Why are videogame companies pushing degenerate ideals on their young and impressionable audience

Why are videogame companies pushing degenerate ideals on their young and impressionable audience

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seems like every month is pride month
seriously didn't we already have a pride month?

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix refuses to add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV due to ethical and moral reasons
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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because the jews financing their operations require it.


in the future everyone is gay. thanks capitalism


It's called "pink capitalism"

/pol/niggers lose once again. How predictable.

Every company does, and this isn't the Nintendo audience of grade school kids.

you're alone. and you'll always be.

To distract from their fuck ups, and unpaid overtime.

>People who want to be accepted as normal get a whole month focused around them to celebrate how different they are
Seeing conflicting images here


Because it makes money you little cuckfag

it's a completely optional theme, you're free to ignore it

>pushing degenerate ideals
How do? They claim the opposite; being gay is inherent to your genes and you can't just "chose" to be one

But they arent normal

imagine being triggered by some colors lmao

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it's post like these that are why we will never truly live in a fucking decent society

pride month isnt to celebrate how ~different~ they are, its to celebrate the accomplishments that have been made for lgbt as a whole. yknow. celebrate the fact that you arent executed for liking dick.

It gives them good press, and even negtitive press spreads attention.

the gay mafia is real and gaining power.

It's just a fad that will be replaced with the next big social push in a few years.

And what's that, marriage with dogs?

Do you think they will have the straight pride colors as a wall paper soon? Are you going to attent the straight pride parade?

this, I distinctly remember having a pride month last year, if they keep doing this we'll run outbof normal months

It's about celebrating their accomplishments rather than the fact they are gay, namely how they managed to make gay marriage legal despite the many hurdles getting in their way.

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That's a really shallow reading of why pride exists
It's not "look at me I'm different and special and better than you", it's "look at me and stop physically attacking me and discriminating against me, because although I'm different I'm not THAT different and am sick of hiding"

Why is pride month a problem all a sudden? Some of you are just as bad as the far leaning left.

Because money. Everything a company does is for money it is a business. Now that supporting faggotry is in the mainstream everybody can wear rainbows for good boy points even though it doesn't mean jack shit. I'm more than willing to bet there are a couple of old men on the top of Sony's food chain that wants gays on a cross as much as you do but that shit just doesn't sell.

That was a years ago. Now It seems you can change when you want to. I’m confused as why it changed. Maybe they’re “discovering” their orientation by exploring sex. I don’t fucking know I hate this shit it’s tiresome

It's now a annual thing. Like ramadan.

Body/gene mods, though we're probably decades away from that.

Fuck knows although pedophilla has been pushed to be included with the LGBT shit and "not shamed" anymore in recent years.

generally curious: does it really trigger you that much when companies support gays?

i know this being Yea Forums, im probably not going to get a real answer here.

Lets end this petty rivalry. Let us all join as one site.

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because people like you still throw a shitfit about it

Because it makes them money.
Literally, that's why. They have no other reason to do so, despite what Rock Throw would have you think.
It's getting to the point where it's so transparent companies are only doing it for marketing that they're getting blasted by the LGBT community for it.


no they haven't lol. Nobody sides with pedophilia

Its called "Marketing"

Sure, according to the pedophiles. Not according to literally anybody else.


>Now It seems you can change when you want to
According to who?

You're telling me that if for example Sony makes a -80% to their income thanks to their pride shit they'd stop it the next year? I don't believe it. I believe companies are doing this for the good PR regardless if they make a profit or not.

A White Supremacisty that quotes Marx and Chapo Trap House, interetingly enough.

>>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
don't care
>>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
very good
>>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
never heard of it
>>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>>Square Enix refuses to add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV due to ethical and moral reasons
>>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
they should've known better
>>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

>no they haven't lol.
Shows how out of touch you are

Just like gays and then trannys. It all starts somewhere and it's slowly being pushed.

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>digging for hours just to find some inane crap to gloat about
Cute little facts there. Now listen to this
>bioware (coming soon)
Have a good day and don't overdose on prozac. Or do and push up those numbers, tranny.

By pedophiles, who have been trying to push their sick agenda and unsuccessfully align themselves with the LGBT community since the 70s. Or atleast that's when NAMBLA was created, they could have been trying for longer for all I know. Correlation doesn't equal causation

>I believe companies are doing this for the good PR regardless if they make a profit or not.
Well, yeah. Good PR translates to profit indirectly, since it causes people to have a higher opinion of the company and subconsciously want to buy from them more.

keep crying for me

didn't read lol

According to who? Crypto-kike american (((conservatives))) who think raped children shouldn't get an abortion even if giving birth will kill them? Most of the people who absolutely shit their pants about fags are closeted homos themselves and sometimes worse.

Companies don't give a fuck about faggots, they only do this shit for money and PR. Faggots think the company is cool and support their delusion and get baited into consuming products.

Reminder that big tech and Hollywood are the main reason LGBT people aren't hanged in the public square anymore thanks to their social conditioning.

Dykes, faggots, biscum, trannies, they all are tools of the (((big corp))), never forget it.

Have sex.

Convince me wrong. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and company can lose tens of millions due to SJW and fag shit but they will still double down.

Gay people are accepted in current year. What's the issue here? There's no less capitalistic intent here than there is during christmas. Yeah, companies take an identity and make a profit off of it, but that's separate from the event itself. For example, while black friday sales have commodified the family gathering, it's not like people don't carve up turkeys anymore. At its core, pride is just a celebration that gay people made it to this point by grouping together against detractors. It's not an ideology, it's just a group of people with a different set of attraction than straight people

when you grow up you will start to worry about real issues, not stuff like this

Why isn't there a white pride month?

The fun thing about these replys is that not 10 years ago the exact same things were being said in regards to gays. History truly repeats itself.

