Virtual Reality

1 million Steam users now use VR.

Attached: monthly-connected-headsets-on-steam-by-number-of-headsets-may-2019.png (639x408, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

questlets win again

Attached: unknown.png (1494x786, 1.43M)

>Played vr chat for a week

Seems right

>10 steam users now use VR, and among them they have 9,999,990 free alt accounts for evading VRchat bans

Attached: ResizeMe.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

It's from the steam survey, meaning what you describe it is not how data works.

Attached: you pick it up.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

I wanna fuck that can

You do and you clean it up.

played the fucking demo yesterday
now i need VR
Also fucking delete your post before the normalfags find out and make fun of us

Attached: 1538617048219.jpg (720x720, 24K)

Where can I download half life 2 vr? Is it even out?

You forgot to say please

any games with good climbing

Attached: vader1.webm (800x800, 2.95M)



Attached: 1541812803703.gif (1000x1269, 1.63M)

Is that some VR giantess shit or something? After reading the filename I assume it is.

>1 million users
>Biggest game has like 500 players at max

Attached: 1341333499783.jpg (320x287, 22K)

I feel like this is actually one of the best uses of perspective that I have seen in VR. Seeing really big buildings and structures is impressive, but the more dynamic nature of the scale change first chapter is really impressive. It is just too bad the level of interaction is not on par with the art and story direction.

>Fufu, okay, then how about I go way past you?
What else could this imply?

Attached: big mommy.webm (1000x563, 2.08M)

>connected headsets

That's not really impressive
>1m over THREE Years

my quest doesn't need a pc

Attached: vader3.webm (800x800, 2.86M)

That's odd because the Steam survey results say 0.46% have VR headsets and based on the recent numbers of 90 million active users, that'd put the numbers closer to half of that. I guess Steam could be lying about the survey results and this chart could somehow have the real numbers, but I doubt that.

This seems to make the survey pointless. I don't keep my headset plugged in unless I am using it. The survey won't come up if I am in VR. I would have to intentionally plug it in just for the survey if I wanted it to count.

Attached: sharedspace.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

ehhhhhh I dunno

0,46 have an oculus rift

Attached: Future of VR.webm (1280x720, 843K)

Installed all my games again, room is cleaned and headset is within easy access, I STILL CAN'T BE BOTHER TO PUT IT ON THOUGH.

Attached: 1511583907062.gif (300x300, 11K)

yes, more porn "games" had been added recently.

Attached: tio.png (325x435, 229K)

Exactly. Ten stupid autists have bought a million headsets between themselves. It’s that simple.

desu I'm really enjoying it once in a while. Sucker for rhythmshit like Beat Saber and H3VR is gold-star game and gold-star autism. Boneworks looks like it'll be good too.

Also, fuck Fallout 4 vr. I was so hopeful but it's so fucking bad. Terrible controls and still a shit game.

Only if you do webm related for me.

Attached: MidgetHugsAnon.webm (700x392, 2.9M)

HL2 VR isn't out yet, but you can download Garry's Mod VR and play the HL2 campaign with that

Attached: 1503637887514.jpg (584x584, 85K)

That looks pretty cool.

Reminder you can get a shit phone and use that as a vr headset for pc.
Fucking motion tracking and pc vr with a shitty smart phone for 20-30 usd.
I know it is fucking shit but it makes porn 100% better.

>screenshot taken

Attached: 1552280317290.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Cool. I am waiting for the next-gen VR cuz I want 4K one

You could also just get a job instead of dealing with all that shit

Here's your 4K, bro.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at 8.30.43 PM.png (911x568, 190K)

I'm trying it is just a majority of shit is night shift and I am trying to get something closer near my field so my college is not useless.

Nope. I prefer the headset from Oculus or Valve.

Good to know I will never add to this blight

Fuck vr

Those are 2560x1440 per eye. The 8K versions are 4K per eye.

Get a Vive, get a Vive Pro, or wait for Index? I'm not interest in Oculus, but should I be?

Index all the way.

index, you dumb cuckold


That's what I was leaning toward, but since they're backordered till like October, I dunno how long I can stay patient.

It will pay off being patient.

Keep the faith, user. It'll be worth it. Although for $700 you could get a Vive with a wireless adapter if you can't wait.

Mine's backordered till the end of August. I'd trade places with you bc I only reserved one for the hell of it but then I got a Rift and Quest for my birthday so I have no need for it now.

I do have a question about the Index, though. It requires DisplayPort. My graphics card only has one DisplayPort, which I use with my G-Sync monitor. How will I be able to use the Index and still be able to use my monitor, without swapping them each time I want to use them?

If the Index is all it's cracked up to be then buying a Vive Pro simply makes no sense at all. The Pro is even more expensive IIRC but also worse in pretty much every way compared to Index. Regular Vive can be an option if you want to pay less. Instead of a regular Vive I'd recommend a Rift though, because of the superior controllers, but the Rift is discontinued so you may not be able to get one. I would not buy a Rift S at all.

Use an adapter.

I used to have trouble running some of the maps on my 390. That's impressive they got it working on the quest.


Attached: Space Channel 5 VR.webm (640x358, 1.75M)

Attached: chart2.png (2564x1596, 1.02M)

Attached: vrfish1.webm (852x480, 2.96M)

holy shit thank you so much user

VR is still a meme gimmick fad that is still over.

Attached: 1559173403089.jpg (296x346, 27K)

Do you have HDMI 2.0 ports? Perhaps an adapter might work if you do, I'm not familiar enough with how VR headset drivers work to know if an adapter would interfere or not. They don't just pop up as a monitor though, so there might be some special requirements. If you don't even have HDMI 2.0 you're possibly fucked since I don't think older ports support the kind of bandwidth an Index would require to reach its high refresh rate.

What graphics card do you even have that's missing DP in 2019? Mine has like 3 of them.

not when you sell porn.

You're playing dresss up with an adult male.

now that VR waifus exist there isn't a single person on earth that can take them away from us

i liked that doujin

nice try zuckerberg, but no one cares about vr

What I can't wait for is VR smell.

Can you even imagine the smell?

Attached: 1530656302384.jpg (445x331, 18K)

Hey can I have a link for that so I know exactly where to avoid it?

So there is something besides motion control gimmick games yet?

You haven't heard? Already happened.

Attached: FeelReal.webm (1280x800, 284K)

I tried playing VR without VR headset. Kids just made fun of me and lowed my already low self-esteem.

I am never gonna play that shit.

