I just got this. what am I in for besides big fuckin anime tiddies?

I just got this. what am I in for besides big fuckin anime tiddies?

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A great coop game....you do have friends right?


Still one of my favourite games, but I've played it FAR TOO MUCH. Must be 500+ hours.

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Then you’ll miss part of the charm. Oh well.

of course I do. haha...

Not him but my friends wouldn't want to play this game and I just bought it recently. We tried playing Sonic Mania but they complained it was too hard on Green Hill Zone of all levels. They only care about Super Smash Bros. and Mario Party.

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Wait there’s a pro version?
Did I miss out on anything by sticking to the vita version?

Weird I was just seeing if my local gamestop had this. I heard it had cross play and cross save so I can play with Vita/PS3 dudes or slap the save on my vita when I'm doing my night shift.

Nothing, 4K textures? I think? The JP version has the D&D mode, but the western doesn't. I have no idea why they left it out..

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I can’t fucking wait until the princess crown translation is released. Inshallah it’ll get ported to the PSP ver. and the vita will truly be the Vanillaware machine.

Princess Crown sucks though.

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A lengthy loot grind through like 8 stages, with A and B routes. The helper guy is annoying as fuck. Classes are all pretty cool, but the fact that youre constantly playing through the same fucking areas really holds it back. I understand there has to be a limit, but it just gets tiresome. Regardless, its one of those games where you can make a lot of progress and get burnt out, but then a year or two later pick it right back up without needing to start from scratch. If you dont have friends you can play with randumbs or AI partners.

Also Amazon is best girl.

will 13 Sentinels be the fall of vanillaware?

I’m sad there’s no vita version, it’s the only snoy console worth owning aside from the PS2

Beyond the obvious res boost and the frame-rate being more stable, the soundtrack has been re-recorded entirely.

Also you can set the narrator to Japanese, but bizarrely not NPCs.

What does this version even have that the PS3 one doesn't?
Aside from paywall for online functions that is

>actually playint the story instead of rushing it to get to the random dungeons
You know nothing of how fun this game can be

What framerate did the normal version run at? Was it 60 ps3 and 30 vita?

probably, yeah

Audio options, looks better, new soundtrack

Are vanillaware games good? May pick this up along with the odin sphere remaster

>TFW you get the wizard wand that greatly reduces the cast time of Meteor

The final patch was amazing

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They look nice but tend to have pretty repetitive gameplay

so they're okay.

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