
What hardware and software do you use?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i5 from 2014 and GTX 980 and 2 500gb HDD's using Xsplit
i mostly stream fortnite and apex legends

I don't stream m8

Some shitholes keep vandalizing my cars from time to time. Thinking of using old phone as streaming surveillance camera, but it's like once in a few years so don't really want to waste hdd space on that. god damn

I hear you're quite the streamer.

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how much did he get for his sponsored hearthstone stream?


50 jermabucks

inb4 404

PC1 9700k/GTX 1070
PC2 R7 1700 R9 290

OBS with NDI so i dont have to deal with capture cards

works preddy gud

is anyone else here a Win7 autist? i'm thinking of getting an AverMedia HD2

cool guy unbearable chatroom

that guy is smack dab uncanny valley

i have one PC on W7 and the other on W10

i use my dick and a toilet
and i stream the urine into the toilet, then flush

Streaming nowadays is usually limited by upload speed honestly. Any PC with a modern-ish Nvidia card can encode with the GPU hardware.
I've been wanting to stream for a bit but my internet is too garbage to have a decent 720p 30fps stream at a decent bitrate.


>be a small time nobody streamer
>have sub button because affiliate
>have a boomer emote
>crack open a monste while streaming
>makes PSSSSSSST sound
>2 viewers are subs put my emote in the chat

Toshiba 2010 gaming laptop.
Galaxy S7.


>he doesn't use OBS

>using Yea Forums memes outside of Yea Forums

bro you really think he randomly streamed a blizzard game

2700x ryzen dedicated.

Honestly, if you're not partner, a 2080/ti has a great encoder and is really underrated for 720p.

this is the goal

1050 TI
Ryzen 5
Logitech c920
Blu Snowball Mic

Streamlabs OBS


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>non-stop contextless, obnoxious pride emote spam every time i tune into jerma's stream
i wish it didn't trigger me so much




must feel nice
I want to have something like that one day

Emote spam in general's pretty gay but shit like pluto serve as mini reaction images essentially. The pride flags serve no purpose other than to virtue signal and derail the chat.


Not vidya, fuck off

I think vinny's clamping down on that shit in his chat
he recently had to re-enable r9k to stop the "emote spammers".

I'm currently filtering all the pride flag emotes through bttv

i think jerma is politically fine with that kind of shit but doesn't like it shitting up chat because of how much baggage is there

hi DSP

Oh hey this is the official transpride streamer, right?

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he's a bit of a pushover because he fears the immediate backlash he'll get from the lunatics if he starts "targeting" them for spamming the chat.

Naturally, which is what makes the people that spam it so annoying. They're hardly interested in the stream or chat, they're just there to start some kind of shit by dragging Jerma into something or try to show off what a good person they are.

Jerma is the only good streamer.
Everyone else is obnoxious, boring, or are talented elsewhere and only stream because they're bored and might make some money.
Honestly I would say that streaming as a platform would be frivolous and objectively worse than pre-edited content if not for Jerma.

Not even to say that Jerma is a master of comedy or anything, just that he is the only person I've seen that uses streaming as a platform in creative and consistantly entertaining ways.

is being a mod on twitch more or equally as pathetic as being a janny on 4channel?

Yeah, playing video games in front of people, now that's creativity. His videos were funny, but you can't make a living of videos anymore so he's just become a generic streamer.

probably because he treats it the same way he did making videos, the time and work he puts into what end up being the most childish and retarded bits is what makes them so endearing

I feel him, man just wants to stream and make jokes with his chat. Trying to doing anything about it would just fuck that up and make matters worse, no matter what he does. Blame hbomberfag for thrusting his rabid audience onto him.

Jerma often tries his best to be apolitical during his streams, which I think can be a bit of a detriment when it comes to situations like this.

did hbombercunt host or endorse jerma recently? is that why the chat is full of obnoxious trannies now?

