Why is everything in this game so fucking cryptic?

Why is everything in this game so fucking cryptic?

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Zelda sucks

If you knew exactly where to go next, you'd finish the game in a handful of hours, and that's no fun

Isn't this the one that is more combat oriented anyway?

Kill a boss expecting your item and all you get it a fucking old man who gives you some vague words on where to go next.

Not the best games in the series, but still fun. IMO it has the worst dungeons in any 2D Zelda. The linked playthrough is a blast though.

What makes you rank this below Ages, since I felt the dungeon design in both were similar?

i'm playing ages right now. Is there something special if you had both games? Like pokemon ?

Ages is more fun than Seasons.

if you link both games you unlock the real final dungeon

Can this be done on 3DS? Locking content behind both games sounds kinda shitty.

You can enter passwords you get from the opposite game when making a new file to unlock bonus items, a few character cameos, and the true ending. You don't need the actual cart, you can search the passwords online if you want

>there are actually people who think ages is better than seasons
Why is that? It can't just be because "m-muh puzzles."

Attached: gagyson.jpg (640x480, 52K)

should i do that with seasons after i finish ages? Or should I do a 3rd playthrough?

The changes aren't that extensive so unless you want to play the same game an extra time, do the unlock for seasons

I bet you also complain about handholding.
Learn how to use the thing between your ears, Zelda isn't a hard game.

Probably because Ages was the second part of my linked playthrough. It was destined to be more fun because of that. Also, I'm just not a fan of the dungeon design in either game. I guess Ages was just slightly less confusing.

You do it by entering a code from the other game, which you get upon completing it. And I believe the code must be entered when you being a new file? I don't remember, it's been years.
So yes, it can be done on 3DS.

a silent watch may be needed

>Ages was just slightly less confusing
I thought this too. No idea why it turned out that way, since it's supposed to be the more puzzle-heavy game


Zoomers everybody.

>IMO it has the worst dungeons in any 2D Zelda.
What is wrong with you?

Seasons is fucking great. Way better than ages

>Ages was just slightly less confusing

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I got stuck playing it a week ago and I'm a grownass man. Can't imagine how confusing it would be for children without a walkthrough