Shit you want but no one else does
>Fire emblem awakening HD
Make it look nice include all the DLC add some more maps.
nice /pol/ meme image
ive seen this fucking image like 6 times today stop posting this fucking filth
You don't think it applies? Or /pol/ said it BAD, corporate overlords GOOD?
Do you know who liked breathing? Hitler. So breathing BAD.
oh boy more shitty babby garbage but now in HD so you can see each one of Lucina's toes!
You know that's a quote from Redlettermedia, right?
I bet you buy EA games day 1 and enjoy them because you're told you have to
Monster viewer in Monster Hunter so I can stare at their feet.
another godzilla fighting game
Splatoon sports series
Another OG Phantasy Star
Another Punch-Out
Another Super Dodgeball
Sega crossover fighting game
More cartoons based on video game series
In reference to Yea Forums casting shit
I want a Paper Mario styled game made by FROM Software.
It was from a Nerd Crew episode. The show that parodies blind consumerism.
A Hexen reboot using idtech 7
Remake of Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms. I'll even take ports of them to ps4 with online co op
Ask your questions
What the fuck is this gay ass trend of putting a vaporwave aesthetic filter over political memes?
chaos legion 2
ridge racer 8
Sorry user but that game sucks, they'd have to remake more than just the game to have it be good
why would he go on camera with that monster pimple, just why
I'd rather see Fates HD + unfuckup.
Federation Force was this, for me. Always wanted a Metroid game expanding on the Federation and where you got to play as them instead.
Games where you get to play the common soldiers are my favorite trope.
>t. the exact kind of sheep that quote is talking about
>Awakening bad
>Fates good
Shit taste
Fuck that shit. I'd rather get a Tellius HD collection with Maniac mode for PoR and rebalanced laguz + extra Dawn Brigade chapters + character endings for RD.
"Don't enjoy products, question everything."
This applies to most boards
Fucking retard
Fates had a shakier localization, and worse dlc. That's all.
Wrath of Cortex and Enter the Dragonfly remakes, but only if it's N Sane and Reignited DLC and the levels are tweaked to not be shit
Would you rather still have those freaky hooves?
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 HD.
Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers HD/DDHB 2
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure Remastered
Ive never been to pol only Yea Forums
>Inb4 "Yea Forums's THE WORST BOARD THO"
>NPC responds to stimuli
Deus Ex style FPS game set in the Xenoblade X universe
>can pick from different alien races with their own strengths/weaknesses like Vampire The Masquerade
>can solve problems in a variety of ways; talking it out, fighting, stealth, hacking, etc
>Fully 3D River City Ransom game
>Namco Museum in the still of the 90s PS1 NM, with every arcade game they made before 2000, full scans of NG, and a commercial library
>Nintendo creating a niche translation team to translate a republish games that never made it out of Japan
At least Fates is 1/3rd good instead of 100% trash.
Shit taste.
But hey at least three kingdoms is in the works
>inb4 its the worst modern fire emblem
Star Wars flying game where you transport denizens from planet to planet. Like the Star Tours ride but less Disney meddling
Alternatively a game like Battlefront 2005 but in space only with actual capital ship on capital ship warfare.
This quote has always seemed ironic to me considering most RLM viewers will mindlessly consume praise all the crap they upload constantly.
>inb4 its the worst modern fire emblem
Don't worry that title will always belong to Awakening
Do you have a deep passion towards a franchise that you hold deep to your heart? THAT MEANS I'M BETTER THAN YOU!
I am LITERALLY better than you because I don't hold emotions towards things! I am cold, sterile, and uncaring! More people should be like me! Passion and love is the death of art! MUH D E G E N E R A C Y
I'd rather have outright reimaginings, basically keeping the basic structure but overhauling everything else except Wrath of Cortex's soundtrack. Leave that exactly as is.
They could even go back to the original idea of Wrath of Cortex being more open ALA Twinsanity.
It was the first thing in my cameroll relax you retard.
