the SJ MC are the only MCs who aren't Persona tier bland self-insert teenagers. It's not the MCs that shape either SMT or Persona anyway, it's literally everything else around them.

IIRC people were throwing out like 3 months or some shit.
my predictable guess is pancake-man will take the fall to enable this. this grants more time and redeems the faggot.


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Op mad cause he has bad taste so he comes here and starts crying about other people business. My money, I decide in which scam I want to waste it on

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Winter semester like in Golden plus extra game mechanics like Golden, plus extra locations like Golden plus extra Social Links like Golden.

You haven't played BW2, have you? Otherwise you'd know it was a completely new game.

Torna is the best RPG on Switch

I already bought DLC on the original game, fuck this

>Literally the same game people played 2 years ago with a few things changed and a new character added to make sense of those changes
They already shown changed dungeon layouts and several new events, it's not going to be that simple.

Who cares about Cringesona 5: Same game with more sparkles edition

Shin megami tensei V when?

>SMT I protagonist not a bland self-insert
>but Demifiend is
I'm pretty sure you're the one who hasn't played it.

"Remaking" could mean a lot of different things.
By remaking them they could end up worse.
Though it's hard to imagine how they would make Mementos Depths worse.

why arent they porting it to switch don't they like money???

Demifiend is a bland self-insert, Nocturnebabies are the most deluded of the bunch

But you claimed I/II/SJ's protagonists weren't, when they are. All of them are self-inserts with no defined personality.
I'm pretty sure this conversation is going nowhere so I'll just call you a retard and move on.

>making a already good game even better by fixing the problems it had previously
I dont see the problem and Atlus has always done this it would be weird if they didnt, like Id kill for more devs doing a mini remake with added content for most games

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At least Pokemon is for dumb kids. Persona is aimed at desperate Loser Otaku Basement Dwellers who should have self-control but they don't and are happy to have their wallets raped. You really can't fault the companies too much, as much as gamers like to pretend they're intelligent customers, the reality is most gamers are RETARDS with their money and don't mind being ripped off.

BW2 are actual sequels tho

dont you dare look at USUM and think isnt literally just 90% SM. What the fuck

Not being able to transfer over your compendium is complete bullshit.

>already good game
Uh yeah... about that user

>Loser Otaku Basement Dwellers who should have self-control
Since when they have self control, japanese companies exploit them because they LACK self control, dumb kids have more self controls.


That's the only thing I need and this game has that revealed

I'm kind of worried. Persona 5 was already the best game of this decade, a near perfect 10 out of 10. They can only do down with a rework.

What I don't understand is that the game was already too fucking long. It would've been improved by cutting out a lot of the pointless shit like the entirety of Haru. The game doesn't have enough gameplay to fill all of the time, you can trivially finish all of your social links with more than a month to spare and fuck all to do. Extending the game even further is only going to exacerbate this shitty pacing.


Nigger it's another month and new areas for you to be with your waifu, your weeb ass will rate that shit 11/10

>new marie
>more time to fuck up the pacing
>fujo pandering fan service
it's not looking so hot, chief

No, only gen 7 did 2 "enhanced" games.

I support it, but i'm not gonna buy it to play as a female....something you can do in damn there any game out right now

You're fucking over everyone who already bought the game, how is that hard to understand?

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
>ATLUS confirms no plans for Switch port
>"I-It sucks anyways SMTV is coming!"

US/UM were not proper sequels, they just added stuff to the game.

I dont defend it and I will most probably not support it because I dont have a PS4.
To be honest if I ever play that game anyway its gonna be a pirate.
Will probably just watch the new scenes online cuz I know for a fact the gameplay wont change that much.

user, did you not get the memo?
Its literally okay when Nintendo does it!

>not even sakurai want that shitty rpg in smash

Literally how, its been years since the initial release and I dont understand how someone can get mad at more content plus quality of life changes

Maybe they'll retcon January and February to Joker not having to go to jail but having to be under surveillance

How did I get fucked over? I got 108 hours out of my 60$ purchase and I enjoyed lots more of it than the parts I didn't like.

3 years later they are releasing a suped up version with fixes AND additions.

My first time through was 108 hours, by the time I put the disc back in its case, I felt completely satisfied and enjoyed it so much that I would love to play it again, but that amount of time is a huge investment.

Now I have incentive to not only play it again, but to have enough of it feel new that I'll likely gladly have no worry about paying 60$ again.

You know... like I did with Persona 4.
This is by far one of the least predatory moves pulled by a company because at the end of the day they at least try to justify the re-release rather than shrug and go "oh well lol".

>SNES SMT 1 and 2
>Nocturne Maniax
>DeSu Overclocked
>DeSu 2 Record Breaker
>SJ Redux
And don't give me any bullshit about how the last three are on new platforms when every 3DS has backward compatibility and the PS4 doesn't.

I’m not defending. Definitely a shitty thing to do. Still going to buy it cuz I loved P5 so much. Call me a shill, fag whatever. I’ll probably enjoy it.

>implying i didn't learn Atlus always would pull this shit after P4G and bought vanilla P5
If you buy almost any Atlus game without waiting for the inevitable re-release then you're a sucker

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>tfw no P5P because the vita sucks and the Switch got cucked

I just want to play Persona 5 in bed damnit.

>You want the complete experience? That will be $120 plus tip please.

If you have a PS4 and iOS device you can remote play. You can download the remote play apk on android as well although these methods aren’t nearly as good as just a native switch port.

>same shit as past Persona games
>basically same shit as having 2 slightly different Pokémon games with 1-2 definitive editions released further down the line
>same shit as classic Monster Hunter games

It’s ok when Japan does it!

getting a cheap PS4 to get suckered into this game is going to be so fucked


Why didn't they realize it on switch? Call me salty or whatever but at least that is a brand new market. Why put it exclusively back on PS4 where people already bought it?
At least Golden was on Vita.

Stream it to your vita, retard

I’m assuming some sort of technical limitation (which if they’re having technical limitations on the switch, then how embarrassing) and if they ported vanilla P5 there’d be massive backlash cuz P5R would be releasing as well.

Look at the backlash that Catherine got when it released on PC.

Must suck being a poor guy.

Because they'd have to turn it into a VN a la P3P.

>I’m assuming some sort of technical limitation
Unlikely, after all its a ps3 game and I doubt they remade Royal from scratch.
Sony probably moneyhatted it as usual.

...But with the intention that each customer purchases one game. It's not a scheme to get each customer to purchase both games... It's a scheme to get different customers to purchase different games and then coordinate with each other, which is pretty rad.

Makoto is cute! CUTE!

Attached: persona-5-animation-ova-valentine-ann-makoto-10.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>hurr durr why isn’t it DLC
>P5R fundamentally changes the story of P5 and doesn’t just tack on things ontop of the existing story
You interact with Haru wayy before her original arc. Which means that there won’t be a scene of the PTs trying to find out who she is. Before the Casino, Joker and Mona are alone in a new palace when Kasumi awakens. Akechi isn’t going to die. That’s just off the top of my head.

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>P5R fundamentally changes the story of P5
Don't kid yourself, we already know that it's going to be the same with small bits interspersed like Golden.

I am very excited for this.

Attached: F2jog55yfwDHKezs.mp4_snapshot_00.18_[2019.06.08_22.19.48].jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Nintenfaggots literally pay 70 usd for only 1 additonal pokemon lmao.