There is a fundamental difference between homosexuality/transgenderism and pedophilia, and that's consent. People understand this. It's not a line they are willing to cross, no matter how friendly the pedos try to look with their LGBTP and "non-offending MAP" shit.


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This is now a video game thread

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No real man gives a shit. Only a insecure baby worries about this crap. Gay people have been around forever, get used to it incels.

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Harry Hay it's considered to be the founding father of the modern gay movement. It really makes me think.

Half the country still hates fag marriage
Half the country still hates fag marriage
Half the country still hates fag marriage
Half the country still hates fag marriage

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dude, I have a good amount of friends deep in the LGBT community. Everyone's saying pedophilia's something we can't really cure, so just lock people up but don't accept it
Most trans people are tired of the association because it hurts what they're arguing.


also based

Hey Kids, here's love!
>Degenerates!!! You're making kids gay and destroying society! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Hey Kids, here's violence!
>Video games don't cause violence! It's just fantasy!

Lots of puffy smooth sweaty cunny in the summer.

Anyone going to the beach to admire cunny?

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>Gay people are accepted in current year.

>and that's consent
And a lot of consent is given but labeled as bad and thrown in with the rest to keep "the message" strong. As I keep saying everything you're saying was the exact same shit said when the ball started rolling on gays. People once believed the only gays were rapists or AIDS ridden freaks, look how that's changed.

>dude, I have a good amount of friends deep in the LGBT community.
No wonder Yea Forums is so bad

No it wasn't. Just claiming that it is doesn't make a point. In the late 90s democrats were busy pushing through anti-gay legislation which meant that gay couples had the same legal standing as fucking room mates.

The ONLY people who think we should be being progressive about pedophilia is fringe psychologists who view it as a thing that they should be treated for, rather than punished for.

When have white people ever been oppressed in America by other groups the same way that blacks and homosexuals were?


Please, please, PLEASE, tell me you didn't fall for this made-up prank by /pol/. Please, I beg you to tell me that you weren't bamboozled.

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Buncha slack jawed faggots in this thread.

Again, correlation doesn't equal causation. I already said that pedophiles have been trying to unsuccessfully integrate themselves into the lbgt community for ages, maybe if you improved on your reading comprehension you'd have a more intelligent response beyond "oh well they said that about the gays!". You think you are saying something smart but it's really just prejudiced drivel

Jews have imposed: The Federal Reserve, Abortion, Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Immigration Act of 1990 (which allowed gays to enter), Feminism and wars for Israel. Really makes me think that Americans are nothing but weaponized cucks.

Lies. Nobody on Yea Forums actually plays vidya.

Rent free

>Companies actively promote violence outside of the content of videogames
>Companies don't actively promote homosexuality outside the content of videogames

>Gay people are accepted in current year
lmao. just read the other replies ITT

>340,000 dollars for transgendered children

They haven't made up Harry Hay.

>We have to protect the children
>Supporting a bunch of pedophiles

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Hmm, yeah yeah I hear you. Interesting argument, really...

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They were oppressed by the Spanish in the Mexican American war, dummy.

How many fucking months is pride month? If they want me to actively hate fags then I will.

>Nobody sides with pedophilia
The Irish

how is it rent free when it was literally a /pol/ false flag operation

fitting that pride month is also in the same month of cancer.

LGBTP was literally a /pol/ psyop. Plenty of receipts out there about it, all you need to do is google search.

and what is your victory?
an bleeding open wound where your dick once used to be

Allow me to repeat myself, correlation does not equal causation. One person's ideals are not indicative of a group as a whole

Then show an example, thanks.

Being widely accepted as a legitimate group doesn't mean there isn't still hate towards them. I should have said "they're acknowledged, but there's still a way to go"
>No wonder Yea Forums is so bad
not an argument
I know you're shitposting, but it gets old

>It's just about love and being accepted! We're just like everyone else!

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just embrace weimar 2.0 you fucking bigot


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It is when he's literally called the founder of the gay movement.

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Here, now that you know piss off.

Kink being a part of pride is fucked. Kinksters and pedos have been trying to break in for literal decades (and sadly, in some places it's been working).

How so? The Mexicans and Spain never controlled or governed the United States, or did they?
Pretty sure white people oppressed the Irish as well. Didn't they call them niggers turned inside out?

>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019
Stopped reading there

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>Hating gays is shitposting
The state of homosexual Yea Forums.

See Man, you gotta give it to those /pol/lacks, pretending to be so fucking pedogay just to do a falseflag because no legit gay would ever do that in the real world, hahahaha

Yea Forums is comprised of bitter manchildren, teenagers with fringe opinions (no more special or intelligent than another demographic, but whose idea of being candid is being openly cynical), and everyone inbetween who likes to imitate them isn't a proper sample. This place went down the shitter a long time ago, hell it probably did that when it was a place for migrating somethingawful users onto a different site

Americans are white?

>That wiki page
>That image

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Do you know what any of these memes mean?

Darn corporations and their agen-

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>The days that are highlighted in green are dedicated to being gay. There are 168 of them. 46% of the entire year.


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Why do you hate gays user? Is there anything other than some sense of disgust? Sounds like you're sort of immature

Gay will be gay. But there is a line where this gets ridiculous and we have stayed past it. Not a good thing for the gays, it is making a noticeable percentage of the normies start to question their support or apathy towards it. And if you are gay you have to accept that a large part of this world won't accept it no matter how loud you shriek.

funny how these align with school holidays around the world

They aren't. Everyone in the LGBTQ who isn't a braindead teenager will tell you upfront that it's literally marketing bait. Even "degeneracy havens" like YouTube and Tumblr actively fuck with LGBTQ people but put up that rainbow logo every year to pretend that they don't.