God retards spamming this shit are so fucking annoying. Thankfully you can just turn off the chat and lose out on absolutely nothing.

same, i just put emotes for me since nobody watches my shit

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it's not a detriment, it causes too much argument that has nothing to do with the stream
t. literally a tranny

>Razer Ripsaw
Just works

iirc he hosted Jerma right after his charity for that fucking trans kids thing. It was when he was playing Lifeline I think? They just flooded in the chat and spammed for him to say TRANS RIGHTS.

He did back during the Donkey Kong 64 stream when he raised money for that "charity" that forces kids to dress up like girls. Jerma also played that Celeste game so furniggers must have filtered into his stream back then too.

It did, however, make his Seaman stream fucking hilarious when the Seaman kept bringing up politics.

I thought that as well, after I had watched his videos and only knew that he had gone on to streaming.
But after I had watched a few of his more creative streams I changed my mind.

A good 20-30% of his streams are basically just live skits, many of which make use of viewer interaction and the streaming platform.
Even his normal just video game streams are funnier than I thought they would be.
They stay pretty consistantly entertaining throughout.

I think you misunderstood me

it's quite possible

>Constantly fucking spamming it despite multiple people in chat telling them they were annoying
>Spamming him with donation notifications demanding him to say the funny slacktavist meme
>Has to make it officially clear that he doesn't want to bring real world shit into his streams that get people in a bad mood
>Retards are STILL doing it
Trannies are scum

This. Him losing his fucking mind during the Labo streams are still some good shit.

I'd argue the opposite. The ability to do creative and humorous things while doing something mundane is a serious talent. I've checked out "big name" streamers like Ninja and it was just boring. Just a shitty sponsored stream with nothing being added to it. Jerma can take the shittiest and boring games, like House Flipper for example, and make it into a legitimately entertaining experience.
Jerma is one of those guys who would do fine doing literally anything in the entertainment business I think.

I see. Perhaps I should give his stream a try.

>the zoombinis stream where he ruins his fucking keyboard

we don't deserve this man

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I strongly dislike the short jokes chat makes

>Had a colonoscopy coming up soon
>Needed to eat something soon since he wouldn't be able to eat tomorrow for said colonoscopy
>Was having so much fun with Might and Magic 3 that he runs out and comes back with a fist full of white bread so he can keep playing while he eats

>that Monster Rancher 4 stream that spiraled into an A Clockwork Orange style screaming fart torture bit
I forgot how painful laughing can get

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Clip please

>Ruins another one and almost crashes everything during Typing of the Dead for a joke that wasn't even funny

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>him agonizing over his old ass turkey sandwich he left in the car
>actually starts eating it and spitting it back out just so he can taste it

I think its to get anyone who doesn't parade their shit regardless of personal opinion or relevancy to the stream banned for "being a transphobe." I hope he know how on the razors edge he is because of hbomberguy.


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what does hbomber guy have to do with anything?

>Kim, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich.

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he did a popular trans pride stream event, and then hosted jerma after the event.

being explicitly and extremely leftwing in the face of actual apoliticism

>blatantly says he lurks /biz/ on stream and nobody cares

I'm surprised there was no backlash for that, you'd think snowflakes would be up his ass about it

Don't have a clip that will cover it all so here's the vod, last 25 minutes has what I'm talking about

he lost a lotta money following biz, he's a real sicko

/biz/ isn't one of the NAHTZEE boards like Yea Forums or /pol/ so it gets a pass.