Persona5R changes everything and adds probably 50 hours more of content even when the first run (no farm or anything) takes around 80-90 hours.

Except that they said it’s going to be way bigger than Golden and they backed up their claims.

>and adds probably 50 hours more of content even when the first run (no farm or anything) takes around 80-90 hours
So it's going to be a 25 hour game now then.

I don't think P5 is that demanding.
Its a PS3 game for goodness sake

Did they even show Joker in the preview? Watch it's some random dude.
That would be EPIC.

It's gay when Pokemon does it and it's gay when Atlus does it.

>and they backed up their claims
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that the only differences so far are a handful of scenes that could be plopped in anywhere and the main plot is the same as shown by the existence of Kamoshida's Palace.

>can’t even see joker get flustered over the girls
what’s the fucking point

Attached: MM ren bath.jpg (750x1061, 333K)

OVA PV shows that it's first person for self insertfags.

They don't even sell third versions anymore, they sell 4 total. ULTRA SUN/MOON with ULTRA changes

Sure ;) that's what they want you to believe.
I can't wait to see some random dude being the one taking them out on a date.


...did you not read what I said? Potentially the entire fucking Okumura and Casino arc will be changed. Not even including after that. Adding a new Phantom Thief won’t just give you a “handful” of new scenes like Marie. She changes the story just by existing as a party member.

Attached: 6BE4BAC9-6C97-4B61-9092-8D36929E9173.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

Imagine being this much of an angry PCock because you emulated the PS3 version at 15fps and are mad that you won't get to play the real game.

shut up you stupid nigger

not him, but im not dumb enough to buy the same game 2 times either.
every other game would add this stuff as dlc or expansionpack, but no. atlus needs to sell the same game 2 times for the pullprice, and somehow its ok.

>but im not dumb enough to buy the same game 2 times either.
But you didn't even buy it 1 time, so your opinion doesn't matter.

>...did you not read what I said? you really believe your assumptions mean anything?
>Adding a new Phantom Thief won’t just give you a “handful” of new scenes like Marie
Again, don't kid yourself. P5 in and of itself didn't really have a strong connected plot where the main characters are concerned. In other words they could add 10 new playable characters and nothing would change.

Kasumi has been shown fighting with Joker alone in the Casino, fucking up the scheme they made for Akechi.

Attached: 5BCF45C1-01DA-4A3A-A323-93EC33E444CD.jpg (1364x726, 81K)

>implying as a last argument

Have you ever heard of a game called Street Fighter 2 that was released again and again for like a decade?

>Kasumi has been shown fighting with Joker alone in the Casino
Which means nothing.

Akechi will be a party member no doubt

There's really only one thing they can fuck up with Royal, and that would be letting Goro get off scott free because the new girl tries to save him. Even if they put him in jail instead of Joker, if he just gets out in a few months and life goes on as normal it'll have ruined the game. Letting Goro die like a bitch without looking back was the best thing the story could have done.

This I hate the hypocritical Yea Forums that obsesses about Sony and gives Nintendo free passes as if they both weren't game companies out to get what's in our wallets. But oh well. I'm still getting both a regular copy and the royal flush edition if it comes to the west

>having to play through all that shit twice
Yeah no thanks atlus

Well he certainly ain't dying.

Attached: 5815D3B6-2FB2-441D-B5EB-D00790DBA185.png (1265x711, 491K)

Think of it this way user, what would change if they had Joker, say, sacrifice himself for her for the facade?

I've never played Persona 5. I recently bought Yakuza 0 (another foreign game people seem to love) and found it merely "okay." Should I buy this? If so, should I buy this new version that's coming out or the original?

>catherin FULL BODY
>persona 3
>persona ULTRA 3 FES

atlus keks love to get fucked

Can you not type like a nigger?

I don't want to be known as Ryan.
But honestly the whole "moral" of the game whizzed by my head while playing it. Anything after Shido went flying.

Can someone explain to me the main moral and ideas of Persona 5? Is it rebelling against society?

I know, but the consensus is that he'll go to jail so Joker doesn't have to, and then you'll get to play those extra 3 months. What will make or break the game is how they handle that.

stay mad

>only playing it once

>Rerelease for full price
>But at least it is an exclusive to the console I like
>Here Atlus, I will happily pay you again for the same game
Imagine being such a consolewar shitter you let yourself be scammed. I already got plat and will just watch the new social link on Youtube.

Don’t sit around like a bitch and solve your own problems. Don’t follow the herd and ignorantly follow someone/something.

>Can someone explain to me the main moral and ideas of Persona 5?
Japanese people are hivemind and the idea of free thought scares them. The moral is that they need to stop being worker drones who do nothing but listen to directions and that they need to start thinking and doing things for themselves.

>Can someone explain to me the main moral and ideas of Persona 5?
Long story short, adult = retards who can't maintain a just society.

Go to jail for what? He isn’t the leader.

>adult = retards
The people who think the story is about "fuck adults!" are the stupidest people on the planet. I'm actually amazed that anyone that stupid can even work a keyboard.

Must suck having your mouth glued to Atlus’ anus

Especially since at the end Sae says “trust us adults to fix everything”.

>Don't follow the herd
>Don't sit around like a bitch and solve your own problems

But didn't the villians do exactly that? They went against order to benefit themselves.

Man this story wasn't as strong as the past 2...and especially not P2 duology.

japshit is for nerds weeaboos

>Isn't becoming a criminal and manipulating people the same thing as breaking away from the shakles of Japanese 年功序列 society and finding the motivation to change your life instead of just listening to people?
I understand how the plot of the game actually went over your head.

B2W2 is a bigger change from BW than P5R is to P5.

I'm just trying to understand user.
Isn't that technically a way to break away from society?

I'm just worried it's going to be censored.
>but what could they censor?
Plenty of things, remember that this is a game with underaged high school students, so anything is fair game.

>I'm just trying to understand user.
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but P5 was too smart for you.

if you look at it from a 3 digit iq perspectice, atlus seems to be a huge scam.
>release game
>charge fullprice
>release same game, add a waifu
>charge fullprice again
its like imagine you buy wc3 reign of chaos. instead of releasing an expansionpack they let you buy reign of chaos+, with the difference that you have to start from lvl chapter 1 again and lose all the dlc you bought for the game

You've never played P5R

More like
>Sakurai knows it would be a bad idea to associate a good game like Xenoblade 2 with a shit game like Smash

please respond

Smash is hot fucking garbage, but XB2 would be the most disappointing jrpg to exist if it weren't for KH3.

It's shit like every other Persona.

>What kind of dystopian logic is this?
The Japanese kind, idiot.

Watching Joseph Anderson play XB2 was some funny ass shit. Very entertaining stream, only 150 hours long.

>The people who think the story is about "fuck adults!" are the stupidest people on the planet.
As opposed to thinking it isn't? That's basically the mantra that unifies them and every antagonist is a separate story about an adult ruining society in some way.

the story was about based zoomers sticking it to the boomers

We already know its going to be a retread.

>That's basically the mantra that unifies them and every antagonist
Find actually lines in the game from the PT in reference to the antagonists that talk about how they're evil adults, and that their main enemies are these evil adults.

>P5 was too smart for you
Enlighten me! Great messiah of heaven! Help me understand this glorious work of art.

The sad part is that it isn't entirely wrong to say that.

Sarcasm doesn't make you sound witty. Normally people don't need to be told that, but we know you're living in the slow lane.