>not an argument
>shitty people that promote abuse to kids and mutilation instead of help infests a board
>that board becomes even more shitty
It's also funny that your own hives are always founded by pedos like pedogaf and pedoera. But coincidence right?

I remember watching some low budget comedy years ago
>couple on the street
>girl tests guy to see if he remembers important dates like birthday etc
>protag comes by and stops them
>do you know what's 29-30-31 Jan?
>uh, no
>it's fags' holiday
>...three days?
>yeah, there's so many
and it's a comedy from the 80s. Ahead of its time.

Wait so if E3 happens the same time every year they're going to push this shit every E3?
This sucks.


shotas > lolis

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>still in denial that corporations are the biggest allies of the LGBT collective

Nothing will happen. The neoliberal ruling class made sure of it.

Please have straight sex.

I don't play western games

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Because it makes money

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This world really needs to end.

In the hopes of generating sales

yea I was just thinking about this today, doesn't this fly in the face of the goal of making gay people truly normal and equal to straights? I thought the idea was that in the future gay people wouldn't be perceived any differently from straights, but even with the growing acceptance of gays and the legality of gay marriage, I still associate all gay people with degeneracy and rainbow flags because of all this Pride shit.

Good. Welcome to free speech.

>Corporations are my friends
Why do homosexuals act like this

How? If you look into most prominent leaders in history they had problematic views, and yet we don't judge entire groups for the viewpoints of the people at the top. Why is this instance any different?

Remain celibate.


>Donald (((Trump)))

Same reason followers of invisible sky daddies do; "get 'em while they're young" works wonders for spreading easily disprovable and dismantlable morality and thought. Best part is that the libs have the side benifit of no malleable imaginary friend Jesuses to distract from their priesthood.

I wish.

gamers have until recently been significantly composed of nerds and outcasts, and so there's always been some overlap with the similarly fringe gay community. people (at least in the west) are just becoming more accepting of others lifestyles in general, and games becoming so mainstream these last few years have been a rising tide that lifts all the boats, reinforcing that trend for all of its subcommunities.

it's been a good thing for the most part, though trans "rights" is where I start getting uncomfortable because it seems less like a life choice and more like a complete delusion that everyone is expected to play along with. and while I'm still all for any kind of anti-discrimination against them for education and any jobs or services where gender is irrelevant, it seems horribly misguided to force everyone to consider them the wrong gender and treat them as such for gender specific roles

also fucking someone while presenting as the opposite gender without disclosing that to the partner should be considered rape, though trannies can't usually pass well enough for that to be a problem for all but the most shitfaced drunk partners anyway

He stopped a few embassies asking to wave the gay flag under the US one.

You're absolutely right, my dude.

Reminder that the people of Taiwan was against gay marriage. Corporations made sure they won't mess with the legalization.

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Why do you go out of your way to be a deliberate faggot?

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>yet we don't judge entire groups for the viewpoints of the people at the top.
Oy vey goyim

Who is "they"? 99.9% of gay people had no direct role in getting gay marriage in front of the Supreme Court. I thought taking credit for things other people did just because they share the same skin color or sexual orientation as you was bad?

>July and August are almost pure
>tfw born in July

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Tolerance is one thing, if it doesn't disgust you I have news for you.

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>look at me I'm different and special and better than you
It's literally this, quit bullshitting

Cuz gays have money and if you can legalize it, you can make money off advertising to it. That doesn't make them your friend, no corporation is anyone's friend other than their own shareholders.


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And Joe Biden literally thanked Hollywood and Silicon Valley for the social conditioning they made. Corporations are the biggest pushers of Globohomo Gayplex.

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I don't think that that is appropriate usage of correlation is not causation. The argument would instead mean that although there is a correlation (a high degree of group A is also group B in this case), it does not mean that either group causes one another.

Instead your argument is that a sample size of 1 doesn't apply to a group which is an entirely different argument

>It's also good for business
Homo-corporatism in a nutshell.

So you're admitting your argument is based entirely in ill-concieved prejudice? Good to know

Intentions don't matter, actions do.

>tfw born in July as well

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Trannyera is invading Yea Forums.

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>tfw faggot
>tfw against faggotry

what does one call this?

Just to name a few
>Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3462414/
>One in eight gay men in London has HIV. Source: pinknews.co.uk/2014/11/18/13-of-gay-and-bisexual-men-in-london-living-with-hiv/
>Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented. Source: jstor.org/stable/2657413
> If men are half the population and 3.3% of them are homosexual, it means that 1.65% of Americans account for 63% of the country’s syphilis cases. archive.is/Xy8D0
>A hugely disproportionate number of male serial killers have been homosexual; figures run from 40 to 60% depending on definitions. archive.is/DkLdN

You don't need prejudice to be appalled. I was 9 when I saw two fags kissing on a degenerate mtv show and I puked. Nobody told me fags were bad.

How long does this need to go on for? Society is already way past the point of caring if people are gay. It seems more to me like an endless charade of "victimhood" that in reality is just a way to make money off all the pride merchandise and events.

How it makes you feel that you're a tool of the neoliberal ruling class?


I'm sure you needed that extra push to hate them.

Hey, cool it with the antisemitism.

Deep down, even fags know it's wrong, they just ignore it till.the feelings go away

So are you going to tell me every single person that participated in gay parades to bring attention to the LGBT group and their issues was straight?

pandering means companies get people to defend them for free and people to buy into pointless shit like rainbow controllers
people who actually take up these social causes are people just being used for easy money

>Darn corporations and their agenda
The LGBT community is an incredibly small portion of society . No post a graph showing the purchising power of the Non LGBT people , is it worth pissing off a big portion just to push you agenda ?

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easy good goy points.