Based Jerma introducing Sam & Max to an entire generation of little zoomers

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I don't think normalfags know what /biz/ is. He definitely knows about Bog memes though.

jerma is a literal god damn artist and my greatest inspiration currently
i can only hope to be 20% of what his stream already is
everything he does that isn't literally just playing a game and shooting the shit with chat is a transformative piece of art

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the telltale sam and max games weren't that bad albeit forgettable and unpolished.

domp et

>Him building that birdhouse and fucking about


Back when Army of Two first came out, me and my college roommates, suitemates, were all way too into Halo 3 to really care. I didn't even think Army of Two was on my radar in 2008. My college suitemates would sneak into my room while I wasn't there and play Halo 3 without my permission, on my Xbox, but more importantly, they would look at my DVD collection. I had like 215 DVDs in alphabetical order and they would play a cruel joke where they would move two random titles in different places and see how long it would take me to notice. Yeah, I know that says a lot more about me then it does about them, but I could tell every time that was the joke. I would just scan briefly over my DVDs everyday and see if they had taken one was usually the issue wasn't-I wasn't checking to see if they put them out of order, I was checking because they would turn up MISSING. And then I would track them down and find someone across the hallway who borrowed one without asking and what do you know! The DVD is missing from inside of its jewel case! Where did it go? No one knows. Oh I found it, it's in two pieces now. No, I'm not still angry about that.

>almost word for word says Yea Forums isn't that bad
I bet his chat now would pitch a fit if he said something like that today.

Yeah some of the writing is a little bland and dated (well, 2008ish if you know what I mean) but there's some surprisingly funny shit in here. Doesn't quite match the level of Hit the Road or the comic but it's pretty good, and I mean it was better than nothing, like we have now with Sam & Max basically being a dead franchise at the moment.

how do the comics/other media of S&M compare to the game? played them a long ass time ago and i really enjoyed the writing and style of humor

It was such an obvious sponsor stream. Its so annoying. We found out he took sponsors in the past and hes still doing it. At least admit your taking money

>The Movies streams
That was like a few months ago user.

how long does it usually take until you start getting good money from streaming

he didn't say /biz/ specifically, something along the lines of "Yea Forums isn't that bad, I sometimes go on their cryptocurrency board" or something

I think it was in a yt video so it ended shortly after "I can't believe I just said that on stream" which was pretty funny

Holy shit it really was.

probably at least 6 months, you gotta establish your rep, get people to return to your stream, and pay you.

Wasn't he talking about it previously and said he was playing it while he was dealing with the Colonoscopy shit? Pretty sure you legally have to say you're being sponsored in the stream too.

Good for him.

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>Colonoscopy shit

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I remember Twitch chat freaking out over him browsing Yea Forums originally


>Pretty sure you legally have to say you're being sponsored in the stream too.
You do.

That prep fluid ain't no joke

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>you're eating soggy bread like a duck

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I just hide the chat when I watch him stream. Or just tab out.

The comics are great, they're legitimately hilarious, but there's hardly any of them, they're all compiled into one anthology called Surfin' the Highway which doesn't take very long to read but it's really funny stuff. It was the original Sam & Max media and it's the most "unfiltered" if you know what I mean, it's them at their least kid friendly. The TV show that ran for one season is alright, I've only seen a few episodes but it's a pretty solid intepretation of S&M as a kid's cartoon. The only other media is the original LucasArts game which is great of course, the Telltale games, and their apperances in Poker Night 1 & 2 I believe.

>when you want to stream video games but your fanbase and staff is gay furries and literal schoolchildren

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God he's so cute

Make sense when you have all the free time in the world.

>Vinny turns into a spaghetti machine when paired with any other streamer
I still remember how painful watching him try to explain his memes in the Worm stream was.

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he overdid it with "le"
nobody's said that shit in years, outed himself as a few years oldfag at least

to be fair
criken and jerma also had spaghetti bulging out of their pockets during that stream.

When he streamed Fallout 76 that one time and got paired with a 13-year-old kid was fucking amazing.

>Criken asked Jerma a question during the Blops stream and he just screamed in response
Everyone was so mystified, it was great.

>get a bunch of likes and comments
>nice video man
>good stuff, keep it up
cool I guess
>get one (1) dislike or mean comment
How do I deal with criticism, mean people and trolls?