1080. Oh shit, I'm retarded. I have three DisplayPorts and only one HDMI 2.0. I thought it was the other way around. Nevermind!

i'm idiot and saw something similar posted in a thread once, that's from the manga

>this is how videogames die

>2019 kickstarted

Okay see you in 2025.

Why is the Quest so good bros? I genuinely love it like no other headset I've owned

And 750000 were probably used just once.

Did I stutter??

It's been quite the ride.

Attached: WeLiveInASociety.webm (714x890, 2.35M)

Why would you buy a $400 peripheral, use it once, and keep it plugged in?

That isn't even real VR, that is a prebaked animation, it's not how you think: some guy is actually moving around doing a dance on a pole. It's premade animation.

t. animator and i also have VR

Nah that's real. So is this.

Attached: dancegurl.webm (853x480, 2.57M)

How are legs tracked? It can't be all interpolation

You just get 2 trackers and stick them on your shoes and get another one for your waist.

you can use those vive pucks to track additional ik points as well as use xbox kinect cameras

with trackers. You can basically get near full body tracking with two controllers, three trackers and a headset.

Attached: trackers.jpg (242x208, 5K)


that's one of the virtual reality general's most notorious attention whores, he's doing it for real, and he's made sure everyone knows that yes, he's bought a real stripper pole for this
stay away from that place

>VR smells

Attached: 1560043136.jpg (1920x1080, 918K)

Attached: Pimax.png (692x711, 279K)

doesn't work like that. DP has much higher resolution/data capacity. That's why the index uses it.

Oh man. I just assumed they weren't a thing because nobody really covered them and focused on treadmills and shit


Attached: 1549742484370.jpg (617x689, 90K)

It deserves that 1/5.

how does body tracking work? Can it track the flexing and twitching of an erect penis?

>Can it track the flexing and twitching of an erect penis?
Well now you mention it...

Oh no.

Attached: anime_all_so_tiresome.jpg (380x380, 52K)

Go ahead... post the lewd version

vive pro is absolute garbage compared to index.

VR is a meme meme is dead


Attached: index (3).jpg (300x168, 7K)


Fetishes. Obviously.

Shut the fuck up

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Attached: dangers of VR.png (832x538, 657K)

I remember reading that in 2010. Hopefully VR doesn't go the way 3DTVs went. (But it probably will)

It's not meant to be impressive. It's just shows that VR has stable growth and now has a substantial user base.

I think Elvis died of timetraveling vr disorder.

Wait but 3DTV also sold over 1million according to 1 million really isn't a substantial user base considering 3DTVs are dead

Why not?

>Keep headset disconnected most of the time because ports are limited
>Steam thinks I don't have an oculus

>Tfw no tall gf to compare height to

Attached: why.jpg (321x460, 222K)

The two guys who walked over and then walked away made me laugh

now get the stats for how many of those users are running porn, VR has fuck all games worth consistently getting it on for

Attached: 1448326333619.jpg (802x542, 59K)

Know about any other obscure VR games? I hadn't heard of this at all

>1 million really isn't a substantial user base considering 3DTVs are dead
It's getting big enough that VR support and development is going to be picked up by major studios. Right now it's at a crucial point that may decide how it gets adopted by the industry (Index and Quest target very different games and users).

Because it's going to get adopted with the next few years. The proof of concept is ready. The fundamentals are there. The consumer base is there.

Are you selling VR stocks or something and trying to get investors to buy from you? Sounds like you are...

This is Orbus right? Really glad to hear the launch of Reborn went well. Not sure if I want to get back into the game but the devs are really cool guys and the community was really nice when I did play it.

Wut VR stocks. The answer is no. I just play VR games and ick of the cancerous "VR is a meme" posting in every vr thread where I try and talk about these games.

I just tried my friend's Vive the other day with a bunch of VR games we pirated. Not gonna lie, had fun. Still has a way to go but I can see the appeal now.

The thing about memes is, that they come true in this time line

Valve Index; yay or nay?

999+tax for a meme? Neeeeeeigh!!!!!!

Attached: horse smirk.jpg (250x350, 11K)

Where do I go to find good Jap VR games, surely they're not all on Steam right now

They actually are all on Steam right now, any Jap with the right mind knows to also sell to westerners because most Japs are still using Windows XP unironically.

Damn, guess I just have to keep digging. Are there at least torrents for most?

Forest VR's pretty sick

>torrenting VR games
Dick move, never talk to me ever again.

3DTVs "sold" because there was a period where every higher-end TV with good image quality also had some 3D shit anyway. You bought a good TV and it often had 3D capability as well, but practically nobody bought a TV for the 3D shit in particular. This is obviously different for VR headsets, which people buy because they want VR.

Try before you buy, fag. I already spent money on the VR, I can't go blowing $60 on every game to see if it's any good.

3D was tacked on to TVs if you liked it or not. It's not even comparable. If someone buys a VR headset then that means they want VR.

>1 million steamcucks allow analytics
Just get the Epic store already if you like taking it in the ass so much.

Nice try chang.

>dude our friend passed out while watching VR porn, lets take a photo!

What is?

Attached: 1532455028967.jpg (990x1200, 143K)

It's not 1 million headsets sold you fucking retards holy shit. Maybe next time, actually fucking read the source.

It was nice being able to play it with non-VR friends so I could show off. I know it isn't simple to do, but I wish more games would allow mixed multiplayer.

>some fag in 2010: Hmm should I buy this expensive TV that has a 3DTV feature that I won't use and pay the 3DTV tax or should I buy similar quality TV that does not have a 3DTV feature and thus cost less? THE EXPENSIVE TV WITH THE 3DTV FEATURE THAT I WON'T USE IT IS THEN!
That doesn't make sense now does it? This just proves that VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already following the path that 3DTV has led.

Attached: 1531088463294.png (348x293, 112K)

The first step for trying to finding the source for anything poster here should be to check the filename.

>similar quality TV that does not have a 3DTV feature
This didn't exist


Attached: 1540794016263.png (319x338, 152K)

Attached: I like that jump!.webm (1280x720, 676K)

that's embarassingly slow growth if you think about it

VR right now is like the early days of the internet, its for the enthusiasts only and isnt overrun with cancerous faggots yet

hopefully we get a couple more years like this before reddit invades VR

>Used to play with my VR for like 30 minute sessions cause most games sucked ass on WMR and it was janky trying to figure out the controls when I'm seeing vive controllers in-game
>Try some of the games again after some months cause I heard they got patched actual WMR support
>4 hours pass by like nothing cause I'm actually enjoying myself now
>Computer shuts off, presumably from overheating

Guess I know my PCs limit now.

