Annoying marketing aside, was it a good game? I really liked the first one/Old Blood.
Annoying marketing aside, was it a good game? I really liked the first one/Old Blood
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No it wasn't. It was poor. They just blame all the negative opinions on people being racists and bigots for not buying into the agenda. If you think you'll be laeding the USA to a glorious revolution against the NAZI's you'll be dissappointed.
smells... fishy...
>worse story and characters
>too much story focus
>shorter campaign
>qte final boss
>shitty wheelchair section
>terrible balance
>meaningless upgrades for your body
>free expansions that still suck ass
pretty sure they're charging money for the dlc packs
I dropped it on the mission where you met the african american woman with an afro, not because of her but because the game felt like a really toned down version of The New Order insted of a sequel, the game has no fucking feedback and most of the time i ended up dying because i didn't knew were i was being shot at. This reboot should've ended on the new order
it was good it was just more of the same, which isn't entirely a bad thing
the music was top tier though although I feel they should have saved
for the final level of their little trilogy they have planned, gonna be hard to top that.
The gameplay's fine,sometimes even a good step up or two on the other games. Everything else is kinda shitty. It also runs worse than the other two wolf games. It's really different than New Order/Old Blood.
You can always pirate it and play through it; that is warmly suggest. The DLCs are okay.
you know how all Dead Rising games after the 1st are just worse because the games were giving to another studio who didn't quite get what made the game good?
thats how it compares to the first game
except thats not what happened, Machine Games just went retarded
RtCW > TOB = Wolf 09 > TNO > > > > > > TNC
It was trash. If you told me that it was made by a completely different team than TNO/TOB, I'd believe it
>I dropped it on the mission where you met the african american woman with an afro, not because of her
sure, that explains your need to mention her specifically. could you be any more transparent?
I really enjoyed TNO and quite liked TOB. TNC is not as good, and I'll outline a quick summary for why:
>There's a lot more hunkering down for potshots and backing into chokepoints to thin the crowd out, and its completely counter-intuitive to how the game wants you to go murder-crazy while running and gunning with the mechanics. It's not as bad as TNO on Hard and up but it's one of the few games where Easy might be the preferred difficulty just because you can actually play it as intended continuously.
>Story doesn't feel as "full". It doesn't end on some kind of cliffhanger where Act 3 should begin or anything, but by the end I felt not enough had really happened in the main thrust of the narrative - you reach an ending, but it suffers from middle-entry syndrome (despite the fact I don't think the new series is meant to be a trilogy?)
>It's shorter, the final boss is a let down, and the DLC is all kinda of low-budget schlock that doesn't really feel worth bothering with unless you really want to see more of the setting
Now, that said, the writing is still really good, it looks beautiful, and when it DOES flow well it's actually still very fun - but that's not as common as it should be, there's just too many sections where it bogs down into boring tactics to get by. At this point you can get it for a third or less of the original price so I'd recommend it anyway, it's not like you'll be wasting the time you spend on it (the DLC however I'd be pressed to say is worth it)
I mentioned her because thats the last fucking mission i played you ass hat
Loved both TOB and TNO but TNC felt incredibly mediocre in comparison. The story lacked gravitas compared to the first, which was a more "desperate last stand of a man out of his element in a world that has moved on without him" to something a lot more campy in a stupid way and with so many "walk around staring at things" scenes that your head will spin. Those parts were the worst in TNO but at least they felt more atmospheric, like infiltrating the castle in old blood or the camp scene in new order. In Colossus they just feel tacked on and tedious.
As for the tone I understand wolfenstein was always camp, but it was camp with a serious undertone which carried over to TNC. Even in RTCW and TOB where there are paranormal elements it's still serious and gritty. Colossus is full of really quippy unfunny dialogue. TNO had Max Haus, the Jimmy Hendrix guy, and the reformed Nazi that felt like they grew overtime, the characters in colossus felt like jokes, really clumsily written. You also see Hitler for around 2 minutes, some poo poo humor happens, and then he leaves. It would be like if deathshead showed up, shat his pants, went "oooh oopsie I made a stinky stinky poo haha!" and exited never to be seen again. I get they wanted to reinforce that Hitler is old, senile, and crazy but the toilet humor was forced as fuck and cringe.
Only the American street level and a long and hilarious cutscene 3/4 of the way, the rest is average as hell or down right boring. Don't even bother with the dlc.
The antagonist is great though, it's a shame they wasted her on a mediocre game.
They were free if you already had the game.
>mfw TNC felt super mediocre to play but Youngblood looks fun
Please for the love of god have Cyberpilot be a good VR game, please bother to make it longer than two hours fucking please make it not be an on-rails shooter like fucking Archangel
I feel the heavy praise for TNO's more wacky moments and heavy Inglorious Basterds influence made the devs lean into that direction too hard for TNC. Like you said it was the balance of crazy developments/world building with dead-straight and serious elements that made TNO work - they failed to hit the balance this time.
I hope Youngblood can do it better but I suspect the co-op focus and spinoff status means they'll dial back the storytelling heavily to work within thejr budget and make it easy to pick up and play, and they'll keep the humour at the front so what writing IS there has broad appeal. The trailer certainly looks to match TNC's tone already.
Maybe Wolf 3 will be able to for a more serious edge again.
Take everything that made TNO/Old Blood good, make it shitty, and to top it all off add in a bunch on unnecessary political bullshit. The worst part is that the same people who made TNO/Old Blood made New Colossus.
Yeah, in my opinion the best in the series by a considerable margin. The gunplay has sigificantly improved, visuals are overall better although I really liked the style of Old Blood. The writing is just excellent - great characters and some legitimately hilarious scenes (honestly, probably the funniest game I've ever played). There is just so much smartly written scenarios that it's a damn shame racists ruined its reputation online. Critics got it very right with a close 90 on Metacritic. This is probably the best story the genre has ever produced. My only criticism is that the stealth is broken in one early map and the 3 abilities you get midway through don't shake up the gameplay as much as they could have. 8/10 played it twice, enjoyed both playthroughs immensely
All the old staff from TNO left in the time it took to make TNC.