It's kind of like being one of those autistics who understands that autism isn't a magical gift.

I fucking hate all these people
Can't be a tool if one does not engage with society

Gays have money and are potential consumers
More consumers is more money
This is how the company think, and doesn't give a fuck about what you like to have sex with.

Why is there so fucking many?

>is it worth pissing off a big portion just to push you agenda ?
You're legit overblowing the importance, influence, and amount of people from Yea Forums. Get out of this dump once in a while, for your own sake.

>is it worth pissing off a big portion just to push you agenda ?
That's the key word. Decades of social programming made normies quite indifferent to Globohomo Gayplex. Not only to that, but that's too wide. When was the last time you heard of a mainstream homophobic boycott?

>intentions are relevant now

>Imagine being this delusional

That's exactly the point, but you can easily brainwash fags to pay attention to your company by pretending you love them.

By this point its just mostly for attention, if gays were smart they would have stopped complaining about the West and focused on areas such as the Middle East were faggots are stoned. However that requires effort so they just do the easy thing and screech at the West.

otaku/fujoshi are a tiny minority but dominate japanese anime industry with their purchasing power which forces all those shitty shows that pander to them.

Totally agree. The trans thing is so off putting that I seriously cannot keep a straight (forgive the pun) face around these people. I seriously cannot do it.If that is your delusion, whatever, but trying by law and boycotts to force people into playing this stupid game only breeds anger and resentment.

i unironically respect trannies, faggots, queers, furries, and scat fetishists more than /pol/ and male incels

female incels deserve all the love they can get though.

Because we don't attack and did people at the company for doing stuff like this, whereas there are people who WILL do that insane bullshit if they DON'T do it. We're honestly the lesser of two evils.

Fuck capitalism run by the greedy jews
Fuck communism run by retards

We're talking about "normal" people, user.

>Imagine being this gay

>t. 40%

How is LGBT degenerate? I could say forcing people to not embrace who they are is degenerate.

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I feel sorry for you being a fag, just like I feel sorry for the one guy at my company. Normal ass dude.

>You're legit overblowing the importance, influence, and amount of people from Yea Forums.
Not him but that's the terrible thing, that most of the world is all in on this insanity and only small pockets like this hell hole and a few others on the net are left of sane people.

>big portion
Sorry bigot, you're not the majority you've told yourself you are. And you drive away allies every time you open your mouth.

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t. Gay tranny furry scat fetishist.

I'm fairly certain these so called "normal" people don't care as much as you and Yea Forums do.

America let this happen. They had the freedom of keep and bear arms to not let it happen, but they did anyways.

>liking people who are mentally ill, want to fuck animals, and another group that just spreads diseases and is just unsanitary
Nice (you) farm though I will give you that

This right here. Nothing more degenerate than sympathizing with the biggest genocidal maniac on the planet.


to target children when they're not in school


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This is some inspect element faked shit right? Please tell me it is even if it's real.

I'm sure everyone outside of your circlejerk would love to see you in assless chaps.

/pol/cels S E E T H I N G


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So we have to deal with /pol/ for three whole days huh?

What circlejerk? Yea Forums?

Yes, only you and those few like you are correct, you hold the Truth! You see through the conspiracy! You're the special chosen ones!

Or you're just a fucking idiot with Dunning-Kruger and assholism.

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Actual question for straight guys, would you call the emotion you feel when you see two men being affectionate with each other and maggots writhing around comparable?

But he didn't mention anything about the Khans, Mao, or Stalin.

>I may be gay but at least my view of the world isn't a deluded mess
Most fags don't hate themselves, they just can't stand people like you who make baseline assumptions about an entire group of people without any facts to back up said assertion.

Hey, you sound a little irritable, faggot.



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/pol/ literally living rent free on these mentally subhuman freaks head.

I know at least one article like that got memory holed, thought a pastebin of it shouldn't be too hard to find.

The more time passes, the more I am starting to have a "GAY IS A DISEASE" mindset that my grandpa has, it's pretty baffling because it's just coming naturally from shit I see from day to day on the news and the internet

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Hitler did it on purpose and malice towards an ethnic group, all because he didn't like there skin color. Context.

This is a /pol/ website, Resetera tourist. You can go back after the EPIC LEAK THREADS, soon.

hmm ok...
*posts webm of 7 year old boy twerking in jorts in front of a supportive pride parade crowd*

Imagine being a /leftypol/tard and having to live with the fact that Fortune 500 corporations (your biggest enemies) will gladly help you to achieve your social objectives.

Maggots, faggots, I think there's a correlation here.

Can't wait to see a rainbow at Microsoft and Sony trigger these /pol/ losers.

you are crossing the line OP, now drop your privileges on the floor and raise both hands

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Nobody should care about this, but obviously a lot of the posters here now are just normies tied into establishment culture, usually part of some specific political faction as well. Tons of enthusiasts fled from all that, before the wingcucks started to jump in. Tons of libshits wanna co-opt our pastime while twats from the conservative groups pop out of the woodwork and pretend that they've always loved the hobby because its existed for a long time, like any "good ol' pastime". Of course, these morons are free to enjoy the games they like, but they also drag the rest of us down as well, as they want the games to be about their own little factions and they all want to push us out to make it happen.

But Stalin and Mao did the same thing and on a bigger scale only with even more specifications.

Delusional idiot. Welcome to reality, you and those like you are on your way out, thankfully.

I googled all those article titles, got nothing from Salon.

you're the uncle tom of gays

Why do lefties always speak in cringe-inducingly over the top sarcastic tones completely devoid of subtlety? Is this what Something Awful does to people?

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>This is a /pol/ website

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Imagine not being a straight person.