Attached: 1394478751274.gif (500x333, 500K)

I think I saw people discussing this on /d/ - am I right to understand she gets mean once she gets bigger? That's unfortunate.

Assuming they called 911, then they probably had some time to kill.
My biggest concern is how the hell was this guy using VR in his BATHROOM?

D-did he actually think that would kill him

Maybe use a splitter or something idk.

Nope, Quest is gonna flood it

>they haven't fucked the yellow cat

Attached: Blood Trail heartbreaker.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

only reason to make fun of you is how insecure you are, you dumb faggot

Nothing terrible happens in the first chapter. The preview for the second chapter doesn't give any context, but it seems to be leaning towards being mean. You can play it for free, so it can't hurt to try if you have any interest at all especially if you have VR. I would personally prefer more bullying than what has been delivered so far.

>TFW Rift S, and HMD Mixed Reality Headsets are now 300-400$ now.
I am going to bet on this being 2 million in another year easily.

When is this going to be worth 25 bucks

>TFW Quest can not into SteamVR.

Attached: Screenshot_20190522-071414.png (624x200, 75K)

Pimax is overrated and the screen sucks dick. You are better off with Mixed Reality Headsets or Rift S.

will this have ___________vore

>s-shill, giving away your information is a good thing as long as its to my preferred company

>definitely can't afford Index
>regular old Vive is still $500


Attached: 1513822670604.jpg (956x848, 88K)

Get Samsung Odyssey+. 300$ is pretty cheap.

absolute kino and made me so happy to have a headset

Go for it and get over yourself this is a pervert board

Attached: bullying.jpg (1200x675, 133K)

Game? Link?

Attached: FF 15 VR.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>that part when she looks at you with the creepy smile
that's the stuff

Attached: 1542960714237.jpg (305x346, 72K)

To play rhythm games and shooting galleries? Why would 1M people do this?

There are still no good VR games.

What is this game plz i must know!

>Samsung anything

the future of gaming is VR, but we're still about 5-10 years out from it taking over.

>we're still about 5-10 years out from it taking over.
Only if some serious developers start to take an interest in it, starting now.

I want fulldive. I want to escape my lame pathetic life.

Attached: 1549729796238.png (1366x768, 535K)

Freeze your head

Attached: 213e5b1274289fdeb71bc89374875926.jpg (800x533, 86K)

chicken and egg. Really what's going to drive VR is porn. Big limitation now is hardware and cost. Next gen consoles will be capable of real VR (not meme-tier psvr) and all the big electronics manufacturers have some form of VR currently or planned. More people using - devs focusing on it. It's still going to be a niche market for a while though.

Attached: Unbreakable Gumball.webm (480x270, 2.37M)


Attached: Emu VR 2.webm (602x370, 2.46M)

this awoke something inside me

$100,000 to euthanize yourself

Nah,I'll wait til I'm ancient and if Immortality doesn't make it in time Ill spend the last years making sure no one else will see it either.

Holy shit this looks comfy. Is the resolution good enough for this though? Or do you have to sit really close to the screen?

Attached: blade & sorcery.webm (1280x800, 553K)

smells like you had garlic bbq for lunch, honey

You shouldn't be using Steam or paying for digital

Now this is the good stuff. Who is the player though?

How much to commission someone to model my face and body to put it into a vr avatar?

It's like anime is real.

Attached: shinobu4.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Some group should make a VR dateing sim game

and theyre all playing vrchat or beatsaber

imagine she was a girl with surprises, imagine the height was not the only thing you can compare...

Attached: 1512602897809.jpg (2250x3000, 474K)

I still don't give a fuck. Let me know when i can fuck something.

It's to the point that image doesn't even get me anymore when mass scrolling

>He doesnt know

>in a virtual world
>can be anything you can imagine
>want to be yourself

What a chad

Blue waffles

absolutely fucking kino demo, really needed something to hit the spot since sizebox has way more cruel options than gentle. at least I get a healthy dose of cute, gentle big girl stuff before she goes bonkers later in the demo
does anyone know any other good shit for size stuff? only other one I can think of is VaM

Attached: 1410224568077.jpg (659x900, 235K)

What's a decently affordable VR just to play these anime games

Samsung Odyssey

YMMV but I got mine for $100 by buying a broken one. Samsung's RMA process is pretty easy and they didn't need proof of purchase. I've heard they can fuck up if you have an Odyssey+ and they'll just send you a normal one though.

I played this on DK2 with mouse and keyboard, and it was the most amazing thing ever.
IDK what the fuck are Valve thinking by not porting this to modern headsets, those lazy fuckers.

Well they are supposedly working on a Half Life VR game. There's already a mod team adapting HL2 but they're basically Black Mesa tier slow.

You could use riftcat.

>Well they are supposedly working on a Half Life VR game
This is purely a rumor with no info backing it up.

Valve themselves have said they're working on three full VR games with one of them releasing by the end of this year and all of the Source 2 leaks have codes indicating hlvr assets. What more do you need?

Couldn't even get this to play right with WMR, I Could walk around but not turn, pick up objects but not give them to Shinobu and the whole time she was acting like a nervous autist and didn't smile once.

Attached: shinobu3.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

it won't happen until it's through BCI and based on your own memories.

Oh, it's coming.
Wether it'll be any good is the real question, a prequel where you play as a woman (alex) is not my idea of immersive but maybe we can mod it out before I jump in.

a fad like 3D televisions. screencap this.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at 7.18.21 PM.png (794x980, 798K)

Does the index really have no way to plug in earbuds? Is it really completely useless for porn?

this is probably what will invest me in the VR meme

It has USB 3.0 in the frunk so you could just run a small DAC to that. There's also wireless bluetooth adapters or run a line like this mad man.

or just not give a fuck

Attached: hBy7hDy.jpg (2823x3584, 782K)

Source? And by source, I mean the source of that video?

>TFW Tickling Fetish
>TFW it's actually incorporated in VR Waifus.

Attached: 1557084706677.jpg (315x359, 21K)

Works on my machine

Attached: samsung-odyssey+-hero-01.jpg (1600x900, 150K)

Attached: shinobu2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>And by source, I mean the source of that video?
When you say "of the video", I take it you mean where the video came from and not what game it came from since that would not need any extra clarification and is obviously in the file name. It was recorded and posted by user for the first time in the VR thread that died just before this.