>playing a fucking Persona game when Dragon Quest and Ys exist lmao

I'm not being sarcastic user. I'm legit worshipping you. You must be one of the most intelligent being. Are you in Mensa?

But no seriously user. Mind explaining things for me?

>it isn't entirely wrong to say that.
Except for Soujiro and Sae, and all of your adult coops, and Goro (a zoomer) being a villain, and Mementos being filled with teens, and the prison of regression being filled with young people who have the same fucked up way of thinking.

You need a single digit IQ to play P5 and think it's about rebelling against adults.

When is the best Persona game getting a sequel?

Attached: tokyo-xanadu-ex-508119.6.jpg (1500x1500, 355K)

>I'm not being sarcastic user
Again, it doesn't make you sound witty or clever. It just makes it clear that your upset over people calling you dim-witted.

>You need a single digit IQ to play P5 and think it's about rebelling against adults.
Yep. Imagine listening to Ryuji and thinking he was correct.

>No you
Okay user. I guess I'll ask this question for the class to answer because you're on repeat right now.

Can someone help me understand the moral of Persona 5? I thought it was rebelling against society but it isn't.

>literally one single scene in the entire game where Ryuuji says "Those adults are assholes!"
>people ignore the entirety of the game and the info they released before launch which beat you over the head with the themes and how they relate to Japanese society
You literally (not metaphorically) have a single digit IQ.

I don't know you Switchfags are seething this much over P5.
You guys will literally buy watered down ports to games you already own just for "muh portability"

Attached: 1531849744313.png (465x450, 275K)

Don't listen to that other user, P5 is just gameplay with words to string it along from one battle to the next. The only "meaning" that exists is in the minds of its autistic fanbase.

Are you the same dude? You type similarly.

>people ignore the entirety of the game and the info they released before launch
You need to realize that not everybody was here before the game came out user

People can already remote play P5 so they can play it on their phones/vitas.

Oh come on.
P3: Accepting Death
P4: Finding/Facing the truth
P5: Don't be a sheep? (But the villians weren't sheep.)
Honestly I'm just trying to figure out what's the main moral.

>quote posts from reply chains between 2 people
>ask if they're the same person because they type similarly
Are you retarded?

>Accepting Death
No, the final arc is literally them fighting against death.

>Don't be a sheep? (But the villians weren't sheep.)
How do you miss the point this hard?

Of course it's the same guy. No more then one person would think that P5 is deep by any means.

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So how are they gonna justify getting Joker back to tokyo in the new content? And justify him wearing glasses, since he's already a cleared man.

Unless the conspiracy continues somehow in the new version

>would think that P5 is deep by any means.
>I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but P5 was too smart for you.
In case you missed it, the clear implication there is that the game beats you over the head with it's themes.

>t-t-they were sequels tho.... I gues...
Moving goalposts


>How do you miss the point this hard?
Then what is the point?
It certainly wasn't rebellion because they never rebelled in any way.

I don't know. They're both just screeching "you're dumb" over and over again.

>Pre-P5 launch is now "old times" because of how many newfags there are
I don't like this timeline.

Because it's a shit game and your only defence is "Well, you just hate it because it's not the Switch." You know that P5 is a shit game, so your only coping mechanism is to blame Switchfags.

He’s not going back to Tokyo. The game is just continuing through January and he doesn’t go to jail. For some reason.

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>the clear implication there is that the game beats you over the head with it's themes.
Yeah, but unfortunately it doesn't. The theme and motiovations of the characters are vague at best and they tend to fly at the seat of their pants.

>They're both just screeching "you're dumb" over and over again.
Except that post references the game directly to explain why the idea that the game is about "fuck adults" is retarded. Please explain exactly how citing actual events from the game in reference to what's being talked about is the same as just screaming "you're dumb".

Well list your complaints then.

Attached: ITSNOTREALHAHAHAHA.jpg (1280x720, 137K)


>The theme and motiovations of the characters are vague at best
How do you even end up here? Are there really people who know nothing at all about Japan's conformation society, and that missed all the reveal trailers talking about how the game would specifically be about fighting against it, and then somehow missed the entire final dungeon of the game where every NPC you can talk to makes it painfully clear what their mental problems are?

Cope Ryan.

>not knowing about the game when it releases makes you a newfag.

Attached: 1550510173559.jpg (300x300, 47K)

just dont bother arguing with atlusfags.
they just cant admit that there literally wasnt a point. its just "being a misfit that fights against an unjust adult normalfag society", i personally simply enjoy storys like that, they offer more then the usual "hero in shiny armor" story type. atlusfags just need to pretend that theres something hidden with high iq only they can understand, even though there is nothing.
like rick and morty shitters that pretend the series is not just unfunny, its only made for high iq special people.

>not being here when the board was flooded with P5 announcement threads makes you a newfag

I really doubt you finished 1-3.

Who? And you didn't answer the question.

You can really tell the P5 Babies/Salty Nintentoddlers from Series Vets.
This isn't anything knew and Atlus ALWAYS brings bang for your buck with the suped up re-releases that they do

Did someone let the brainlets out of daycare or something?

Cope ryan

Not him but for one the battle system. Its weighed far too heavily in the favour of the player and its extremely easy to break with things like Baton pass and warning shot which are mechanics and skills learned extremely early into a confidant path.

As for the story it lacks the same strong themes and direction the previous games have and just kind of lumps together in a misshapen ball of tropes. That and there's no real reason for the characters to be a team, using p4 as an example they were all affected by the overarching murder mystery banding together to solve it.
In p5 they just end up with new party members and friends by accident and once their personal problems are over there's no reason for anyone to stay.

did someone let reddit out of their containment?

I take it you haven't played the game recently because the trailers aren't indicative of the themes of the game at all.

Are you illiterate or something?
I just said the trailer isn't indicative of the theme. Do you have any real argument or what?

PV1 and PV2 come out, fan theories come out
>People suspecting Yusuke is the rival/bad guy.
>Arsene is evil and leading you on. (He would be an artificial persona or a persona that isn't yours.)
>Stealing actual things in the real world.
>Your protagonist is an actual delinquent
>All of your party members are actually delinquents as well

> it lacks the same strong themes and direction the previous games have and just kind of lumps together in a misshapen ball of tropes.

>there's no real reason for the characters to be a team
But there is. They don't want people like Kamoshida and Kaneshiro running around and fucking over people's lives also popularity but that's a different topic

>they just end up with new party members and friends by accident
The only one they meet on accident is Yusuke i think but the others (Futaba and Makoto) went after them or the team was looking for them (Haru).

>once their personal problems are over there's no reason for anyone to stay.
Same with P4 but That's also wrong, they explain the reason why they joined after or during the dungeon go play the game again.
Did you sleep through the entire final dungeon of the game?

Not being able to carry over your social stats/compendium is inexcusable.

We don't anything yet nigger

Considering there’s completely new Personas, yes it is.

not him, but i just gonna assume they handle it the same like every other persona with a second release, and it wont be possible

>Your protagonist is an actual delinquent
>All of your party members are actually delinquents as well

I totally forgot about it, but I was pretty disappointed that this wasn't the case AT ALL.

I really expected Joker being in trouble for some actual shady shit he was into, or at least the party being a bunch of troublemaking shitheads instead of just being misunderstood underdogs (kinda?).

Attached: 1461821545500.jpg (599x571, 71K)

>like every other persona with a second release
You never played P3FES then because you can do that.
P4 and P4G are on two different consoles.