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I didn't mention anything about majority i just say "big portion" i mean even if is a small portion it should still be much much bigger then the entire LGBT comunity as i say and we all know they are a really small portion of society

Can't wait to flash an OK sign to trigger these faggots.


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Lots of trannyera sjw trash in this thread so its time for cunny.

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Just keep in mind that places like Yea Forums will show you the worst of the LGBT community and none of the good stuff
If you branch out and leave this pond, those feelings should go away

No it isn't, you dumb /pol/cel whitey. This is chink territory and always will be. Now don't reply to me until you can bridge the 7+ average IQ gap between your brainlet race and us.

>Daily Yea Forums seethe threads about gays all June

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See, that is where you guys are wrong. You have billions on this Earth in Africa, Islamic countries, Asian countries and at least half the west that do not approve. Good luck trying to change their mind.

>Yur just mad cus were wining swety ;)
Same faggot cope as usual. Just plug your ears as you embarrass yourselves by ceeding to corporations because they affirm your bad life choices.

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Resetera wins again, bay bay

I expected as much.
Even Christcucks put more effort into propping up their superstitious memery these days.

Homosexuals are the natural aristocracy of modern life.

I can't wait for Trump to be blown out of the water in 2020

Chinks have literal tolerance for gays. Their country banned porn, what the fuck do you think they do to fags over there?

It was literally created by a homosexual, but keep fooling yourself, sweetie.

Well, at least there is not bisexual filthy shit. Fucking deviants.

/pol/niggers BTFO by ResetEra chads once again

Should start a club, how aboit "Faggots Against Gays"?

>unironically forgot about beaches and cute and funny's running around
I thought I'm gonna hang myself, seems like I'm postponing it for now.

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And yet child beauty pagents run by straight people and child stars in skimpily clad clothing aren't a problem? Both being havens for pedophiles doesn't concern you? Condemn it all or quiet down brainlet


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I'm usually on the chan's side but this is correct.

/pol/niggers on suicide watch. ResetEra can't stop winning.


What are you saying about Hiroshima!?

Why do low quality fast foods do charity promotions during similar times?

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>This is a /pol/ website
Go back /pol/ you fucks or just watch the streams on twitch

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

>you have to mention everything there is all at once

I figure they're too stupid to recognize subtlety. Plus, it makes it more mocking, which is my true goal. I know I can't reason them out of a belief they never reasoned themselves into, so I just insult them with a slim hope of breaking through the many thick layers of skull.

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why? because they believe it will make them money

>chink territory
Who are /pol/ as fuck compared to wh*toids, thank you for proving correct.

but user, then they'd actually have to be impartial and with the child's best interests in mind instead of just using that shit to prop up their argument against gay people

Because there's nothing wrong with being LGBT.

They don’t have to worry about controversy because gay marriage is legal now and it’s an extremely easy way to get brownie points because LGBT Pride™ is currently hip and popular.

>good stuff
Come on lad. Fags are the primary vector for all HIV’s and AIDs, they’re responsible for millions of deaths because they’re still too retarded to use condoms.

Oh believe me I know the good stuff, I have a couple gay relatives myself and they're total bros but sometimes people outside my social circle just get too fucking loud and obnoxious. I dunno, I might be spending too much time on the internet I need to cut back

God damn you're stupid.

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How can Resetera ever recover?

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You won't be laughin in jail.

classic whataboutism. any other logical fallacies you want to throw at me queermo

Really make me think

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>No argument

More like texas goes blue

what the fuck's wrong with being Q?

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Embarrassing copypasta

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.

everyone knows gays are deviants. no straight men are running beauty pageants for kids

Tell me more, tranny

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Shut the fuck up kike. I hate gays but im not gay. How do you explain that? Stop projecting

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>H-hey guys I love video games too

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It's ok, I understand that you can't refute my argument. Maybe next time dildosocket


>Why are videogame companies pushing degenerate ideals on their young and impressionable audience
>it's only degenerate ideals when I don't like it

The joke is that video game companies have been pushing degenerate shit for years such as...

>animal abuse
>cock fighting
>sexual abuse
>loot boxes
>killing God(s)
>alcohol abuse
>giving alcohol to minors
>breaking into people's houses
>breaking someone else's property
>breaking local laws
>promoting anarchy against governments

And many more.

>Faggots in seething meltdown

They aren't. They're cashing in on it because it's a safe thing to do, and it attracts more retards that will consume their product. You think Sony suits give a fuck about what a few thousand American and European fags do with their lives, specifically with their assholes? Come on now.

I guarantee the only reason Last of Us 2 is so hellbent on promoting the MC as a huge dyke is so that it attracts controversy and people talk about it endlessly, effectively marketing it for free. Again. This is how companies work, my man. The "agendas" don't go as deep as people think. "MUH MONEY" is their only agenda, always has been.

>pushing degenerate ideals
They're not.

They're just cashing in on the social justice craze.

They don't care about gays, they just want money.

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Yea Forums is being constantly raided

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Being gay is fine, user. Just like it's fine when you jerk it to trap hentai.

>watch me defeat the enemy with cherrypicked images!
How universally tolerant of you.

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>I hate gays
Go back

The fags are far worse. I don't look at maggots and think "yup, these maggots are undermining the core of our civilization". You faggots, on the other hand, have conspired to turn western society into a kind of floating prosperity platform upon which everyone does exactly as they please for whatever reasons they please. Both God and the Body Politic have been vanquished, slain at the altar of private choice, which of course is really the preservation of the status quo but with fewer commerce-inhibiting taboos.

So yes, I am relatively pro-maggot in that comparison.

imagine being /antifun and getting BTFO eternally since ever and specially since 2016

People get sick of the hate and lies, and see the childishness and idiocy that's rampant there.

fucking Splatoon

Everyone hates jews and blacks, it’s a natural reaction to their actions. But pol has been a literal cancer to this site by acting as the main importer for redditors like this guy

We have to stop this bullshit my fellow gamers..