How does the map seem to line up with how the room is? How do these two not bump into shit?

anyone else randomly get two coupons for the first 2 the gallery episodes?

Attached: Quest users.webm (640x360, 2.84M)


what's the best VR headset if my play area is 5x5 feet

Attached: happyending.webm (960x540, 2.1M)

A guardian system like oculus guardian is configured before playing the game. As for them running into each other that's supposed to be the shared space tech that is likely similar to guardian except instead of mapping an environment it maps a real life body to a player model.

Immersion ruined

I did indeed mean the name of the game that the video originated from, but with your helpful tip, it looks like I have found it. I'll be off to induge my fetishes now, thank you sir.

They're all fine, just put down a small carpet and stay the fuck on it. Boundaries won't stop you in time if you're prancing around like a faggot.

Attached: 1551555202615.jpg (960x664, 146K)

What's the goto quality VR system? Cost isn't a concern.

valve index

I get the shared space stuff

But the actual playable space confuses the hell out of me. Do the devs just map out every possible room configuration? Is the space chopped up into set pieces and stitched together with the AR cameras?


>But the actual playable space confuses the hell out of me. Do the devs just map out every possible room configuration? Is the space chopped up into set pieces and stitched together with the AR cameras?
This is actually much simpler than shared space & is fully available for major headsets. Basically you trace boundaries across your play area with your VR controller/Headset Camera establishing the safe area of play. Once you are in game any time you are very close to a boundary you see a translucent wall warning you so you dont run into it. It works really well and if your play area doesnt change you only have to set up once.

Guys im scared, i think the VR meme has went to far, im afraid that if you keep shilling this, ill get a headset and trackers, never leave my room and die dehydrated from jerking off to fucked up hentai games

Attached: giphy.gif (480x242, 1.2M)

They obviously created the map to conform to their office so they could do this demo, else you would see the passthrough or boundary wall come up for the guy whose POV we were following. It's a proof of concept.
Theoretically you could have a system that comes up with rooms on the fly but nobody has done that yet and it would look shitty.
Free-roaming VR is really stupid, dangerous and a conceptual dead end.

Wire Models now. Anime soon.

Meant to link 10 seconds before where he's spanking it.

VRchads are by necessity healthier than sedentary poorfags, even the VRchat faggots (sucking virtual dick burns a ton of calories)
Also because VR can get uncomfortable and controllers eventually run out of battery it forces you to take breaks.

Saw this on jim's stream, shit looks cool, and i can only image the porn...
Im dumping my gf once this shit gets anime mods

So with fast head movement and fast character movement including source's bunnyhopping how puke-inducing would this be for an average person?

Everyone is different but most people can train up their VR legs so almost nothing fazes them
Took me a month to get over it, HL2 in VorpX is actually what cured me

Just played VRchat for the first time in months. I barely touch the game. Had a really nice conversation with some people. I enjoyed myself a lot.

Attached: 1525195889032.png (411x371, 137K)

Thinking of trying to eBay my rift and extra sensor to fund a Rift S. They still go for around $250 or more. Is the inside out tracking and upgraded resolution substantial enough to justify it? My biggest gripe is having a bitch of a time aiming with iron sights in pavlov/H3 with the shit res on the Rift.

Attached: Hickok Demonstrates Proper Glock Handling.webm (822x452, 2.18M)

Inside-out tracking is not an upgrade
Controller occlusion is a bitch

>valve index has open headphones

>can hear when people want in. knocking, calling, etc.

>people might be able to hear my hentai games and porn

what's the best option?

Might not be a good idea, I did the same and my rift s is in the mail right now, but I just stumbled upon this terrifying video.

I've also heard this too, so your primary/trigger hand doesn't get picked up by the sensors easily? Seems like that's a massive design flub considering shooters are one of the most prominent genres in VR.

Attached: Sneg.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I dont think its worth it if you have an OG rift, the inside out tracking will make it harder to aim in shooters when the controllers are near the headset.

millions of people owned their own home personal computers in the 1980s as well but they were still piles of heaping trash technology in their infancy

Two problems: Primary hand will lose tracking if you hold it too close to your head because cameras can't read shit that close
Secondary hand will lose tracking if it's occluded by the primary hand which can happen with both pistols and rifles
You can work around it by being painfully aware of your hand placement at all time, up to you whether you want that headache

>still no good VR games

Alright, VR owners: How quickly does the novelty ware off?

Fug, I shoot real guns and use a VR stock
to kind of match what I have, and this will do all kinds of fuckery to my brain. I'll have to wait and hope it can be solved via firmware.

Attached: 9mm Vs 45ACP.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

2 hours

that's not how any of this works. maybe stick to epic games launcher lad

why are vr devs such fucking hacks holy shit

I have no idea how this shit could possibly be overlooked by facebook given that the majority of games are gun-based, I'm gonna give this piece of shit a shot when it arrives but that video pretty much told me everything I need to know.

It wears off when the nausea does
>tfw you gain mastery over VR but stop having the trippy disconnected walking dream feeling from using it as well

Vive or vive pro? Im not waiting until September for an index

vive pro is extremely overpriced

Don't forget that it also completely sucks for bow and arrow which is like 30% of VR games alone
Inside out is cheap and easy,* Facebook was well aware of the compromises since WMR has put up with it for a year
They want you to forget CV1 and Constellation exist asap

*requires very well lit room with consistent lighting and visual landmarks, no reflective surfaces

Vive with wireless adapter.

Jesus christ Facebook was the worst thing to happen to VR, I don't care if 500 million people buy that shitty walled garden phone with a mid range 2017 processor, I'd rather VR die than fall into their grubby paws.
Things could have been so great.

Standard model 100%. The pro model is mostly for professional/training use. Its price is also JUST FOR THE HEADSET, so you will need to find controllers and the base stations separately.
Consider buying the vive new so you can get the warranty, since the warranty doesn't transfer to buyers of a used system. Sensors on the outside of the headset can easily get fucked if you don't store it in a safe place or take care of it, so it's generally worth having just in case.
If you can find a used kit for under $350 though, fuck the warranty.

>Vive is still $499

It really is a shame, worse that most people have no idea just how hard and deep they fucked VR. Or simply don't care because muh exclusives.

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VR taught me how to operate guns, so now I'm ready to kill myself when the time comes.

Punished Palmer. A man who fucked his own dream so hard.

Attached: in 2019...I am forgotten.png (614x658, 650K)

>not using Google Earth VR to find the best spots in the world to leap to your death

>Hey Palmer watcha up to?