>There are 100 new pokemon in this game so it only makes sense that you have to catch all the 800+ older ones all over again without being able to transfer them!

This is how stupid you sound.


A game where they start out as unrepentant shitheads and slowly grow less selfish(ie, they're still shitheads, but they're going to save the world because an even bigger shithead is doing something they don't like) would have been neat.

>nyarlathotep is back
>"a few things changed"

Attached: 1400734518762.png (170x260, 20K)

You say that like Gamefreak hasn't done that before

I was expecting Joker to actually fucking beat up Shido in the beginning. But no. Shido just injures himself because he's drunk and goes "REEEE FUCK YOU KID YOURE DONE."

That was kinda dumb, not going to lie. I know it happens in real life, but that's a bit disappointing.

It's frankly bizarre that P1 does this concept inadvertently but P5 chooses to avoid it in a game where being a social outcast is the main focus.

Attached: 1555627225948.jpg (450x338, 19K)

>P4 and P4G are on two different consoles.
you mean like p3p (psp) and p3fes (ps2) ?

Except the Frozen throne had a full entirely new singleplayer campaign. Royal is literally the same game with a few changes.

This was one of the worst scenes in the game.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: lmaoxD.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I mean, I ain't buying it.

Persona 5 was fun, but I never had to play the vanilla versions of the others since P5 was my first before I tried the rest.

I don't see a reason to slog through the same first couple of acts when I already did all the confidants I gave a shit about and maxed out everything that interested me. That was like a 150+ hours to do all that.

Maybe if they added a second protagonist option or changed up the story of the game or cut a lot of the really boring sections out I'd consider it.

nice blog

As I have stated before:
The only fags crying are the "fans" that watched a P5 playthrough on Youtube or Twitch or whose first game was five, and nintentards that are salty about no switch release
Royal already seems to be adding more than Golden did and P4 Golden was good enough to buy a Vita just to own that game alone
The people whining about what Atlus is doing are simply not fans at all. Call it gatekeeping or whatever but it's just facts at this point.

>This re-release of a game is good enough to buy a $200 handheld for, essentially paying $260 for a game you already played.
This is what Personafags actually believe.

Neat post

Yusuke turned out way better than the fan theory honestly.

i played allmost each atlus game, and i like them.
doesnt mean i have to defend this retarded buisness practice.
i also have a ps4 and still hate them for their censorship policy, not having any games, and their bullshit 3rd personshooter.
you dont have to suck a companys cock just because you like some of their products, user.

That's not an argument user. P5 is all over the place thematically.

>They don't want people like Kamoshida and Kaneshiro running around and fucking over people's lives
Which doesn't require them being a team, in fact with the way Palaces work it would be better for them to act separately within mementos taking down shadows that are on the cusp of forming them.
On top of that they're ignoring areas outside of Shibuya. For a game about supposedly about reforming society they sure do a bad job of showing it.

>The only one they meet on accident is Yusuke
Except for Futaba, and technically Pancake Boy, they all join they party via some kind of accident like being taken into a Palace by accident or in the case of Haru just coming across Morganna after he left them and then being taken into a Palace.

>Same with P4
Yeah no, if you forgot everyone after Yukiko was a victim of kidnapping having direct involvement in the plot.
Yosuke wanted revenge for Saki.
Chie is Yukiko's best friend.
In other words they all have a connection to the entire case.

The same can't be said about p5 where they're just picking and choosing targets that pass their ear.

>platform changed
>the whole stat system changed

Okay now what's Persona 5's excuse when it's not even a new game?

You can also play P3 Portable if you need more self justification for purchasing a Vita for Persona. At least that's what I did

>P5 is all over the place thematically.
Not him, but you're an idiot.

I like WoW, Warcraft 3 etc.
does that mean i have to defend lootboxes now?
and no, p4g was never a reason to buy a vita, the vita has so much other good games.

What's worst is when the fans keep begging for Z version and shitty remakes.

Almost 20 years ago.
With hardware that was incompatible with the older one.

Royal is on ps4 where the first game also was.

Maybe. He didn't really do much other than decorate the phantom thief artwork. I assume in the "Jun" role, he would have much more of a prescence.
Fuck I remember even people thinking be was going to be a "fake joker".
I fucking love the autist though.

Fuck that noise. It should just be one game. They need to be stopped too.

Wow you totally proved it isn't there.

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>Okay now what's Persona 5's excuse
They never said anything about the save transfer though you seething autismo.
You guys are looking for things to seethe over holy shit.

Reminder than Fire Emblem does this too. Nintendo fags are throwing stones when they live in glass houses

You know, Royal could have been great but a lot of small things have kept it back. Stuff like:

>DLC costumes not being included in the base product and have to be re-bought for a fee (This might be Japan only on the fee, but still bullshit).
>Keeping it on PS4 when a Switch or PC port would make sense.
>Saves not being compatible, forcing you to redo a bunch of stuff on a game that is already 80-100 hours long your first time.

I am hoping that they actually make some P4: Golden level improvements with gameplay and side stuff/pacing (Not counting all the shit with Marie), but I am unsure if I can stomach replaying P5 if its only going to be minor stuff.

>bang for your buck
Ye, $60 for some DLC that's not even comparable to old-school $20 expansion packs. Those usually had a full new campaign made from scratch.
Great value for money.
You can really recognise Persona Vets by how hard they suck Atlus dick and are how they're all FinDom cucks.

Avoided this game because every girl was shit.
Finally going to pick it up now that best girl is coming.

Jokes on you. I waited for the definitive edition. Anyone who bought the beta version deserves this. If Atlus went under for P5 bombing they'd only have themselves for pulling this shit.

>Reminder than Fire Emblem does this too.
As shit as Fates was they were two different games. Persona 5 Royal isn't.

>Reminder than Fire Emblem does this too
>1 game

Attached: 1530605676743.jpg (1000x592, 226K)

You know us Americans are gonna have to buy back all the DLC, right?

Shut the fuck up about the switch and PC port thing though.

>and Atlus ALWAYS brings bang for your buck with the suped up re-releases that they do
Not for persona they don't.

So just add an option on the main menu to play a Royal mode campaign, dumbass.

Attached: 1528128182130.jpg (640x360, 86K)

It amazes me how this post devolved into console war faggotry in three posts despite the op never bringing up any console

Won't this game get reduced in price quick? I can't imagine it holding value when everyone will think it's a remake.

And each of those was a different story with different maps and two of them couldn't access the characters for the other side.

Persona Royal just looks like Dark Arisen without a save transfer to me.

>special edition
>being retarded on purpose

literally this so much.
>warcraft 3
>expansion pack for 20-30 bucks
>whole new campaign
>still allowed to play all custommaps you allready have
>added free custommaps
>you dont have to replay the old campaign

atlus shit
>same game
>costs more
>you have to play from scratch
>nothing new added, only 1-2 waifus
>you have to rebuy all the dlc

>Royal could have been great
It isn't out yet.
>Saves not being compatible,
But it is.
>>Keeping it on PS4 when a Switch or PC port would make sense.
Your entire post would've been good if it wasn't for this point. Stop seething you faggot it's never coming.

Attached: 1532889642377.jpg (578x575, 47K)

Not touching it. Could've added more christmas cake or let me get some yuri action on.

I'm sure persona fans will buy it though.

