Do you they will announce something tomorrow? Maybe a new Mega Man or the rumoured DMC5 DLC?
Capcom E3
*Do you think
Street fighter v goes free to play
They better announce REmake 3.
Deadrising Reboot.
I would shit my fucking pants
They said there would be no DLC in DMC5 after the palace, its going to be monster hunter related, they went all in on MHW
Vergil playable
What time is their show?
Megaman Legends 3
Misadventures of Tron Bonne 2
I hope to god that it's the Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection for switch...
I'd like a freeweek MHW to play with a friend for the Personnal Computer
Dino Crisis and Parasite Eve remake
Dino crisis is overrated, gameplay looks insignificant
I'm sorry user.
That does not compute.
>Parasite Eve
Dmc1 or 2 remake mark my words
MVC4: non Infinite Edition
Im thinking of all the franchise that could get sequels/reboots its got to be:
Dino Crisis- Lots of easy reuse to be had here, streal Resident Evil 2 framework and Monster Hunter creature animations will get you halfway there.
-Onimusha- Agian another RE engine game using RE2 framework. Fantasy Horror Samurai/ninja games are hot right now.Being the originators they could easily slip in this genre.
-Dragon's Dogma 2- Already teased so its a foregone conculsion it will happen eventually.
-New MegaMan franchise or return to an older one.
-Street Fighter 6
-DarkStalkers/Marvel vs Capcom 4-Unlikely
-Dead Rising/Lost Planet- Super unlikely dude to being western cash grabs that they said they would be avoiding.
Dragons Dogma 2 or Vergil DLC
please capcom
hope your words come true
M A R V E L V S C A P C O M 4
Teaser for Resident Evil 8.
Breath of Fire reboot
Just teasing Vergil will be enough for this E3 to have been worth it.
capcom all stars fighting game
red earth 2
DD2 is too early. Capcom isn't about that Square Enix announce a game for 5 years later deal
>R3make trailer
>[actual gameplay footage]
>The outbreak is just starting
>Although off duty and in casual clothes, Jill is helping law enforcement organize an evacuation by going door to door
>she's walking down the street and hears a moan
>and then another
>suddenly a cacophony of moans, and she's surrounded
>"Shit, how could it spread so fast?"
>She runs down the street to escape from the horde
>Bursts into a quiet bar
>An Asian woman, a woman with a laptop, a black man with blonde hair, a bald black man, a man in an expensive suit, a plumber, a waitress, and man in an RPD outfit turn to her
>In a slurred voice, Kevin says "you look like you need a drink"
>a zombie suddenly slams into the window
>cut to black
>A menacing voice shouts "Resident Evil 3: Outbreak"
>Cuts to several short scenes of Jill cooperating with different Outbreak survivors as partners in both locations from the original RE3 and from Outbreak
>Finally cuts to the final fight with Thanatos
>after taking some heavy fire, Thanatos is killed by a rocket launched from off screen
>Cut back to black
>Inhumanly heavy booted footsteps
something anything battlenetwork please
all I want is this.
I want to see what the fuck monster hunter B team has been working on
>Parasite Eve
>gameplay looks insignificant
What does that even mean?
Way too early for a R3make trailer. Don't think they have even begun working on the game, though it's obvious there will be one after the success with REmake 2.
switch version
I just want some more news on MH and hopefully Dragons Dogma 2
They just started DD2, it won't get announced until next gen
REmake 3, DMCV DLC, and one other surprise.
>mfw Megaman Legends 3, ZX sequel or Dragon Dogma 2
Not him but I'd take capcom over square with rights
Even the smallest evocation of Dragon's Dogma 2 will make them win e3 for the next 10 years
RE3 remake. It will be very different from the original game due to RE3 being too similar to RE2. Nemesis will also look different.
This game is literally perfect for the RE Engine.
Fingers crossed
Don't tease me like that man.
>In house development
So what the fuck Capcom Vancouver is working on?
A new RE seems unlikely, SF is impossible because they are still supporting V, MvC4 should probably be saved for EVO, so maybe remasters/remakes from older games like Dino Crisis, Onimusha, etc and maybe a good reboot/sequel to the same older games
megaman 11 Redux, featuring an 8 bit style (MM9/10, not true 8 bit) but otherwise it's very similar. Not identical, some levels have been retuned, the gears are significantly adjusted and are now locked in to full usage when activated (there's a lategame item that returns them to how they were), and there's some other stuff too that won't be in the trailer.
let me hope, f-faggot...
onimusha 1 remaster sold like shit, at BEST it would be onimusha 2 remaster, we know there's no work being done on a new onimusha game though, because all the staffers that worked on onimusha games are on other projects.