The initial wow factor wares off pretty quickly if you play often, but by that I just mean that you are simply used to having extremely immersive experiences.
It's still fucking amazing every time you play in vr.
Also social stuff is the best in vr right now.
Everything is so immersive, and having unrealistic npcs feels off imo.
VRChat is unironically amazing.

VR has a fuckhuge ceiling of potential that we can't even see from where we're standing.

Sure the novelty wears off but since it's still so early in its inception every small leap forward is almost always incredible.

we'll be dead before it gets there

Based user

>and having unrealistic npcs feels off imo

Still can't, well I can when I think about it, believe has his fucking alarm clock set to play SAO.

Attached: i'm thinking he's back.png (545x727, 611K)

True but that's why you gotta live healthy user so that in 2040 we'll still be alive when they're uploading people into the cloud.

Attached: Shinobu5VR.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

Traditional NPCs are immersion breaking imo, it's not an issue with flat games, but it becomes really noticeable how unnatural they feel in vr
It's why I like multiplayer vr stuff more.

How many of you filthy nerds didn't know how to operate firearms before VR and how many of you think you could pull the trigger on your fellow man now

Attached: raiden.jpg (600x773, 170K)


The Climb
Blade and Sorcery (yes, really)

Any games that let me get close to massive structures and objects? Yes I'm aware of the fetish game posted in this thread.

we need more mexican lolis

VR guns feel nothing like regular guns. An amateur will get slide pinched in 2 minutes, fail to properly cock and release and cause feed issues, and be utterly unable to control recoil as they one-hand a 1911 like a fucking retard.

Why haven't you played Korbo's game yet?


Vivecraft is fucking incredible, I'm not even joking.

I have, it's barely a game. Honestly, the only thing I'm looking forward to is Boneworks, and everything we've seen so far makes it look like that game is going to play like shit on a base Vive with a mid-range rig.

Just for comparison sake,
PSVR hit 3 million sold in October 2018,
and then hit 4.2 million sold by March 2019
that means PSVR sold more in 6 months than the entirety of VR's lifespan on PC
PSVR is showing continued growth, while other VR markets are stagnating

Attached: 1553549203835.jpg (2317x3001, 609K)

B&S' climbing is so ridiculous I'm going to miss it when the new climbing revamp comes in

Subnautica, the scale of that game in VR is mindblowing at times
Elite Dangerous is great too
Both games are really good at making you feel like a fucking bug

The only way for VR to get a break through is that one console company (Microsoft, Sony , Nintendo, Google) is going to make it a mandatory equipment.

Sony seems most likely, but it depends on what their plans are for PSVR on PS5.

Grab the index controllers and you'll be good to go.
That's what I'll do anyway.

that's fine, id rather psvr sell better than pcvr than the format die entirely.

It's a VRVN

>Best selling PSVR game of last month was the fucking Five Nights as Freddy's thing
fuck off

Attached: 2.png (526x748, 618K)

>A lot less actual games than pc
>Flooded with gimmick tier "experiences"
>Only sold so much because advertising and price
>Dust collector

I'd legitimately rather have the headset over the controllers, if my rig could run it. Higher resolution, and more importantly a higher framerate, is worth far more to me than less clunky throwing and a fucking thumbstick.

What I really wish is that SteamVR was more open, and that we actually had some devs. I feel like it'd be pretty fucking trivial to buy 2 cheap arduinos, drill some holes in my Vive wands and put in some more buttons and an analog stick, and "upgrade" to Index spec for 20 dollars.

>majority of people's first experience with VR is PSVR
no wonder people think VR is a meme.

if psvr 2 has
>new controllers (almost guaranteed at this point)
>some type of roomscale support
vr will explode on all platforms

The only problem with a Rift S is the sound quality.

> while other VR markets are stagnating
source you double nigger?

yes, agreed
I do think the constant chasing of new headsets on PC is damaging the market for them
>why buy a headset when a better one is always less than a year away,
>PSVR is the one that works on PS4, if you want VR and have PS4, buy it or don't.

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This hurts the loli

>vr chat
>a game
outlook is now the most played videogame of all time.

It actually wasn't a terrible game

Blood and Truth literally blows everything on PC out of the water.

The reality is that Sony is the only company actually investing in what will sell VR, video games. Valve is too dumb to do so, and OR can't afford anything but indie garbage.

PSVR might be absolute garbage in terms of hardware, but in terms of software it's the best choice.

this should have a normal WMR headset like lenovo or asus on it too, same with samsung

give Blood & Truth a try

Steamvr stuff is already pretty open compared to industry standards
I see what you want to do, but tinkering isn't really what's gonna attract people into vr.
It's already very niche.
This is why Facebook is doing stuff like the quest, and although it's a shitty closed device with underpowered hardware, this seems to be a working strategy for Oculus

this is a thread all about how steam has only just reached 1 million users in VR after nearly 3 years out

What's the downside of the Reverb? Seems good for the price

I didn't even realize these headsets had mics in them, those poor souls I played online with hearing my industrial fan that I use to keep cool while playing.

You don't understand what stagnating means.
Got it.

Valve, Bethesda, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo...

False. Rift S and Rift Quest sold 1 million on the first week of release.
>Meanwhile, theOculus Go’s ease-of-use and $199 price point made it an attractive option for first-time VR headset buyers, SuperData said. The Facebook-owned company sold 555,000 Go units last quarter, along with 160,000 Rift units. Oculus has now sold over one million Go units since its launch in May 2018.

Thanks user

Terrible Windows MR tracking

It's standard WMR inside-out tracking, hideously hard to get a hold of an actual unit right now and the high resolution is very hardware intensive

SteamVR is open.

Why did Valve fall so hard for the VR meme? Moore's Law isn't even real.

He said serious developers

Attached: 551264-labo-vr-elephant.jpg (810x456, 85K)

is the vive's resolution immersion-breaking?

Vrchat is fun user.
And it's way better in vr.

Transistors don't mean shit anymore

>3D glasses
>virtual reality
lmao retard

compared to the new headsets, yes.

Not at all for me.
It's why I won't upgrade my OG Vive, I'll just get knuckles, the upgrade isn't worth it yet for me at least
I did get the DAS though, because the base strap is pretty bad

Windows MR is limited due to the lack of outside cameras to track the body. But it's supposed to be the inexpensive option either way. Unless you want to spend a lot of money for the Index then MR is a decent choice. Just do not go for Quest as it is closed down and only allows their app store.