>"Look! As you can see, all of us are alive and kicking!"
>when the public had NOT A FUCKING CLUE even how many people were Phantom Thieves or even know how their outfits looked

I understand they say in the next line that it was intended for Shido, but that was pretty fucking dumb for making an impression with public.

The back and forth with the changed voices was pretty shitty, too. If they kept it like the previous calling cards with their kind of grandiose warning with only Joker speaking, it would have been better.

>Golden level improvements with gameplay and side stuff/pacing
Making the game even easier and adding unnecessary SoL events that add nothing and further drags out the plot?

Attached: 1543217135029.png (586x634, 276K)

>two games
>two plots
>two different sets of units
>two different sets of maps
>two different endings
>third as dlc
>total price for three games is $80 because DLC discount

>same plot with minor changes
>one new character
>same dungeons
>total for this and the original $120

> without a save transfer to me.
But it does. It was literally one of the first things they said about the game.
You have to be shitposting at this point or just retarded.

So the entire fucking game?

>New Personas
>New Skills
>New Enemies
>New Bosses
>New/Revamped Palaces
>New Party Member
>New Confidants
>New Areas to Explore
>New/Revamped Story Elements
>New Party Events and Events in General
>New Ending
>More Months
>New Costumes
Somehow doesn't compare to other expansions in the past
All of this is more than enough to justify a new game, fucking retards

I was with you until the port begging

>supporting basedny
>shittier smt

It’s okay when Nintendo does it user

How is this not getting through your thick skull.
A DLC campaign, like games have been doing for years.

The whole scene (and I hate this word but it's the perfect word to describe it.) I was cringing to be honest. It just felt Like they've specifically got the new hires to work on writing this scene. It was so fucking dumb and I already thought the medjet thing was fucking retarded.

>New music that only Atlus could bring

Futaba being this good of a hacker is so retarded. People complain about Marie being a Marie Sue but Futaba is the definition of the term.

FES and Golden did all of that without being Jewish like they are with p5.

>but Futaba is the definition of the term.
Being a savant isn't the same as being a Mary Sue, you idiot. Makoto is the closest thing to a Mary Sue.

Hacking a tv broadcast I can believe. It has happened before. "counter-hacking everyone in medjet" was fucking dumb though.

>and doesn’t just tack on things ontop of the existing story
That's literally what it's doing.

>without being Jewish
I dont get it they're doing the same exact thing like in FES and Golden

>having to buy a $250+ failed portable and a expensive ass memory card just for one $40 game.
You're a fucking retard

How is changing the events of the last 3 months entirely to where Joker is free just tacking stuff on? He has to not go to jail for that to happen, which changes the story completely.

Based retard.
For comparison, Emerald is basically the same as Ruby and Sapphire, but with more content.
B2W2 is a full on sequel, only sharing locations and characters.

I bought a vita for golden, but this kind of practice just isn't really justifiable anymore.
P4 was a PS2 game, they physically couldn't update it without releasing a new title, certainly not adding widescreen and all.
The industry has moved on.

The fact that people call them out for being wrong disqualifies them from being a mary sue.
Nanako is literally the definition of a Mary Sue but you retards don't ever give a shit about her.

>Nanako is literally the definition of a Mary Sue
This post caused me to burst into laughter. Thank you.

>F-Futaba's a mary sue
>n-no it's Makoto
You retards don't know what that word means so stop using it.

>B2W2 is a full on sequel, only sharing [most of the game].

Huh. You’re not very smart, are you?

>Futaba has one particular skill but is autistic and full of self doubt
Not a Mary Sue.

>Makoto is strong and smart and dependable and responsible and frequently acts as the mouthpiece for the party to the point where it seems like she's the leader and not Joker
That's actually close to a Mary Sue.

>How is changing the events of the last 3 months entirely to where Joker is free just tacking stuff on?
You literally just said it. They change one little detail and bam freedom to tack on a story at the end. Didn't really think things through there did you.

Names character flaw that Makoto has.

>You guys are defending an in-your-face scam
I'm not defending anything. It sucks that I'm getting a bad deal, but it's also still worth it to me. So there it is. Sorry I'm not pissed enough for you.

>one little detail
Explain how changing one small detail would result in Joker getting out of jail.

Didn't really think things through there, did you?

>Atlus cuts a deal with Sony and makes it so you need a PS4 Pro to play Royal
How would you react?

>which changes the story completely.
Are you retarded?
By the time he goes to jail AT THE END the entire game has passed. How is that retroactively affecting anything before that point?

DLC shouldn't exist

Are you in denial or just retarded? Maybe you're just underage and never saw an actual expansion pack in your life.
Everything you listed is shit that's usually sold as DLC, maybe bundleded together later for $20, tops.
>somehow this doesn't compare to other expansions in the past
Yes, let's compare it with an actual expansion pack, pic related.
>New units for all races
>Naval combat
>Entirely new campaign comparable in length to the base game campaign
>Tons of new items
>New heroes
>New maps
>General rebalancing

You're comparing some new events, and story elements to an entirely new full-length story. Royal doesn't have the value of a full expansion, it's bundled DLC.

Attached: this shit was 20 bucks.jpg (264x370, 24K)

It's all going to be a dream caused by a goddess (Kasumi) who's trying to stop a great evil (the teacher) by helping the phantom thieves.
Not like we haven't seen this shit before.

>How is that retroactively affecting anything before that point?
Do you fucking idiots not remember everything about the Casino, getting caught, the interrogation and tricking Goro? All of that has to change now.

Why are you comparing a MMO to a Single player JRPG?

>Warcraft 3
kill yourself shitlord


She's socially awkward.

>Makoto is strong and smart and dependable
Nope go play the game.

What's the problem? You can't afford this game twice?

That's your problem, stop being a poor fuck.

based bait

Don’t pay any attention to them. Retards like to conveniently forget that 90% of the game takes place in a flashback. But most of the people itt haven’t actually played the game they just watched part of it in a YouTube playthrough so it makes sense that they wouldn’t realize that joker not going to jail has huge ramifications.

>She's socially awkward.
Still has friends in the game. Remember, her entire coop is about her helping someone else, not Joker helping her.

>Nope go play the game.
She's a trained martial artist. Objectively strong.

She has top grades. Objectively smart.

The teachers put her in charge of watching over other students because they trust her.

Makotofags pretending she isn't a Mary Sue are retards. Ignoring what actually happens in the game won't change it.

Yeah, I'm thinking this user is pretty based

P5R PV comes out
Fan theories on the first day
>Retelling of P5 caused by new girl
>Time Loop

Which one was your favourite?

>Explain how changing one small detail would result in Joker getting out of jail.
Not him but
>testifies as a phantom thief against shido
>gets out on bail/good behavior etc

That literally changes nothing. Joker goes to jail for 3 months after all the interrogation/Goro/Sae shit has happened. Everything can happen the exact same up until Sae coming up to Joker and saying “I need you to go to jail or a while.”

In which case they could just write that part out (it barely makes sense in the first place) and bam, months of playtime tacked on.

>gets out on bail/good behavior etc
Holy shit, that other user was right. You idiots didn't even play the game.

Imagine being such a bootlicking retard that you seriously defend buying the same game again at full price, not available as an expansion, on the exact same system lmao

If it cost as much as a new game to make, it’d be called Persona 6 and not reuse the same characters and story
Jesus christ how fucking cucked do you have to be to think this is how game development works?