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Because lefties and liberals eat this shit up like no other

go back to resetera tranny

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They are. It's not one or the other brainlet.

You're going to make God angry just a sodom and Gomorrah, eventually these people will be banging kids in secret parties for the sake of this pride delusion and every twisted fetish of a depravity and people will allow and defend it. This will either lead to domination of a sick collapsing society or civil war, either one cannot be avoidable unless everything repeats and undoes everything Obama has done.

>JOB 21:20 "Let their own eyes see their destruction; let them drink the cup of the wrath of the Almighty."

>JEREMIAH 25:15 "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me: “Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it."

>REVELATION 14:10 "They, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb"

>HEBREWS 12:29 "For our God is a consuming fire."

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>muh degeneracy! degeneracy this! degeneracy that! OH LOOK ITS HITLER! THE MASS MURDERING RAPIST! BASSSSED!

/pol/ is a joke.

You'd think half the world was tranny if you spent all your time in discord complaint threads on Yea Forums

/pol/tards hate lolis too and want to get rid of them. You're an idiot for thinking they're any better than SJW.

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Where did you get this photo of my large son?

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Times like this I almost wish Yea Forums had upvoting so posts like this one might get seen over near everything fucking else here.

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It's endless waves of Discord Trannies, as you very well know. You'll be gassed in due course, friendo.

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>thinking raids and people (you) farming is an indication
Also /pol/ was never really taken as the main influence, sure people agreed with some of their points but most find them to autistic/deluded to be taken seriously and are only noticed due to the fact that people who screech against them are somehow even more autistic/deluded

So it's a logical fallacy to point out that your argument has blatant holes, and that you only use children as a talking point for your agenda? You could have saved yourself some time by just saying you can't refute what I said retard


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Ultimate newfag. Redditors came here in droves to shitpost their reaction face memes copy pasted a billion times that they thought were so fucking hilarious.

Homosexuality is unnatural and immoral. The only reason to have intercourse is for procreation, the pleasure derived from such act is just God reminding us of his love. Marriage is a union blessed/cursed by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Faggot sex is two men or women stimulating each other, an act of masturbational teamwork. No children can be made through such unholy union. Homosexuals are intrinsically degenerate and debaucherous, hooking up with other men and passing around AIDS. The women are worse at homosex because all women hate each other and Studs are laughably bad at being pretend men. Trannies are uttter abominations created by Satan Xirself. In conclusion gas all faggots.

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You don't really want to force a cringe contest, buddy.

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I'll gas you.

a lot of society and cultures are unnatural and immoral

it's considered the standard now, they don't get any good boy points for pandering. It's long been established that these shilling efforts are not simply marketing initiatives. The target audience doesn't buy the product.


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>/pol/ is a joke.
because we have fun, unlike the always bitter/ antipol

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E3 is great this year. Glad to see companies are being kind to the LGBT community.

>becoming repulsed by lgbtbbq-80iq bullshit day by day
I should stop looking at western news and abandon your pitiful, absurd information bubble.
t. slavchad

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Post more cunny

shitting in toilets isn't natural
clothes aren't natural
religion isn't natural
medicine isn't natural
your computer isn't natural

appeal to nature holds no value.

/pol/tards cry about it every now and then, I can point you to 10x more instances of sjw ilk actually getting it removed and censored

>You'll be gassed in due course, friendo
By who? Useless wojaktards like (You)?

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I wouldn't hate them as much if they actually stayed in their containment board instead of shitting the whole place up.

Fuck yeah, the rainbow. I fucking love God. Keep breaking that promise with him, homo faggots. Listen to the corporations - keep sinning! Here come dat flood, boi. Nothing gets my dick harder than drowned pozzed faggot heretics. I will ride a boat to the remains of CA and NY and make myself a rainbow out of the scalps off their bloated, waterlogged corpses and will praise the lord and do 3 hail Mary. HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD.

Went to a pride event today
there were seething /pol/ fags there with a Trump banner, like 4 sweaty acne covered neckbeards

One of the most pathetic things I have ever seen

What's up redditor?

Have sex.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

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Literally what is wrong with SJW trannies? They don't want to take away your lolis like /pol/, retard.

Literally only newfags obsess and hate on /pol/. Its shit but only newfags care and accuse everything of being /pol/. I dont even think about /pol/ at all. I dont understand why kikes and trannies are obsessed with it.

/pol/ became a joke when they treated it like a job to interact with twitter and reddit for the le epic cause

>One of the most pathetic things I have ever seen
Yeah, you probably see yourself in the mirror every day.


The scrawny nude faggots were probably the next most pathetic.


seeing a rainbow flag or a couple of fags kissing isnt going to turn anyone gay, and sony pushing pride month is good PR for them.
fuck giving children hormon blockers though, any adult who helps a kid "transition" deserves a bullet.

Honestly think at this stage I've been so seeped in culture being much more okay with homosexuality that its identical to me seeing a man and a woman I'm not really attracted to doing it. Definitely not disgust.

Funny how only SJW cucks say this. Really activates my almonds how they seem to know what /pol/ stands for even they never go there and despise it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhh!

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To upvote a post on 4channel you reply to it and put "based and redpilled" (without quoration marks) under the post number. Make sure to start your (optional) reply/comment on the next line.

Several years ago, while working in the Cleveland, Ohio area as a psychiatric nurse, a resident doctor asked me what I believed about homosexuality, and I stated that I believed it was a disorder. He immediately referred to me as a "bitch." He could offer me no reason for defense of homosexuality. I have come to learn that when someone engages in name-calling--in other words, they become personal--they have no defense for their position, and are, therefore, hostile. The hostility lies with the defenders of homosexuality.