To each their own but I do hope three houses is good
Oracle of Ages/Seasons remake (which seems likely, given they use the same assets as Link's Awakening). Everyone agrees that the games are good, but there isn't a need to remake them
Having loyalty to Companies that don’t care for you is peak smooth brain
GranBlue on Consoles
New Pokemon Stadium meant specifically for Smogon/VGC crowd
Zork getting a graphical rerelease
New non-Japanese Wizardry game
New Dark Spire game
Banjo-KaThree-e NEVER
This. Conquest had excellent gameplay and Birthright was mediocre but mediocre is still better than most of what we've gotten since FE12.
You can admire a company's product while acknowledging that they're soulless and money-grubbing.
Sorry user, never going to happen, I want a Hexen reboot by any means necessary.
This is probably the most stupid post I have read in the last three months and retarderans frequent this board. It is kind of impressive, in a way.
Do you admire Coca Cola for killing your teeth too?
You can love Nintendo games while refusing to fall for their gimmicks and understand that they're run by out-of-touch Jiisans who will NEVER give a shit about the West aside from how much money they can make off them.
/pol/ man bad
Either elaborate or fuck off, faggot.
Every single thing you do is built off of the backs of corporations that don't give a single fuck about you. What's your favorite movie? Your favorite game? Because I can 100% guarantee that the companies who made them don't give a fuck about you. Does that invalidate your appreciation towards them?
I can admire Coca Cola for making a tasty product.
Sequel to the Bionic Commando remake (game was good).
>Does that invalidate your appreciation towards them?
Before the 80s? Probably not.
>ridge racer 8
Arte any of the ones after 4 good? I played one on PS3 where the drifting was so on rails that you had to make an effort to hit the walls.
3D platformer Yoshi's Island
true Kanto remake (pokemon from other gens, 3d plane, kanto regional variants, more stuff to do, more music, etc)
>Tasty product
Fucking sugar addicts I swear
Mario Kart 9
And you call ME the brainlet? Christ.
Yeah, you are a brainlet.
Imagine hating /pol/ so much you become a mindless bugman consumer.
you are talking about 7 which is my favourite racing game of all time and is the reason i want 8, though i'm sure they'd probably ruin it
I hope /pol/ makes a meme image on the merits of breathing in oxygen so you stop doing it you fucking drone
Fire Emblem Awakening remade in UE4
/pol/ really has to show everyone how redpilled they are?
it's like when someone sees a colour everyone else has seen but /pol/ just has to scream "PURPLE! THE CAR IS PURPLE! PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE MY OBSERVATIONAL SKILLS! PPLEASE ACCEPT ME! PLEASE I AM REDPILLED AND BASED!"
>lol he doesn't agree with this cringe meme teenager tier format so he is obviously bluepilled. lol fucking sheeple WAKE UP
i darn didlly hate those niggers and spics and jews as much as everyone else on here, but jesus christ you guys are fucking tumblr tier,
you are that old grandpa that has to post on facebook "just had some beans"
fuck /pol/, not because of their beliefs, but because of your MLP tier obnoxiousness
and also, if there are reddit posters on this site, than the majority of them are on your board, fuck of newfags, nobody likes you
If you mean ReArmed, there was a sequel. It was shit.
except Exception as e: print("/pol/ bad")
Yes, footfags are the furres of normalfag-tier fetishes.
here, have a look at a newfags post on pol
this spoke to so much of the posters that someone had to screencap it
can you imagine that?
this is "i can be a the nicest guy you ever met or the devil himself" tier
this post image reeks of newfag fedora tier
They're really easy to trigger, huh.
this is someone that wasn't on Yea Forums before Yea Forums became popular
this is really retarded, you expect us to believe you don't like or use anything made by corporations? Video games, movies, foods, clothing, cars, tools? You're trying way too hard to seem cool, it's embarassing.
>literally only 1/3 of this thread is on topic
>the rest is /pol/ whining and politics
love these redpilled /pol/ posters, posting all that smart stuff from their self made smartphones and pcs
i wish i was smart as them
i just dum dumb