The VR and Online Only shills always push this skewered data.
Won't tell you it's for chat.
Won't tell you it's mostly steam, indie games, and games cut from 60 to 15 dollars. But they want you to think it's full RRP retail games, so you think "maaan, maybe I was wrong. It really is the future".

They lie through their teeth by omission.

I'm not suggesting it would, I'm just saying it would be nice to get some use out of controllers that would be perfectly serviceable with a bit of custom work, but Valve fucking HATES the idea of people creating their own control systems, so they make it as difficult as possible.

It's "open" until they break all the functionality you were using and then never fix it. Honestly, it's partially just a playerbase issue, if VR was popular maybe we'd have more devs working on stuff like adding buttons to controllers, and hacking Wii balance boards to send input signals to games that aren't coded to support WASD.

This game sucked when I bought it, but I tried it again today and saw it had new levels like the subway station and now the game is based.
>didn't know how to reload at first so I was pushing over every corpse in my path for their gun

Takes time. But I have to believe we will see wireless headsets at the 250$ price point soon enough which will easily drive the game sells. For now it's for porn, VR Waifus and simulation (driving cars, trains etc in VR).

I'd really like to get into VR, but I'm still waiting for a system that's affordable and not shit. Everyone always recommends these WMRs that come with a ton of caveats.

Attached: LaboBird.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

>but Valve fucking HATES the idea of people creating their own control systems, so they make it as difficult as possible.
Compared to...? This seems like a ridiculous criticism considering how much time Valve's wasted on it's broad controller support in Steam. Literally nobody else gives enough of a shit to do something like that.

Yes, being unable to properly read and see shit is immersion breaking.

i wonder what a bird's ass smells like haha

shit, that's disappointing. I don't know what to choose now. I wish the index wasn't a thousand fuckin dollars

>Won't tell you it's for chat.
Technically correct. But I would say porn and simulation games as well.
>Won't tell you it's mostly steam, indie games, and games cut from 60 to 15 dollars. But they want you to think it's full RRP retail games, so you think "maaan, maybe I was wrong. It really is the future".
Digital will win out eventually only because of the tax hikes on shipping and people want their games at the exact day. The benefit to digital is the convenience and the download begins at midnight.

>Valve fucking HATES the idea of people creating their own control systems, so they make it as difficult as possible.
Absolutely not true.
Inform yourself better, Valve is the only vr company actually caring about custom hardware.
You can easily get tracking hardware and software and make your own stuff.
Valve Index even has it's own space for custom accessories on the front.

It's poor for shooters, which are the only reason to own VR right now.

What's funny is that gen 1.5 is barely any better. There's a difference on the Vive Pro and Index, but it's nowhere near the kind of resolution you'd need.

To give an example, the Vive manages about 10 PPD. The Index is closer to 20.

60 PPD is 20/20 vision. Ideally, you want about 120 PPD, and with corrective eyewear, you can go up to 150 PPD and still notice a difference. So we're still MILES off decent resolution.

>just strap this shit on your face bro there's nothing detrimental to your health here man lmao

Attached: th.jpg (275x175, 6K)

you can get into VR for less than $600 currently
Days of Play sale has a PSVR bundled with 2 games at $249 and a PS4 Pro at $349
you have literally no excuse

Attached: Days of Play.jpg (1366x698, 418K)

Custom hardware is very, very different from consumer level software hacks.

I don't want to buy half a dozen peripherals for different games, slapping some trackers on a racing wheel doesn't interest me.

>1 million Steam users now use VR.
Seems about right.

ummm shouldn't you be off worrying about vaccines or 5G instead

imagine being this much of a retarded boomer.

don't sleep next to your cell phone either, it will give you brain cancer!!!!! fucking moron.

more like GAYS of Play amirite?

600 bucks for a PS4 and PSVR at this point is a bad fucking joke. I wouldn't pay more than 300 dollars for that bundle.

tranny psvr shills

>Spending over $500 on VR with no porn

>that come with a ton of caveats.
not really, the tracking isnt as good obviously but that almost never impacts gameplay a huge amount, you've also gotta remember that WMR headsets dont need any external shit and they have a BETTER resolution than both the vive and rift

Link's dead.

Yeah, I wanted to go retro as well.
Love those N64 graphics.

It isn't for me.
It's a guy fucking a vr pony using a vivemote strapped to a fleshlight.

It's not that bad, and depends on what you play really. Might also depend on your eyesight. I have well above average eyesight, so I might be more sensitive to the low resolution.

Holy shit, what if somone made something like an attachment that gues on top of a roomba to map out a room?

You don't want Sony to starve, right?
They need more money to fund their SJW campaigns.

Welcome to Xbox Kinect a fucking decade ago.

Then they'd have an attachment that takes 15 minutes to map out a small room, a map which would serve no purpose whatsoever

Doesn't show up for me, but someone threw up a mirror earlier

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 4.32.09 AM.png (593x329, 28K)

ah sorry wrong link, no it's dead you're right

Attached: bleached.webm (960x540, 2.75M)

Resident Evil 7, Blood & Truth, Wipeout Omega Collection, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Firewall Zero Hour, Everybody's Golf, Farpoint, The Persistence, Deracine, RIGS, Monster of the Deep, Tetris Effect

Attached: RE7 PSVR.jpg (2120x1192, 575K)

Living in clown world with no virtual escape is REALLY detrimental to your health.

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>Spending over $500 on VR with no porn, then spending hundreds more on games I'll play once and still no porn

>tfw gen 1 Oculus

When, if ever, should I upgrade?

Do people buy used rifts on ebay/amazon?

Attached: 7368470eb48a37d022bb33005b9f0c41.jpg (1200x1526, 684K)

Sony is investing money into AAA VR experiences like Blood and Truth, Astro Bot, The London Heist, Farpoint etc.

it does play 3D porn well
just use a blu-ray or usb


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this pic is making me uncomfortable

The quest is fucking legit

Attached: pavlov-sawnoff.webm (800x800, 2.98M)

>non-interactive video porn

Attached: 1537634593487.gif (379x423, 1.87M)

why does your pavlov look shittier than my pavlov




It should.

Oh, it's running on a mobile SoC but plays identical :^)

Attached: pavlov-awp.webm (800x800, 2.75M)

visual novels would be perfect for vr and they're so cheap to make, i am shocked they dont exist in more quantity

>and simulation games as well.
there's literally none, unless you count stacking cubes a toddler simulation

I remember this
but it seems like a dead game unfortunately

VR allows for the cheapest mocap on Earth, doesn't it?
If I was starved for money and not creatively barren, I'd be all over that shit.

