Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning was an underrated RPG of the last generation and would love to see a remaster who else agrees with me and likes game who played it last gen on either pc ps3 or xbox 360 game consoles is there a chance it will be remastered by thq or what do you guys think about this whole affair
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning was an underrated RPG of the last generation and would love to see a remaster who else...
better than gothic 2? I'm looking for a new rpg otherwise I'm gonna replay fable again.
I played it on release much like every other Yea Forumsirgin at the time and it was anything but.
The game is mediocre at best and to call it underrated implies that you think it's even remotely a decent game, which is an opinion that is wrong.
Ljosalfar master race.
it wasn't underrated it sucked fucking balls. shit story mixed with shit gameplay and mmo graphics? what was actually good about it? there are tons of games that are miles better than this shit that also had zero recognition you pleb cunt.
It's not really an RPG. More like a singleplayer MMO.
i heard it was like an MMO. does it have fun rotation-style combat like WoW?
why do you think that I thought it was good and played it a lot and it had cool combat and even cool locations and also lots of content and I enjoyed playing it a lot why dont you like it or are you just saying that because you didnt play it like others who played and liked it and wanted to play a sequel if they made one when we all wanted one because we liked it
It's not like an MMO, it's more like Fable if you need a comparison.
Oh, I was watching a video about this last night.
Basically, any chances of a remake are dependent on EA and they'd much rather not think about the fact that this game exists.
>singleplayer MMO
Sadly they could go for this instead of creating more and more shooting and zombies games.
it just looks like an mmo
THQ Nordic owns the IP now.
Wasn't most of the game made up of the worst parts of MMOs? Like heaps of collect 10 boar asses type quests.
This game bankrupted my state. Fucking retards in RI gave a baseball player millions of dollars to make a fucking video game.
Loved this game last gen
It was alright. They really need to fix the level locking shit though.
>Singleplayer MMO
the only bad thing was that you hit the level cap and when you played the expansions you couldnt go up levels and there was lots of expansion to play so you played the expansion and you didnt level even though you were playing so it was a bad thing to not gain levels as you played more expansion so it could have been harder if they gave you more levels and more skills to fight harder expansions that were actually pretty good so that was the only bad thing that i didn't like so i agree with you if thats what you meant but maybe they could fix that in a remaster and let you learn levels with more expansion
That's the same issue fallout 3 has. You hit the 30 cap way before you can do everything even in base game + broken steel epilogue
I also heard white Knight Chronicles was underrated from that era. Played it and aside from the combat system, the game is mediocre as it gets.
The combat animations were cool but it got kinda boring fast, especially when the midgame felt like just whittling an enemies giant pool of health. I had a similar gripe with Dragons Dogma, though I didn’t play as far into that one.
Please use punctuation.
Yeah, but EA published it and they have final say on any remasters.
its good its just too fucking easy
EA doesn't have final say on shit, the state of Rhode Island does
They do. But THQ said its entirely up to EA if they can remake it.
Baseball man bad
It’s rated perfectly fine. It’s dangerously close to becoming overrated
This reminded me of the fact that former baseball player took that giant loan from the state of rhode island and made this game, his life's passion after baseball
Then it didnt sell as much as they wanted ;_;
You guys aren't actually lying lmao wtf. When has a game company ever gotten government funding, especially from some random ass baseball player
Also his wife left him and he lost everything
Stop being underage and autistic, and learn to make coherent posts.
>cool combat
I wish I was 12 again. Having low standards was the best.
I'm talking about the shit where it locks areas/quests to your level upon entering it, punishing anyone who explores around the world. Instead of just setting each area to have a specific level.
It was literally offline WoW.
Where's the fun on that? You are all retarded and then you talk shit about Fable 2 when you are playing wow offline
oh ok i understand that didnt bother me too much but what i meant was getting to the highest level and you couldn't get more levels and you even made last level before finishing the game so when the expansions would come out you couldn't earn more levels so it was kind of not that good that they didn't think of that and a lot of people asked they fix that but they didn't i guess its a baseball thing I dont know but what you said didnt bother me too much as much as the not enough levels for expansion problem that a lot of people had and I had problems with that so i dont know whats the problem yeah
>Comparing this trash heap to the masterpiece that is Dragon's Dogma
mount and blade devs. and a lot of polish devs too.
they play baseball in poland too?
Something about it was boring af. I tried it many times but never really got into it
I lose interest incredibly fast in this game.
I maybe killed the balor boss twice and never went much farther.
It was designed to be an MMO but they changed the plans midway. The result are big, empty zones and gameplay focusing on grindy quests.
So yes, it is definitely like an MMO.
he asked when a game has received government funding, and then further extrapolated with baseball player user. I was specifically referring to the government funding, not baseball.
That being said baseball is very popular in japan.
I got near end game and a quest where I had to knock bodies into some pool of water bugged and disabled fast travel forever. Cool game.
thanks for replying and setting me straight
Nah. I don't like this new revisionism surrounding this game. It was mediocre then and it was mediocre now.
Remasters are a waste of time. And THQ is complete trash.
Kingdom of Amalur is a perfect example of an absolutely fine game. Nothing amazing, but nothing terrible.
Combat was A tier, loved mixing and matching shit to see what flowed the best but everything did no matter which faiths you chose.
>balor boss
That's like 80% of them game. The final two zones are incredibly short compared to the first three.
Its level scaling system is fundamental flaw that needs to be fixed. I don't care if they do it through a patch or remaster but it needs to happen.
Game was single player mmo fetch quest garbage, fuck off
Well it was basically pieces of dark cloud and a pretty alright MMO. Unfortunately since the servers are down its kinda hard to experience a lot of the fun content.
thanks guys
color palet.
faction quests
If you're into Gothic, play Risen or Elex