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>vinny not only has to deal with faggots and furries he also probably can't even browse Yea Forums anymore without seeing this shit

be extremely passive-aggressive and hung up on it for the rest of your life

Who/what hurt him

Start virtue signalling about mental health awareness so your fanboys feel bad for you and defend you against the bullies for being such a good caring person.

Recognizing constructive criticism is easy. Disregard everything else. Browsing Yea Forums really teaches you that if nothing else.

With every insult there's some truth to it. Disregard most of the "it's shit" comments but ones that point out simple flaws like lack of humor or bad pacing or whatever are decent advice. Take the "customer is always right" route and you'll be fine.

Embrace it. Anything you do in the public sphere, people will shit on you. It's inevitable

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The Sonic movie trailer

interpret the universe as an act of cosmic comedy
your critics are jesters, just as your fans are jesters, all in it to create fun and confusing hilarity

What are his current streams like? Is he still whiny?

the fastest

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Will he stream his colonoscopy?

troll chat like jerma does

>Is he still whiny?
lol what do you think?

this, the amount of tl;dr posts I've typed out only to realize what the fuck I'm doing and just close the thread is probably more experience than most asshurt streamers have had in dealing with shitposting

Does Vinny even still browse Yea Forums anymore?

I'm neither one of these things

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I dunno nigga he streams at like 6 in the fucking morning and doesn't archive them. Any notable examples recently, is what I mean.

who knows
he seems clueless about most new memes these days but I prefer he was.

fuck no, i stopped doing that a long time ago

I like to imagine he occasionally pops up in TF2 threads on here, just for nostalgia's sake.

nothing notable
just his regular baseline whining self

inb4 [Deleted]

AFAIK he once said that Yea Forums makes him too jaded and cynical these days.

imagine being afraid to criticize your own chat

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what does this mean?

How do I stream without leaking shit?

and what should he say? hey gay people get outta my chat?

What do you mean? Just make sure no personal stuff is shown on screen ever and you'd probably be fine.

This guy is a fucking faggot and his chat is worse than brain cancer.

moonmoon kinda seems like an old man with the mindset of a teenager, while being pretty good at videogames, just seems like most of his fans are edgy underage kids, i dont really get why hes so popular

Wipe your ass better and stop eating fatty food.

naw he should just say "stop spamming" or get mods who can keep shit under control
or just mass blacklist a bunch of emotes and include the pride garbage

I made a Youtube video calling a popular anime reviewer possibly a racist or bigot due to comments he amde and wording and how he wasn't being fair and a bunch of people came after me.

I don't know if you're talking about Jerma but he clashes with his chat all the time. Instead of saying "fuck you, you're all banned" though he usually either takes it in stride or messes with his chat somehow.

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surely there's medication for that, or diapers

Working hard on ripping my physicals disks into my Plex server.

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yes, but you're not really thinking fully about it. Gays and tranny tards have nothing better to do than to subscribe and donate tons of money so they can get their little messages in for the streamer to read. If he does something to piss them off, he can easily lose half of his income just like that. better to be apolitical and stay far as fuck from that shit, even if it sucks.

cozy streams and direct honesty. never plays it up or puts on a face for twitchbucks

My PSN name is my real name, afraid to leak my email or any personal socials.

>make videos of niche game
>mostly gameplay based with a small commentary once in a while
>start growing up
>e-celeb fans are starting to drop mean comments on my videos because I'm not making funny memes and shitty jokes
>don't really feel like changing my style
should I stick to what I'm doing?

Just be yourself. Don't compromise who you are for the sake of e-bucks or appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Absolutely. Changing to chase the flavor of the month will only serve to alienate your fans, and the new money is fickle and will vanish as quickly as it comes. Love yourself, user. Also, link yourself.

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Haven't watched Jeremy in a while can someone update me on his girlfriend harpy are they still together?How's he holding up?

Yes they are still together, and you can tell he's a changed man for it. he knows the stream hates her so he tries to keep her off cam.