>All of that has to change now
You what?
No it doesn't especially since that whole series of events takes place in a single night and was a set up for Goro anyway.
Did you even play the game?

>socially awkward means you don't have any friends.

>I'm a Makotofag because i disagreed with you

What? Yes they have, they talk about it on a new FAQ post
Translation: "Does save data from Persona 5 carry over to Persona 5 Royal?"
"Persona 5 Royal is based on the game systems of Persona 5, but is a rebirth with numerous new elements such as new characters and events implemented from the beginning of the game. Since it is a different experience from playing the original Persona 5, carrying over save data for things such as stats and the Persona Compendium is not possible. However, if you have save data for Persona 5, you will receive a useful bonus at the beginning of the game. (This will work with both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 save data. If you are using PlayStation 3 save data, upload the save data to the network (cloud) and play Persona 5 Royal from the same PlayStation Network account to receive the bonus.)"

No save transfer, just a bonus.

>that whole series of events takes place in a single night
You fucking idiots did not play the entire game. The only way you could think this was one day of events that only needs a minor change is if you watched that single scene on youtube.

>If it cost as much as a new game to make,
We don't know how much money they spend to make the game though

Yeah, Kasumi is obviously going to be some goddess reincarnation/someone's Shadow or something like that.

But the most probable outcomes for the teacher seem pretty shitty
>a silly adult who you can totally trust in who happens to be the bad guy all along
>a pretty meh SL with some guy who actually wants to help children

Attached: 1432354890619.png (643x587, 520K)

No, that's actually what socially awkward means; you don't know how to interact with people.

See, you said "nope" to those things I said, then I listed how they're objectively true per what happens in the game, and you're not even pretending to be able to argue against any of the factual game plot points that I listed. You're an idiot Makotofag because you're rushing to defend her despite being objectively wrong.

its either complete die hard fans or people that havent played it

Use literally any logical capacity you have to figure it our, brainlet.

Mostly the same assets, mostly the same story, mostly the same voicework, mostly the same code, mostly the same combat, almost the exact same engine. Put some shit together yourself for once.


It's funny how they put more work in side games then the remakes. Hikari and Rei weren't that obvious.

Did you even beat the casino?
From the heist to faking his death happens all in one night.

You fucking idiot, everything leading up to it that supported that event did not happen in one day. They cannot leave the story and the PT's plan exactly how it is. Why do people who didn't play the game talk about it?

>carrying over save data for things such as stats and the Persona Compendium is not possible

Ah, shit, that's pretty bad. The only thing I wanted to transfer over were the social stats. Didn't even care that much for the compendium besides doing the twins' requests faster.

Attached: 1445681372105.jpg (310x349, 14K)

"Lets spend the amount of money a sequel would cost on a diminished customer base of people who aren't completely sick of P5 from the 100 hours of the base game and a couple late fags."

Time you autists begin to realize you are arguing with fags that have watched YouTube Plauthroughs and think they know everything

>watched YouTube Plauthroughs and think they know everything
I didn't want to believe these existed.

>to be able to argue against any of the factual game plot points that I listed.
I can but i just don't want too.

>everything leading up to it that supported that event did not happen in one day
And you're calling me the idiot, no one said it did hence why I specifically said the heist to the fake death and not from the discovery of the Palace.

>They cannot leave the story and the PT's plan exactly how it is.
Of course they can because it was all a set up anyway.

Wow. That's sad.

But it isn't obvious at all.
Stop reaching.

They don't. No one would sit through 80 hours of YouTube videos.

They literally can though. All they need to change is the outcome.
The story not making sense with extra changes has never stopped Atlus from doing it anyway.

I know, putting effort into retards is not worth it in the end.

>Of course they can
This is why you're a retard. Tell me something, when the game comes out and everyone calls the people who thought nothing big would change retarded, are you going to silently disappear or actually admit that you were an idiot? Just kidding, I know it's the former.

I watched probably 50~ hours--roughly half of a stream of P5. It's actually really entertaining if you like the person who's streaming it.

But what if, and just hear me out for a second, he isn't?

So I take it you have no argument then seeing as you have to resort to an ad hom.
But seriously have you played this game?

>I watched probably 50~ hours--roughly half of a stream of P5
No wonder we have idiots who are hoping Royal is a drastic change.

He's not wrong, because that part of the story involves a set up Atlus can do whatever they like and even add Kasumi as long as Joker is the only one who gets caught.

>complaining about logical fallacies because you're an idiot and think it makes you sound logical and composed
The ultimate mark of the retard.

>But seriously have you played this game?
Several times, and I even have the official designs book with all the creator interviews and comments. How little about the game do you have to know to think that Royal will just have a minor change at the end with Joker doesn't go to jail for no reason? That was a seriously question, by the way. I want to know how stupid you are.

still best girly girl btw

Attached: __amamiya_ren_morgana_and_sakura_futaba_persona_5_and_etc_drawn_by_tama_songe__7cbb1d1bca94430cad91b (560x880, 339K)

>because that part of the story involves a set up Atlus can do whatever they like
Joker doesn't go to jail, and Goro lives. How in the fuck could that be done through "minor changes" that don't affect the story at large?

>Well it'll be exactly the same but then those things will change without any setup or context so they can shoehorn in some more gameplay
Please don't say anything that stupid.

Why can't the extra months be while Joker is in jail? Either you play as someone else and Joker is gone from the party, or maybe you play as Joker in the jail and have a mini-Persona story in there with its own small cast, party, calendar with events, social networking, etc.? Would be cool.

>Goro lives
Killed off-screen by a heart attack
problem solved
>Joker doesn't go to jail
He does but he commutes to school from jail every day and gets plenty of free time while under surveillance
problem solved.

Atlus please give me money.

>Killed off-screen by a heart attack
Wouldn't even be mad. It would be worth it to see the angry fujos.

>How in the fuck could that be done through "minor changes" that don't affect the story at large?
Goro walks back on screen just like Ryuji because no one saw him die.
Goro testifies as a phantom thief to spare Joker the jail time because its the perfect means to achieve his goal of getting back at his father.


One, that would be lame
Two, they lose their powers by that point if I remember right.

>because its the perfect means to achieve his goal of getting back at his father.
You really are.

Go back to /pg/

During the P5R trailer, the calendar in top left of the screen shows a date that Joker should be in jail, but he’s out and about hanging with the rest of the group. They basically confirmed that he won’t be going to jail in The Royal.

/pg/ are a bunch of retarded faggots from tumblr. Do not assume people consort with them because of the names they use.

So, where is the problem in that then.

>Do not assume people consort with them because of the names they use.
People that call him "Goro" are usually from /pg/ or a twitter/tumblr fujo so it's safe to assume that.

>The new girl who has a strong connection to Goro won't play a hand in saving Goro
>He'll just waltz back on screen
>And then he'll decide the best way to stick it to his dad is to testify so Joker doesn't have to go to jail
Or maybe the charges against Joker will just get dropped, and then Goro will apologize for killing Haru's dad and they'll just hang out. Where's the problem in that theory?

The concert trailer?

>Where's the problem in that theory?
You tell me, you're the one who made this one up. No one said Goro had to be buddy buddy with everyone to get back at his father.

>At a local cosplay event in my area last year
>Saw a Futaba cosplayer
>Took a pic with her
>While taking the pic with her, her tits were pressing against my ribs

Worth it! I gave her a hug afterwards anyway.