>there's literally none,
There's DCS. Probably others.


Visual novels are terrible for VR. Number one, you need 3D models, which already cost more than 2D artwork. And then, you have to plan for the viewer to take breaks every couple of hours because of eye fatigue. And then, you have to remember that READING in VR fucking sucks and feels awkward as shit.

There are some dating sims and the like that'd be perfect for it, I'd kill for something like Photo Kano in VR just because of how fun it'd be to use your head as the camera. But straight up VNs? Why?

devs, get to work and create a vr visual novel engine so we can have a lot of it

mom wants to join

Some dude made a visual novel engine for Honey Select, wonder how well it works in VR

I bet considering I see VR for PC and mostly the fake VR shit for mobiles all over the thrift stores. What a shitty gimmick.

Even a low budget game like virtue's last reward has 3d models and full voice acting. The eye fatigue is an issue, but newer headsets are mitigating that.
3D environments would probably be the biggest problem, though. Every scene would need to be modeled in full, 360 degrees.

while limited in quantity, VR porn can't be topped

3d models are easier to work with than having to draw everything
Also just have bigger text, a bit less reading and a bit more action and there, fixed.
Vr allows a lot more interactivity so this should be the focus.
Really this has a lot of potential, reading should not be an issue at all.
For pauses, true enough, although I can do vr for hours.
But again, this is not really an issue, just save and go back like any vn.

Between the Index and Vive Pro there is no question whatsoever. Index is just objectively superior in every metric including price. The original Vive is essentially totally obsolete at this point (but for somehow still being the cheapest way into SteamVR tracking), not worth considering at all even versus non-SteamVR alternatives.

>The eye fatigue is an issue, but newer headsets are mitigating that
placebo ad buyer remorse effect

Attached: badmella.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

dude... what if there was a haunted house where all the rooms were lined with sensors, and they gave you headsets at the start? imagine the insane hellscapes that could be rendered and sent straight to your guests wirelessly

>>Even a low budget game like virtue's last reward
VLR wasn't low budget. They used 3D models because they were already 3D modelling the scenery.

Eye strain is something that won't be mitigated for years. It's fatiguing just to have a headset on your head for hours.

d models are easier to work with than having to draw everything
No, they aren't. The amount of artwork a game requires in 2D is way less.
>Also just have bigger text, a bit less reading and a bit more action and there
Bigger text doesn't solve the issue. More action means you're making an adventure game, not a VN, and obviously, having VN style cutscenes in a game isn't the end of the world.
>Really this has a lot of potential,
No, it doesn't. There's a reason the majority of VNs are still 2D.

it comes and goes, i played for ages when i first got it then stopped for a few months and now im playing every day again. it basically just becomes another way to play games, it's not better or worse than playing a normal PC game or a switch game or whatever

this anons right.
ive had VR since the DK2 days and there is so much shovelware you should be very weary of buying titles right away. torrent and then buy if its worth supporting.
Also buy Pavlov VR.
that's a must.

Pretty sure you can still use your own head/earphones.

Pavlov is trash, I'm still waiting and praying that Valve release a MP shooter.

My number one wish would be a quake or tribes clone, but I'm guessing there isn't much overlap between zoomer tech and boomer games. And Valve would never put out a game without teleport movement as the default.

Shit, i'm depressed to hear that the Vive is apparently so underwhelming. I almost bought one, but now I don't know wtf to buy

It's a first gen headset what do you expect
Just buy a WMR or some shit, Index controllers are going to take a while to hit their groove

Attached: table top.jpg (1920x1080, 499K)

Don't listen to this dummy, WMR is garbage and the Rift S is superiour in every way, in the same pricerange atleast.
5 Cameras for tracking, MUCH better controllers and a much better screen.

Attached: 1550323432149.jpg (400x431, 57K)

>zoomer tech
lol you have no idea retard
that being said, Valve led the charge on the teleport cuckery so there's no way in hell they'd make a game with any sort of interesting locomotion

Third person POV is an underrated perspective for VR games. I want more games like Astro Bot.

Rift S is jam packed full of compromises that you shills eagerly try to hide and people are returning that shit in droves because it's just a fucking lenovo WMR with 2 extra cameras and doesn't fix any of the other problems with inside-out, plus has a shittier screen than the $300 O+
Get fucked shill

>in the same pricerange
i got my WMR for 210USD retard

I want to fuck that mum
What's the source?

If you recommend WMR for anything but sim racing over the Rift S you are a legit fucking retard, shut the fuck up.

Attached: dh566leza9rz.png (1353x960, 606K)

VR, to me, feels like a worse version of full body experiences I played in the arcade 20 years ago.

The image quality isn't as good, the controls aren't as good, the gameplay isn't as good, every single element just comes off as half-baked because there's no money and all the games are one-man projects.

Now, VR is fun, don't get me wrong. It's probably the most exciting aspect of modern gaming, simply because devs can't just rely on "epic" exposition dumps and graphics because the hardware isn't suited to it. They have to add actual gameplay, and although it's barebones the experience can be pretty compelling.

Attached: no-heroes-allowed-vr.jpg (1920x1080, 267K)

rift S copefag detected, what are you gonna do when they stop making PC headsets and you need to rebuy all your games on steam? dumbass shill

It's all in the games after the first day.
My novelty playing H3VR stuck around for the whole day, and I went in and out of things like Gorn and Arizona Sunshine.
Sometimes I'll go a week or two without playing it, but I always *want* to, even if it's a hassle. I've picked up Doom 3 VR and I'm having a fucking ball right now.

Attached: looks like you got what you paid for lmao.png (1242x670, 546K)

See this picture is fucking retarded because WMR's fov isn't even that high on the top and the Rift S likely isn't accurate either
Not to mention camera FOV isn't even inside-out's fucking main problem, controller occlusion is.
Kill yourself you fucking fag, you dipshits spent years shittalking inside-out and now it's suddenly great huh? No, it's "adequate" same as it always has and the Rift S is an overpriced piece of garbage that's being used to fund the Quest.

Does this require motion control

I want to play doom 3 VR but finding the fucking BFG edition is such a hassle, and fuck paying for a port of a 15 year old game I already own on 4 CDs.

I can tell by your first sentence that you're a complete retard.
Nobody cares what you have to think you longwinded faggot, fuck off.