How and when did the Willem Dafoe shit start? It's fucking hilarious

yeah but all normalfaggots, trannies, and faggots think ALL of Yea Forums is like that though

she seems to be alot nicer and more pleasant, she spooked him and cooks some pretty bangin meals for him.

Yeah, despite the meme that he's an idiot, Jerma's not dumb enough to risk serious legal consequences for failing to disclose a sponsored stream. Anyone who thinks that was sponsored hasn't watched enough Jerma because sometimes he really does just play the most random ass shit, like the time he started playing pubg on his ipad in the middle of a Destroy All Humans stream. It was the dumbest fucking shit, but he made it funny and entertaining. He doesn't need sponsors to be successful, his community loves him and subscribes/donates all the time.

Mustache hair

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Funnily enough, /biz/ is plenty redpilled

I've noticed she keeps cooking him shit while he's streaming, and he always seems surprised by it. Like she's trying to prove to the people that shit on her that she gives a shit about him. Or maybe she's just not that big of a cunt any more.

why is your PSN your real name still? pretty sure you can change it now

I believe it started with this


>chat spams dansgame and disgusted emotes
fucking normaltrannies and normalfaggots, the lot of them

god he's cute

that would be pretty based if he did

It's exactly that, just trying to avoid being called a cunt, she's still the same sjw cunt she was originally

I was going to change it and even though none of my games are on the list of games that may fuck up, I am just scared some stupid shit will happen and I will lose something.

A potato. I stream at 480p with like 10% dropped frames every day. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I'm bored of everything.

Thanks anons, Jerma deserves better.

It wouldn't bug me so much if Jerma didn't react like it was unusual, like she knows people are going to see it. But I mean whatever, if she's gonna treat him nicer because people are shitty to her then good. At least when she knows people will know about it anyways.

Him and vinny are gonna ruin Jerma if they keep on bring their shitty fanbase to his streams.

understandable because it makes me jaded and cynical too.

It's a drug I can't get off though. Can't speak freely anywhere else without getting banned

Vinny and Jerma have always had an overlap, I think they only ever interacted with each other in the first place because of it. Hbomberguy however was out of the blue and forced upon him.

Yeah but having some overlap vs actually streaming together a a bit different, old vinny fans are mostly Jerma fans, these trannies and furries aren't.

Surely furries and transgender types like Jerma too? He's a very likable sort.

You can get banned here too user.

not for saying nigger

>being a twitch streamer be like

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>Racism outside of Yea Forums

Oh my God, that foot is headed right for those egg shells. Does the foot not see them or something? Look out, foot!

does anyone have any advice on what the best capture card is for Win7 machines?

delet this

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Jerma is the only streamer I've ever watched who actually went out of his way to construct jokes or skits of any kind

Sure, I think one of the mods and one of his biggest donators. But they make up a vast minority compared to vinny's chat.
That's good, don't want those faggots shiting up my board anyway.

mods dont give a shit unless it's people posting offtopic shit

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Aside from like norix and maybe southbird who is pretty much not there any more there's not much furry presence in the chat. I think people meme it so hard because of the Vappy drama recently, it's always been a small circle that shows its head occasionally in Vinny's chat too. In fact the OwO spam is so much worse in Jerma's chat.

Based faggot, anime reviewers can eat shit

Yeah but the OwO spam is because Jerma thought it was an owl face, it's moreso a joke than anything.

He thought it was an owl or something.

I always thought the OwO spam was an inside joke. I don't think it's supposed to represent the furry community.

Can you post your filterlist? I'm too much of a lazy fuck to go through them all.


It's from a furry meme, see related pic. Point is either way, the 'furry threat' people constantly gossip about on here in regards to Vinny is about as minor as it is in Jermas chat.

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Nearly the whole mod team were furries weren't they? Besides regardless of how bad the furries are the trannies are way worse.

I know where it originates from, I just thought in the context of Jerma it was just an inside joke. I never got the impression there was that many furries in Jerma's chat, except the people who use Tagg's emotes.