Attached: Sweaty Duke.png (250x250, 72K)

>to get back at his father
Why would Goro, given his characterization and motivation, decide that turning himself in would be the best way to get back at his dad? Think about everything he does, how he acts, and how he plots his revenge. Why would he suddenly just say "You know what, I'll take the fall."?

Stop calling him Goro it's disrespectful.

I mean I paid over 250 dollars for chink plastic so I could look at Makoto's ass on my desk so Atlus has pretty much got my wallet by the balls at this point.

Attached: 1559973353334.jpg (1024x683, 65K)

>, decide that turning himself in would be the best way to get back at his dad
Think about it user.
>child abuse
>literally everything he's done to get up the political ladder
Goro has more dirt on him than a gravedigger and could put him away for a long time.
>and how he plots his revenge
And how that plan failed spectacularly mind you. Not to mention the idea of Goro turning himself in fits the theme of reform.

There's also one more obvious reason but I want to see if you'll get it.

stop calling him goro

Persona has done this three times since P3/P3FES. Fire emblem did this once and each games have radically different stories/events. Persona just adds a character or a few extra months to the same game

>Goro has more dirt on him than a gravedigger and could put him away for a long time.
Of which he has no actual proof of, and everything about him points to being the one who'd want to pull the trigger himself. You're pulling dumb fan theories out of your ass.

>There's also one more obvious reason but I want to see if you'll get it.
Pretending to be smart and dangling a carrot on a stick doesn't work when you have to ignore established characterization to pretend to have a point. It also really doesn't work when you're stupid enough to misread themes of the game. There is no theme of reform in the game. In case you missed it (since you may not have even played the game given how little you understand) there is no theme of reform. All of the changes of hearts were forcefully brought about by the PT, and their robbing of people's free will was brought up in the story. Name a single character in the game who was reformed from their evil ways and not forcibly mentally castrated.

stop calling him goro

>I shoot people's shadows in the face and that's how they die

Why are you seething so much about people referring to Goro by his name

user please, he doesn't need to think about silly details like "how the fuck would he prove anything" when he comes up with his retarded theories. That's beneath him.

the game is LITERALLY 30% longer than before, a semester is a really fucking long time in these games

Thanks now I can't find that one comic of virgin Joker blushing hard when Futaba presses her tits against him while hugging

Attached: 59529178_p0.jpg (886x1253, 534K)

I don't have a PS4 but I bought a physical copy of Persona 5 to support physical copies, I will be buying a physical copy of this too to support physical copies

Because weebs are autistic

Because i hate fujos

>For starters, Pokemon stopped doing the bullshit "third game" since Gen 4.
they've now started doing the bullshit "third and fourth games" instead for double the cash grabs.

Attached: usum.jpg (578x327, 179K)

>Make 30% of a game
>Sell it at the price of a full game
You faggots are defending this shit


Attached: moTGAi6.jpg (1200x1040, 1.2M)

wow, Nintendo cucks will defend anything

>Makoto stalks and threatens to blackmail you
>then has a meltdown throwing herself at Yakuza like a retard
>then the Yakuza threaten to blackmail you
>after this everyone is OMG YAAASS QUEEN LEAD US
God P5 writing is so shit they couldnt even write a Mary Sue correctly

Attached: 1539085628178.png (242x331, 96K)

>He didn’t trade in Persona 5 after beating it for $40
>Mfw I’m getting the Royal for basically $20

What are you, a digitalfag? Serves you right for being retarded

>Not the first post from this IP
You're trying too hard user.

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Makoto was the only really shitty part of the game. I'm sure they're going to ruin it all by letting Goro off the hook, anyways.

I emulated it

Making a game 30% longer is way more than what DLC could be worth. P5 is LITERALLY only 2/3 of P5R. It's by far the biggest enhanced release Atlus has ever done and you're fucking retarded for thinking it could be DLC, let alone should be.

Don't samefag


>Of which he has no actual proof of,
And neither did Joker. Remember his testimony came from his actions as a phantom thief and not the attempted rape.
Not to mention Goro being his right hand man is privvy to a little more information which is something Cognitive Akechi even implies.

>when you have to ignore established characterization
Yeah there's a little thing called character development in stories but I don't think you've heard of it.
Not to mention Goro protects the thieves after they beat him anyway. He didn't even want to kill Shido at that point either given one of his last lines was something like "change his heart and make him atone for his crimes!"

>There is no theme of reform in the game
You really want to take that route when every time you go to the velvet room you're reminded of your rehabilitation and the goal of the phantom thieves was to change society?
What exactly do you think the theme was?

>Name a single character in the game who was reformed from their evil ways and not forcibly mentally castrated.
Remember how they tried to do it to her but then she awakened all on her own preventing a change of heart?

How much of this game did you skip exactly?

>too stupid to know a samefag
Checks out.

>responding to bait
>calling him "goro"

No shit, earlier I was arguing with the retards crying about getting more content in a game then scroll down to the usual ''Mary Sue'' argument

>disagreeing with you makes me a Makotofag
As expected from a /pg/ poster.

>biggest enhanced release Atlus has ever done
Except their other enhanced releases were also ports to new platforms, therefore justifying a full repurchase.
This is basically just an expansion pack sold for $60.
And yes, it could've been DLC, Blood and Wine was DLC too and regardless of what you think of TW3 that's ~40~ hours of brand-new content.

>Name a single character in the game who was reformed from their evil ways and not forcibly mentally castrated.
Sae and Mishima.

>antigroocucks still seething
Daily reminder that you've already got BTFO, and will get BTFO again

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Are you the same retard who's been crying about /pg/ the entire thread despite everyone here calling them retarded faggots? Why does the name Goro trigger you so much? It's his fucking name.

>Name a single character in the game who was reformed from their evil ways and not forcibly mentally castrated.


>and then Goro will apologize for killing Haru's dad and they'll just hang out
Not him but after they kick his ass they first thing they do is try to recruit him to the cause. So yeah, pretty much that.

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Both were misguided at worst. Kamoshida, Kaneshiro, Shido etc were evil. Based retard

>Haru jumps at the opportunity of welcoming her father’s murderer with open arms

God, Haru desperately needs to be completely rewritten. Holy fuck

whataboutism is for retards. that is just as dumb. I just don't care about kids games.

Way to argue semantics. Being evil doesn't matter because your point was about people having a change of heart without having their cognitive selves fucked with and wouldn't you know it, that happens pretty often.
But hey, if you want an example of someone that's evil who changes then here's one for you
Goro Akechi

It's a mistranslation autismo.
They want him so they can take out Shido but after that he can go fuck off to the police.

>its been years since the initial release
That's half the fucking point.
You are paying for the same game twice, plain and simple.

>And neither did Joker.
I don't think you actually understand what you're saying.

>being his right hand man
He was a pawn being played the entire time, not the right hand man. Really, did you even play the game or do you just not know what a right hand man is?

>character development
Yeah, I'm sure they'll toss out the entirety of his characterization and have him flip his personality on dime to fit your absolutely retarded crackpot theories.

>every time you go to the velvet room
Remind me again, who was running the velvet room for almost the entire game? Oh right, the person who was lying to and playing Joker the entire time.

>What exactly do you think the theme was?
Already been explicitly stated in the thread several times. It wasn't what you're pretending it is.

So that's one character who they had to push 99% of the way by traveling inside of heart and messing with her.

>How much of this game did you skip exactly?
Less than you, given your less than surface level understanding of the plot.