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>Recent surveys estimate the prevalence of homosexuality, among men attracted to adults, in the neighborhood of 2%. In contrast, the prevalence of homosexuality among pedophiles may be as high as 30-40%."

>Source: Ray Blanchard, et. al. “Pedophiles: Mental Retardation, Maternal Age, and Sexual Orientation.” Archives of Sexual Behavior, Volume 28, Number 2, pages 111 to 127.
>Source: Kurt Freund, Robin Watson and Douglas Rienzo. “Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, and Erotic Age Preference.” Journal of Sex Research, February 1989 [Volume 26, Number 1], pages 107 to 117.

why does god have a glass test tube?
and why is it filled with his own jizz?
is god an incel?

>they treated it like a job
like fighting INTERNET NAZIS to prevent a FOURTH REICH a SECOND HOLOCAUST and a WW3.

>This is the guy who hates degeneracy

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/pol/ here, loli cunny is far preferable to faggots

Were you not on pol before the 2016 election? I thought lots of it was just ironic shitposting with people pretending they’re newfags, but i soon realized that they’re actual newfags. Pol turned to a “keeping up with the trumps” in a couple of months back then.

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Every time there's a censorship thread in a whatever JRPG thread there's a bunch of LE BASED AND REDPILLED people going "Thank fuck"

Yet, it triggered (((bishits))) like nothing else.

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>shills replying to shills think they are cracking some consensus just because people no longer reply to their idiotic bait
Yeah, you are, like, totally winning lol

>>a lot of society and cultures are unnatural and immoral
Fuck Islam
>Toilets and medicine aren't natural!!1!
Those were ideas created by Man to please women and to futher procreate and prosper, which is the will of God.

>A recent (2000) study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that "The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2-4% of men attracted to adults prefer men. In contrast, around 25-40% of men attracted to children prefer boys. Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 620 times higher among pedophiles."

>Source: Ray Blanchard, et al. “Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles.” Archives of Sexual Behavior, Volume 29, Number 5 (2000), pages 463 to 478.

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>may be as high
So no evidence then.

>Were you not on /pol/
No, I fucking wasn't you newcunt.

Are you joking? sjw trannies are more a threat then /pol/ I never hear /pol/ outside of this shithole site pushing to remove loli

it's ironic, you dip

this isn't 2016 anymore

Correlation does not equal causation

yes, whataboutism is a logical fallacy. any other questions?


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>This is the guy who hates straight people

Maybe with the fucks you interact with that you forget you're on Yea Forums and not talking to normalfags on twitter. I saw some autist in a Destroy all Humans thread thinking it was some political game about killing whites and cops

What if that was white pride propaganda with kill all subhumans


look through yourself
plenty of evidence
80 iq comment

Several years ago, while working in the Cleveland, Ohio area as a psychiatric nurse, a resident doctor asked me what I believed about black people, and I stated that I believed they're subhuman niggers. He immediately referred to me as a "bitch." He could offer me no proof that black people are human. I have come to learn that when someone engages in name-calling--in other words, they become personal--they have no defense for their position, and are, therefore, hostile. The hostility lies with the defenders of the black race.

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how convenient

Already did Faggot.

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at least he can smile


Honestly, I would fuck him as he cries "I'm not gay! I'm not gay! Fuck you, faggot!"

This doesn't work because he looks too comedically self satisfied despite his ridiculousness in the photo. You need at least a whiff of insecurity or sadness for these things to work.

>"based and redpilled"
Better, just post "This." and be like all the social media places that have done away with awful and problematic downvotes.

Based and redpilled.

I fucking hate ironic weebs. Fucking faggot.

Welcome to 2019, where 5% of the pop determine what's in your entertainment and if you complain you're a bigot.


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I mean,you're not wrong

looks normal to me. id hang out with him

>only studies made by pro faggotry organizations matter

>half of the links are just regular websites
>the rest of the studies are from the 70s and 80s
Solid evidence you have there user.

Based Chad BTFO'ing those incel /pol/cucks!

did he cum too?

dude why would this scare away people that want to cut their dicks off?very edgy btw

I unironically come from reddit, I am completely legit and not baiting, can't show proof but believe me

these people know no shame
they live entirely for their ego

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Construct a proper argument or see yourself out brainlet

Never relax

Several years ago, while working in the Cleveland, Ohio area as a psychiatric nurse, a resident doctor asked me what I believed about the holocaust, and I stated that I believed it was a hoax. He immediately referred to me as a "retard." He could offer me no reason for defense of the holocaust being a fact. I have come to learn that when someone engages in name-calling--in other words, they become personal--they have no defense for their position, and are, therefore, hostile. The hostility lies with the defenders of the holohoax.


I am not the one replying with a single meme word because I feel bad staring at an uncomfortable truth but have no arguments to deny it though.

That only happens in shitty Islamic states, go bother them.

But no one cares if your a fag anymore, how long will you people keep bitching about the past? Why not focus on the current Muslims executing gays for existing instead of reeing about white people killing fags 300 years ago?

Because science has been pozzed by the gay lobby. Hell, there are studies that say bisexual men exist.

>this is the guy who starts visual strawman arguments

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Yeah it's not like there was a year where redditors were invited en masse if they helped the epic cause



>make on post shitting on /pol/yps
>make another one shitting on SJWhores
>get dozens of replies from genuinely angry idiots
>even the loli spammer replies to my posts
I rule this board.