>objectively wrong
fucking idiot, stop replying to me

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Go find a friend, go out, and play Point Blank. Then come back and tell me that VR is even on par with that with a straight face.

the one i got actually looks cool but cope more zuckfag

Attached: RE1QsWr.png (2762x1404, 2.19M)

Thats the Quest, the Rift S has even bigger volume tracking further behind you

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actual cope, you paid twice the price for some fucking cameras and a shittier screen LOL

>same shitty controllers

He's right though

>oculusfags actually paid 400 dollars for a headset that can't even do 90hz

Attached: tenor (5).gif (360x346, 170K)

I lost my final shred of respect for Oculus when they dropped constellation instead of improving it.
Now there's just the long wait for the Index to become available again.

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What's the catch for the Odyssey+

Seems excellent for the price.

is psvr usable on PC?

Free alternative - go play Metroid Prime on dolphinVR right fucking now

atleast the WMR controllers dont break a week after release from a knee-high drop

Attached: kkw3YGC.jpg (1874x3502, 826K)

WMR tracking and the controllers. but other than that it's better than rift S and vive

They should probably because then you have a reason to get rid of their terrible, terrible shape and much worse tracking solution than what carmack has been working on for three years.

It's got inside-out tracking and it was designed for big flat gook heads, not weasel-ass white boi heads
However it has physical IPD adjustments and zero SDE and builtin bluetooth and slightly improved WMR controllers. It's a great HMD, as long as you don't buy it for full price, is constantly on sale for $300.

I've heard dolphinVR is a fucking mess, and getting all that shit set-up doesn't sound like fun.

quest will get official wireless support eventually

Attached: questlets win again.png (1262x583, 100K)

Why couldn't the index have eye tracking bros?

IIRC — and bear with me, it's been nearly 30 years since I was in college — the same thing was said by many programming teachers about the World Wide Web and HTML programming...

It takes a bit of fucking around, that's true. I've been with VR since the old DK2 so I'm a little used to that. Either way, if you can get it working, it's a real blast.

What's the point? Eye tracking is only good for foveated rendering, which is a complete meme and will literally NEVER be available on PC. It's something you have to build from the ground up for.

this is the future of true vr.
you cannot own it yourself because to experience it you will have to buy a ticket to a giant set. like with escape rooms.
then they make a game based on the actual environment and that means you can actually touch everything.

Valve has to give everyone else a fighting chance
Gaben fears what would happen if he unleashed his true power level, it's why he habitually underdelivers

Attached: ValveTime.jpg (612x612, 83K)

I'm used to fucking around with stuff, but VR makes it a million times more obnoxious. Sometimes I really wish there was some easy "simulate VR" button so I can just test stuff on virtual hardware instead of having to boot up my Vive, turn on my controllers, and then find out I have another 20 minutes of troubleshooting to do while I constantly take my headset off.

>I can only think of one use case, therefore eye tracking is worthless
>also my one reason requires a citation


It would be a lot more tolerable if VR had half the usability features it should have had two years ago
Instead it's a struggle to even use desktop view

why you want VR for non porn/censored games only???

why does the rift S cost so much compared to the quest? the only difference between them is the extra camera and the internal processing so shouldnt the S be like $100 cheaper?

Unlikely. Facebook have carmack on a tight leash these days and facebook don't give a fuck about high end VR.
Also most of the latency in ALVR comes from decoding the video, which is done in hardware. Maybe a low latency decoding chip will be added for Quest 2, but don't expect anything good for Quest 1.

SteamVR is honestly one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used.

And Revive doesn't help much, everything I've played through it has something really fucky going on with the positional updating that makes it feel like I'm drunk.

You know how a hot chick will hang around an ugly girl friend to make her look hotter?
Yeah, Oculus is done with PCVR thats why they fired everyone but Carmack and got Lenovo to make the Rift S. The Rift S exists to ease the phasing out of the CV1 as well as funnel people towards the Quest.

8hz higher screen

Think I'm gonna pull the trigger on an Odyssey+ for $300. I really just want some goddamned anime titties in my face.

it's honestly a really good deal for 300 dollars, enjoy it

even the anime is mogging on manlets now

The irony is the quest actually has less issues with aiming down sights due to all front facing cameras having overlapping FOVs

Attached: 1484423314155.jpg (720x960, 167K)

Enjoy and respect your boundaries

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Lighthouse is the superiors product, if you have a camera setup you're second best.

>Falling for the VR meme

Too bad Valve Index are each painstakingly handcrafted by monks and will be perpetually backordered until full dive is upon us

Is it that bad? I was thinking to go with the headset+controllers as boneworks looks worth the price.

>that new Boneworks video
Those guys really would advance the entire VR market with their AI and physics work

>Is it that bad?

Attached: Untitled.png (743x897, 605K)

That's why it's on the Valve Master List.

holys hit

>that framerate

Attached: dsfs.jpg (1280x675, 115K)

Bros... 19 days... I can't wait

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>19 days
>he doesn't know

You'd best explain right now

Attached: file.png (259x52, 5K)

Nah I'm just griping
Probably a lot of those reservations will chicken out when the next batch is ready since they're zero-commitment



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nobody's gonna spend 4+ hours a day on VR waggling games. It's not taking over gaming, the customers literally aren't gamers.

that doesn't explain it

quest is certainly damaging VR, but it's too weak and expensive to really bring in the normies

It sounds like Index will start shipping after 14th June

Should add a look trigger that makes her pick you up and swallow you whole haha
i wish I had weird legal fetishes like that, I'd start a patreon and jew the fuck out of horny nerds

you lucky cunt
they don't even ship to my country
they ship to fucking greece where money is an urban legend
but not fucking switzerland

Attached: schnapp.jpg (957x668, 65K)

Maybe.. Sniff. Maybe
I live in Switzerland: Episode 2 and it ships here :^)
pic rel

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 911K)

Fellow HD800 user here. I have a real issue about using them with VR, the straps combined with large driver size means you never get a seal or good placement. I've given up watching films with VR + HD800.

Vive will still blow your mind, if you have no other context, and is still relevant as being the cheapest way into SteamVR tracking. but for nearly half the price you can get the Odyssey+ which has a real strap with integrated audio and an incomparably superior display.

really at this point just aim for the Index. put in a reserve (free) and try to save over the several months you're going to have until they actually charge and ship it to you.

>zero mention of E3
We've just lost all hope huh

all quest applications run at 72fps, don't judge by a webm dummy.

but the standard for VR games since 2016 or before has been 90fps, you serious?

Even oculus shills like Tested agree that Index is the best VR headset. It's rare and expensive, yes but it's better than everything else.

that's 18 below the recommended minimum

>that's 18 below the jewish minimum