Who is this fag?

NorixWolfe is the only dude on the mod team that's a confirmed furry. CaptainSouthbird commissioned furry porn, but he fucked off, same with Vappy. Everyone else, no. DesertP is questionable but he claims not to be. The ones that are the biggest faggots about it never show up to his stream normally.

I mean I agree that most people spamming it aren't furries but it's definitely one of those "people who act like x attract x" scenarios. It's usually spammed over anything fetishy or sexual happening too.

Most of chat no longer hates her, probably because she doesn't interfere with most of Jerma's streams. She'll occasionally do something like spook Jerma or bring in OTTO, but I think she realizes that 99% of chat is there to see Jerma's comedy, not hers. It seems really obvious that Jerma likes her a lot/loves her, and if she makes him a happier man, I'm happy for the two of them.

>vinny doesn't have a furry problem
>btw like everyone on mod team are suspected of being furries and the ones that are confirmed don't count for some reason except one

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Maybe fucking 2 people out of his entire mod team is not "everyone on the mod team". You people act like he's swimming in furries when they're barely present in a stream of like 4000 people.

Just put {pride*} in the blacklist filter.

Holy shit this place is going down the shitter faster than reddit. Thanks moot.

>>The ones that are the biggest faggots about it never show up to his stream normally
>btw like everyone on mod team are suspected of being furries and the ones that are confirmed don't count for some reason except one
Just in case you missed it, have a quick reread my friend.

so are we gonna start shilling our shit?

what kinds of games do you stream anyway?

I specifically spam OwO whenever chat spams just to piss off fags who get butthurt by it. I could care less about furries but I know someone is gonna get triggered by it which makes it hilarious.

>chat influence ruining the pacing of jokes
I swear Jerma was 900% better when he would spend untold hours on a joke instead of hopping off to avoid making ADD twitchkids mad

an old PC from 2009

OBS because im poor
and also on wifi on the other side of a bi level

Alicesoft games, Yakuza games, and Megaten games mainly



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Never, no one gives a fuck about your shitty streams faggots.

I never said they didn't count, just that it's nowhere near as big of a problem as you niggers make it out to be. There's 1 confirmed furry still around that does not show up, and a maybe furry, the first being Norix and the second being Desert. There are plenty of other mods on his team that aren't furries, or even suspected of being furries. Like DaveKap, The Monotonist, VidyaBum, GreatSphynx, Chromulon and etc. I just think this idea that Vinny's community will infect Jerma with furries is retarded.

>jerma chat starts spamming gay shit
>he see it
>he comes with stuff like “is the chat spamming politics again?”
>spam stops
Why is he so based?

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basically OBS can capture another OBS over your home network.

so you dont need a capture card

How can you hate this idiot?

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His fucking Labo streams are Kino.
>tfw the bird house stream.


how do you get people to chat?

>Plays a slower game like House Flipper
>Zoomer chat freaks the fuck out

fuck them

golem get ye gone

Ask shit or try to make sunny jokes
You can also start talking with yourself

>make sunny jokes

haha autistic girl can't cook egg

I'd sub for those, post link.

>in the mood to stream
>internet is being fuckey
>not in the mood to stream
>internet is gud

>want to be a streamer so I can rake in cash
>big mouth so I'll inevitable fuck up and say nigger or faggot
it was over before it started

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

Hey Vinny

>the stream where he just makes a birdhouse
>rips up the instructions because chat dares him to

This is my favourite jerma bit. It's such a minor joke but he goes all out to make sure it's good

this is why i watch dansgaming
he'll literally tell you how retarded you are, and if you're trying to get his attention, he'll make fun of you publicy and show the chat how many times youve asked the same stupid questions @ him

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Man those faggots ruined the Kenshi streams with their constant whining

What, is it like a CURRENCY THING

>Jerma didn't get to have a Beep moment
Man his chat is absolute trash.