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Yes, are you going to actually counter my argument beyond pointing out fallacies? You're taking the easy way out because you lack a proper argument and it shows

Yes I too believe that research is a conspiracy because grants exist

Several years ago, while working in the Cleveland, Ohio area as a psychiatric nurse, a resident doctor asked me what I believed about the shape of the earth, and I stated that I believed it was flat. He immediately referred to me as a "retard." He could offer me no reason for defense of the sphere hypothesis. I have come to learn that when someone engages in name-calling--in other words, they become personal--they have no defense for their position, and are, therefore, hostile. The hostility lies with the defenders of the sphere cult.

>Women get 1 day
>Gays get a whole month
Wew lad

>I said it happened on the Internet
>this means it happened

you are the one with no arguments
correlation does imply causation after a certain level

Yea Forums is a thousand times more degenerate. Who the fuck are you niggers fooling?

Because they take their core audience for granted and focus on the ones that is not on the board.

Teach me your ways, I want (you)s to fill my seratonin quota

SJW posts are 90% troll posts. Only someone mentally ill could truly come to this board in earnest and hope to not get ridiculed as the faggot/tranny they are.

Nah, lefty faggots are the real threat to loli and have actively had it censored during our current climate.

Bi here
This is why we hate pride


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Violence is natural, two men in dresses fucking each other is not.

At the very least I stiffen up and look away involuntarily.
Even with my gay friends.

>tfw I started coming here from reddit during elections, exclusively phonepost and saved nothing but wojacks on my iphone

>implying anons usually go outside and have sex out in public along with going to schools
look pal if faggots were just degenerates online I wouldn't give shit, after all everybody has a little bit of degeneracy online especially when you can easily block kids away from it.

Your class is the worst of the bunch.

>Bath Spa University

Make a thread shitting on Japan if you really want to outdo yourself.

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Imagine defending being a fag

Yeah but would you call it comparable to looking at maggots.

On the one hand this only works if you consider pedophilia to be an outgrowth of heterosexuality or homosexuality, and not its own separate thing, and given the limits of our current knowledge both would be artificial taxonomies.

But even so this information, if true and coupled with your assumptions, also says most pedophiles are straight.

If we're to take gay people and say they're somehow responsible or marred by pedophiles fucking boys, it follows that heterosexuals are also bad because of pedophiles that fuck girls.

Pass the Zyklon B bro

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>holocaust remembrance day

Reminder than Yea Forums is a jobber board that never will accomplish anything. No matter how loud you scream, you'll always lose.

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That's a funny way of saying you let your blatant bias override any other information even when it proves you wrong. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch huh?


>posts video of nigger nigging
What's this proving exactly? That niggers are niggers?

>detransition research
Shut that shit down RIGHT NOW, goy.

Seriously, who the fuck cares about what is and isn't natural? Mankind did not become the undisputed masters of the earth by staying natural, frightened of animals and hiding in caves. Domesticated animals, and our mastery over technology are a tribute to man's triumph over nature.

I don't understand this kind of shit. The idea is to try to normalize alphabet soup right? Then why do they always make big commotions? If something is normal then people stop caring about it. That's the idea. But these guys would rather be special snowflakes. It's like how trannies make an identity over the fact that they transitioned instead of what they're supposed to be.

No you didn't I'm OP

>they're anti-Israel
fucking based

It's to celebrate the fact they are one year closer to legalized child sex slaves and the filthy goys can do nothing about it tbqh

I honestly wish to live in a world where they can be shot on site and nobody bats an eye yes.

>animal behavior isn't natural
You sound a lot like the SJWs who deny the psychological effects of sexual dimorphism. But I'm sure you've got another goalpost ready.

>triumph over nature
through violence

And what level is that? So far you've only posted outdated studies to push a point that you cannot even articulate well much less defend properly

>Make up an imaginary culture war against trannies in your simp head
>Somehow still lose it
/pol/niggers boiling harder than Kevin Nash's asshole in the summer of 92

Attached: kek.jpg (1059x454, 85K)

/pol/tard here and I love CUNNY

why do people who post news images like this always crop out the source?

this seems to be a common theme with leftists that they don't understand stuff like "per capita"
also nice reddit spacing

People who think this won't exclusively benefit rich faggots are delusional

Faggots ITT defending homosex:

Attached: 1489175533067.jpg (750x500, 59K)


Oiy gevalt you filthy goyim, why aren't you waiving the rainbow flag and burning that fascist hate speech racist Nazi American flag?

Attached: 1534291435291.jpg (720x540, 69K)

You're here too so you're also a loser

Attached: 1445688596863.gif (500x500, 1.71M)

He's not wrong. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the gay lobby, not due to research proving that it isn't a mental illness.

kek what a bitch


>outdated studies
no such thing
>you cannot even articulate well much less defend properly
keep projecting

It's called pandering. Companies do it as a form of marketing and PR.

Attached: oSwMZsMbs0Y2cBKpet4JrSwX9dP-fo0JNDzpP6XnKog.jpg (640x853, 101K)

>reddit spacing
nice meme newfag
way to get baited into thinking there's such a thing as a "Yea Forums format"

Because they know that fact checking makes them look stupid.

>men fucking other men in the bum bum is a triumph over nature

I hope this happens, pedophilia and homosexuality are two sides of the same coin after all

How does it feel to be chaos incarnate?

being totally honest, kinda. I'm not really homophobic, I'm mostly indifferent towards who people decide to fuck or be attracted to. But it seems clear to me (and a lot of other people) that companies and brands are literally just cashing in on this to attract these people to their products and shit. The goal is always to make more money unless your company has a firm foundation in certain beliefs, like Chick Fil-A being Christian and hating fags.


Attached: 1500617900669.png (598x600, 435K)

kek what a bitch

>Except most of the personal attacks have been thrown at the fags
My proof is in this very thread, try harder

>if I accuse him of being a newfag maybe he will stop
no one writes like that except tranny redditors who come here
just look at all the leftist shit posted on this site and most have that exact retarded spacing