To be fair, it was Ann who suggests it first.

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>It's a mistranslation
That's way more than a mistranslation. Plus they never mention the police.

>that happens pretty often
Except that it literally doesn't. Are you retarded? One of the plot points in the game is them being told "People aren't changing, you're forcing them to change." with the PT responding "Yeah, but that's what we want to do so tough shit." It's really like you didn't play the game at all.

No, they just need to explain in detail why her Father was a shitty person and how much her quality of life has improved. Sometimes parents are just bad people and it's clear Haru didn't want to bartered away for company stock. More than likely her mother was the only parent she could depend on.

Why do people blame game devs for shit like this? Its scummy for sure, but idiots will keep paying out the ass for this garbage.

Do you know what happens if atlus (or any other company) puts time and resources (minimal as they may be) into re-releasing the same game with new bells and whistles, and literally not one single person buys the product? They will never do it again.

Unfortunately, it's not.
Atlus is guaranteed going to turn this into stupid anime-tier "Let's just forgive the murderer" shit.

This one was actually a shitty translation because the translator didn't understand the word ケジメ.

Never played Persona 5 but the doujins with Makoto and Ann are great so props to Atlus.

Even though her father treated her like shit you can tell she still loved and cared about him. She says that she knows what he did was horrible but she still mourns for him and loved him. Her life may get better as a result but her just getting over it instantly despite her feelings towards him is retarded.

>but her just getting over it instantly
user, they're Japanese teens. Forgiving other Japanese teens that exist for fapbait for the audience even they they don't deserve it is what they do.

>You really want to take that route when every time you go to the velvet room you're reminded of your rehabilitation and the goal of the phantom thieves was to change society?
Except you did nothing wrong to begin with and forcibly changing people isn't reforming them.

Not to mention that 更生 isn't rehabilitation, it's rebirth.

>This one was actually a shitty translation because the translator didn't understand the word ケジメ.

So what is she actually supposed to be saying there? I’m always interested in direct translations and how games fuck them up

Wow it's also like companies are out to bleed you dry.

>Atlus is guaranteed going to turn this into stupid anime-tier "Let's just forgive the murderer" shit.
>Expecting good story from a weeb game

that goes for everything i guess, but atlus shitters rather play persona dancing all night long and the third version of p5 including p5 60 fps than a persona 6.
well, its not my problem since i'm busy playing chaos rings and lost child. i just dont really get why atlus shitters are so deadset on defending this shit

Yeah, I thought Fatlus "remaking" DS games for 3DS was bad, but they went above and beyond this time

He's not wrong though, you just hate it because someone's defending something Nintendo related and you're a Yea Forumstard NPC.

>”M-m-muh corporashuns r evil!!1!”

Wow it’s almost like you are a complete fucking retard.

It's a tricky word that basically means "take responsibility and own up to your actions." A lot of people read it as "turn yourself in and atone for your crimes." It should have been kept vague like "You need to own up to your crimes."

Unfortunately, given that Haru asks him to change his dad's heart, it's going to end up being retarded "let's just forgive the guy who killed my dad in cold blood" shit because disgusting fujos and faggots like him.

3's story was good, and 5's story would be good if not for what they're about to do to it.

There's mo save transfer nigger, not even the compendium

>I don't think you actually understand what you're saying
And you who hasn't played the game does? Tell me, if being a phantom thief is something that can't be proven then why did Joker have to get arrested for being one?

>did you even play the game?
Did you because he very much was his right hand man and knew a lot about his plans hence why Shido was going to kill him immediately after his usefulness ran out.

>and have him flip his personality on dime
You mean like they did when he protected the thieves and told them to change his heart instead of killing him? Seriously did you just skim YouTube or something?

>who was running the velvet room for almost the entire game
The guy who was constantly telling you about rehabilitation. You know, one of the core themes of the game?
But here's a question for you, what was the motivation of the phantom thieves?

>Already been explicitly stated in the thread several times
Look, just admit you don't know. Granted it is muddied a bit because of the poor writing but it's still there.

>and messing with her.
Sorry but did we play the same game? Because not only did they not fight Futaba's shadow they didn't even steal her treasure which b us the exact thing needed for a change of heart aka messing with someone.

>given your less than surface level understanding of the plot.
Says the person who in one post tried to argue with a headcanon multiple times.

The best way is for Goro to get rahibilitate by joining the Shadow Ops

That would still tie into the theme of reform.

>disgusting fujos and faggots like him.
He was received well in Japan if I recalled correctly

>if being a phantom thief is something that can't be proven
Cool, but when did they prove their methods to the authorities?

>because he very much was his right hand man
Sorry, you're actually too fucking stupid to continue arguing with. Shido literally sees him as a doll with no will of his own.

Reforming society in the sense that people need to not be prisoners to hivemind Japanese society is a far cry from reforming criminals from their evil ways. Pretending these ideas are the same thing is stupid.

You do realise that both fall under societal reform, right? Not to mention the antagonists were always a part of a hierarchy that changes with them

>But here's a question for you, what was the motivation of the phantom thieves?
To punish the evildoers, not to reform them.

>societal reform
Except individual reform is literally, by definition, not societal reform.

>the antagonists were always a part of a hierarchy that changes with them
Do you actually remember who the first villain was?

>the country that loves pretty boy villains

If that were true, Ann would’ve killed Kamoshida when she went sicko mode

>public shaming and mental castration isn't punishment

Well duh. Don't expect anything else, it's their video games anyway.

Yeah except it was never about reforming the individual but rather their impact on society.

>Do you actually remember who the first villain was?
Do you? Or did you forget how everyone was aware but afraid to do anything because he was the golden boy bringing their sports teams into fame?

>Make you feel bad forbad things you did

Christ man relax. You make it sound like they are lobotomizing peopld.

Yeah, but Japan isn't a good exception.

You have to understand, a lot of these people haven't actually played the games.

>Yeah except it was never about reforming the individual but rather their impact on society.
I want to believe you're only pretending to be retarded, but deep down I know it's not just an act.

Well they seem don't give a fuck anyways. Their games, their perception.

They stated that it was only one dude who happened to be in Japan.

Did you fucking idiots just completely forget what happens when you see them at the end of the game in the mental prison? Do you think all they did was remove the one evil aspect of their personalities and make them apologize?

Play the fucking game.

>but when did they prove their methods to the authorities?
You're supposed to be telling me that, after all this was all about Goro taking the fall instead of Joker. If there's nothing that requires joker specifically then your point is moot.

>Shido literally sees him as a doll with no will of his own
Yeah but he was still his right hand man, you seem to be under the impression that you have to care for someone for them to be a good tool.

It would be impossible to release the added content as just a DLC or expansion because it practically revamp the whole storyline
Not saying i defend this kind practice but i really don't see any other way

Those were the cognitive versions of themselves, and that was the being back “under the control” of Yaldaboath, and literally every cognitive version of every person in Shibuya was going through the same thing. That wasn’t the fault of the PTs, it was Yaldy. Get a grip

Look, if you don't want to admit you're wrong fine, but don't reply if you have nothing of worth to say beecher anyone who played the games knows that each Palace owner was making an impact on more than just themselves.

Should we really bother at this point?
It's clear these guys don't want to talk about the game and just want to flaunt it.


user aren’t you tired? You should go to bed

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>Hito Shura
>Any different than the Purse Owner MCs
based retard poster